View Full Version : Grrrrr..... I Hate Stupid People.

12-16-2009, 04:56 PM
alright so I put Phoenix camo jacket on and we headed to Lowe's to go get some gift cards for x-mas this Sat with the b/f's mom and step dad. We walk in and the girl behind the counter just ooohed and ahhhed over him and his jacket, I get the gift cards and go to check out and I stand in line, Phoenix is being a good boy as always, he sat right beside me and waited for me to move up in line, I look up and there is a lady about 50 maybe 55 to 60 years of age, looking like she needed to get by, Phoenix was on my right ahnd side so he wasn't even in the way, but she looked at me and says, "Is it ok if I go by or will he bite me?" OMG my blood instantly started to boil, I said, " WHy would you think he was going to bite you?" Her response, " Cause he's a Pit Bull.", I looked at her and smiled nicely, sweetly and told her that is what she gets for assuming things about dogs she doesn't know." Her jaw dropped to the floor and the kid at the register to my left snikcered out loud, after that lady walked away, like 5 people came over to pet him and ask about his jacket.

i was just so angry, how dare she assume that he is mean or is gonna bite her? B*tch, anywayz, wanted to vent, thanks for listening. And here is a pic of Phoenix in his camo jacket, lol.

*please remember that these are my views and only that, stupid to me can mean a lot of things, :D

Suki Wingy
12-16-2009, 05:14 PM
I think he looks simply dashing in his camo! Then again, he's soo pretty- I mean handsome in the first place!
I bet that lady was just uninformed and she didn't mean anything buy it.

12-16-2009, 05:25 PM
Perhaps this person had a previous bad experience with this type of dog that made her fearful of him, but that doesn't make her stupid IMO. I have to admit that I feel somewhat intimidated by them, but I have also met a couple that were big old pussy cats and I had no fear of them.

I also think it's wise to be leery of any dog that you don't know, whether it be a little Chihuahua or a big Rottie. Both can inflict a nasty bite! To say this person was stupid is extreme and unfair, if you don't know the circumstances behind what she said.

12-16-2009, 05:26 PM
By having well behaved dogs, you're setting a good example for Pit Bulls. And then 5 people came to pet him. Showed how stupid the lady was.;)

12-16-2009, 05:33 PM
Next time you could say "He never would, but I might!"

Keep smiling, we will change attitudes one person at a time!

12-16-2009, 06:01 PM
Know this first, I LOVE pits!! They're my second fav breed (right behind rotties). And both have been nailed unfairly with a bad reputation by the media.

I understand you were angry with what I assume is constant misinformation you hear about your dog all the time, and I'm sure that frustrates you. But I think you overreacted a bit.

First of all you said it was an older lady. Older people tend to be more cautious than younger people might around an animal they don't know.

I don't know about where you live, but where I live the only dogs allowed in Lowes are service dogs, which usually have their vests clearly marked as such. Your dog was wearing a camo shirt (which might remind one of an army fighting soldier) and (based on the picture) a large collar and chain (which might say to an observer that this dog is hard to control). I'm just telling you what it might look like to someone who isn't familiar with dogs, or this breed.

You don't know what her situation is. Her only exposure to pits may have been the tons of bad reports of attacks she see's on the news. It's possible she's never seen a real live pit in person before.

You also don't know that she doesn't already have a fear of dogs, I mean ANY dog. My grandmother was attacked as a child by a pack of wild dogs, after that she was deathly afraid of any dog, and almost all animals in general including cats and birds.

I don't think the lady was 'stupid'. I think she encountered a dog she didn't know, that has a bad media reputation, in a store that you normally don't think of as a pet place. Since you didn't mention that she asked her question in a nasty tone of voice, I assume she was being cautious and polite in trying to go through by asking you first.

By your smart remark to her,you missed your chance to show her that not all pits are bad and have now given her the impression that pit owners are rude as well.:(

12-16-2009, 06:32 PM
I love Pheonix and screw what everyone says about him. Just smile and keep walking. :D I don't the OP is in the wrong, I would have done the same thing. ;)

12-16-2009, 06:46 PM
I guess that would make me stupid too because I'm deathly afraid of Pits. Not because I've ever had a bad experience myself but because of the media and how some little kids were badly mauled by one. I'm also very unstable on my feet so I know I would never stand a chance against one. Do I hate them? No, of course not, I love all dogs. But I would be just as afraid to pass next to one as that elderly lady was, I probably wouldn't ask the question she did but I would wait till the dog was gone before passing.
I have large breed dogs myself that many people fear because they don't know my dogs, am I offended? Not at all, If someone shows fear regardless of the circumstance I reassure them and move my dogs away from them.

12-16-2009, 06:50 PM
I don't know why you guys are defending the older lady. Everyone does that with pit bulls these days and it makes me sad. I would be upset too. Maybe the lady isn't "stupid" I would call her uneducated but still I would never ask if a dog would bite me. She could have went a different way and not be so rude.

I love pit bulls. What if it was your dog the person was afraid of? Maybe you could live in her shoes for a minute and see how upset she was. I am sick of breed discrimination and I doubt that is the first and only lady to say that to her wonderful dogs. :mad: To KNOW them is to LOVE them. ;)

12-16-2009, 06:58 PM
People who don't know dogs can be tough to deal with.

I "think" I know something about dogs. I never go near a dog I don't know unless I ask first. No, I don't ask, "will it bite me." :rolleyes: I DO ask if the dog is friendly, may I pet it' or "is it OK to pass or would you prefer I go around" or some such.

Not knowing much about dogs, she may just not have known the proper way to ask what she was trying to determine.

I also agree with Catlady711 --
- unknown dog
- older person
- camo jacket
- HUGE collar, leash and choke chain

Don't take it personally. Folks often ask me, "do they bite?" If I am in a mood, I reply "only from the ankles down."
LOVE Karen's suggestion! :D

12-16-2009, 07:17 PM
He only has a huge collar because pit bulls necks are thick. ;)

12-16-2009, 07:52 PM
I think you are being a tad over sensitive but then aren't we all when it comes to our beloved pets.
I would not call the lady stupid either, but perhaps she should have thought before she spoke, she could have said something like oh what a cute dog, is he friendly to strangers? i think it is all about the approach really, so i get why you felt annoyed.

Although i have to say down under the ONLY reports i have ever seen about dog attacks have mostly been pit bulls, so i think the Media has a big responsibility here in how they are portrayed, it makes people even myself wary of them.

12-16-2009, 07:57 PM
I totally agree with Catlady 711.

My mother, who is 80 years old, would have been terrified of walking past your dog as well. She is by no means stupid. She is old, frail and raised in a different generation.

Many, many times I have seen posts here about how frustrating and potentially dangerous it is when people approach our dogs without asking. So this lady asks and she's "stupid"?

I understand how angry the "pit bull" comment made you. I've been told the same thing many times with foster, rescue and shelter bully breeds in tow. But, honestly, all you did was alienate her further, not only toward the breed, but now to the breed's owners as well.

IMO, it would have been FAR better if you would have said something like, "Actually, most pit bulls are very sweet, they just get a bad rap from the press. He's very nice, and won't hurt you at all. His name is Phoenix. Would you like to pet him?" You always catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. The goal is to educate and inform, not embarass and alienate.

12-16-2009, 08:36 PM
My mother is terrified of "mean" looking dogs. She knows they won't attack, but they still scare her. She always thinks they know that she's afraid of them and will attack just her. hehehe. So I can see where people who are afraid come from. Sometimes it's not because they're uneducated or stupid... it's just because they are AFRAID!!! If people owned spiders... I would FLIP out if people brought them to a store!!!! LOL!!!! Ewww... creepy little nasty things.

I get lots of things about dalmatians also... oh they're just stupid dogs... or I even get that dalmatians are aggressive. They quickly learn differently when I show them Delta or Honda's tricks or when they meet them... they find out how loveable they are.

I have to say that the media has put a stigma on these dogs, and while I know these dogs can be total sweethearts... it's usually not the case where I come from. I always feel the need to show how sweet these dogs are and always welcome them with open arms, but there will always be that nagging in the back of my head. If someone says "Oh no, here comes a pit bull" at the dog park I am always the first one to pet it. I always allow my dogs to play with pit bulls.

What I would figure, is that if you had him in public, then obviously he's not vicious. BTW, his coat is adorable!!!!!! I love it!

12-16-2009, 09:14 PM
I would have been very disturbed to have seen that dog in Lowe's. I never would have expected to see a dog, any dog, in a store like that. In Petsmart, fine. In Lowe's, no way.

12-16-2009, 09:45 PM
I don't know why you guys are defending the older lady. Everyone does that with pit bulls these days and it makes me sad. I would be upset too. Maybe the lady isn't "stupid" I would call her uneducated but still I would never ask if a dog would bite me. She could have went a different way and not be so rude.

I love pit bulls. What if it was your dog the person was afraid of? Maybe you could live in her shoes for a minute and see how upset she was. I am sick of breed discrimination and I doubt that is the first and only lady to say that to her wonderful dogs. :mad: To KNOW them is to LOVE them. ;)

I think it's a matter of educating rather then turning people off to the breed more. If she had not made the comment, and rather educated the women on Pitbulls a little bit and showed her a nice pitty maybe the women would have changed her mind on the subject. Instead, saying a comment may have turned her off more. While I hate breed discrimination, I don't by any means agree this lady was being "stupid". A better phrase for it would have been ignorant or close-minded, but not "stupid". You never know what kind of experience she could have had with dogs in the past, and honestly, walking into Lowe's a dog would be the last thing I'd expect to see. I've never seen a dog in that store before :confused:

Mikey is seen as a pitbull to quite a few people, I've gotten it maybe like 3 times - people asking if he's a pit. There's one guy who walks with his kid around the neighborhood and when he sees me and Mikey he goes across the street. I thought that was kinda weird..but I don't know. Maybe the little girl's afraid of dogs or maybe just more ignorance about someone thinking he's a pit and being scared.

12-17-2009, 01:12 AM
I totally agree with Catlady 711.

IMO, it would have been FAR better if you would have said something like, "Actually, most pit bulls are very sweet, they just get a bad rap from the press. He's very nice, and won't hurt you at all. His name is Phoenix. Would you like to pet him?" You always catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. The goal is to educate and inform, not embarass and alienate.

Couldn't agree more.
My mom isn't that fond if pitties- doesn't make her 'stupid'.
As most know, Pit Bulls can be fabulous dogs- IF they are raised in the right environment, and with the right person. As you stated, not all pit bulls are bad. But, unfortunately, they also have the potential to be aggressive when given the right opportunity. This is due to bad breeding and training.

That woman was just uneducated about the breed.

12-17-2009, 08:30 AM
**** SO I'm gonna multi quote a few times to be able to answer all of you****

I think he looks simply dashing in his camo! Then again, he's soo pretty- I mean handsome in the first place!
I bet that lady was just uninformed and she didn't mean anything buy it.

Why thank you, he loves his jacket,a sh eknows that when it gets cold here, well for Texas anywayz, that he get sto wear it, lol. ANd I call him a pretty boy too, it's ok, ;) Uninformed is one thing, and you are prolly right.

Perhaps this person had a previous bad experience with this type of dog that made her fearful of him, but that doesn't make her stupid IMO. I have to admit that I feel somewhat intimidated by them, but I have also met a couple that were big old pussy cats and I had no fear of them.

I also think it's wise to be leery of any dog that you don't know, whether it be a little Chihuahua or a big Rottie. Both can inflict a nasty bite! To say this person was stupid is extreme and unfair, if you don't know the circumstances behind what she said.

Well I have had bad expierences with horses and a few dogs, even a APBT, does that mean I should not learn or try to educate myself on that or maybe just maybe not assume something, and as I stated a the bottom of that OP, stupid can mean a lot of things, ignorance, misinformation, uneducated, whatever ya like to call is still stupidity.

I too think it wise to be leary, I am cautious when I approach new dogs or any animal for that matter, and true that they can both inflict a nasty bite as well as a cat, snake, lizard, horse,etc. But I understand what you are saying.

By having well behaved dogs, you're setting a good example for Pit Bulls. And then 5 people came to pet him. Showed how stupid the lady was.;)

Thanks CP, I WORK VERY HARD to make sure ALL of my dogs are well trained and properly behaved in public and at home or anywhere for that fact, I know what I own and wanted good breed ambassadors :D

Next time you could say "He never would, but I might!"

Keep smiling, we will change attitudes one person at a time!

hahah I have said that once, too funny thanks karen :D

Know this first, I LOVE pits!! They're my second fav breed (right behind rotties). And both have been nailed unfairly with a bad reputation by the media.
Yes they have.

I understand you were angry with what I assume is constant misinformation you hear about your dog all the time, and I'm sure that frustrates you. But I think you overreacted a bit.
I overreacted, how so, I was nice as could be with a smile on my face, me over reacting would be for me to have yelled at her and told her she was rude and to go a diferent way that YES my dog would bite her, but then I would have just showed her exactly what she was looking for, so I really was nice, I wasn't sarcastic, i just said it nicely and calmly.

First of all you said it was an older lady. Older people tend to be more cautious than younger people might around an animal they don't know.
As I have an elderly grandmother who for years called me EVERY night to tell me, not the dogs I own now, but tohers in the past, would rip out my throat in my sleep at night, and I mean every night, now I cannot go visit with out taking Phoenix, he has completely changed her mind about these dogs, NOW does that mean that she would go up and pet any pit bull, no, so I can understand this.

I don't know about where you live, but where I live the only dogs allowed in Lowes are service dogs, which usually have their vests clearly marked as such. Your dog was wearing a camo shirt (which might remind one of an army fighting soldier) and (based on the picture) a large collar and chain (which might say to an observer that this dog is hard to control). I'm just telling you what it might look like to someone who isn't familiar with dogs, or this breed.
There is a sign on the Lowe's door about the service dogs, but it does not say anywhere that the genral public cannot bring theirs in. I have a therapy dog so I know about the vests and patches and laws. Hmm so because he wears a 2" collar with is name emboridered on it and all of his tags on it, with a choke chain mean he is hard to control? Wow I never looked at it that way, so if he had had a prong collar on would that have made a differnce? I like to have control of my dogs at all times, but I can understand where ya coming from on this one too.

You don't know what her situation is. Her only exposure to pits may have been the tons of bad reports of attacks she see's on the news. It's possible she's never seen a real live pit in person before.
That is what upset me, she just assumed something, not cool. SO she had to be rude and say that to me instead of asking?

You also don't know that she doesn't already have a fear of dogs, I mean ANY dog. My grandmother was attacked as a child by a pack of wild dogs, after that she was deathly afraid of any dog, and almost all animals in general including cats and birds.
I am sorry to hear about your grandmother, must have been terrible for her, as I have a huge fear of snakes, I can understand.

I don't think the lady was 'stupid'. I think she encountered a dog she didn't know, that has a bad media reputation, in a store that you normally don't think of as a pet place. Since you didn't mention that she asked her question in a nasty tone of voice, I assume she was being cautious and polite in trying to go through by asking you first.
As I stated stupid to me can mean a lot of things, I am not the most educated person but if I am stupid about something then I educate myself about it, like snakes, ow I live with one, *shivers*

By your smart remark to her,you missed your chance to show her that not all pits are bad and have now given her the impression that pit owners are rude as well.:(
As I stated I wasn't sarcastic or rude, i simply put it plainly and she went on about her business, and for people like her I make up for it with the next 5 people that came to pet him :D

12-17-2009, 08:40 AM
I love Pheonix and screw what everyone says about him. Just smile and keep walking. :D I don't the OP is in the wrong, I would have done the same thing. ;)

And he loves his Krista :D I guess if people knew me they would know I was being tame with the whole situation, lol

I guess that would make me stupid too because I'm deathly afraid of Pits. Not because I've ever had a bad experience myself but because of the media and how some little kids were badly mauled by one. I'm also very unstable on my feet so I know I would never stand a chance against one. Do I hate them? No, of course not, I love all dogs. But I would be just as afraid to pass next to one as that elderly lady was, I probably wouldn't ask the question she did but I would wait till the dog was gone before passing.
I have large breed dogs myself that many people fear because they don't know my dogs, am I offended? Not at all, If someone shows fear regardless of the circumstance I reassure them and move my dogs away from them.

So you hav never thought to educate yourself about the breed, you would rather remain one of the people we fight with BSL, who think that our breed should be banned for what they are, a breed? Well I too am a bit unsteady on my feet as I have a few back problems, Phoenix is with me to be my dog of all trades, lol, he helps me do a lot of things. :D

I don't know why you guys are defending the older lady. Everyone does that with pit bulls these days and it makes me sad. I would be upset too. Maybe the lady isn't "stupid" I would call her uneducated but still I would never ask if a dog would bite me. She could have went a different way and not be so rude.

I love pit bulls. What if it was your dog the person was afraid of? Maybe you could live in her shoes for a minute and see how upset she was. I am sick of breed discrimination and I doubt that is the first and only lady to say that to her wonderful dogs. :mad: To KNOW them is to LOVE them. ;)

:D is all I will say to that, tahnks Krista, I do try so very ahrd to be a responsible owner and show people the GOOD side of this wonderful breed, I change minds, my crew makes sure of that :D

12-17-2009, 08:41 AM
People who don't know dogs can be tough to deal with.

I "think" I know something about dogs. I never go near a dog I don't know unless I ask first. No, I don't ask, "will it bite me." :rolleyes: I DO ask if the dog is friendly, may I pet it' or "is it OK to pass or would you prefer I go around" or some such.

Not knowing much about dogs, she may just not have known the proper way to ask what she was trying to determine.

I also agree with Catlady711 --
- unknown dog
- older person
- camo jacket
- HUGE collar, leash and choke chain

Don't take it personally. Folks often ask me, "do they bite?" If I am in a mood, I reply "only from the ankles down."
LOVE Karen's suggestion! :D

Ok so seems he, Phoenix, is being stereotyped for his collar that he has on, Penny, Phoebe and Orion all wear a 1 1/2" collar and Penny has one of tose bully harnesses, does that make her mean, oh yeah she is an epileptic and a certified therapy dog. Phoenix does weight pull and the collar goes with his weight pull harness and lead, and is embroidered with his name on it with ALL of his tags on it.

He only has a huge collar because pit bulls necks are thick. ;)

hahaha this is Neener we are talking about, the dog who pulls 3,300 lbs. :D

12-17-2009, 08:51 AM
I think you are being a tad over sensitive but then aren't we all when it comes to our beloved pets.
I would not call the lady stupid either, but perhaps she should have thought before she spoke, she could have said something like oh what a cute dog, is he friendly to strangers? i think it is all about the approach really, so i get why you felt annoyed.

Although i have to say down under the ONLY reports i have ever seen about dog attacks have mostly been pit bulls, so i think the Media has a big responsibility here in how they are portrayed, it makes people even myself wary of them.

Again not being over sensitive, wehn you own this breed you have to have thick skin, I really was being nice to her, lol. No what see what the media wants you to see and what they "think" is a pit bull or a mix there of, it is not always true. But I do understand.

I totally agree with Catlady 711.

My mother, who is 80 years old, would have been terrified of walking past your dog as well. She is by no means stupid. She is old, frail and raised in a different generation.

Many, many times I have seen posts here about how frustrating and potentially dangerous it is when people approach our dogs without asking. So this lady asks and she's "stupid"?

I understand how angry the "pit bull" comment made you. I've been told the same thing many times with foster, rescue and shelter bully breeds in tow. But, honestly, all you did was alienate her further, not only toward the breed, but now to the breed's owners as well.

IMO, it would have been FAR better if you would have said something like, "Actually, most pit bulls are very sweet, they just get a bad rap from the press. He's very nice, and won't hurt you at all. His name is Phoenix. Would you like to pet him?" You always catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. The goal is to educate and inform, not embarass and alienate.

And my grandmother is the same age as your mom and she too was terrified and I do mean that til she met my Phoenix, as I stated before that does not by any means mean she will walk up and jus tpet any pit bull. But yes I told my grandmother she needed to educate ehrself and not be stupid to the whole thing, well I said ignorant, and agin if I alienated her then I made hugs progress with the 5 people who came over to pet him and say what a handsome boy he was. And I have said that I really was being nice, so IMO she can take it the way she takes it. Sorry is how I feel.

My mother is terrified of "mean" looking dogs. She knows they won't attack, but they still scare her. She always thinks they know that she's afraid of them and will attack just her. hehehe. So I can see where people who are afraid come from. Sometimes it's not because they're uneducated or stupid... it's just because they are AFRAID!!! If people owned spiders... I would FLIP out if people brought them to a store!!!! LOL!!!! Ewww... creepy little nasty things.

I get lots of things about dalmatians also... oh they're just stupid dogs... or I even get that dalmatians are aggressive. They quickly learn differently when I show them Delta or Honda's tricks or when they meet them... they find out how loveable they are.

I have to say that the media has put a stigma on these dogs, and while I know these dogs can be total sweethearts... it's usually not the case where I come from. I always feel the need to show how sweet these dogs are and always welcome them with open arms, but there will always be that nagging in the back of my head. If someone says "Oh no, here comes a pit bull" at the dog park I am always the first one to pet it. I always allow my dogs to play with pit bulls.

What I would figure, is that if you had him in public, then obviously he's not vicious. BTW, his coat is adorable!!!!!! I love it!

I can understand fear, as I am deathly afraid of snakes and spiders, but I now live with a snake in the house, when I swore my whole life I never would, and I have to go to the pet store to get live rats for him and they have spiders in ages onthe counter, see I just shivered, lmaoo. And Dals are awesome dogs, all of them are if properly taken care of and trained. The nedia has played a HUGE role in how this breed is viewed that is the truth. See tht is what I tell ppl, if he was mean do you really think I would bring him in public, but I can't say that, i have seen ppl do that also, lol. Thank you I got his jacket at Wal-Mart.

I would have been very disturbed to have seen that dog in Lowe's. I never would have expected to see a dog, any dog, in a store like that. In Petsmart, fine. In Lowe's, no way.

Well I'm sorry to hear that.

12-17-2009, 08:56 AM
I think it's a matter of educating rather then turning people off to the breed more. If she had not made the comment, and rather educated the women on Pitbulls a little bit and showed her a nice pitty maybe the women would have changed her mind on the subject. Instead, saying a comment may have turned her off more. While I hate breed discrimination, I don't by any means agree this lady was being "stupid". A better phrase for it would have been ignorant or close-minded, but not "stupid". You never know what kind of experience she could have had with dogs in the past, and honestly, walking into Lowe's a dog would be the last thing I'd expect to see. I've never seen a dog in that store before :confused:

Mikey is seen as a pitbull to quite a few people, I've gotten it maybe like 3 times - people asking if he's a pit. There's one guy who walks with his kid around the neighborhood and when he sees me and Mikey he goes across the street. I thought that was kinda weird..but I don't know. Maybe the little girl's afraid of dogs or maybe just more ignorance about someone thinking he's a pit and being scared.

As I said stupid can mean a lot of things, so yes to me she was stupid. And there is NO sign that says dogs are not allowed. And I have had that happen on more than one occassion but I just laugh and keep walking with ALL 3 of the big dogs to show them how well behaved a pack of pit bulls can be :D

Couldn't agree more.
My mom isn't that fond if pitties- doesn't make her 'stupid'.
As most know, Pit Bulls can be fabulous dogs- IF they are raised in the right environment, and with the right person. As you stated, not all pit bulls are bad. But, unfortunately, they also have the potential to be aggressive when given the right opportunity. This is due to bad breeding and training.

That woman was just uneducated about the breed.

a TRUE American Pit Bull Terrier was NEVER meant to be human aggressive, if they showed any signs they should be culled, even at 5 years of age, no matter what, but most of the time it is at birth, people are to soft and think it's ok for a pit bull to be mean to people, they encourage it and you have the underground whorld of street dog fighting, those are the dogs you see inthe news, but YES they do have the potential to be very dog aggressive at any given time.

12-17-2009, 10:10 AM
I would have been very disturbed to have seen that dog in Lowe's. I never would have expected to see a dog, any dog, in a store like that. In Petsmart, fine. In Lowe's, no way.


I don't know what part of the country the OP lives in, but around here, and everywhere else that I'm aware of, a dog would never get past the front door of any store (other than Petsmart), unless it was a service dog.

This is simply put, a matter of public safety, and the store would be held liable if a dog inflicted any injury on a patron.

Can you imagine if every Tom, Dick and Harry brought their dog into the store with them??? I imagine there would be a sanitation issue also. :eek:

Signed by,

12-17-2009, 10:59 AM

I don't know what part of the country the OP lives in, but around here, and everywhere else that I'm aware of, a dog would never get past the front door of any store (other than Petsmart), unless it was a service dog.

This is simply put, a matter of public safety, and the store would be held liable if a dog inflicted any injury on a patron.

Can you imagine if every Tom, Dick and Harry brought their dog into the store with them??? I imagine there would be a sanitation issue also. :eek:

Signed by,

Well as I live down south, so I am still in the US, if there is no sign that says dogs are not allowed then why can't I take him in there and I understand, I relly do, but I am not Tom, or Dick or Harry, I am a responsible APBT owner who has wonderful breed ambassadors that do NOT deserve to be stereotyped, so you are saying my dog is dirty and shouldn't be allowed in because he is a pit bull and not a service dog, nice. Wow, thanks for the lesson stupid I appreciate it :D

12-17-2009, 11:21 AM
Well as I live down south, so I am still in the US, if there is no sign that says dogs are not allowed then why can't I take him in there and I understand, I relly do, but I am not Tom, or Dick or Harry, I am a responsible APBT owner who has wonderful breed ambassadors that do NOT deserve to be stereotyped, so you are saying my dog is dirty and shouldn't be allowed in because he is a pit bull and not a service dog, nice. Wow, thanks for the lesson stupid I appreciate it :D

You are taking offense to a simple statement of fact. No one said your dog is dirty or that you are not a responsible pet owner, nor am I stereotyping your dog. I was simply pointing out that this does not apply to ALL dogs or pet owners.

However, anyone can claim to be responsible, but that doesn't mean that they are. I applaud that you are, but that still doesn't amount to a hill of beans IF your dog were to injure someone. And don't say it NEVER would, since anything is possible. The point I was TRYING to get across, is that it would be potentially unsafe and unsanitary if dogs were allowed in stores at will.

No response necessary, because it appears that you are looking for an argument, while I was only telling it like it is.

Tora Oni
12-17-2009, 11:22 AM
I've never been bite by a dog, technically because it never pierced the skin, one was an Aussie, and the other was Rottie. So if I ask someone else I just ask if they are Friendly since I know that asking if they bite or are mean is kinda rude way of putting it. I mean use to get that with my Chessie/mix. I know how it can irratate one, since its like Why would I let him in a place full of people so I can get a law suite? Yeah I would love it if you got bite by my dog so you can put him to sleep and sue me for half my fortune. Thats kinda what I think to myself, but I just simply tell them he won't bite. I've never really held it against the dogs for trying to bite me, after all they are misunderstood.

Your dog is really pretty boy, I love his coloring and he has such a sweet face, I think the dobermans are cute dog and funny thing is there are plenty of people who can't recognize one without its ears cropped and docked tail. So don't take it too harshly that the world is blind. I must congragulate you on having one and taking it out to show the world Hey my dog, isn't mean and he is part of the bully breed.

12-17-2009, 11:25 AM
Oops, wrong board... sorry guys!

Tora Oni
12-17-2009, 11:30 AM
Oh the conversation about stores... I wouldn't want to see somebody bring in their pets to a grocerry store, but hardware isn't and issue. I wish there were more resturants that provided petfriendly stores, Like coffee house or something I mean I understand why not every coffe house wants pets in causes extra fuss and allergy issues. I mean seems funny to want a resturant to accept pets but not grocerry store, Can't explain that one other than its hard to keep your pets away from the lower shelvings, and a the size fo a store like Wal-mart verses a cafe.

12-17-2009, 12:11 PM
I am not lookin for trouble, I cam here as a pet owner and a responsible one at that, I never expected to slammed for actaully being nice to someone and that my dog would offend so many people, seems that this may not be the place for me and my wonderful American Pit Bull Terriers after all, I wish you all good day. Happ yHolidays

12-17-2009, 12:49 PM
Originally Posted by Asiel
I guess that would make me stupid too because I'm deathly afraid of Pits. Not because I've ever had a bad experience myself but because of the media and how some little kids were badly mauled by one. I'm also very unstable on my feet so I know I would never stand a chance against one. Do I hate them? No, of course not, I love all dogs. But I would be just as afraid to pass next to one as that elderly lady was, I probably wouldn't ask the question she did but I would wait till the dog was gone before passing.
I have large breed dogs myself that many people fear because they don't know my dogs, am I offended? Not at all, If someone shows fear regardless of the circumstance I reassure them and move my dogs away from them.

So you hav never thought to educate yourself about the breed, you would rather remain one of the people we fight with BSL, who think that our breed should be banned for what they are, a breed? Well I too am a bit unsteady on my feet as I have a few back problems, Phoenix is with me to be my dog of all trades, lol, he helps me do a lot of things.

Where in my post did I bring up the BSL??? I wasn't even thinking about it until I read your reply. I said I feared pits but I also said I loved ALL dogs . I also said many people fear my dogs because of their size. I don't call these people stupid, I try to reassure them and move my dog my dog away from them.
Try not to be so defensive about our responses, it makes it look like there really is something to fear if you have to act up to defend your breed.

12-17-2009, 01:15 PM
I think you have answered all our comments very well, politely and to the point making your point strongly.

I hope you have been able to take on board some of the comments though,as i think some are very valid, i am not sure that people need to educate themselves about every breed of dog, it is not something i would do, being a cat person myself,so it is up to you the dog owner to perhaps do so, again you stated that you were not rude, so i think you handled the situation in a good manner, good for you.

In New Zealand pit bulls are listed as a dangerous breed now,so i guess there has to be a reason for it, i do think the media has taken a lot of it out of context and made the public including myself fearful of them, i guess to be honest i would be more inclined to go up to a poodle and pat it than a pit bull anyday.

Again i would always ask the person is it ok to pet your sweet dog, i did this at the vets one day to a cute little dog,and she warned me not to, as he was very bitey to strangers, no problem there.

I think you just have to be aware how a lot of people do feel towards pit bulls in particular and you educate them as best you can,the ball is in your court really.

P.S the trouble down under here is lot of pit bulls are owned by gangs here, and used for dog fighting, so poor things are given a bad rap because of that as well,very sad indeed.

12-17-2009, 03:24 PM
Oh, I just have to jump back in here .... :p

RE: dogs in stores: Let me preface this by saying I LOVE my dogs! I love almost all dogs, love to see them, love to pet them, love to talk about them. Dogs are one of my favorite things in the world.

However ... like everything else in the world, there is a place for dogs to be, and a place they should not be. I think it's GREAT that dogs can go into Petsmart, Petco, etc. My dogs LOVED their weekly outing to Petsmart, when we lived near one. Our local petstore lets pets come in, and of course, dog parks are wonderful places.

I do not think that pets should be allowed in every store. I see no reason dogs need to go to Home Depot or Walmart. Many people are allergic to dogs, for one thing. I'm deathly allergic to cats, I couldn't shop in a store if there was a cat near. Who wants to buy a box of cereal or a bath towel that someone's dog has lifted it's leg on? And if I can bring my dog to Target, why can't my neighbor bring his horse?

12-17-2009, 03:32 PM
I think everyone took your words, apbtmom, to sound rude to the lady... The way you typed them sounded rude. If you were nice to the lady, and she knew you were, then there really isn't a problem here. But I think everyone just thought the words sounded rude.

"Is it ok if I go by or will he bite me?" OMG my blood instantly started to boil, I said, " WHy would you think he was going to bite you?" Her response, " Cause he's a Pit Bull.", I looked at her and smiled nicely, sweetly and told her that is what she gets for assuming things about dogs she doesn't know."

Exactly what does she get for assuming things about dogs she doesn't know? That sounds like a smart response to me... and the fact that you said her mouth dropped.

12-17-2009, 04:35 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk apbtmom76!!!:D I think people are overeacting to your statement a bit and sure showing you plenty of hospitality for being new on this forum!:love:
Where I live, dogs can go in stores besides petstores. Tractor Supply, Lowes, etc. I've never taken mine but have known people who have. One lady even had a dog in the post office one day, a little dog she was holding.;)
I know you have well trained, well behaved dogs Tye and set a good example for the breed.:) Must be, being new, you can't make a little rant thread. :confused:

12-17-2009, 04:43 PM
I don't see anyone over reacting, other than the OP. Calling people stupid, and calling the woman a bitch because she was leery of the dog, is hardly a way to win friends and influence people. :(

12-17-2009, 04:44 PM
Unless you have a guide dog in NZ, you cannot really take them to shops,even some beaches you are not allowed to take them, but that is for obvious reasons.

12-17-2009, 05:42 PM
Originally Posted by Asiel
I guess that would make me stupid too because I'm deathly afraid of Pits. Not because I've ever had a bad experience myself but because of the media and how some little kids were badly mauled by one. I'm also very unstable on my feet so I know I would never stand a chance against one. Do I hate them? No, of course not, I love all dogs. But I would be just as afraid to pass next to one as that elderly lady was, I probably wouldn't ask the question she did but I would wait till the dog was gone before passing.
I have large breed dogs myself that many people fear because they don't know my dogs, am I offended? Not at all, If someone shows fear regardless of the circumstance I reassure them and move my dogs away from them.

So you hav never thought to educate yourself about the breed, you would rather remain one of the people we fight with BSL, who think that our breed should be banned for what they are, a breed? Well I too am a bit unsteady on my feet as I have a few back problems, Phoenix is with me to be my dog of all trades, lol, he helps me do a lot of things.

Where in my post did I bring up the BSL??? I wasn't even thinking about it until I read your reply. I said I feared pits but I also said I loved ALL dogs . I also said many people fear my dogs because of their size. I don't call these people stupid, I try to reassure them and move my dog my dog away from them.
Try not to be so defensive about our responses, it makes it look like there really is something to fear if you have to act up to defend your breed.

You know I apologize for posting this, it was obviously not taken the way I inteneded it which was just a rant. And I am defensive about this breed, people are trying to take aay my right as a responsible dog owner because of peole like the lady in my OP, why shouldn't I be defensive? ANd if this is what you all call acting up, you all really do not know me, :D

I think you have answered all our comments very well, politely and to the point making your point strongly.
I tried very hard, even though I was shaking, I have never been attacked by people as I have on this board, ever.

I hope you have been able to take on board some of the comments though,as i think some are very valid, i am not sure that people need to educate themselves about every breed of dog, it is not something i would do, being a cat person myself,so it is up to you the dog owner to perhaps do so, again you stated that you were not rude, so i think you handled the situation in a good manner, good for you.
As I stated I try to educate as many people as possible, for her loss at my comment 5 other people stepped forward to pet him and ooh and ahh over him.

In New Zealand pit bulls are listed as a dangerous breed now,so i guess there has to be a reason for it, i do think the media has taken a lot of it out of context and made the public including myself fearful of them, i guess to be honest i would be more inclined to go up to a poodle and pat it than a pit bull anyday.
The reason is irresponsible people owning a breed they never should and breeding bad blood to bad blood and no proper socialization. ANd of course the media has A LOT to do with this.

Again i would always ask the person is it ok to pet your sweet dog, i did this at the vets one day to a cute little dog,and she warned me not to, as he was very bitey to strangers, no problem there.
I too always ask, lol

I think you just have to be aware how a lot of people do feel towards pit bulls in particular and you educate them as best you can,the ball is in your court really.
I am always the first person to try to educate people, sorry but there are times when what people say just twerks me the wrong way.

P.S the trouble down under here is lot of pit bulls are owned by gangs here, and used for dog fighting, so poor things are given a bad rap because of that as well,very sad indeed.

This is true here in the States as well, so I understand and it is quite sad.

Oh, I just have to jump back in here .... :p

RE: dogs in stores: Let me preface this by saying I LOVE my dogs! I love almost all dogs, love to see them, love to pet them, love to talk about them. Dogs are one of my favorite things in the world.

However ... like everything else in the world, there is a place for dogs to be, and a place they should not be. I think it's GREAT that dogs can go into Petsmart, Petco, etc. My dogs LOVED their weekly outing to Petsmart, when we lived near one. Our local petstore lets pets come in, and of course, dog parks are wonderful places.

I do not think that pets should be allowed in every store. I see no reason dogs need to go to Home Depot or Walmart. Many people are allergic to dogs, for one thing. I'm deathly allergic to cats, I couldn't shop in a store if there was a cat near. Who wants to buy a box of cereal or a bath towel that someone's dog has lifted it's leg on? And if I can bring my dog to Target, why can't my neighbor bring his horse?

hmm well I personally see no rpoblem with im going into a hardware store, if there had been food served there or something like that then I could see veryone saying oohhh a dog in here is unsanitary, but come one it's Lowe's. Oh well.

I think everyone took your words, apbtmom, to sound rude to the lady... The way you typed them sounded rude. If you were nice to the lady, and she knew you were, then there really isn't a problem here. But I think everyone just thought the words sounded rude.

"Is it ok if I go by or will he bite me?" OMG my blood instantly started to boil, I said, " WHy would you think he was going to bite you?" Her response, " Cause he's a Pit Bull.", I looked at her and smiled nicely, sweetly and told her that is what she gets for assuming things about dogs she doesn't know."

Exactly what does she get for assuming things about dogs she doesn't know? That sounds like a smart response to me... and the fact that you said her mouth dropped.

Again people assuming I was being rude to her, I really wasn't, as I said it was nice the way I said it, I do not always type what I am thinking, my fingers do not always move as fast as my brain thinks, lol. It did drop but she smiled and went on her way, I just don't think she was expecting me to say somethinglike that to her is all. She said the wrong thing to me on that particular day is all, should never assume anything, period.

12-17-2009, 05:47 PM
Welcome to Pet Talk apbtmom76!!!:D I think people are overeacting to your statement a bit and sure showing you plenty of hospitality for being new on this forum!:love:
Where I live, dogs can go in stores besides petstores. Tractor Supply, Lowes, etc. I've never taken mine but have known people who have. One lady even had a dog in the post office one day, a little dog she was holding.;)
I know you have well trained, well behaved dogs Tye and set a good example for the breed.:) Must be, being new, you can't make a little rant thread. :confused:

Lol CP, I guess not, I will remember that and not rant about anything else here, not that I do it often but thanks for the warm welcome Cp, I appreciate that.

I don't see anyone over reacting, other than the OP. Calling people stupid, and calling the woman a bitch because she was leery of the dog, is hardly a way to win friends and influence people. :(

I never called her a bitch, in my head yes but I never ever said it out loud, I would NEVER disrespect my elders that way, I have manners and again like I said before I WAS nice about the whole thing. ANd I am not over reacting but getting to that point with you people accusing me of doing so. And noone said I was trying to inlfuence anyone or make friends, :D

Unless you have a guide dog in NZ, you cannot really take them to shops,even some beaches you are not allowed to take them, but that is for obvious reasons.

The states are the same as well :D

ALright all, this will be the last of my psoting I truely did not mean to offend or piss anyone off, guess noone can rant about anything here, I apologize, guess I'll just go take all my scary looking dogs and go play by ourselves, :D HAPPY HOLIDAYS ALL!!!!

Scooter's Mom
12-17-2009, 06:27 PM
I am sick of breed discrimination

You're sick of breed discrimination, while I am sick of people discrimination.

I agree that the older lady probably just didn't know if the dog was mean or not and would have asked the same question of ANY dog.

12-17-2009, 06:42 PM
You guys this is such a way to welcome a member who I consider a good friend. :rolleyes: She was just VENTING - that's not against the rules here and you all drove her away. NOT FAIR!

12-17-2009, 06:42 PM
a lady about 50 maybe 55 to 60 years of age
Actually, I don't think this is considered old, not by me anyways.;)

12-17-2009, 06:54 PM
It seems to me that the Pitty owner was drawing attention to herself by walking a dog in to a regular store, wearing a camo sweater, wide leather collar and a chain collar. To me, it has nothing to do with the poor dog, but with the person needing the attention. She got attention, both positive and negative then complained about the "negative" attention.

Not everyone feels secure about walking near an unknown dog.

I always ask people if it is ok to pet their dog/cat whatever. I have had a little dogs snap at me when I moved my hand toward it.

I would have asked if the dog was ok with me passing by, simply based on the two collars alone.

I think the title of the thread could have been worded a little less meanly as well. That seemed to set the tone.

You reap what you sow.

12-17-2009, 06:55 PM

12-17-2009, 08:16 PM
I would have asked if the dog was ok with me passing by, simply based on the two collars alone.

Anytime my dogs leave the property, they wear two collars! They wear quick release collars with their tags and I hook the leash to a buckle collar. I hope no one is afraid of my little Jake because he has two collars. And to think people are afraid of Layla because she wears two collars to Petsmart. I thought they were afraid of the way she looked and here it was the collars!

12-17-2009, 09:03 PM
Anytime my dogs leave the property, they wear two collars! They wear quick release collars with their tags and I hook the leash to a buckle collar. I hope no one is afraid of my little Jake because he has two collars. And to think people are afraid of Layla because she wears two collars to Petsmart. I thought they were afraid of the way she looked and here it was the collars!

I think it was the fact that the two collars are the thick collar seen on many pit bulls because of their strength and the other collar... I think it was a chain collar? I dunno.

12-17-2009, 10:16 PM
I don't know why it would scare people. :confused: "Pit bulls" are strong dogs, she was being and IS responsible.. It just gives the owner more control it doesn't make them look "mean" IMO.. ;)

12-17-2009, 11:08 PM
I would have to say it does to people who don't know what these large collars are needed for. If my mother were to see a pit bull walking down the road with a large collar, she would probably cross the road. Hell, she'd cross the road just seeing a dog on that side of the road, especially a """"Mean"""" breed. And yes, she knows not all dogs are bad, and that it's the owners... but that still doesn't help the fact that she is afraid. We all just have to remember that not everyone owns or likes dogs. Not everyone cares to learn about dogs. It's not apbtmom's fault, it's not the elderly ladies fault. It's just a fact of life. :) I think this thread has just been misread and it has built everyone up to feel defensive.

12-18-2009, 03:09 AM
I don't think anyone mean't to scare your friend away from our board here and I for one hope she will stay, we just all have opinions, some of it was well mean't advice from the way i see it, i think she handled herself here with dignity, and although she may have felt she was being picked on , and i guess since it was her first post i can understand it, but this is PT, we all have our say, our agreements and disagreements, i don't think anyone was mean,just stating what they felt as she was, i hope she can see it that way and keep posting.

Again i stress i think it is dog owners who need to educate people about their breed especially if it has been given bad press as pit bulls are,i would not consider learning about dog breeds,and why should i really? and it seems that is what she intends on doing,i personally would be wary of anyone's dog that i did not know and would approach with caution and of course ask politely first, you know she may well have said the same thing to any dog owner not just because you had a pit bull, i think that is where you are being a tad over sensitive,but i can understand it too.

Anyhow don't be put off being here, it really is a wonderful place, i have been here over six years, i have had my ups and downs, and had a few people get annoyed with me too, but just take it with a grain of salt as the saying goes,you will get a lot more out of PT than you could ever imagine,it truly is a great place with some wonderful people, even the people here who may have a different view point to you on this subject, you know that really is all it is.
t to sca

12-18-2009, 04:59 AM
a lady about 50 maybe 55 to 60 years of age

it's not the elderly ladies fault.

"elderly???":eek: You're killing me here!:D Guess I'll put on my Depends and grab my walker and head out to work! :p

12-18-2009, 07:24 AM
It seems to me that the Pitty owner was drawing attention to herself by walking a dog in to a regular store, wearing a camo sweater, wide leather collar and a chain collar. To me, it has nothing to do with the poor dog, but with the person needing the attention. She got attention, both positive and negative then complained about the "negative" attention.
I was drawing attention by walking into a non food place to get gift cards for x-mas, how is that drawing attention to myself?? And it's a freakin kid's hoodie to keep him warm, and his collar again IDK what all of you all have a hang up with the collar, but my boy does weight pull, maybe you all should google that, he has pulled jus tshy of 3,400lbs, would you want to walk him on one of those flimsy quick release collars, so maybe just maybe he could pull hard once and break it and run out into traffic or something like that, then I would be an irresponsible owner. And the choke chain is for correction purposes, Phoenix is a bit stubborn and I have to remind him that I am alpha on occassion. If I wanted attention I would buy him a huge spiked collar and a muzzle with bling on it, I am ok with critisicsm but when you all straight out start bashing my dog cause of his breed and COLLAR, give me a break. HAHAH I complained, that is what this was supposed to be, just me venting, like I said guess that is not allowed here.

Not everyone feels secure about walking near an unknown dog.
I can understand this, I have already stated that.

I always ask people if it is ok to pet their dog/cat whatever. I have had a little dogs snap at me when I moved my hand toward it.
I have worked at vet's offices and for 2 different groomers I ALWAYS ask to pet, no matter what.

I would have asked if the dog was ok with me passing by, simply based on the two collars alone.
Then this statement makes you as uneducated as the other woman, since stupid seems to offend so many. If you saw someone walk in with a muzzle and two collars ina Chi or a Pom would you feel the same way?? OF course not, it's a small dog.

I think the title of the thread could have been worded a little less meanly as well. That seemed to set the tone.
Nope is the way I felt, stupid people come in all forms and shapes, colors, whatever, like I said stupid is a lot of things.

You reap what you sow.

Oh yes, yes I do and I sow many a oat to listen to you all tell me that my dog's collar is too big and that I should be less responsible by not taking him anywhere and letting him walk all over me with a flimsy collar. Thanks next time I post it will be because my dog got hit by a car cause he broke out of his 1"collar. :D

Anytime my dogs leave the property, they wear two collars! They wear quick release collars with their tags and I hook the leash to a buckle collar. I hope no one is afraid of my little Jake because he has two collars. And to think people are afraid of Layla because she wears two collars to Petsmart. I thought they were afraid of the way she looked and here it was the collars!

My dogs always have on two collars, Penny doesn't really need a choker, but she has one on for back up, wit her seizures and meds she takes she stays right beside me as does the white boy, Orion. But he too wears a choker along with his buckle collar. See and I would totally walk and love on your dogs cause they had on two collars, means I know you have control and know where your dog is at all times :D

I think it was the fact that the two collars are the thick collar seen on many pit bulls because of their strength and the other collar... I think it was a chain collar? I dunno.

So again you all are judging my dog because of his collar, so should I judge you all for the color of your hair or the clothes that youall wear, NO cause that would make me prejudice.

I would have to say it does to people who don't know what these large collars are needed for. If my mother were to see a pit bull walking down the road with a large collar, she would probably cross the road. Hell, she'd cross the road just seeing a dog on that side of the road, especially a """"Mean"""" breed. And yes, she knows not all dogs are bad, and that it's the owners... but that still doesn't help the fact that she is afraid. We all just have to remember that not everyone owns or likes dogs. Not everyone cares to learn about dogs. It's not apbtmom's fault, it's not the elderly ladies fault. It's just a fact of life. :) I think this thread has just been misread and it has built everyone up to feel defensive.

Defensive yes, again I was just venting, I will not vent anymore, never had people jump to so many conclusions than here, and I know that my breed of choice is stereotyped it has been proven here, but like I said for what you all think I said to her to drive her away 5 different people came to pet him. :D

I don't think anyone mean't to scare your friend away from our board here and I for one hope she will stay, we just all have opinions, some of it was well mean't advice from the way i see it, i think she handled herself here with dignity, and although she may have felt she was being picked on , and i guess since it was her first post i can understand it, but this is PT, we all have our say, our agreements and disagreements, i don't think anyone was mean,just stating what they felt as she was, i hope she can see it that way and keep posting.
OPinions are good but bashing someones dog because of the collar they wear or a camo jacket that is put on for warmth is not IMO cool. And I am totally ok with people replying and having their say, I truely am, I can see that I posted here to vent and people bashed me for it. So noone is allowed to speak their peace or just not newbies? And you know ya might be right, maybe I should have just kept my mouth shut :D

Again i stress i think it is dog owners who need to educate people about their breed especially if it has been given bad press as pit bulls are,i would not consider learning about dog breeds,and why should i really? and it seems that is what she intends on doing,i personally would be wary of anyone's dog that i did not know and would approach with caution and of course ask politely first, you know she may well have said the same thing to any dog owner not just because you had a pit bull, i think that is where you are being a tad over sensitive,but i can understand it too.
No I am not being oversensitive, she said it was because he was a pit bull, so she judged my dog, based off his breed, it had nothing to do with his collar or jacket, it was his breed, and she said so, like I said I defend my dogs and my right to own them on a daily basis, I have educated more people than I care to count, not really cause I love to tell people the stories, lol, and I do not expect people to fully educate themselves btu you should NEVER believe everything you hear or see on tv, ppl are so gullable that way and it saddens me.

Anyhow don't be put off being here, it really is a wonderful place, i have been here over six years, i have had my ups and downs, and had a few people get annoyed with me too, but just take it with a grain of salt as the saying goes,you will get a lot more out of PT than you could ever imagine,it truly is a great place with some wonderful people, even the people here who may have a different view point to you on this subject, you know that really is all it is.
t to sca
I take most things with a grain of salt, I really am an easy going person for a triple fire sign Leo, lol, but it seems that my dogs and the breed I love are not as welcome here as everyone else, I will stay but lurk, lol, not a big person on confrontation, so I will just stay quiet, thank you though.

"elderly???":eek: You're killing me here!:D Guess I'll put on my Depends and grab my walker and head out to work! :p

I rofllmaoooo when I saw this CP, guess that means I shouldn't be too far behind you, wow, did I say she was elderly, that is my mom's age and I do NOT see that as old, shoot I don't even see my grandma as old :D

12-18-2009, 07:42 AM
If you are as responsible as you claim to be, then why isn't your dog neutered??? :confused:

And I for one, would not have been disturbed by him wearing 2 collars. My issue is having him in the store unnecessarily in the first place. It served no purpose other than to call attention to yourself as noted in a previous post.

12-18-2009, 08:14 AM
Honestly, I haven't gotten the feeling that the posts here have been meant to bash the original poster. I got the feeling that people were just posting to help the OP see the reason why the individual that was referred to as "stupid and a b***h" acted the way she did and not because she was either of those things. Because the OP decided to take those things as personal attacks, things have escalated. No where did anyone say that your dog shouldn't wear two collars or even a large collar nor was there anyone that even suggested that you shouldn't take your dog anywhere. The large and two collars were mentioned just to indicate why someone may choose to be cautious when approaching you and your animal, especially in a setting where they probably were not expecting to see an animal. Just because there isn't a sign saying that animals are not allowed, doesn't mean that they are necessarily welcome. Just as one example, my place of worship doesn't say that animals aren't allowed, but common sense dictates that we don't bring our pets. I have a close friend who would sometimes bring her 5 pound poodle in to the post office and the local hardware store. I loved her dog and dog sat for her numerous times. I still cringed every time I saw her inside a place of business. Perhaps if you could look at things objectively, you'd realize these nice people weren't attacking you but just trying to help you see the reasons behind the actions that offended you.

12-18-2009, 08:28 AM
Lol!!! I didn't really look at her age, I'm sorry!!! Lol >.> Well you know us whipper snappers... :)

12-18-2009, 11:52 AM
If you are as responsible as you claim to be, then why isn't your dog neutered??? :confused:

I was wondering the same thing. Until I say the thread that introduced her dogs, I asked, and I believe she said he's a show dog, if I remember correctly.:)
Because as most know, a pit bull, with the tendency to become aggressive, and unaltered, can equal more aggression.

I am NOT in any way, shape, or form calling your dog aggressive, just to clarify.;)

12-18-2009, 12:32 PM
alot of people are scared of pits. My childhood dog was a pit/ boxer mix and almost everyone was afraid of her bacause she wsa 75% pit and she definately looked it. However, we didn't allow stranger to pet her and we made sure that we always had her under control because she was unpredictable around certain men and was very protective of the house and car. She was like that because the people she ran away from (we met them a year after we had her) had beaten her many times and made her the way she was. People do that to the breed and and the the dog gets the blame and not the owner. People are constantly afraid of harley! of all dogs, harley! lol... They are always saying that he looks like a pit:rolleyes: I personally see absolutley no pit in him, but then again he is a pound so puppy so u never know. I always just tell them that I'm pritty sure he is boxer/ lab mix and he loves everybody. A little too much sometimes.

12-18-2009, 02:45 PM
If you are as responsible as you claim to be, then why isn't your dog neutered??? :confused:

And I for one, would not have been disturbed by him wearing 2 collars. My issue is having him in the store unnecessarily in the first place. It served no purpose other than to call attention to yourself as noted in a previous post.

Omg....too funny. Ya sure do have good eyesight Pomtzu. I laughed so hard when I read about the dog not being neutered I had to go back and have a look, couldn't figure out how you knew this. Now I know too, I think I need new glasses...lol.

12-18-2009, 03:05 PM
Omg....too funny. Ya sure do have good eyesight Pomtzu. I laughed so hard when I read about the dog not being neutered I had to go back and have a look, couldn't figure out how you knew this. Now I know too, I think I need new glasses...lol.

haha! perverts!:D;)

12-18-2009, 03:15 PM
haha! perverts!:D;)

How could anyone miss that set????? :confused::eek::D

12-18-2009, 04:17 PM
he is not neutered because he is in confirmation and weight pull, he has to be intact for confirmation, so YES I am responisble, thanks :D Y'all keep laughing, cause it's funny to watch you all :D

12-18-2009, 04:20 PM
Lol!!! I didn't really look at her age, I'm sorry!!! Lol >.> Well you know us whipper snappers... :)
LOL! You'll be old someday!:D

he is not neutered because he is in confirmation and weight pull, he has to be intact for confirmation, so YES I am responisble, thanks :D Y'all keep laughing, cause it's funny to watch you all :D
Geez Tye, I can't even get this many people to post on my pups threads, you are popular already!:p

12-18-2009, 04:31 PM
he is not neutered because he is in confirmation and weight pull, he has to be intact for confirmation, so YES I am responisble, thanks :D Y'all keep laughing, cause it's funny to watch you all :D

Carry on and enjoy, because I'm done with a KIA. :rolleyes:

Just keep dancing around the issues at hand, and hope that your dog always remains well behaved.

12-18-2009, 05:10 PM
LOL! You'll be old someday!:D

Geez Tye, I can't even get this many people to post on my pups threads, you are popular already!:p

hahah popular, love it. :D

Carry on and enjoy, because I'm done with a KIA. :rolleyes:

Just keep dancing around the issues at hand, and hope that your dog always remains well behaved.

KIA?? And I have not danced around any issues, and as I have said I work VERY hard for my dogs to be well behaved, have titles and be good breed ambassadors :D

Lady's Human
12-18-2009, 05:17 PM
I hate to jump into this, but......

This is clearly attention grabbing by the OP.

If you have a dog which requires a large collar to maintain control in public, maybe you shouldn't be bringing the dog into the store.

If you have a dog which has a bad reputation because of the breed, two collars and a camo coat aren't exactly sending a warm fuzzy image of the dog. That's hardly being an ambassador for the breed.

You have shown yourself in these posts to be confrontational with people, and wonder why you're getting semi-flamed.

If everyone else sees an issue, but you think it's everyone else with the problem, it's time to invest in a mirror.

12-18-2009, 05:32 PM
I hate to jump into this, but......

This is clearly attention grabbing by the OP.

If you have a dog which requires a large collar to maintain control in public, maybe you shouldn't be bringing the dog into the store.

If you have a dog which has a bad reputation because of the breed, two collars and a camo coat aren't exactly sending a warm fuzzy image of the dog. That's hardly being an ambassador for the breed.

You have shown yourself in these posts to be confrontational with people, and wonder why you're getting semi-flamed.

If everyone else sees an issue, but you think it's everyone else with the problem, it's time to invest in a mirror.

lol I look into a mirror everyday and if it was a little chi dressed in pants a a vest it would be ok, but because of his breed, I am being flamed, omg you people are just to much, and the big collar is not for control the choke chain is, his regular buckle style collar is to carry his tags and for when he shows and does weight pull, again have you seen one of these dogs pull 3400lbs?? I am assuming not. And what would you know about being an ambassador for the breed when you obviously know nothing about the breed, I have been anything but confrontational as I said I am not a confrontational person, I am much more of a happy go lucky person, no I am upset about being bashed over my breed of choice and how use my words and my dogs collar, and no I do not think it is everyone else with the problem, I just htink people need to educate themselves before they make comments on others breed of choice and what they let their dogs wear is all. :D OO would you get me a mirror so I can see myself every morning so I know what kind of person I am :D

Lady's Human
12-18-2009, 05:44 PM
You're not getting flamed, hence the reference to SEMI flamed.

I have issues with people bringing dogs into stores period, regardless of the breed. Service animals, no problem, but a pet? There's no need to bring them shopping with you.

Again, it has nothing to do with the breed, it's your careless actions people have issues with.

12-18-2009, 06:20 PM
Hello Ladies and Gentlemen....

I have to say this. What makes this dog so much different from the animals you have at home? I love all cats, all dogs, and don't make assumptions or insinuations about any breed. I could blatantly say that "anklebiters" or small breed dogs are in fact more aggressive, however no one feels challenged by a dog who would have to REALLY go at you to hurt you... Small dogs are treated like toddlers, let up on couches like dominant members of your "pack" and you coddle those little dogs that growl at anything that startles them...

Let me take a step back. Because that's not my opinion, however because I don't agree with what you are saying I don't have to be nasty. Tye, I hate stupid people too. Not ignorant ones. Because ignorance is bliss, and it simply means you aren't educated on the matter. Now when you learn something, and refuse to retain it, or choose to ignore it, and act like you never learned it, that is stupidity.

Let me give anyone here bashing these dogs benefit of the doubt. Let's talk about media's role in the image of the American Pitbull Terrier. Notice I didn't say PITBULL.. That is a blanket term, just like anklebiter is for small dogs. It may not be rude like the one I compared it to, but it is an ignorant term.

American Pitbull Terriers were bred from crosses between English dogs, from the terrier and bull dog types, and bred for function. This function was work. At the time of the creation of these dogs, the work at hand was bull baiting. Handlers would breed dogs that displayed tenacity and courage, and force great enough to finish what a human could not. Taking down bulls. Dogs were bred to be human friendly. So friendly in fact that you might remember a show called the little rascals. Petey the "pitbull" represented the exact type of dog that these dogmen of yesteryear strived to create. They were a family dog, one with great stamina, strength, courage, and most importantly a friendly disposition and a desire to please. This meant that kids could pull their tails, ears and be as kids are around these dogs, leaving parents little to worry about.

Bullbaiting became illegal. How do you test for the most courageous athlete? Dog fighting. Dog fighting, while it was legal up until 1976 was an event orchestrated by people, or dogmen who wanted to follow the true type of dog that the cross in the 1800s had established. Game testing, or testing a "pit dogs" tenacity was a sport in which the handler would enter a confined space with their dog, and it was matched against another dog. Human aggressive displays were culled, meaning the dog was either destroyed or taken out of the breeding program, because the disposition of a pitbull was to be friendly towards their human companions, and to lash at a human was a serious fault. So said dogs were cut from breeding programs and not allowed to pass their seed, or bloodline.

Testing became very popular in the early 70's, and for many years after it was outlawed, because it bred dogs that were the strongest of the bunch, the most courageous of their type, and the most loving towards humans. That means if you had a game dog, it might challenge other breeds of dogs (but other breeds also contain dog aggression), show aggression towards small animals like rabbits and squirrels, but that is called DRIVE. Drive comes from instinct dating back to days before dogs were "property" and made into pets. The purpose of keeping dogs active in this mindframe was to have a high energy dog that would complete any given task, and one who worked to keep a lean, healthy shape.

American Pitbull Terriers were bred for function over form, so many of these animals before 1976 looked like the same "type" of dog, but with many traits stemming from different bloodlines, many appeared different. It wasn't until the last two decades that breeding practices have turned more about appearance, and less about the well being of the breed. If you have an active dog that was bred to perform, it is not likely to have an array of health problems. It will require less medical care because it is bred to be fat burning, active, everything that is not a part of breeding programs with most breeds today.

Today's working American Pitbull Terrier can range from a service dog, to a catch dog (hunting), to a tracking dog, weight pull dog, agility dog, flyball dog, obedience dog, therapy dog, just about any task you put it to. Now remember how this dog was bred for function over form. People stopped testing for temperaments, which in short was "culling" the manbiters back before 1976... And since there is a negative stigma, you see people trying to make a buck breeding any given "pitbull" wether it's registered or not. A true American Pitbull Terrier would be temperament tested (which the average TTTS test results indicate a better temperament and lower bite percentage then what the media WANTS you to think), health tested to clear it of any genetic disorder, and put to the test with some form of sport sanctioned by a registry such as the United Kennel Club or the American Dog Breeder's Association. Champions, Grand Champions and Aces in wide ranges of sports and activities make good specimens because in part they portray what this dog was originally created for. Work.

12-18-2009, 06:20 PM
Now considering they are working dogs, you might say, why those thick collars. A dog this strong could easily strain a trachea or esophagus from lunging (if it sees a bird, another dog... wether its just to greet or to defend, etc), and also while performing a task during an event. Thicker collars cover more area, which decreases the pressure to the neck, allowing the dog a less restrained air flow, and a more comfortable feel. Tell me how many of your dogs would want to keep running into a wire type collar. Prong collars and slip chains are simply used for reinforcing commands that should be established through proper obedience. It is hard to perfect obedience, as a dog will need consistency throughout training during his/her life, so if a dog is being stubborn, or refuses to comply, a "bite" from the leader of the pack so to say is a quick reminder that a command was given, and it is to be followed. I don't know how many people I see daily letting their dogs pull on retractable leads, or pulling them down the street with their leashes drawn tight from tension. Guess what? That inflicts pressure and possible pain on the dog, encourages dominance over the handler, and is counter productive. A dog should be taught how to heel on a loose lead. I use correction collars only as a reinforcement, not as a quick fix. They might not look pretty like 1/2 inch nylon snap collars, but proper equipment is suited for proper use, generally promoted by RESPONSIBLE dog owners.

These days are not so different from those of yesterday. It's the "pitbull" today, because headlines are filled by secret agendas proposed by legislators to rid the world of "pitbulls". Youre right, irresponsible owners, poor temperaments due to bad breeding, and breeding for anything other than a goal in which the breed can benefit from is devastatiing to any breed. But since American Pitbull Terriers are so sought out, everyone and their uncle wants to breed them. Just because you have a dog you think is cute or awesome doesn't mean it's breeding material. But that goes for ANY breed. Now, because the majority of the stigma that is circling around this breed is caused solely by ignorance, it is easy to say "pitbulls are kid maulers and manbiters". Truth is, the majority of "pitbulls" that bite people, first are provoked (but it's easy to say theyre not now that everyones idea of a pitbull is a man vicious dog), secondly most are not thouroughbred specimens of the breed, which brings in temperaments from unknown breeds, and you are opening the genepool to more undesirable traits that could come from more aggressive breeds or poorly bred MUTTS. Just because it looks like a "pitbull" does not make it an American Pitbull Terrier. Bull mastiffs, Dogo Argentinos, Cane Corsos, Dogue De Bourdeaux, Patterdale Terriers, Catahoulas, American Bulldogs, Banndogges, and other breeds, AND mixes all share some similar characteristics and to the untrained eye may portray features that get confused for that of an AMERICAN PITBULL TERRIER. There's about 20 breeds, in fact there's an online webpage that gives you one chance to spot the true specimen, leaving you with 15 false answers. Most people, it takes 2 or 3 guesses at best to uncover the true "pitbull"..

I really hope you can open your eyes and spread a good message like Tye here is trying to do. Why is camo offensive? Soldiers are dying overseas for our freedom, so wouldn't patriots stand in awe to America's once most desired family dog bound in a cute camo Jacket? And the collar, wouldn't you feel safer knowing that the handler knows what strengths their dog is capable of, and is using something that is durable and safe for the dog? Can't you give someone who knows their dogs well enough to go into Lowe's benefit of the doubt about being responsible? We might live in the south but as dog owners and lovers it's counter productive to stereotype other breeds that you don't know and understand, and it shows really insecurities and flaws in all of us. Our dogs don't hate you... Why hate our dogs???

12-18-2009, 06:36 PM
if I was careless I would have brought a vicious dog in to a public place, if I was careless, i would be one of those news stories you see on tv, if I was careless I would let my dog breed with anything that moved, to reap the "benefits" of the money as others would say, if I was careless I would let my dog off leash at a dog park to play with other dogs I don't know, knowing my dog is dog aggressive, if I was careless I would have never gotten them certified with the ATTS and CGC and one of my dogs is a certified therapy dog, again you people seem to have no clue regarding my breed of choice :D

12-18-2009, 07:13 PM
Oh for crying out loud. Pit bulls DO NOT have a tendency to be aggressive. :rolleyes: ANY dog does, It's not how you raise them it depends on genetics. Sorry Tye you are getting the short end of the stick here and I am sorry I invited you here. :(

12-18-2009, 07:31 PM
awww Krista please do not be upset at other peoples lack of knowing a breed and being discriminatory, you know that my crew loves you and vice versa, I am ok here and if htese people would open their minds to what a true APBT and a responsible owner was then maybe I wouldn't have been read wrong. No worries girl, let the haters hate and the lovers love :D

12-18-2009, 07:32 PM
I agree!

Lady's Human
12-18-2009, 07:34 PM
News flash to the OP:

It's not the breed. It's the humans.

12-18-2009, 07:35 PM
hahah then I guess it is me y'all should be worried about and not my dogs :D

12-18-2009, 07:50 PM
Honestly, I haven't gotten the feeling that the posts here have been meant to bash the original poster. I got the feeling that people were just posting to help the OP see the reason why the individual that was referred to as "stupid and a b***h" acted the way she did and not because she was either of those things. Because the OP decided to take those things as personal attacks, things have escalated. No where did anyone say that your dog shouldn't wear two collars or even a large collar nor was there anyone that even suggested that you shouldn't take your dog anywhere. The large and two collars were mentioned just to indicate why someone may choose to be cautious when approaching you and your animal, especially in a setting where they probably were not expecting to see an animal. Just because there isn't a sign saying that animals are not allowed, doesn't mean that they are necessarily welcome. Just as one example, my place of worship doesn't say that animals aren't allowed, but common sense dictates that we don't bring our pets. I have a close friend who would sometimes bring her 5 pound poodle in to the post office and the local hardware store. I loved her dog and dog sat for her numerous times. I still cringed every time I saw her inside a place of business. Perhaps if you could look at things objectively, you'd realize these nice people weren't attacking you but just trying to help you see the reasons behind the actions that offended you.

Agree totally

12-18-2009, 08:37 PM
How could anyone miss that set????? :confused::eek::D

See, told you I was losing my eyesight....lol. Guess we are perverts...lol.
I'm sitting here still laughing my head off for missing that. Got to get those new glasses for sure :D :D

12-18-2009, 08:55 PM
You guys are being ridiculous. :rolleyes:

12-18-2009, 09:19 PM
Oh for crying out loud. Pit bulls DO NOT have a tendency to be aggressive. :rolleyes: ANY dog does, It's not how you raise them it depends on genetics. Sorry Tye you are getting the short end of the stick here and I am sorry I invited you here. :(

Yes, they DO have that potential to be aggressive, due to bad breeding, and training. So do great danes, poodles, labradors, any dog. But, APBT's have slightly more potential, due to their fighting background, unfortunatly. :(
It IS how you raise them. If I wanted my poodle to be aggressive, I could train him/her that way, by rewarding any aggressive behavior that she showed. As for APBT's it's genetics, AND how you raise them -that plays a huge role on the dog they come to be.

12-18-2009, 10:00 PM
Dog aggression and Human aggression are VERY different. ;) A sound dog will never turn on you. Where do you get your information? Pit bulls were bred to bait bulls originally and then were fought but they were bred to be human friendly when people fight dogs, they would pull them off the dog and they woudln't bite them. They used to be America's top dog. There are many pit bull service dogs and I do not think they have the potential to be aggressive.

http://www.atts.org/stats1.html APBTs look they pass more than a lot of breeds out there. No sound dog no matter what breed turns on you. A lot of the BSL is from the media and the reporters cause it by publishing the stories. You know a lot of people these days can't tell what a true APBT is. APBTs are not the dogs with huge heads and big bodies.

A true APBT is a medium size dog and they are the biggest people pleasers and lovers. I just don't understand why you guys are berating her
(You're not Sarah so don't worry I don't mean you.) THis is why Jadapit left. :(

12-18-2009, 10:33 PM
alright so I put Phoenix camo jacket on and we headed to Lowe's to go get some gift cards for x-mas this Sat with the b/f's mom and step dad. We walk in and the girl behind the counter just ooohed and ahhhed over him and his jacket, I get the gift cards and go to check out and I stand in line, Phoenix is being a good boy as always, he sat right beside me and waited for me to move up in line, I look up and there is a lady about 50 maybe 55 to 60 years of age, looking like she needed to get by, Phoenix was on my right ahnd side so he wasn't even in the way, but she looked at me and says, "Is it ok if I go by or will he bite me?" OMG my blood instantly started to boil, I said, " WHy would you think he was going to bite you?" Her response, " Cause he's a Pit Bull.", I looked at her and smiled nicely, sweetly and told her that is what she gets for assuming things about dogs she doesn't know." Her jaw dropped to the floor and the kid at the register to my left snikcered out loud, after that lady walked away, like 5 people came over to pet him and ask about his jacket.

i was just so angry, how dare she assume that he is mean or is gonna bite her? B*tch, anywayz, wanted to vent, thanks for listening. And here is a pic of Phoenix in his camo jacket, lol.

*please remember that these are my views and only that, stupid to me can mean a lot of things, :D

Coming in very late to this post. I think you missed an opportunity here. Instead of that semi-sarcastic remark, why didn't you take a little time for education? If you had simply taken a couple of minutes to tell her about your dog - his breed, his age, his name, what a wonderful companion he has been - you might have made a convert. You could have invited her to pet him. The possibilities were endless - and wasted.

12-18-2009, 11:21 PM
Dog aggression and Human aggression are VERY different. ;) A sound dog will never turn on you. Where do you get your information? Pit bulls were bred to bait bulls originally and then were fought but they were bred to be human friendly when people fight dogs, they would pull them off the dog and they woudln't bite them. They used to be America's top dog. There are many pit bull service dogs and I do not think they have the potential to be aggressive.

http://www.atts.org/stats1.html APBTs look they pass more than a lot of breeds out there. No sound dog no matter what breed turns on you. A lot of the BSL is from the media and the reporters cause it by publishing the stories. You know a lot of people these days can't tell what a true APBT is. APBTs are not the dogs with huge heads and big bodies.

A true APBT is a medium size dog and they are the biggest people pleasers and lovers. I just don't understand why you guys are berating her
(You're not Sarah so don't worry I don't mean you.) THis is why Jadapit left. :(

Good post!!! You summed up everything I used 3 posts for LOL... but in short, dog and animal aggressive yes, human aggressive never. Unless the individual dog is unsound. But I'd rather be around an unsound APBT than a sound rottie, gsd, or lab ANY day.

And yes people perception of the image is wrong too. Nowadays you hearly xxl, pocket pit, most of those dogs being a completely different breed, the newly emerged American Bully which belongs to the ABKC.

What people don't know they fear. Im glad you guys let me join so I could share my two cents :D

Coming in very late to this post. I think you missed an opportunity here. Instead of that semi-sarcastic remark, why didn't you take a little time for education? If you had simply taken a couple of minutes to tell her about your dog - his breed, his age, his name, what a wonderful companion he has been - you might have made a convert. You could have invited her to pet him. The possibilities were endless - and wasted.

I agree with this entirely... However I know Tye and if you knew her like I do you would understand that it's like taking your kids to soccer practice, taking them to debate club, stimulating their physical side and their intellectual side and then someone saying "soccer is for punks!"

I'm not going to lie. I read a lot of the posts and I was a bit angry. Not many worded what you said like you. But then again most people speak before thinking, and that's more so when you are truly passionate about the things you love. Its a work in progress, I believe. We learn every day, even when we fail to educate.

I posted also because the stigma around this dog is absurd.

12-18-2009, 11:24 PM
If anyone wishes to learn a bit about the American Pitbull Terrier and other bully breeds, feel free to visit www.gopitbull.com. We welcome enthusiasts and anyone looking to learn. And we welcome anyone because even if you never own one of these dogs, but you can truly understand it, even spreading the good word to one person fights the fight that responsible APBT owners everywhere struggle with.

12-18-2009, 11:28 PM
SD and Krista, thank you for saying what i have not been able too, as i have been to busy defending my dog and how he looks to people, but I have said that i apologize for upsetting anyone and I wish more people would educate themselves rather than judge :D

12-18-2009, 11:35 PM
I don't want to get involved in the uproar. Just want to say your guy is adorable and I totally have a soft spot for pitties.

chocolatepuppy...lmao...I am getting my walker out:D

12-18-2009, 11:49 PM
I don't want to get involved in the uproar. Just want to say your guy is adorable and I totally have a soft spot for pitties.

chocolatepuppy...lmao...I am getting my walker out:D

I wasn't trying to cause an uproar, I promise, and thank you, he is my main man and a good boy and he totally love shis hoodie, he know sit keep shim warm. :D

12-18-2009, 11:58 PM
I wasn't trying to cause an uproar, I promise, and thank you, he is my main man and a good boy and he totally love shis hoodie, he know sit keep shim warm. :D

I didn't think you were ;)

12-19-2009, 12:01 AM
I don't think caseysmom is making anything against you. She just said this thread is an uproar and some people go on and on. I can't speak for anyone but myself.. but I am very disappointed in the people who are judging you and dragging this on and on when they need to let it go. :( Enough already. I think you all made your point there is no need to go on about it how she doesn't have him neutered. So what? She isn't adding to the pet overpopulation problem - she shows him and is very responsible! I have no problem with people leaving their dogs intact to show if they are not showing or breeding responsibly (responsible breeders these days are hard to find) , I have a problem with it.

What I have a problem with is people being so judgemental.. She came here to vent and rightfully so. So can't you just give her a break and let this go? If you can't say something nice don't say nothing at all. ;) BTW I am not trying to start something, this just needs to stop. She can vent if she wants. You may not agree with a vent, but I think coming to a board to vent is great. She never called the lady stupid to her face, so why does it matter so much?

12-19-2009, 12:01 AM
stupid lady i would of ask to come over and smooch him

he is adoreable looks very handsome in his camo

12-19-2009, 12:19 AM
Isn't Phoenix a workin' dog tye? He's adba right? Chino is not fixed for health reasons until closer to 2 years, and since Loca is adba and going to do weight pull and conformation, she cannot be altered. However I could point out faults in Chino that most bybs would overlook, and would never breed in the first place. Overpopulation makes me sick. With any animal, cat dog or antyhing else

12-19-2009, 04:16 AM
I think things have got out of hand a bit yes, however i have been here a very long time, and know most of the posters,who have posted here and i respect them all,as a newbie it probably is a bit hard to take, but people are only voicing their views as they have a right to do here,see it for what you want, but try reading between the lines and see that most of them are just offering advice,and again i can only say this once more, personally i think it is up to YOU to educate people on your dog and breed,especially if you feel your breed is been given a hard time.

I can understand that you might feel you are being picked on, and that PT is not the place you thought it was going to be, but you are wrong there,by all means defend yourself ,your dog, but don't take it too much to heart, people mean well, and those who don't well you are best to ignore those.

I can tell you are a well rounded,sensible person,and really i am only trying to offer some support and understanding here,i hope you can see that, and not take my post offensively as it is certainly not mean't that way, your friend will know me here i am sure and know that i am not a stirrer.

Most of us here are passionate about our pets and what we believe in,and it gets voiced on the threads, sometimes not quite to our liking,we have all been there at times, it does not make PT a bad place, and it is getting a bad rap here in this thread.

I wish to say WELCOME to PT and I hope you will continue to post about your lovely dog, educate us,make us laugh,make us smile,hopefully not make us cry though,and share in the fun here, learn from others,get advice, give advice,give your opinions,and just enjoy what this special magical place has to offer.

Queen of Poop
12-19-2009, 06:03 AM
I've been watching the goings on here and I'm not getting into that at all. I don't need the extra stress these days.

Please allow me to say that I think your dog is beautiful and looks very cool in his camo jacket. I am missing my Sasha terribly and had I been in the store and seen you I would have asked if I could pet him. Given my situation, when my divorice is done and I can once again have a house and a dog I am contemplating a pit. I love them and know I could provide a good home. I thank you all for the information on both sides of the fence.

Please give him a big hug and kiss from me.

12-19-2009, 06:40 AM
Funny - but my original reason for posting was to express my distaste of the OP referring to the lady in the store as stupid and a bitch - even tho it was not said to her face.

I don't believe that I posted anywhere to the affect that the dog shouldn't have been in the store because of his breed - I simply said that no dog would be allowed in stores in this area unless it was a service dog.

When someone starts out with a bad attitude (I hate stupid people - bad attitude!!!!), you can only expect it to get worse when others express opposition to the OP's increasing hostility. Selective reading really can lead to harsh words and will only continue to escalate and blow the whole issue out of proportion.

Perhaps if the OP had taken the time as SD did - to educate and enlighten - the feeling of ill will would never have gotten to be the main focal point of the thread. Instead, she chose to take everything as a personal assault on herself and on the Pit breed.

No one in opposition of the OP, ever bashed her or her dog, but only expressed their opinion/concern on the issue. My concern was not a Pit being in a store, but with being there for no good reason, other than the fact that the owner wanted him there. I would have felt the same if someone walked in with Lassie or Rin Tin Tin, or a cute little ball of fluff. Stores, other than the pet related stores, are no place for dogs. That fact, in no way, is bashing the poster or the breed.

12-19-2009, 08:04 AM
Below is the response to luvofallhorses -

I didn't take Casey's Mom as being ugly against me or anything else, I am just saying what I feel. And I guess i will just watch where I vent is all, like I said it seems that people here do not take kindly to venting or ranting of any sort unless it is about something they want to hear. It's alright like i said after this round of answering I will be done with this post in particular as I feel that it has run it's course and noone is gonna like what I have to say from now on. It's alright girl, let them say what they want. ;)

stupid lady i would of ask to come over and smooch him

he is adoreable looks very handsome in his camo

Thanks HM, he would have let you too :D

Isn't Phoenix a workin' dog tye? He's adba right? Chino is not fixed for health reasons until closer to 2 years, and since Loca is adba and going to do weight pull and conformation, she cannot be altered. However I could point out faults in Chino that most bybs would overlook, and would never breed in the first place. Overpopulation makes me sick. With any animal, cat dog or antyhing else

Yes Phoenix is a wroking dog and is not ADBA registered, but registered yes, he cannot be fixed to be in confirmation at all, now to do weight pull yes he could be neutered but I do not breed him and he is a working dog. Why would I want to add to thte thousands of already unwanted dogs and cats in the shelters, I fight BSL for a reason and Phoebe and Phoenix are intact for show and working purposes :D

I think things have got out of hand a bit yes, however i have been here a very long time, and know most of the posters,who have posted here and i respect them all,as a newbie it probably is a bit hard to take, but people are only voicing their views as they have a right to do here,see it for what you want, but try reading between the lines and see that most of them are just offering advice,and again i can only say this once more, personally i think it is up to YOU to educate people on your dog and breed,especially if you feel your breed is been given a hard time.
I am not a newbie to the forum world, I have my own forum, and yes people are allowed to voice their opinions but I am not, I got smashed for venting, even if I did say the lady was stupid, I NEVER said it to her face nor would I, I do have manners and was raised properly, I'm not a heathen. Advice, you call them all telling me that my dog's collar is to big and how can I put a camo jacket on him, and tewo colars is like I don't have control advice, I'm sorry I don't see it that way, and I didn't really post it for advice, lol. And you know you are RIGHT I should try to educate and I do, everyday, all day, Kids, elderly, ppl my age, older younger, I talk to them all, this lady was already prejudging my dog and myself, her remark said it all.

I can understand that you might feel you are being picked on, and that PT is not the place you thought it was going to be, but you are wrong there,by all means defend yourself ,your dog, but don't take it too much to heart, people mean well, and those who don't well you are best to ignore those.
I am not going to ignore when people call me irresponsible. Sorry I will defend myself to that, I work VERY hard at being a VERY responsible owner. SO yes when people attack my character then I get a bit defensive. lol.

I can tell you are a well rounded,sensible person,and really i am only trying to offer some support and understanding here,i hope you can see that, and not take my post offensively as it is certainly not mean't that way, your friend will know me here i am sure and know that i am not a stirrer.
I do not take it as stirring and I am just answering how I feel is all, and I thank you for your support. :D

Most of us here are passionate about our pets and what we believe in,and it gets voiced on the threads, sometimes not quite to our liking,we have all been there at times, it does not make PT a bad place, and it is getting a bad rap here in this thread.
And because I have pets and working dogs and love both just as much as you all do I am not considered passionate about my animals because he is unneutered or wears a big collar? I just wanted to share a vent and my happy family of fur,scales, fins here and it was ok til I vented, like I said I will remember to not vent here again ;)

I wish to say WELCOME to PT and I hope you will continue to post about your lovely dog, educate us,make us laugh,make us smile,hopefully not make us cry though,and share in the fun here, learn from others,get advice, give advice,give your opinions,and just enjoy what this special magical place has to offer.

Thanks but as I said, I am nt sure that PT is right for me, I can only educate those who want to be educated and I for sure won't give advice nor opinions but thanks for the welcome I appreciate that :D

I've been watching the goings on here and I'm not getting into that at all. I don't need the extra stress these days.

Please allow me to say that I think your dog is beautiful and looks very cool in his camo jacket. I am missing my Sasha terribly and had I been in the store and seen you I would have asked if I could pet him. Given my situation, when my divorice is done and I can once again have a house and a dog I am contemplating a pit. I love them and know I could provide a good home. I thank you all for the information on both sides of the fence.

Please give him a big hug and kiss from me.

lol, I didn't need the stress either but I got it, I am sorry you are stressed out and I love your screen name :D Phoenix says thank you, I think he's pretty sexy, lol. And hwen that time comes if you have any questions please do not hesitate to ask me any questions, I will answer them to the best of my ability and as long as you are strong willed and bodied and pretty outgoing and athletic then yes the APBT breed is a good breed, it will do anything you ask of it, whole heartedly, just to please you to get belly love :D Phoenix says thanks for the hug and kiss :D

12-19-2009, 08:05 AM
Funny - but my original reason for posting was to express my distaste of the OP referring to the lady in the store as stupid and a bitch - even tho it was not said to her face.
You know you wouldn't likeme at all then cause I am forever calling people names, oh wait even myself, that's right I cal myself names, I vent a lot and outloud, I have never been so directly rude to someone unless they were rude to me first, ever.

I don't believe that I posted anywhere to the affect that the dog shouldn't have been in the store because of his breed - I simply said that no dog would be allowed in stores in this area unless it was a service dog.

When someone starts out with a bad attitude (I hate stupid people - bad attitude!!!!), you can only expect it to get worse when others express opposition to the OP's increasing hostility. Selective reading really can lead to harsh words and will only continue to escalate and blow the whole issue out of proportion.
That was nt a bad attitude sweetie, that is the way you took it, again i will repeat myself, I won't vent again and I am sorry that I started this thread int he first place, I never meant to piss off or upset anyone by my choice of words. And increasing hostility, I don't think you are correct but ok and I answered everyone's post including yours and I never not once skirted around or selectively answered anything.

Perhaps if the OP had taken the time as SD did - to educate and enlighten - the feeling of ill will would never have gotten to be the main focal point of the thread. Instead, she chose to take everything as a personal assault on herself and on the Pit breed.
Oh my you are too much, I posted to vent and I never took the time because you all had already judged me, and SD came here to defend me and say in words what I obviously was nt able to say for the fact I was defending myself to you people. I only take attacks personal when they are and that is what this turned into.

No one in opposition of the OP, ever bashed her or her dog, but only expressed their opinion/concern on the issue. My concern was not a Pit being in a store, but with being there for no good reason, other than the fact that the owner wanted him there. I would have felt the same if someone walked in with Lassie or Rin Tin Tin, or a cute little ball of fluff. Stores, other than the pet related stores, are no place for dogs. That fact, in no way, is bashing the poster or the breed.

Yes they bashed my dog, his collar and his jacket and his breed, and like I said I took him in because I could there is NOTHING wrong with him being in there, there is no sign no law that says he can't, ok ok I'm done, tired of wasting my breath :D

12-19-2009, 08:25 AM
I should have known better than to try to talk reasonably to you and have you actually comprehend what I was saying. Again, you have turned the words to suit yourself. Enjoy that self made pity party. :mad:

If I may quote you --- "I'm done, tired of wasting my breath".

Hits ignore.................

12-19-2009, 06:20 PM
I do agree that it is very stereotypical and discrimitory to be afraid of a certain breed of dog due to the idiocy of those who own them creating a bad name for said breed. However, you could have tried educating the owner that, even though some dogs of that breed are dogs that will attack others without provocation. The same way that some people think that every person in the world is bad just because a few or most are.


Off topic:

To those who's emotions are getting flared over an event that someone posted on the internet, take a step back and calm down. For one thing, it's the internet, not real life; for another, arguing and flaming do nothing to help anything.

And the emotions start flying - this is why PT is less active than it was before.

12-19-2009, 07:06 PM
To those who's emotions are getting flared over an event that someone posted on the internet, take a step back and calm down. For one thing, it's the internet, not real life; for another, arguing and flaming do nothing to help anything.

And the emotions start flying - this is why PT is less active than it was before.

That reminds me of a cartoon.:D


12-19-2009, 07:26 PM
That reminds me of a cartoon.:D


Heh, XKCD.

12-19-2009, 07:37 PM
Heh, XKCD.

ROFL. I had to google XKCD to find out what sort of acronym that stood for. Then I found out that's a page full of comics like this one. I got this one from a friend on another message board. Never did know what it was called or where it came from.

Daisy and Delilah
12-19-2009, 07:51 PM
I think Phoenix is a very handsome man. Welcome to Pet Talk to both new members I see have posted here. It's good to have new people in our neighborhood.

I can understand the hurt you felt when someone criticized your handsome boy. However, some people are scared of dogs, no matter what. Above all, the media has helped to poison the public's opinions about Pitties more than anything. After all, we never get to hear the dogs side of the story. I firmly believe any breed could be aggressive and bite somebody without proper training.

Seriously, I am in the older age group too, and, back in the day, people were many times uncertain about any dogs and biting seemed to be more common then. This was before so much training was available. Depending on where the person lived could have been an influence on their perception as well. That may sound weird, but, believe me, things were alot different 30 years ago with domesticated animals.

I know you were proud that so many people commented and praised your beautiful boy. Please try not to let one person bother you, not knowing much about this lady. She might have underlying issues, fears, etc.

I'm glad Krista invited you to join. She is a wonderful person and a great friend of all dogs, Pitties especially.:)

12-20-2009, 07:31 PM
Just wanted to say i have no problem with your responses to my threads, you have alway's answered honestly and with respect IMO, and I thank you for that, you have every right to feel as you do,I just hope you can move on from here and stay with us, it really is a great place, but it is up to you of course, but lurk a while and read other posts and enter in the fun of it all, try putting this one to rest if you can,and i think that cartoon sums it rather well, still we are all human, and we defend ourselves when needed, I understand where you are coming from,anyhow take care and pets to your precious boy,

P.S can i suggest you visit the thread what PT means to me, it really is nice thread and very touching and you will see that PT is a very special place with very special people,don't let one bad run spoil what could be a wonderful future here at PT.

12-20-2009, 07:50 PM
Aww thanks, Daisy and Delilah. :o Yes I love the dogs especially pitties, I am glad to be their friends and help out the homeless dogs and cats. :love:

12-20-2009, 09:02 PM
Okay, I am going to say this...

I do not see anyone on here saying that pit bulls are mean vicious animals. We are not uneducated people on here... so do not think we are bashing his breed. We are not STUPID... as some of you may call us.

As for apbtmom and her two friends... you three banding together will not make what everyone else is saying sound like we are talking bad about the breed. I think we know a bit more than you give us credit for. I think part of your problem is automatically assuming the world is out to get you BECAUSE you own a pitbull. It's like you are trying to make a big deal BECAUSE your dog is a pit bull... I thought you wanted breed equality? I think we need to stop blowing this up when it just started on people telling you not to call a lady stupid because you don't know her predicament. We all just need to stop and see that people are not complaining about your breed of choice... it's about the WORDS you use against people... You don't know her... and you don't know why she thinks the way she does... so I don't think you have the right to call her stupid. But I DO believe you never called her a bi**h...

I thought you would be nice and take some constructive criticism.

As for staffydaddy, you are stereotyping against small breeds. Thank you for the posts, but we ARE dog educated here. That is why people join this forum.

I hate to sound like a bi**h... I'm definitely never like this... but I think these things are what is being said and you're turing them to make it sound like we don't know pitbulls... but we do.

12-20-2009, 09:08 PM
Well... Some of you were pretty harsh. :rolleyes: She didn't say it to her face. She was just venting. I'm done with this thread.

12-20-2009, 09:13 PM
I'm sorry. I did edit my post because I came off way too mean. I was being hassled by my husband and was a little on edge so it came off way meaner than it was supposed to. If anyone read it before I edited. My apologies.

And she does feel the need to defend her position. Well I feel the need to defend my position because I don't appreciate being told I am uneducated about dogs when they literally are my life, as I am going to school for them. And I don't appreciate people calling my friends on here uneducated, as I have met quite a few of them and they are all very knowledgable people.

12-20-2009, 09:38 PM
Wow, I thought this thread had turned nice and would drift off , someone's having a bad night.

12-21-2009, 08:19 AM
ok wow I thought that this would be left alone, I am trying to move on and I never said that lady was stupid or a b*tch to her face, again I do have manners and would never disrespect my elders that way, I appreciate the welcomes from those of you who said something, see and others are allowed to come ehre on a bad day and say their peace but I do it and get smashed, wow, just wow. And the three of us banded because we KNOW the APBT breed, I am NOT saying that none of you do either but we all have our breed of choice and I do get defensive when people start talking bad about the breed, again I know the media has played a HUGE role in this, it just seems that you all are not willing to give my breed of choice a chance, I have posted a different thread of pics of my dogs and .... you know I'm kinda with Krista I'm done with this thread for GOOD!!!!!

I will stay because Krista is my friend and I know that not everyone on here is so judgemental and critical, :D Thank you and have a good day!

12-21-2009, 08:33 AM
Now I haven't read this entire thread.......I try to stay out of arguing like this, its silly. :rolleyes: But I would just like to say that I get people asking if my dogs bite all the time. Take a look at the dogs in my signature. Do they look like pit bulls? Just because someone asks if your dog bites doesn't mean they hate your breed of dog, a lot of people are nervous of dogs in general, and you can't expect them to automatically love your dog, especially when they are encountering it in a public store that isn't a pet store. I get rude comments ALL the time about my dogs about how mean they look, etc.

I love dogs, I'm a groomer and I work with dogs for a living, I have friends that have pit bulls, I've groomed many pit bulls...I'm not someone who knows nothing of the breed. If I saw your dog, who is intact, and I had my dogs with me I would go as far away from you as possible. I'm sorry but they are more likely than your average breed (that isn't saying they are the only breed that is more likely to be this way either) to be dog aggressive I've witnessed two pit bull attacks on other dogs where they went right for the throat. My dogs can be a little dog aggressive themselves meeting dogs onleash. Now if I didn't have dogs with me of course I would go right up to him and love on him, I've never met a human aggressive pit bull.

12-21-2009, 10:40 AM
I want to add something to this... Im really disappointed that people keep bashing Tye for stating what she did in the original post. We are ALL human, and most of us are VERY passionate about the animals we own, as they are another extension of our family and ourselves. I made the post I made to inform those who maybe wanted a little insight on American Pitbull Terriers, not to ASSUME that no one on this site understands them. Until you know the history behind dogs that you are not commonly associated with, it is hard to truly understand them. Yes, pitbulls are dog aggressive for the most part, but there are MANY, MANY breeds that display the same aggression, if not more severe. But again, it is the stigma, as well as the appearance of the dogs that makes them appear MORE aggressive than others. I see aggression in my friends lab all the time, as well as my cousin's chihuahua.. And I mean dog aggression. My two american pitbull terriers are dog aggressive, but I know that I can contain it. I am responsible and I don't socialize my dogs with strange dogs at dog parks, off lead where I don't have control, and we work on obedience daily. I can't say the same for my cousin's dog, who doesn't respect anything because every bit of its 8 lb body is dominant and stubborn. But people will automatically assume that mine are ready to fight, etc..

Again, I never assumed that anyone didn't know about these dogs, and I didn't call anyone stupid, but seeing as this thread isn't dying, I feel it's because you all are not going to let go of the original post. WE ALL VENT. We are ALL human and most of us at least one time or another have acted irrationally or jumped the gun on something. I put up with people's ignorance all the time, even though the area where I live is very accepting of my dogs, I get people from time to time who ask me those stereotypical questions, about lockjaw, and about what happens when my dogs turn on me, and how many dogs my dogs have murdered, etc. And it gets old. Just like the anklebiter statement I made. I didn't stereotype any small dogs or their owners, I was merely stating an example. It doesn't feel good to be stereotyped or to be bashed for venting your frustration caused my someone else's assumptions and ignorance. The lady might have had a bad experience, but if that was the case, she should have looked the other way and avoided talking to Tye altogether. If you don't want to listen to people, or want any conflict, ignore the questions and statements or dont ask them at all.

I hope all of you as animal lovers can understand that people vent, and Tye is just another owner who feels strongly for what she owns, just like most of you do. This will be my last post on this thread since my post might be percieved as ganging up with Tye, but it is truly trying to seek some compassion, because we're all in this for the animals.

12-21-2009, 10:59 AM
I hate when people do that. I have a Rottweiler (only 10 months old). People always ask "Is he mean" or "Will he bite". I've had a lady ask me that, then walk up to a mutt a few minutes later and just start petting the dog without even asking. I understand people being scared of my dog at first because a lot of people do make them mean. They should just find a better way to ask if he is. "Is he friendly" would be a good way. And chances are if someone has their dog at Lowes or anywhere that there are lots of people, the dog wont bite.

12-22-2009, 02:06 AM
Tye I for one am glad you have chosen to stay, i know you won't regret your decision although i imagine you are having second thoughts all the same, again WELCOME here and you will find in time what a great place it really is, I feel certain of that.:)

12-22-2009, 07:47 AM
Thank you Carole :)

12-22-2009, 10:26 AM
I hate when people do that. I have a Rottweiler (only 10 months old). People always ask "Is he mean" or "Will he bite". I've had a lady ask me that, then walk up to a mutt a few minutes later and just start petting the dog without even asking. I understand people being scared of my dog at first because a lot of people do make them mean. They should just find a better way to ask if he is. "Is he friendly" would be a good way. And chances are if someone has their dog at Lowes or anywhere that there are lots of people, the dog wont bite.

That's exactly what im talkin about! Rotties get it too! Anything that has ever carried a stigma gets shunned, even thouroughbred dogs with temperament tests and extensive training, while people will gang around a mutt whose background is unknown, giving it characteristics of god knows how many breeds..

Yes the way people ask their questions affects our answers, or at least our initial thoughts I think. Like "Is he friendly" or "can i pet him" as opposed to "does he bite?" or "is he mean?" I bring my younger pup to my store with me because she's crated when she's not on lead and some lady asked me to pet her, then asked what kind of dog she was, then when I told her, she backs up about three feet (loca was 8 weeks at this point) and she asked me "what are you gonna do when she rips your arm off? it's just a matter of time, son"

Working as a retail manager I couldn't begin to tell her what I really thought about her stupid question... :rolleyes:

Shugah's Mom
12-22-2009, 10:36 AM
RIGHT ON!!!!!!!! Vent away!!!!!!!!!

12-22-2009, 01:09 PM
I want to add something to this... Im really disappointed that people keep bashing Tye for stating what she did in the original post. We are ALL human, and most of us are VERY passionate about the animals we own, as they are another extension of our family and ourselves. I made the post I made to inform those who maybe wanted a little insight on American Pitbull Terriers, not to ASSUME that no one on this site understands them. Until you know the history behind dogs that you are not commonly associated with, it is hard to truly understand them. Yes, pitbulls are dog aggressive for the most part, but there are MANY, MANY breeds that display the same aggression, if not more severe. But again, it is the stigma, as well as the appearance of the dogs that makes them appear MORE aggressive than others. I see aggression in my friends lab all the time, as well as my cousin's chihuahua.. And I mean dog aggression. My two american pitbull terriers are dog aggressive, but I know that I can contain it. I am responsible and I don't socialize my dogs with strange dogs at dog parks, off lead where I don't have control, and we work on obedience daily. I can't say the same for my cousin's dog, who doesn't respect anything because every bit of its 8 lb body is dominant and stubborn. But people will automatically assume that mine are ready to fight, etc..

Again, I never assumed that anyone didn't know about these dogs, and I didn't call anyone stupid, but seeing as this thread isn't dying, I feel it's because you all are not going to let go of the original post. WE ALL VENT. We are ALL human and most of us at least one time or another have acted irrationally or jumped the gun on something. I put up with people's ignorance all the time, even though the area where I live is very accepting of my dogs, I get people from time to time who ask me those stereotypical questions, about lockjaw, and about what happens when my dogs turn on me, and how many dogs my dogs have murdered, etc. And it gets old. Just like the anklebiter statement I made. I didn't stereotype any small dogs or their owners, I was merely stating an example. It doesn't feel good to be stereotyped or to be bashed for venting your frustration caused my someone else's assumptions and ignorance. The lady might have had a bad experience, but if that was the case, she should have looked the other way and avoided talking to Tye altogether. If you don't want to listen to people, or want any conflict, ignore the questions and statements or dont ask them at all.

I hope all of you as animal lovers can understand that people vent, and Tye is just another owner who feels strongly for what she owns, just like most of you do. This will be my last post on this thread since my post might be percieved as ganging up with Tye, but it is truly trying to seek some compassion, because we're all in this for the animals.

First of all, no one is bashing or has bashed Tye. And no one mentioned her breed of choice in a detrimental way. She keeps saying she's done, she's leaving, she isn't posting anymore but so far she's still here bashing people trying to make us all love her dog. Then she brings you in to help her case. You say the thread isn't dying...of course not, it isn't dying because the two of you won't let it die.
Nobody really cares if she wants to own a pit, that's her choice but she shouldn't be coming on here trying to ram her choice of breed down anyone's throat. We really don't care about the breed, get it? Her rudeness is what got people upset.
I was very neutral about her breed, but the more I kept reading her comments and then you coming to her rescue to help defend the breed is making me think maybe there really is something to fear from this breed. Had you let it die as you stated you wouldn't have comvinced me that there might be some truth in the media.
As I stated, I have large breed dogs and some people do fear them, I don't go off my rocker trying to defend my breed and I don't call anyone stupid because they give me a wide berth.
Could we maybe put this to rest before others start wondering why the hype over one particular breed?

12-22-2009, 01:15 PM
First of all, no one is bashing or has bashed Tye. And no one mentioned her breed of choice in a detrimental way. She keeps saying she's done, she's leaving, she isn't posting anymore but so far she's still here bashing people trying to make us all love her dog. Then she brings you in to help her case. You say the thread isn't dying...of course not, it isn't dying because the two of you won't let it die.
Nobody really cares if she wants to own a pit, that's her choice but she shouldn't be coming on here trying to ram her choice of breed down anyone's throat. We really don't care about the breed, get it? Her rudeness is what got people upset.
I was very neutral about her breed, but the more I kept reading her comments and then you coming to her rescue to help defend the breed is making me think maybe there really is something to fear from this breed. Had you let it die as you stated you wouldn't have comvinced me that there might be some truth in the media.
As I stated, I have large breed dogs and some people do fear them, I don't go off my rocker trying to defend my breed and I don't call anyone stupid because they give me a wide berth.
Could we maybe put this to rest before others start wondering why the hype over one particular breed?

Standing applause, girl!!! clap-clap-clap
Now take a bow.....:)

12-22-2009, 01:29 PM
Funny yall keep referring to our dogs as large breed..

And you want the thread to die but keep comin back. I guess since we're new and actually stand up for what we love we get all the regulars to come give us some mind? lol i love this site

12-22-2009, 01:43 PM
Funny yall keep referring to our dogs as large breed..

And you want the thread to die but keep comin back. I guess since we're new and actually stand up for what we love we get all the regulars to come give us some mind? lol i love this site

Asiel said that she has large breed dogs. She didn't say your dogs (Pits), are large breed. That mistake happens tho, with selective reading. :rolleyes:

Glad you like the site. :rolleyes:

12-22-2009, 01:47 PM
Asiel said that she has large breed dogs. She didn't say your dogs (Pits), are large breed. That mistake happens tho, with selective reading. :rolleyes:

Glad you like the site. :rolleyes:

hahaha yeah thanks

12-22-2009, 02:41 PM
hahaha NOW I really am done, I tried to stay and share my warm fuzzy ones with you and I'm crammingmy dogs down your throat, LMAOOOOOOOO, you only wish, anywayz, I'm sorry Krista, I really did try but after this particular statement I will be done here. I say GOOD DAY!