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Tubby & Peanut's Mom
10-09-2002, 05:41 PM
Hi eberbudy, this is Tubby. Our meowmie wanted us to check in for her. Shez ben reel buzy at werk wit her new puter, gettn eberting tranferd frum de old wun te the nu wun, an' lernin' how it all werks, so she sed we shud check in and let youz no how wez doin'.

Gramma com to vizit and brung us sum fresh otta the garden catnip! Oh boy!

Heerz my sister, Peanut, rollin in it. She was actin real goofy wif it. :)

Heerz me. It's much more dignefied to step on it afore eatin it 'stead of rolln in it like Peanut.

Den we bof had enuf, but Peanut kept rubbin her hedbone on bity scrap dat was left. Me wuz just zoned out. Yeah, dat catnips some sure good stuff.

Udder den dat, tings ben perty sshhh round here wit meowmie at werk alla time an daddy on the home puter....when hez home dat is. :rolleyes: Peanut's ben lickin' herself alot agin, so shez gettn the pillz stuft in her froat agin, jus like me eber morning. We ben spittn em out tho. Don't likez dem durn pillz - yechy! I ben gettin goofy ebery night and runnin round the house like Iz waz a itty bitty kitty agin. Wuz runnin so fast the udder night I leaped right ober them two lower steps headn upstairs and landed on the third one up and kep goin' all da way up to the loft faster den Id eber gone afore. Made meowmie smile cause she sez itz gud to see me actn crazy agin. Now iffn we cud jus get Peanut otta her funk den Id hab sumbuddy to play wif, and meowmie wud be reel happy.

I guess Iz gotta git. My pawz izn't uzed ta all dis ritin and deys gitin sore, soze we jus wanted to sayz Hi to eberbudy!

& Peanut supervising

10-09-2002, 05:53 PM
Tubby & Peanut!!

I've missed you sweet kitties! Now, you be good furfaces and take those meds...they are yucky, but they will make you feel better. You'll get to act crazy more often! :D

Thanks for checking in for your mawmee. Tell her we eagerly await her return to PetTalk when she's free.

Take care,
Kelly :)

Miss Meow
10-09-2002, 06:07 PM
Hello Tubby and Peanut, you're very clever to hack into your mommy's account and post the photos :) Thank you for the update!

10-09-2002, 08:38 PM
What clever and attractive furbabies you are, Tubby! and Peanut! Just when I was starting to worry about your mommy, you appear to let us know all is well. :D

Taking your pills may be yucky, but it does keep you healthy and safe, so let's add "good" to your list of attributes, okay?

GOOD babies! Snuggle your mommy as a greeting for me, okay? Thank you!

Edwina's Secretary
10-09-2002, 09:13 PM
Well..mystery solved. I wondered where you were!

10-10-2002, 12:20 AM
It's so nice to see you again Tubby and Peanut. You sure look like two happy and spoiled cats. :) Debbie, I'm glad that you checked in because I was also wondering where you were. :)

Former User
10-10-2002, 04:20 AM
Good to have you back Tubby and Peanut (and Debbie too!)
Thanx for the pictures too :)

10-10-2002, 04:20 AM
What a great party that was , Peanut and Tubby !
I wish I could find some of that stuff for my babies ! maya has a mouse with catnip , and everytime she gets it , she goes crazy !!

Congrats on your great typing , you two ; is better than mine ;)

Maya and Inka send you lots of headbumpies !

10-10-2002, 05:49 AM
Love the pics! Looks like you two had quite a night with that catnip!

10-10-2002, 05:53 AM
Tubby, maybe you should learn to roll with the catnip too because I just want to come and rub Peanut's tummy, it's soooooooo cute.

10-10-2002, 07:26 AM
You are funny guys:D
I looked for some catnip here in Chisinau, I couldn't find. Vasea loved valerian pills. Juni likes them, but not that much.
I wish I could find some catnip for Juni, our petshops are not so diverse, they have the basics only.