View Full Version : How many photos do you have of your cat(s)?

10-10-2002, 02:01 PM
I'm just asking because I finally got myself some photograph albums for my Luna photos today, and it must be hundreds, so there'a a lot of work waiting for me. I think I have alone about 100 baby photos of her (because I always found it so sad that I have only a few baby photos of Katz, and I did not want to make the same mistake with Luna). Now especially since I got the digital cam my friend is making jokes that Luna is the most photographed cat in the world, but I'm sure I'm not the only one here who's taking tons of photos of my cat.

What about you? :)


Former User
10-10-2002, 02:09 PM
More than 1 000 by digital camera, must be close to 2 000 by now... oh well, it's free! With normal camera, I'd say we have about 100 pics, and I'm taking more and more with that now.

10-10-2002, 02:15 PM
The lion's share (he he he) of my photographs are of my cats. I always take them to one hour develping, and start looking at them as soon as they are handed to me. Why? I really don't know, seeing that I LIVE with them and see their little cute faces all the time....I guess I take so many cause I want to show them off at work. I have 50 pictures sitting behind my desk now, waiting to get scanned in and sent to bari_d to post. Watch out Bari!

10-10-2002, 02:15 PM
Yep, I agree, that goes fast with the digi cam! I think it won't take long and I'll be in the thousands myself! LOL So far, I have about 100 with the digi cam and about 300 with the "normal" camera.


10-10-2002, 03:54 PM
Well....of the kitties I have about 200 digital pics...but that's only because I've had the kitties for 2 months. The number grows everyday. In fact I have about 60 on the digital waiting to download.

Now of the ferrets...I have close to 2,000+ and that's only from one year of owning a digital camera.

And yes,...the only reason why I bought a digital camera was to take pictures of my babies!

10-10-2002, 03:59 PM
There really wasn't a number big enough on the poll, but over 1,000 says it all. And I don't have a digital camera. Just drawers full of photos. Now, having a lot of cats helps.

10-10-2002, 04:43 PM
I have 2 photo albums dedicated entirely to my cats.
I only have about 20 pics on my digi cam- that's cause I just got the camera 4 days ago.

Miss Meow
10-10-2002, 05:41 PM
A few hundred from the digital camera, not many from the film camera. Everybody says great cat photos, but when um, are you going to take pictures of other things?!

The Cat Factory
10-10-2002, 06:03 PM
Over 1000...

10-11-2002, 12:08 AM
You know...Pet Talk ALWAYS makes me soooo much better....there are least 3 others that have over 1,000 pictures! :D

Former User
10-11-2002, 03:47 AM
Originally posted by NoahsMommy
You know...Pet Talk ALWAYS makes me soooo much better....there are least 3 others that have over 1,000 pictures! :D

:D :D I agree Kelly, I agree. Besides, pics are great memories!

10-11-2002, 05:41 PM
I know! I don't want to forget what color Bassie was when we got him...or what color he'll be next week. :D

And looking back at those kitten pictures....just melt my heart. :)

10-11-2002, 08:41 PM
I have soooooooo many, I stopped counting! :p :p

10-11-2002, 10:18 PM
vBulletin Message
The action you have attempted could not be performed as your session appears to be invalid. Click the below link to attempt this action again with a new session.
Try this action again!

That is the evil message that comes up when I try to vote. I do not take that many, but I have to put them on Imagestation first, which takes ten million years to load, so I have given up.

10-12-2002, 09:02 PM
got 24 of my cat post some soon.

01-31-2003, 10:15 AM
I have lots of picture of my cats, too many to count. We always taking picture of are cats and I have in the picture album.

Russian Blue
01-31-2003, 10:24 AM
Since I picked up Nakita in October, the digital camera has counted 200! But, I erase most of them since they are usually out of range, or Nakita jumps out of the shot last minute!

I've probably kept 50 - 60 digital pics.


Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-31-2003, 11:40 AM
I just counted what I have saved in the computer. Between the "Tubby" file, the "Peanut" file and the "Tubby and Peanut" file, I've got 296 to be exact. :) I have taken thousands of them, but have deleted the not so good ones, which is one of the wonderful things about digital cameras.

I voted in the 300-500 category because I have more non-digital ones that I haven't scanned in. Not too many, but enough to put me over the 300 category.

And I have to admit that before I came to PT, I probably had about 100 of them. Since PT (not quite a year yet) that amount has tripled, and is growing fast!

Since Tubby & Peanut are older, they sleep a lot and even though they are cute when they sleep, the pictures eventually all look the same. :(

I wish I had taken more when Tubby was little.....:(

And Jen, you say you don't know why you look at the pics as soon as you pick them up even though the kitties are at home. When I'm taking pictures with the digital I can't wait to get the computer out and download them - and the cat is sitting right there! Possibly even in the same position I just took the picture of. :rolleyes: So don't feel bad. There's just something about a picture. :) 'Course a picture still never comes close to the real thing.....would be kinda silly picking up a picture and smooching it when the cat is sitting right there. ;) :)

Edwina's Secretary
01-31-2003, 12:27 PM
How funny! When I looked at the picture you took today of Tubby in Tortellini -- I giggled -- thinking how Edwina rolls her eyes when she hears the "clank" of the lens cover that means I am approaching with the digital. "Before digital" photos were a special occasion - now they are a regular event!

Poor kitties.....:rolleyes: ;) :D

01-31-2003, 01:09 PM
I estimate over 500. Everyone laughs when I have photos developed, "These are all of cats". To be fair, when my kids were small, their photos outnumbers the cat ones.

Tubby & Peanut's Mom
01-31-2003, 01:21 PM
Originally posted by Edwina's Secretary
How funny! When I looked at the picture you took today of Tubby in Tortellini -- I giggled -- thinking how Edwina rolls her eyes when she hears the "clank" of the lens cover that means I am approaching with the digital. Poor kitties.....:rolleyes: ;) :D

I'll let everyone in on a little secret about that tortellini picture. Tubby was fast asleep. I tiptoed - yes actually tiptoed as quietly as I could. I even turned the camera on in the kitchen so I wouldn't wake him up....but I forgot to telephoto it! Yep, the second he heard the motor move the lens, he woke with a start, greeted me with his little mmrrtt in his throat, then sat there and looked at me. I could have screamed!!! I was just on my way out the door on the way to work, but instead I stood like a statue. Didn't move, didn't say a word. He got the hint and it only took about 2 minutes for him to figure out I was losing it once again and it wasn't worth interrupting his nap for, so he put his head back down. The second he closed his eyes I snapped the picture and thankfully it was ok because as soon as the flash went off his head was up like a shot again - and I was off to work. ;) :p :D Gotcha Tubby! :D

01-31-2003, 01:31 PM
I have many pictures of my cats - I sort all my digital photos by date, so that makes it hard to count, but I was trying out some new photo album software recently and I had 300 of just Hanna and I've only had her since August 2002. So I figure I have over 1000 of all three.

01-31-2003, 03:47 PM
Whatever it is, my husband takes a picture of it. For a holiday week he usually takes 10 -15 films. There are nearly no pix of me before I met him but hundreds then. Now we have the cats which makes it much easier for me to pass my life unphotographied....(not fully but it's better then it used to be)

01-31-2003, 05:42 PM
Digital cameras are so great! Since I have had it I have taken hundreds of my dog and after eight weeks of being owned by Ebby I have 110 that I kept and saved on the computer and am taking more each day!:) I do tend to delete a lot though.
