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View Full Version : Happy Gotcha Day to my Autumn

12-06-2009, 01:18 PM
Today is one year I brought Autumn home from a nearby shelter. She was so cute with beautiful green eyes staring at me from a colorful Tortie face. Her colors are the colors of autumn so hence her name. She is a vocal kitty and likes to smack me around at times :confused:.

Unfortunately she is still timid when I walk towards her and yet she will sit on my lap whenever I sit down in the living room. Her favorite thing is having me scratch under her chin, the first thing she does when sitting on my lap is stretch her head back so I can get to her chin easier :)

She is very cute with very small paws and head and as I said she has very beautiful coloring. Again happy gotcha day Autumn.


Pinot's Mom
12-06-2009, 03:28 PM
Happy Gotcha Day, Autumn!!:)