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12-16-2009, 05:10 PM
Since the weather has been 'Christmas-y' for the last few weeks, I thought a little outdoor fun would be in order.:D Remember it's virtual snow.:confused:

I'll be back with a DOTD and some chow ideas?

Let me put my snow tires and we are off!


Cinder & Smoke
12-16-2009, 07:08 PM
Since the weather has been 'Christmas-y' for the last few weeks ...

'Christmas-y' ...
Is that Kali-phorn-ya for K-K-K-Kold?

12-16-2009, 07:22 PM
'Christmas-y' ...
Is that Kali-phorn-ya for K-K-K-Kold?

You c-c-c-c-c-c-called it, k-k-k-k-k-k-kiddo!:eek:

I have been sick the last few days. Last night I woke up on the couch when my brother and nephew came in and they yelled at me because the house was so cold.

With that in mind?

I got fire wood lined up and it's veggie soup and home made garlic mashed potatoes.

LOL, I ran out of yeast, so we having warm tortillas instead of bread! Kalifornia Kwuisine?:rolleyes:;)


Snowplow recipe
8 oz hot chocolate
1 oz Bailey's® Irish cream
1 oz Malibu® coconut rum
1/2 oz creme de cacao
1 dash cinnamon
1 1/2 oz whipped cream
In a coffee mug!


Pinot's Mom
12-16-2009, 07:56 PM
Barkeep, I've been sick, too, but it's throat/chest/ears type thing. I'll take some soup, please, with a DOTD afterwards. I'm really getting tired of my couch!:rolleyes:

12-16-2009, 08:06 PM
Barkeep, I've been sick, too, but it's throat/chest/ears type thing. I'll take some soup, please, with a DOTD afterwards. I'm really getting tired of my couch!:rolleyes:


Do you wake up with a cat on top of you and wonder why you can't breathe?:eek:;)

The couch has caused me some problems, I cannot stretch out all the way, so If I fall asleep on it, sometime during the night I wake up and stretch then get the worst cramp, I literally fall out to the floor and scream!

One bowl of soup and a snowplow.


I hate being sick, I have had a bowl of top ramen, an orange and two small bottles of lemon lime soda and a cup of tea, in two days

I was so pumped up for some potatoes and now I am not in the mood.:(:mad:

Feel better, more firewood and a Snowplow.

Pinot's Mom
12-16-2009, 08:19 PM

Do you wake up with a cat on top of you and wonder why you can't breathe?:eek:;)


I hate being sick, I have had a bowl of top ramen, an orange and two small bottles of lemon lime soda and a cup of tea, in two days

I was so pumped up for some potatoes and now I am not in the mood.:(:mad:

Feel better, more firewood and a Snowplow.

No, Richard, Pinot doesn't position herself that way.:) She has to be glued to my hip, the backs of my knees, my thighs...not my chest, thank goodness, because it would be very difficult right now!:)

I'm sorry you're sick, and hope you feel better, too. Sucky diet, eh?:rolleyes:

12-16-2009, 08:43 PM
I'm sorry you're sick, and hope you feel better, too. Sucky diet, eh?:rolleyes:

Thanks, back at you.

The thing I hate is wanting to eat, cooking, then being turned off by the whole idea.:confused::(

Queen of Poop
12-16-2009, 08:43 PM
No sickness here. Just a total meltdown. We're having a Chinook of sorts, no wind but warm temps. It was +2 today and everything is M E L T I N G!! Driving is a challenge in all the slop, windshield washer just can't keep up. Getting my H1N1 shot tomorrow.

That snowplow sounds really yummy though, I'd take one please.

Richard, you've got to keep warm, put on some socks!!

12-16-2009, 09:16 PM
Oh the weather outside is frightful
But Florida is delightful
There are lizards and bugs you know
but no snow, but no snow, noooo snow

I'm giving a bad hair warning
It's a humid foggy morning
there's a mosquito bite on my toe
but no snow, but no snow, noooo snow!

But I'll have the DOTD anyway!!

12-16-2009, 10:21 PM
Oh the weather outside is frightful
But Florida is delightful
There are lizards and bugs you know
but no snow, but no snow, noooo snow

I'm giving a bad hair warning
It's a humid foggy morning
there's a mosquito bite on my toe
but no snow, but no snow, noooo snow!

But I'll have the DOTD anyway!!

Brag, why don't you!;)




Socks and Lake Edward.

One Snowplow?



12-17-2009, 08:23 AM
RICHARD, I'm afraid I'm on the sick list, too. Right now I have a sore throat that's hurting. Could I have a BIG cup of coffee with Bailey's. Tell Orc I'm too hoarse to yell at him!

12-17-2009, 08:34 AM
Of Catherdana, I don't think I could "do" Christmas in Florida! Some years we don't have snow for the actual day - but there's always the possibility!

Pinot's Mom
12-17-2009, 08:37 AM
RICHARD, I'm afraid I'm on the sick list, too. Right now I have a sore throat that's hurting. Could I have a BIG cup of coffee with Bailey's. Tell Orc I'm too hoarse to yell at him!

I think with all these sore throats we should turn that DOTD into a slushie!!:D Hope you feel better, David!

12-17-2009, 08:44 AM
I think with all these sore throats we should turn that DOTD into a slushie!!:D Hope you feel better, David!

Boy, do YOU have the right idea! A slushie would be perfect!

12-17-2009, 08:51 AM
No virtual snow here, we got the real stuff last night - and quite a bit. A pity they ruin it by sprinkling salt on. I'd prefer they just cleared a path to walk on.

Every now and again, I would surely like to spend Christmas Eve in a bathing suit on the beach, drinking Pina Coladas (like we did in Dom. Rep. one time). :p :D

Anyway, can I try one of those Snow drinks, please?

12-17-2009, 08:52 AM
Of Catherdana, I don't think I could "do" Christmas in Florida! Some years we don't have snow for the actual day - but there's always the possibility!

Yes, I have to admit it's still strange even after 15 years here. The cold and possibility of snow on Christmas made it so much more. . .Christmasy! But now that I've been here a while, I have a really hard time with cold weather. Last time I experienced February in NYC, I cried walking down 14th street because I couldn't stand the icy gusts of wind!

One cool thing is how some people decorate the palm trees in front of their houses with lights. They look very beautiful. If I can find a good example I'll take a pic and post it.

12-17-2009, 08:53 AM
Oh! and the DOTD as a slushy. . .sounds too good to pass up! Easy way to get bombed, though!!! :p

12-17-2009, 09:24 AM
Oh! and the DOTD as a slushy. . .sounds too good to pass up! Easy way to get bombed, though!!! :p

If you are going to get bombed, go nuclear!


Hey, there's no crying in the weather report!


Salt and ice?

You just need some margarita mix and tequila!;)

One snow plow?




Aren't we a bunch?

Between sore throats and other stuff?:eek:

One slushie?



Hot sand, warm breezes, cool drinks, people dressed as Santa Claus (shorts, black socks and sandals?);)

smokey the elder
12-17-2009, 02:56 PM
Yes, I have to admit it's still strange even after 15 years here. The cold and possibility of snow on Christmas made it so much more. . .Christmasy! But now that I've been here a while, I have a really hard time with cold weather. Last time I experienced February in NYC, I cried walking down 14th street because I couldn't stand the icy gusts of wind!

One cool thing is how some people decorate the palm trees in front of their houses with lights. They look very beautiful. If I can find a good example I'll take a pic and post it.

Try a Corona(TM) commercial! They have a decorated palm tree and the caption, "Feliz Navidad".

I'll have a DOTD, please. Colder than you-know-what today! It was so mild in November; now it's payback time.

12-17-2009, 03:02 PM
I'll have a DOTD, please. Colder than you-know-what today! It was so mild in November; now it's payback time.

One Snowplow? DONE!

Yes, it has been a tough one so far?

12-17-2009, 03:36 PM
UGH!!! This thread is a bad omen, me thinks! :(

Latest forecast: a coastal storm with snow moving in Friday night and ending Saturday night. MD, DE and NJ are expected to get "significant" amounts of snow, tho no one is saying how much is significant at this point. After the mild weather we've had, this cold is brutal! I hope it's no indication of what the rest of the winter will be like, but unfortunately we're overdue for a bad winter.

Any way you look at it, I think we're going to need a real snowplow before the weekend is over. :mad:

I need something to warm my innards. You make it - I'll drink it. ;)

Pinot's Mom
12-17-2009, 05:23 PM
UGH!!! This thread is a bad omen, me thinks! :(

Latest forecast: a coastal storm with snow moving in Friday night and ending Saturday night. MD, DE and NJ are expected to get "significant" amounts of snow, tho no one is saying how much is significant at this point. After the mild weather we've had, this cold is brutal! I hope it's no indication of what the rest of the winter will be like, but unfortunately we're overdue for a bad winter.

Any way you look at it, I think we're going to need a real snowplow before the weekend is over. :mad:

I need something to warm my innards. You make it - I'll drink it. ;)

I know, Ellie, and under normal circumstances I wouldn't care - we're snow people, BUT!! we're supposed to have our Christmas party on Saturday - there are between 40 and maybe 75 people expected at our house on Saturday night with 10-12 inches of snow predicted to fall BEFORE that! It's not making me happy!:rolleyes:
We may have a lot of leftovers! David, bring the Orc and the slushie machine loaded up with snowplows!!:)

12-17-2009, 05:45 PM
I know, Ellie, and under normal circumstances I wouldn't care - we're snow people, BUT!! we're supposed to have our Christmas party on Saturday - there are between 40 and maybe 75 people expected at our house on Saturday night with 10-12 inches of snow predicted to fall BEFORE that! It's not making me happy!:rolleyes:
We may have a lot of leftovers! David, bring the Orc and the slushie machine loaded up with snowplows!!:)

Oh no!!! That's not good news at all for you. Maybe it will track further off the coast and we won't get too much. Then again - you just might end up with a house full of overnight guests. :eek:

12-17-2009, 05:59 PM
UGH!!! This thread is a bad omen, me thinks! :(

Naw, You just have to stay on top of the weather channel!


12-17-2009, 06:31 PM
Weather is nice but windy in S. Calif.
Me thinks we might have a Christmas with no rain.

Seems like everybody is sick.
My family and I were sick 2 weeks ago.
When I was on Jury Duty last week, everybody was coughing and sore throat.

No slushie for me. To cold.
Ummm Since this is cyber food, how about Pizza with double toppings. :)

12-17-2009, 07:30 PM
What are you all sick with the pig flu? :eek::eek::eek:

Maybe I'll just pop back in next week when you all feel better. :love:

12-17-2009, 08:15 PM
What are you all sick with the pig flu? :eek::eek::eek:

Maybe I'll just pop back in next week when you all feel better. :love:

LOL, I wish it was cyber flu!

Stick around, we won't hurt you!

Pizza, Double everything!!!

12-17-2009, 08:39 PM
I'm depressed! I have a leak under the kitchen sink. Where the sink drain connects to the drain pipe. I have no clue how long it has been leaking but it looks like quite a while. The pipes slant so I can't put a pan or bucket under it to catch the leak plus the temps are going to be around 20 so I have to leave the faucets dripping.

Plus, getting a plumber in this town before next year will probably be impossible.

give me a double shot of everything. :(

12-17-2009, 08:58 PM
I could use a DOTD...Ive been feeling under the weather too. *sigh*

12-17-2009, 09:36 PM
Silly me! I just remembered I could put a bucket under the faucet and catch the drips before they go down the drain. :rolleyes:

I want a brain for Christmas! :D

12-17-2009, 09:43 PM
Plus, getting a plumber in this town before next year will probably be impossible.

give me a double shot of everything. :(

Don't be drepressed, it could be worse.

Double of everything?


DJ, Join the club....

I finally got an appetite back...

A snowplow?


Pinot's Mom
12-18-2009, 03:17 PM
I think everyone's going to be able to build a BIG snowman in the east!! Y'all ready?? It's COMING!!!

My yucky throat is hopefully on the way out, Richard it looks like you're feeling better, how's David, DJF & MOFF?? Orc, crank up the slushie snowplows for all - IT'S FRIDAY!!:D

Oh, the weather outside is frightful, but the fire is so delightful....;) Wait, that's tomorrow...

12-18-2009, 03:25 PM
Could I please have coffee with a half shot of Bailey's, I've got a serious headache.

12-18-2009, 04:19 PM
Oh Maggie - I think your Christmas party is going to be delayed. I just heard the latest - 10"-20". OMG!!!

I was just talking to my brother in NC, and they have about 6" and the roads are impassable. He's supposed to be leaving for FL in the morning. Maybe - maybe not!

Everyone out there that's getting this storm - please be careful.

12-18-2009, 05:02 PM
I'd like a dirty dead snowman (http://www.vartanho.com/happyhour/dirtydeadsnowman.html) please. This comes from a Michael Vartan fan website. He used to be on a show called ALIAS. It was my favorite! For the last ALIAS, we had a party where we dressed up as characters and had show related drinks and food. Many of the drinks were thought up by the webmistresses of the VartanHo website, but we did come up with a few of our own. We dressed as characters and said farewell to the show as a group. The bar's theme reminded me of that, so I went and found the recipe. Even though no one probably knows the reference to the dirty dead snowman from the show, I'll buy anyone in the bar who would like one a drink. I can hope we get some real snow around here. If we do, I may just break out my ALIAS DVDs and watch a few episodes! My avatar of Sydney Bristow comes from that show too!

12-18-2009, 05:12 PM
I'd like a dirty dead snowman (http://www.vartanho.com/happyhour/dirtydeadsnowman.html) please.

A Dirty Dead Snowman?
Coffee (or vanilla in a pinch) ice cream
Kahlua to taste (about 1 oz.)


Make a *thick* milkshake with the ice cream (using vanilla will make the Snowman less "dirty"), milk and kahlua. (If using coffee ice cream, can leave out the kahlua for a nonalcoholic version.) Pour into a tall glass and splash the grenadine "blood" on top. Happily stick a plastic garnish sword into the top of the drink. Don't cry over it, though.

Bartender's Note*

A hell of a lot more appealing than the one on the show!

*not me!:)



LOL, I just forecast the weather, you put the faces to it!:eek:

Yes, please be careful, everyone.

CM, Coffee, half shot, hope you feel better!



I still have my moments, I get urges to eat, get it all together and just lose my appetite.

I bought chinese for lunch and didn't touch it!:rolleyes::(

Hope everyone else is O.K.!

12-18-2009, 05:27 PM
Hi, RICHARD I'm still alive. The sore throat is gone, (the slushies worked!), but I'm starting to get the sniffles. In Cabot, we're due to get up to 4" of snow overnight, just right for making snowmen! May I have a hot cup of coffee with Bailey's in it?

12-18-2009, 06:03 PM
Hi, RICHARD I'm still alive. The sore throat is gone, (the slushies worked!), but I'm starting to get the sniffles. In Cabot, we're due to get up to 4" of snow overnight, just right for making snowmen! May I have a hot cup of coffee with Bailey's in it?

Well, bundle up and I'll get the fire going.

One coffee and Bailey's?


Pinot's Mom
12-18-2009, 06:05 PM
Oh Maggie - I think your Christmas party is going to be delayed. I just heard the latest - 10"-20". OMG!!!

I was just talking to my brother in NC, and they have about 6" and the roads are impassable. He's supposed to be leaving for FL in the morning. Maybe - maybe not!

Everyone out there that's getting this storm - please be careful.

Yes, we have pretty much ruled out the party - it's the first time in over 25 years our Christmas Open House has been affected by weather, so I guess we were due. We're going to make a mad round of phone calls and tell everyone to come over Sunday for the Ravens game (which has been moved to 4:15 from 1pm) instead. We have lots of food and drink - y'all are welcome!;)

They've upped the forecast to 16-24 inches....

12-18-2009, 08:39 PM
One big, tall DOTD for me please. I'm off the booze, but hey, this is cyber.

Pinot - 40-75 people???? :eek::eek: How do ya feed a crowd like that???? I could never do it - mind you I can't cook either.:rolleyes:

Gee, at this time of year I really miss Mario. :( He used constantly make me laugh, running around in his diaper, hanging from the rafters and throwing food.

Orc, why don't you sit down here beside me. I could use come company.

Richard, are you going to be Santa and can I sit on your lap and talk about.....;)

12-18-2009, 10:11 PM
One big, tall DOTD for me please. I'm off the booze, but hey, this is cyber.

Pinot - 40-75 people???? :eek::eek: How do ya feed a crowd like that???? I could never do it - mind you I can't cook either.:rolleyes:

Gee, at this time of year I really miss Mario. :( He used constantly make me laugh, running around in his diaper, hanging from the rafters and throwing food.

Orc, why don't you sit down here beside me. I could use come company.

Richard, are you going to be Santa and can I sit on your lap and talk about.....;)

My Santa days are long over.

But I can get your a drink?:)


I miss Mario too.:confused::(


I'll be there at 12!

Pinot's Mom
12-19-2009, 06:34 AM
Pinot - 40-75 people???? :eek::eek: How do ya feed a crowd like that???? I could never do it - mind you I can't cook either.:rolleyes:

Slick-feeding them is easy-spiral sliced ham, rolls, big veggie pasta creations, slaw/salad concoctions, lots of munchies with plenty of beer, wine, egg nog and desserts. I'll tell ya, when that ham hits the table, it's mayhem!;) You'd think these people were never fed!


I'll be there at 12!

Come on over Richard!:D

By the way, the weathermen didn't lie - we're getting pounded with snow! We've got upwards of a foot so far...

12-19-2009, 07:02 AM
Slick-feeding them is easy-spiral sliced ham, rolls, big veggie pasta creations, slaw/salad concoctions, lots of munchies with plenty of beer, wine, egg nog and desserts. I'll tell ya, when that ham hits the table, it's mayhem!;) You'd think these people were never fed!

Come on over Richard!:D

By the way, the weathermen didn't lie - we're getting pounded with snow! We've got upwards of a foot so far...

I am not going to tell you what is happening out here in Lost Angeles..

Let me start the coffee!


12-19-2009, 08:33 AM
By the way, the weathermen didn't lie - we're getting pounded with snow! We've got upwards of a foot so far...

Sure is pretty tho - isn't it. ::cool:

It's hard to tell how much we have gotten so far since it's drifting so bad, but close to a foot. I hear the worst is yet to come this afternoon. Haven't seen any snowplows yet, but that would probably be an effort in futility at this point.

I'll have a double hot chocolate please. I need some extra warming this morning.

12-19-2009, 11:16 AM
Sure is pretty tho - isn't it. ::cool:

It's hard to tell how much we have gotten so far since it's drifting so bad, but close to a foot. I hear the worst is yet to come this afternoon. Haven't seen any snowplows yet, but that would probably be an effort in futility at this point.

I'll have a double hot chocolate please. I need some extra warming this morning.

A double choco and snow plows!


12-19-2009, 01:12 PM
A nice hot bowl of potato soup and some hot spiced tea sounds good here.
No snow but cold! :love:

12-19-2009, 02:44 PM
A nice hot cup of tea would sit well with me right now. I have to go down for a workout soon. When I get back up, I'll be peckish.....

12-19-2009, 02:53 PM
When I get back up, I'll be peckish.....

A cup of tea and a handful of corn so you can be 'peckish'?



MMMM, Tater soup and tea?


Queen of Poop
12-19-2009, 06:52 PM
Can't drink for real with the IBS. But in here I'd like to order a glass of ice with Baileys poured over it, and don't be chincy please because in here it also won't cause any weight gain!:D

12-19-2009, 07:37 PM
Can't drink for real with the IBS. But in here I'd like to order a glass of ice with Baileys poured over it, and don't be chincy please because in here it also won't cause any weight gain!:D

LOL, I always pour doubles......

What an insult!;)


12-19-2009, 09:03 PM
Ill have W.C Fields favorite drink with 3 garlic stuffed olives.

12-19-2009, 09:33 PM
Ill have W.C Fields favorite drink with 3 garlic stuffed olives.

IT's martini time!:)


Pinot's Mom
12-20-2009, 10:47 AM
Just finished shoveling and snowthrowing - it's all clear and ready for the Ravens game! The Bears finally managed to get in to Baltimore (they're calling it the "bungled trip to Baltimore"-which it was) so the game's on for 4:15!!

I'm ready for some honey glazed ham biscuits and a Chardonnay! Y'all ready to join me for some football??:D

12-20-2009, 03:16 PM
Just finished shoveling and snowthrowing - it's all clear and ready for the Ravens game! The Bears finally managed to get in to Baltimore (they're calling it the "bungled trip to Baltimore"-which it was) so the game's on for 4:15!!

I'm ready for some honey glazed ham biscuits and a Chardonnay! Y'all ready to join me for some football??:D

You bet.......

Some great games so far!!

Honey glazed biscuits and Chardonnay!!

Pinot's Mom
12-20-2009, 08:43 PM
31-7 that's all I have to say!

I had my ham and Chard- did you all enjoy?

12-20-2009, 09:44 PM
31-7 that's all I have to say!

I had my ham and Chard- did you all enjoy?

Ham I'd enjoy, and I thought you meant chard as in Swiss Chard, so I'd share in that! ;)

I just tried some "gingerbread" spiced tea, and while it was pleasant, obviously my body didn't appreciate it - you know me and my food allergies. This one wasn't too bad, but does anyone want the rest of the box? I suspect the chicory, or maybe the barley, as I haven't had either in a while, and I know cinnamon and ginger are "Karen safe," so ...

Seriously, I'll send it along to anyone who wants it - it's Celestial Seasonings Gingerbread Spiced tea. Smells yummy, is tasty, but I would rather not contribute to global warming by ingesting more of it myself.

12-21-2009, 10:02 AM
Ham I'd enjoy, and I thought you meant chard as in Swiss Chard, so I'd share in that! ;)

Seriously, I'll send it along to anyone who wants it - it's Celestial Seasonings Gingerbread Spiced tea. Smells yummy, is tasty, but I would rather not contribute to global warming by ingesting more of it myself.

Swiss chard and a limit on global warming?


12-21-2009, 01:04 PM
OK so it was actually about 43 degrees this morning when I left for work. And of course I wore a skirt and open-toed shoes because I am living in Florida and there is no way in the WORLD it could ever be too chilly for open-toed shoes! Wrong!

A shot of Jameson's, please, to stave off the chill . . .


12-21-2009, 01:13 PM
And of course I wore a skirt and open-toed shoes because I am living in Florida and there is no way in the WORLD it could ever be too chilly for open-toed shoes! Wrong!

A shot of Jameson's, please, to stave off the chill . . .


The first recorded case of frost bite in Florida?:eek:



12-21-2009, 01:33 PM
Plumbers fixed my leaking drain this morning!!! Happy Dance Happy Dance!!!

I'd love a cherry vanilla coke, please!!!??? :D

12-21-2009, 01:45 PM
Plumbers fixed my leaking drain this morning!!! Happy Dance Happy Dance!!!

I'd love a cherry vanilla coke, please!!!??? :D


Good that it was fixed with no delay.:)

Pinot's Mom
12-21-2009, 03:19 PM
I wonder what a Cherry Vanilla Coke tastes like with Bourbon in it?

12-21-2009, 05:27 PM
I wonder what a Cherry Vanilla Coke tastes like with Bourbon in it?


We'll have to do this virtually until someone reports in?:)


12-21-2009, 08:32 PM
I wonder what a Cherry Vanilla Coke tastes like with Bourbon in it?

Probably fantastic!!! I'm in to try it! :D

12-22-2009, 11:28 AM
Probably fantastic!!! I'm in to try it! :D


You know I have to go to the store later on!:)

It's way cold out here....more fire!1


Cinder & Smoke
12-22-2009, 11:56 AM
It's way cold out here .... more fire!

Kinda hard to believe that you know what COLD is!

Will you need to wear a sweater to survive the trip?


12-22-2009, 11:58 AM
:eek: What What More Fire.. And did you call for Orc?? Away we go to the Wood Box.. Orc please wait before you strikkee the Match.. Kurrwuuffee = Well so much for the groceries that Richard just bought.. Ok Orc now We have to go back to the store.. Ummppss whats to do with Orc..:rolleyes::D

You know I have to go to the store later on!:)

It's way cold out here....more fire!1


Queen of Poop
12-22-2009, 12:02 PM
Kinda hard to believe that you know what COLD is!

Will you need to wear a sweater to survive the trip?


I kinda have to second this thought. What do you really know about cold? :confused:

12-22-2009, 12:05 PM
:) Go to San Fran CA to the Fisherman's Wharf at the Ocean Bay in December & you will for sure Feel Coldness..
I kinda have to second this thought. What do you really know about cold? :confused:

Queen of Poop
12-22-2009, 12:12 PM
That would be chilly and damp. Definately cold. But here I sit, in my office building shivering, did we not pay for heat this month??? It is 7oF outside, with the wind it feels like -2oF. At least it has quit snowing. My hands are so chilly (inside mind you) that typing is terribly difficult.

Got any hot chocolate to help warm me up?

12-22-2009, 11:32 PM
Got any hot chocolate to help warm me up?

Yes, ma'am....

One hot choco?