View Full Version : Four-legged Bandit swipes Turkey!

11-26-2009, 07:38 PM
This dog probably had one heck of a Thanksgiving. Too bad the family lost out I assume they bought another turkey. :p

Four-Legged Bandit Swipes Turkey
Dog Gone! Where's My Bird?
Rob Kauder | Internet Content Manager, KXLY.com

POSTED: Thursday, November 26, 2009
UPDATED: 2:27 pm EST November 26, 2009

POST FALLS, Idaho -- There's at least one Post Falls, Idaho, family who might have a difficult time celebrating Thanksgiving after a thief was spotted stealing someone's turkey early Thursday morning.

Eyewitness Eric Ator was coming out of Peak Fitness, when he spotted the thief carrying what appears to be an uncooked turkey still in its wrapping heading running down the street. The thief ignored Ator and fled the scene.

From photos that Ator took of the individual as he fled down the street it appears the bandit was a yellow Labrador Retriever with a dark brown collar.

It's not known who the Lab's humans are or whether or not he is related to the family that is now out one Thanksgiving turkey. It's also not known whether or not the dog made off with any other loot like mashed potatoes, pumpkin pie or cranberry sauce.

There are, however, two things for certain in this case.

First, if he is a yellow Labrador Retriever then he did do a pretty good job at retrieving.

Second, when he gets home tonight he's probably going to be getting a scolding for being a very bad dog. ;)


11-26-2009, 07:49 PM
Ha ha! Nabbed himself a bird huh?:D

11-26-2009, 08:08 PM
That's hysterical. But then, it didn't happen to me! :eek:

11-27-2009, 08:49 AM
I worked with a lady some years ago, that had a Whippet that did the same thing, only this dog waited until the turkey was cooked. She stole it off the counter and took it behind the t.v., and would let no one near her or the turkey. Needless to say, dog had a better feast than the people! :eek: