View Full Version : Post your tree and decorations

12-02-2009, 05:33 PM
I am in SUCH the Christmas mood this year. I want to see everyone's lovely homes and trees.

Here's two shots of mine. We finished decorating tonight.

Tree (well, thats pretty obvious... :D ;))

and a shot of the entire room
I just wish we didn't have to cover the fireplace. We just don't have a large enough livingroom for the sofa and a HUGE tree.

Edit: daylight photos


12-02-2009, 10:26 PM
Wow! Your tree is beautiful! :)

12-02-2009, 10:29 PM
Your living room looks like something out of a magazine - really lovely :)

12-02-2009, 10:35 PM
Your tree is beautiful! :D

12-03-2009, 11:18 AM
Truly lovely.

12-03-2009, 11:57 AM
:( I wish i could share a lovely pic like yours... awesome decor.. but mine is sitting in a box in a closet still.. and maybe IŽll be like that till next near.. :(.. so unless you want a pic of a box IŽll refrain from posting :p.. but still enjoy your lovely decors..:D

12-03-2009, 07:24 PM
Kim ~ Your tree and decorations are beautiful.

We had to give up on bells and garlands. Willy could just not resist them. :D

Here's our tree with Willow snooping behind it.

Close-up on some ornaments.

Willow settled behind the tree.

No ornaments broken (yet). They are only interested in the ones made of fabric. The only casualty so far is a muskox mom and baby.
Note the bell on the mom's neck. I think that's what attracted their attention. RIP :p

12-03-2009, 08:12 PM
Beautiful tree and cat, kuhio! :D

12-03-2009, 08:52 PM
I wish I could share my pics but I dunno how to post them. I have pics. on my blackberry-if anyone knows how to tell me to post them from my blackberry I would love to try and send ya'll some ;)

12-04-2009, 09:54 AM
We have not put our tree up yet. Bruce was supposed to get the tree/decorations down last weekend. :rolleyes: I'm going to see if my brother and my nieces boyfriend (who is 6'4") will help us get them down when they are over tomorrow. Bruce actually talked about not putting it up. Which wouldn't be a big deal, really. But I like it and it gets me in the Holiday spirit.

So until I get my tree up, I'll come check on this thread often. So let's see those Holiday decorations people!! :)

12-04-2009, 01:12 PM
Wow, both of those trees are really pretty! I must admit that the tree we keep upstairs is not much to look at right this moment. The cats have waged war on it and I fear the tree got the short end of the stick.

In the meantime, here are our outside lights. Nothing special. I didn't finish putting the last strand on the roof, so I will be doing that sometime this weekend.

I will post pictures of my other tree when I decorate it a little more tonight.

12-04-2009, 05:28 PM
Wow, both of those trees are really pretty! I must admit that the tree we keep upstairs is not much to look at right this moment. The cats have waged war on it and I fear the tree got the short end of the stick.

In the meantime, here are our outside lights. Nothing special. I didn't finish putting the last strand on the roof, so I will be doing that sometime this weekend.

I will post pictures of my other tree when I decorate it a little more tonight.

I want to see this Star Trek tree..;)..I'm excited for this haha.

12-05-2009, 12:15 PM
Very pretty decorating of homes inside/out.
Our house is decorated outside with "no electrical items". Our city decided to put the screws to us this summer with our electric rates so after getting $200 plus electric bills because of stupid decisions made by our city people. Others I know had way higher bills, I was NOT putting lights outside. Although our bills have gone done to reasonable rates, not taking the chance. So folks can enjoy our decorations during the daytime hours :)

Inside, not going to happen. Coco would destroy everything. It's the stage of life he is in right now. Cat's never bothered anything but he is another story LOL

12-05-2009, 04:03 PM
Here are pix of the tree in our great room, the tree on our sunporch, and a picture of a fabric wreath that I made. We have more trees, I'll have to take a picture of them, too!

12-05-2009, 07:34 PM
Everyone's trees are gorgeous.:) No tree here though. I haven't had a tree since I've had cats. I can't even put up a small one because Storm will try to eat it.

12-06-2009, 07:24 PM
Lovely, everyone!
We bought our tree yesterday, but it is still on the front porch! I am recovering from surgery and am not allowed to lift, bend, twist or anything for another 4 weeks so if it is going to get done, my husband and daughter will have to do it. She'll be home later this week so perhaps we will be festive then.

12-07-2009, 09:25 PM
I put a couple of snowmen on top of the bookcase I use at work. The littlest one (made of clay) says "You can't scare me - I'm a nurse!"