View Full Version : Ellie-Mae and Nikkita had their check ups...

12-13-2009, 03:59 PM
Well this saturday we had to take the girls for their routine examination and vaccine, which was overdue by six weeks, i was feeling bad about that, and also noticed poor Ellie's mouth had flared up quite badly, so i knew we had to get some more intervention for her to help her along, she has chronic gingivitis,it was indeed the right time to get this done.

Her mouth was pretty bad, poor wee thing despite her permanent steroid treatment, it is such a cruel disease ,as there is so little that really can help,so poor wee girl had three injections and a worm tablet,one for her flu,one for two week steroid and antibiotics, it appears we will just have to get these injections every so often to boost her along.

Nikki sailed through,both girls were terrified and Nikki my vocal girl let us know all the way out there, they were both panting with mouths wide open, Ellie is so scared when she is weighed she just stays on the scales and then she starts trembling,good news though her weight has maintained and the vet was very pleased with that, i certainly stand over her and make her eat,as i know it is important she keeps her weight up, she is 4.1 kgs which is just a nice weight for her, she is not a really big cat and still nicely covered.

On the down side the vets are now telling us to vaccinate yearly again, the new vaccine lasted two years, which was a big relief financially for us, but because no-one bothers much to vaccinate, there has been a big rise in the outbreak of cat flu, typical the people who look after their pets properly end up paying the price, so that is another strain on the pocket,was dissappointed to hear that, i knew Ellie needed yearly because of her condition,but was ok with that.

$165 dollars later, eek, i said if to the vet if only it were cheaper to vaccinate everyone would do it, he agreed saying it is a catch 22 situation.

Ellie was not at all well that day, and very sleepy, too many drugs,but is picking up now, still not eating that well, very fussy about her food and not eating that much, but hopefully she will pick up again in a day or two.

12-13-2009, 04:54 PM
We are sorry to hear about Ellie-Maes mouth.:(
Poor Joseph:D has that as well and has been in for cleanings at least once a year for the past 5 years.:love:
But hes thriving despite this , and despite the fact that hes 17 so Ellie-Maes hopefully going to be all right:love:
Nikkita sounds like My First Cat Pouncer :love:who yowled all the way to the Vets and all the way back , and certainly amused the other bus passengers!!!:eek:
We are praying for Dear Ellie-Mae , that shes feeling better soon.:love::love:

12-13-2009, 05:44 PM
Thanks Gary your thoughts and kindness are much appreciated, that gives me hope too hearing about Joseph, I hope Ellie-Mae is as lucky and can continue to thrive,she is doing ok for now,i guess the worst is seeing that they are in pain,sometimes she tries and yawns, and cannot fully do so as it hurts so much,horrible,cats are amazing though, and she is no different to any other of her species.:)

12-13-2009, 06:46 PM
Prayers and good healing wishes for Ellie-Mae and her ouchie mouth.. Glad to hear that Nikkita is doing well.

12-14-2009, 09:00 AM
Prays that Ellie-Mae mouth heals up fine.


12-14-2009, 01:09 PM
The steroids have kicked in and she is HUNGRY as,and her breath is not quite so smelly, i can see the gums are still red, but they will never heal as it is a chronic ongoing condition, but quite an improvement, i think Ellie is just going to need these injections every so often just to give her relief and keep it at bay, as well as her long term Steroids,so unfair this kitty had six years of a bad life,now has had four with me,and now this,poor wee girl, i really feel for her, anyhow am pleased to report a big improvement today, thanks to everyone for your concern and support,it means a lot and i am sure if Ellie could thank you she would lol.

12-14-2009, 01:13 PM
Tell sweet Ellie-Mae that I hope her mouth pain goes completely away real soon! It is awful when your mouth hurts!:(

12-14-2009, 01:45 PM
And at least she'll be okay with what I call the "hungry horrors," tell her steroids do that to me, too!

12-14-2009, 08:45 PM
Will do Karen, luckily Ellie has been able to keep her cute lil figure even on the steroids,lol.she is eating very well today, and her mouth is obviously a lot better until next time.

Pinot's Mom
12-15-2009, 07:33 AM
Poor girl, Ellie Mae - mouth troubles are so painful, I'm sorry. :( Prayers the meds can keep things at bay. Gentle headbumpies for both Ellie and Nikki from Pinot girl and me...:love: Tell them they have to get better for the New Year's trip in the Catmobile!!;)

12-15-2009, 01:06 PM
The boost up injection as i call it, is working wonders, Ellie is eating like there is no tomorrow,unfortunately it is a short term fix, and will last only two weeks at the most,and she cannot keep having them nor can we afford them regularly, but when things get progressively worse, that is the time we will be able to give them to her, i can see it is just something she is going to need periodically.

Anyhow thank you so much everyone for your continued support,kind words and love, Ellie and I appreciate it very much.

12-16-2009, 08:09 AM
Prays coming for Ellie, I hope she continues to eat well.

Prays for you and Ellie.

12-16-2009, 05:05 PM
Thanks Melissa, Ellie is eating like a horse at the moment, even though she is on permanent steroids, i think the injection has made her extra hungry, she has on and off days,but i can hardly keep up with her demands, she is on the verandah in the cat shelter now sleeping peacefully with a very nice full tummy, and i can tell her mouth is a lot better back to normal as normal as it can be with a cat with chronic gingivitis.