View Full Version : Issue with Dog Bed---Help!!!

11-25-2009, 07:44 AM
Okay, so here's the deal....I am 11 weeks pregnant, and my nose is so sensitive to smells right now. :mad::rolleyes: And the problem is that Malone has this huge cushy dog bed....we paid about $60 for it, and there is no way we are getting rid of it. But it smells SO bad, and makes me feel green just walking near it. It is way too huge to fit in our washer, (its approximately 30x45x8) and I am looking for ideas on how to make freshen it up. I vaccuum it every other day, but it just smells like nasty dog. :eek:

Do you think something like that would be able to go in a commercial washer at a laundromat? Would it ever get dry in the middle???

Anybody got any ideas?? Please?????

11-25-2009, 08:32 AM
A commercial washer and dryer should handle it. I've done king size comforters in them, and they work fine.

If you don't want to take a chance with that, try Febreze Pet Odor Eliminator. Spray it real good and then put it outside on a sunny day and leave it in the sun all day. This works good too. You might want to try this as a first option if you think the washer might tear it up.

11-25-2009, 08:58 AM
Laundrymats should work... my mother always washed king size comforters in there.

Queen of Poop
11-25-2009, 09:00 AM
I was going to suggest a spray with some febreeze, in a scent that doesn't bother you.

11-25-2009, 10:17 AM
I was going to suggest a spray with some febreeze, in a scent that doesn't bother you.

Please be cautious with Febreeze. It is lethal to birds and that makes me wonder if there are problems with other creatures, including humans! Since you are pregnant, you may be ultra sensitive to this product.

Cinder & Smoke
11-25-2009, 10:45 AM
Do you think something like that would be able to go in a commercial washer at a laundromat?
Would it ever get dry in the middle???

Examine the bed very carefully - you're looking for the "hidden" Zipper that
can usually be found in a side or end seam - where the manufacturer
did the final assemblly of the "filling" inside the outer shell.
UN-Zip it and see what you've got for the filling - foam rubber, cotton batting,
wood shavings, fiber-fill ... lotta stufff gets "stuffed" into bedding.

Knowing what you've got, now decide if it's easier to "wash" the filling,
or go to a pet shop and buy a replacement bag of filler.

Whatever is inside, take it OUT (or un-cover it) and wash (or replace) the
inside filling seperately from the outside cover.

Washed and dried seperately, you should get clean AND dry results without much fuss.

CAUTION: Laundromat style dryers get SUPER - HOT --- REDUCE the
temperature setting if you're drying foam rubber type filler.


11-25-2009, 04:56 PM
If you don't want to take a chance with that, try Febreze Pet Odor Eliminator.

I agree, the spray works.:) Might also try using those "bath wipes"
you get at any pet food store. They have different fresh scents to
help Malone smell better & it's good for their coats too.:)

11-25-2009, 05:01 PM
Ayup - a laundromat would be the way to go. If you go during the day, there is usually an attendant there who will help you know which washer and which dryer would be best to use.

Lori Jordan
11-25-2009, 07:02 PM
I would take it to the Laundry Mat .I find if you spray something that already smells,the odour just gets worse,I wash Molly's bed all the time,Thankfully there is a laundry Mat just down the street,its a fair size bed,But Molly is a Newfoundland and the bed is a bit big for her.

Now when it is washed you can febreeze it,Which i do..Molly for being a inside dog really smells,So i usually have the bed washed and dryed for her the same day as she goes to the groomers,And within a few month the odor is back.

Good Luck,I wish there was something easier for me,It can be a pain in the butt at times,But what can i say,The things we do for out pets lol.

Lori Jordan
11-25-2009, 07:04 PM
CAUTION: Laundromat style dryers get SUPER - HOT --- REDUCE the
temperature setting if you're drying foam rubber type filler.

I agree.. I made that mistake and it melted my Zipper,But the cover is simple it can hang dry,They dont take long,But the filler can be tricky depending what it is made of.

Im sure soon enough they will have the products out to make it easier.

11-25-2009, 07:38 PM
I was recently given a couch that had belonged to a dog person. I vacuumed it up and it looked great, I brought it inside and by morning my whole house smelled like dog. That's a bit weird when you're used to cat smells.

I sprayed it with Natures Miracle and ran the rinse-n-vac over it with Tide for a soap, then followed it up with a rinse in clean water. Put a fan on it for a day and now you'd never know it was ever in a house that had 2 dogs.

I don't see why that wouldn't work for your doggie bed. Good luck.

11-25-2009, 07:54 PM
You could also wash it in the tub but what a pain when your pregnant.