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View Full Version : Remember the NZ gentlecat burglars? Embarrassing evidence #18

12-01-2009, 05:12 AM
Well despite all their promises it seems only Vinnie got on the right way.
Ruby however- who always seemd to be the brains behind the plot: she's getting big in the business.

Watching it all and being very happy with the achievement:


Her mom has to walk the neighborhood and give all that stuff back. A new way to make friends;)

But it looks as if someone rather likes all that stuff- and he does not want his face to be seen:


Does Ruby steal it all for a human?

The mystery continues!

Laura's Babies
12-01-2009, 07:54 AM
TOOOO funny!

Pinot's Mom
12-01-2009, 08:17 AM

...and now there's human intervention; the plot thickens!! Can't wait to find out how this segment turns out! ;)

12-01-2009, 08:45 AM
Ruby would make an excellent professional shopper:D She just needs the right clients;)

12-01-2009, 09:22 AM
LOL! Ruby looks quite content there with her collection, what a clever kitty! :D

12-01-2009, 09:30 AM
Ruby certainly has the Stuffed Animal and Gloxes Market sewn up.
She will have to set up a small roadside stand.
Will trade for TREATS!!!

12-01-2009, 09:31 AM
Oh, no!!! Poor Ruby is a VICTIM!!!
She's being used to steal stuff AND as an "excuse" to "make friends" in the neighborhood!!! :o

When will all these false accusations end?!!

12-01-2009, 09:41 AM
Wow, what a great selection of items. Looks similar to the piles at elementary schools' Lost and Found areas.

I would love to have a video of the cat, dragging the teddy/hat/puppet through the yard and into the house!

Who can forget that cat flap with the huge stuffed animal stuck in it!

More photos!

12-01-2009, 10:25 AM
At lest the spoils are not moving.

12-01-2009, 10:36 AM
;) Too Funny & Cute.. Yup that would be a good way to meet new friends..

Edwina's Secretary
12-01-2009, 12:22 PM
Gosh! You guys just don't get it! In the northern hemisphere we are heading into winter - while in the southern hemisphere (places like New Zealand!) it is changing to summer.

So you see...Ruby is simply being thoughtful - gathering up all the knit hats and things that will not be needed there and sending them (or possibly selling them??), I am sure, to friends in the northern hemisphere who do need them!

So thoughtful our Ruby! :D:p:D And so misunderstood! :p;)

12-01-2009, 01:05 PM
She's just going around the neighborhood taking donations for charity. What a girl, always thinking of others!:D

12-01-2009, 01:20 PM
Ah those kiwi kitties are at it again, so cute, so funny, thanks for sharing.:)

12-01-2009, 05:47 PM
Ruby, Don't you remember what the judge told you when we were in Cat Court just a few months ago? I really thought you got the message! None of us want to see you sent back to the hoosgow. Please call me on my cell phone right away so we can discuss the terms of your probation.

Your friend,
Groucho the Lawyer
Practice Limited to Kitty Krimes and Aboose

12-02-2009, 09:30 AM
Now we begin to see more clearly: Ruby obviously has been influenced by glamorous Lady Edwina and has decided to start a hat shop.
If she is supposed to extend her stock beyond your warm woollen ski hat, she better gets some fashion advice here.

And it looks as if I was wrong thinking Vinnie had left the business alone- he's in. I am sure he would look cute in the Davy Crockett hat ;)




Edwina's Secretary
12-02-2009, 11:13 AM

Orange is a very hard color for most to wear - except those already decked in orange fur of course.

Really...cute and camp and all...but Davy Crockett is so last year!

Either of you could carry off the blues though...a really good look...

Fashionably yours...


12-02-2009, 08:59 PM
A cat with one hat? Why, that's kid stuff for sure.
If you need a warm hat, come to Ruby's Hat Store!
Come look through my stock, and you'll find in a jiffy
A soft, comfy hat that will make you look spiffy!

12-03-2009, 09:03 AM
Columbine- I love your seussical poem :)

And now it is getting X-rated:
Hats is one thing- but what Ruby brought now should rather cover the other end. :

I am not so sure about her own private taste- it's rather colorful.
What I can be sure of is the taste of her purrents: they obviously chose the colors of the house to go with two adorable kitties:



Killearn Kitties
12-03-2009, 09:57 AM
I am more convinced than ever that these gentlecats are the victims here. The interpretation of pictures is such an important element of today's news. These photographs have clearly been taken out of context - possibly from Ruby and Vinnie's website - and been allowed to convey the impression that Ruby and Vinnie engage in criminal activity.

I think Edwina's Secretary guessed correctly that these items are intended for markets in the northern hemisphere, where they will be bought by grateful kitties for their loving owners for Christmas. Ruby and Vinnie are working round the clock to satisfy the demand and occasionally have to take a quick nap to recharge their batteries.

I think these babies are the victims both of a jealous rival vendor and of very sloppy journalistic practice. :(