View Full Version : I've HAD it!

12-05-2009, 07:20 PM
These people behind our house, and off to the left a bit have this 4-6 month old male dog, brown/dark tan in color. Looks as if he could be mixed with a border collie. "Ricky" is his name.
Well Ricky barks ALL THE TIME. The people are home right now, actually. I've peeked though the fence. The kids were playing outside a few hours ago, and he still barks even though someone is out there with him. They'll go "Oh Ricky stop braking. Stop" Oh yeah, that'll show him.:rolleyes: You need to stop what you are doing, really mean it when you do tell him to knock it off, and wait and see if he actually DOES STOP, and then reward him when he does not bark.
As most of you have read, my Rita is quite dog aggressive. We have a huge chunk just chewed off our side of the fence that separates out yards. Because this dog sets her off. We have broken branches, because the dog sets her off.
I honestly feel horrible for this dog. Outside ALL DAY, never played with (from what I've noticed), never worked with training wise, and just plain ignored.:(:mad::mad:
I've called animal control, and they sent them a complaint/warning notice. I'm almost positive this is not the first one they've received in the mail. I just got off the phone with them, and asked if someone can go over there and talk to them and see what is going on, and I told them the people are there at the moment. She said I have to fill out the complaint log they sent me at the time they sent my neighbors the warning. I've started the log. The log wants the date/day, start/end time of barking, the duration of the disturbance, etc.
Some people are just NOT meant to be dog owners!:rolleyes::( Or even pet owners for that matter.

Ugh I have a headache.

Tora Oni
12-06-2009, 12:20 AM
wow, that is terrible. Your so right some people shouldn't have pets...or kids depending on the crime. I know that it probably isn't much of a win for the dog but its not going to get any better for the dog if it stays. Our neighbor's dog's bark and so does our dog but they don't bark out of hand normally.

12-06-2009, 06:21 AM
An non stop barking dog can be a nightmare. :rolleyes: I feel sorry for that dog, you're right, some shouldn't own dogs.

12-23-2009, 07:12 PM
So I completed the barking log, and sent it off to the post office this afternoon.... I hope that letter and fine gets there fast- I can't take it anymore.

Just 10 or some minuted ago I went out to the backyard to scoop poo. I look through the cracks in the fence, and I see the poor dog just sitting at the glass back door- just looking in on his family.:( Broke my heart.
It's been a surprisingly cold winter here in California, I imagine he is cold.
Like I stated earlier what REALLY bothers me, is the fact they are HOME INSIDE, and their dog is in the backyard, barking, and they don't do anything about it.

Some people should NOT own animals.

12-23-2009, 08:10 PM
I hate people! :mad: Poor puppy. :( Maybe this dog would have a better chance being adopted out in a shelter to a ranch home to give the dog a job? These dogs shouldn't be sitting in a yard doing nothing. :( Then again no dog should. The dog is probably going crazy because he is not getting excercised properly or even paid attention to. :( Luckily they aren't my neighbors or I would take the dog to my shelter where I work to give the dog a better home.

12-23-2009, 09:25 PM
Yeah I almost cried when I poke through the fence earlier today... :(
He DOES need a job- and the funny thing is, I'm pretty sure he was adopted from a shelter....:mad: I've never seen that dog out for a walk, or heard him being played with in their backyard.

12-23-2009, 09:40 PM
Yeah I almost cried when I poke through the fence earlier today... :(
He DOES need a job- and the funny thing is, I'm pretty sure he was adopted from a shelter....:mad: I've never seen that dog out for a walk, or heard him being played with in their backyard.

Poor guy. Can you maybe talk to them? Sad Christmas is coming up and he will be out in the yard with nobody to play with. This makes me sick to think there are dogs out there that live outside and nobody cares about them. Is he even getting fed and proper shelter and water? If not, I would call AC especially since it's been so cold. :( Puppies normally can't regulate their body temperature at that age even.

He could freeze to death. I would maybe put a blanket for him tonight if you can and maybe some treats if you are sure the people won't come after you. It's a risky move to do that, but if you feel safe doing it for the poor guy then I would. If not just talk to the pup. :) I am sure he appreciates YOU being there to even give him a bit attention than that so called family would.

12-23-2009, 10:40 PM
He doesn't look the least bit underfed, he looks good. It hasen't been THAT cold, but I just checked yahoo weather and it says it it 46 degreed outside.... but that is cold!
About the blanket, I would eathier have to break into their house and go through the back door to get into their backyard, or hop the fence, and the dog might see me as an intruder and kill me, lol! He might even sleep inside, or in the garage at night, but I'm not sure.

I've called AC (on ]halloween) and they sent them a warning letter about the barking, and also sent me the log to jot down the dates and time he barks, and for how long it goes on. The barking was getting to me SO bad 2 weeks before the week of thanksgiving, I was trying so very hard to study for finals, and he was barking yet again. (Thankfully I passed, or I would have strangled those people, LOL) Anyway I called them that week and asked them if they could just come out and talk to these people, I even confirmed that they were home! (Me being a peeping tom, looking through the fence, lol) The woman told me you need to complete the log before we can do anything. Ugh I was so frustrated!!

12-24-2009, 07:01 AM
I hate idiotic stupid irresponsible pet owners. There, I've said it.

12-24-2009, 07:19 AM
Poor dog.:( Bless you for trying to help. Hopefully AC can 'educate' them or talk them into giving the dog up.

Indigo Bully Connection
12-24-2009, 08:59 AM
Oh man, what crappy neighbors. They really should get that dogs barking undercontrol. How long has this been going on? Is it because the dog isn't used to being outside? IMO I would never leave my dogs loose unattended in a yard. A stressed dog will dig and destroy stuff. Do they give him enough toys outside to keep him occupied? I know it's not enough mental stimulation for the dog to be fully content without his owners playing with him...Hopefully that dog has the smarts enough not to try to come into your yard. I personally would run a hot wire along the bottom/middle of your fence. Just to protect your own rear end from their irresponsibility.

12-24-2009, 01:27 PM
Thanks for your replies:)

Thank you, chocolatepuppy... I'm trying to be a good educator on pet ownership. I feel so bad for the poor doggy:(

IBC- I'd say the barking has been going on since early fall?? I'm not exactly sure, but early fall sounds about right, as I don't remember the barking in the summer. (Then again, I was in a hospital bed almost the whole month of June):eek: For toys, when I peek through the fence I see empty plastic water bottles.:(:mad: Gosh if he manages to chew/eat one, that will be an expensive foreign body removal....:eek:

Hopefully I will be able to hear/see them yelling at the dog when the fine comes (because we all know yelling at a dog really helps with training:rolleyes::rolleyes:) and then I'll be in my own yard, ready to jump the fence and yell at THEM!!

Thank you all so much for your support I :love: PT!

Indigo Bully Connection
12-24-2009, 01:33 PM
Thanks for your replies:)

Thank you, chocolatepuppy... I'm trying to be a good educator on pet ownership. I feel so bad for the poor doggy:(

IBC- I'd say the barking has been going on since early fall?? I'm not exactly sure, but early fall sounds about right, as I don't remember the barking in the summer. (Then again, I was in a hospital bed almost the whole month of June):eek: For toys, when I peek through the fence I see empty plastic water bottles.:(:mad: Gosh if he manages to chew/eat one, that will be an expensive foreign body removal....:eek:

Hopefully I will be able to hear/see them yelling at the dog when the fine comes (because we all know yelling at a dog really helps with training:rolleyes::rolleyes:) and then I'll be in my own yard, ready to jump the fence and yell at THEM!!

Thank you all so much for your support I :love: PT!

Expensive? I doubt they'd invest in the animal since they've just shoved him outside and don't bother giving the darn dog some interaction. Some people just don't deserve to own dogs:mad: Maybe a goooood big cow bone thrown over the fence will keep him happy. I'm sure you know this, but I have to say it lmao... just make sure it's raw and not the store bought smoked ones. They still splinter and cause digestive problems. A raw bone lasts sooo much longer too.

01-08-2010, 12:20 PM
So, in a nutshell- my city and animal control are very useless.
I sent in that barking log ONLY to find out they send me a notice via snail mail (that takes longer than a phone call:rolleyes:) stating that "You only gave us 6 incidents, we need 10. We also need one of your neighbors to fill out a separate log". OMG are you KIDDING ME?!:eek: First, can you really not work with 6 incidents? And do I really need to bother my very nice neighbors to do this? This is absolutely ridiculous!
I sent them a nice long complaint on how extremely frustrating, and really ridiculous, and how I spent over two weeks trying to fill that log in and making sure the times were accurate. And then you proceed to tell me 'you cannot work with it'? Give me a break!
I spend a good portion of my time studying here at home, but I also spend A LOT of time studying at school with classmates. The barking really makes it hard to concentrate! So yesterday evening, my mom decides to go over to the house and see what's going on. Apparently they are very nice people, but are not home often, and they leave him in the backyard. I disagree, someone is usually home, but whatever. They told my mom they are looking into a bark collar. Unfortunately, I have found that the citronella bark collars don't exactly work for the big time barkers!

Moral of the story is..... the city/animal control do NOT in any way make it easy to pursue a complaint.:mad:

01-08-2010, 12:58 PM
Goodness! Couldn't they have told you when they first asked you to keep a log that they needed 10 incidents AND a neighbor's log as well???
Well, with this and pomtzu's stray dog issue I'd say AC is pretty useless.
I know I called them on a dog left in a car during the summer. They said they'd send someone out but I never saw anyone. So frustrating!!
Well, I hope your mom talking with them helps. At least they are nice people. Maybe you can work with them. Good luck!

01-08-2010, 01:09 PM
that sounds very familer, there used to be a dog a few houses down from me that barked nonstop day and night, this dog was just tied to the short chain day in and day out, this was also a black and tan BC or BC mix. WE actually had a barking complaint filed against us because of it! everyone just assumed that barking = the house with all the dogs..we were investigated without us aware of it..and cleared because it wasnt our dogs. that dog was left outside without shelter and nobody home during a bad storm over the summer and he got loose and bolted..havent seen or heard it since :(

01-08-2010, 03:14 PM
Thanks you two.
Yes, I have recently discovered that.....
Animal Control = USELESS!:mad: