View Full Version : Litter box love ; ) *good for CH kitties?*

11-22-2009, 11:53 PM
With our new kittens, we have had to increase the number of litter boxes in the house; to make everybody happy, of course. Two of our older cats' are pushing 20lbs.:eek: so, we decided to look for bigger boxes. I was going to be happy with a "regular" rectangle, but was eccstatic when I found a Rubbermaid litter box:D I didn't even know Rubbermaid made a litter box. We ended up buying more than one, because the cats like them soooo much:cool: My, ulterior motive for posting about our new litter boxes, though, is for the benefit of CH kitty parents(hopefully). It has really high sides, but a scooped low entrance. When I first saw it in the store, my first thought was that it would be great for CH kitties; mine really likes it:) So, here's a picture of one, and please let me know what you think.

PS. We found ours at Petsmart.

11-23-2009, 12:41 AM
Yes,these are great. I have 2 of these for my cats and my oldest cat will be 14 years old soon. The only problem I see with them is if you have cats that like to dig. Some times mine dig so much that a lot of the litter goes flying out the entrance. They will also some times pee with there back ends towards the entrance. This is why I have them on mats with puppy pee pads on top.

11-23-2009, 09:22 AM
I will have to look into getting one of those boxes for My Senior Kittyzens as they are having trouble getting into thier boxes.
That would make a Great Pet Mas Gift!!!

Laura's Babies
11-23-2009, 09:22 AM
Amy can not squat to pee, are the sides high enough to catch it all? I like the looks of that box. Have to go to Pet Smart for food and will look for it for the rest of them. Boo refuses to use a covered box!

11-23-2009, 09:38 AM
That looks like a nice one and I am needing to replace a couple of mine. Thanks!

11-23-2009, 10:04 AM
I actually have one of these boxes too and I don't even remember buying it. We were looking for something out in the garage one day and I found this box in the boat. I asked Bruce about it and he said I must have bought it because he'd never buy a litter box. So I brought it in and have been using it for G, the loaner cat. He still manages to get litter outside the box, but I really like this box. I think I'm going to give my friend the other box I have for him and keep this one.

11-23-2009, 02:09 PM
The person who was fostering Elmer (one of my CH boys) had a box like that for him, and she gave it to me along with him when I adopted him. I've often looked for that kind in pet stores but have never found another.

Since then I also adopted Bob (my other CHer, whose former purrents had cut down the side a bit of a regular covered box for him which they gave me with him), and Sparkler, who doesn't have CH but just cockeyed hind legs that limit her climbing ability to some extent.

I found a box with low sides all around and a slightly cut-down space in the front, which I've also set up for them, from the Humane Society's donations they weren't using.

So as you can imagine, the Rubbermaid box gets a LOT of use, and so does the cut down Humane Society one. Bob's custom one does to some degree but not that much.

Rubbermaid, huh? Well, I will certainly be asking at the nearby Petsmart the next time I can get over there! And other places, too.

THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!! :love::love::love::love::love::love:

Elmer, Bob, Sparkler, Pat (who sweeps up all the litter kicked out through the lowered openings), Poppy, and Sydney

11-23-2009, 03:49 PM
:love: My CH babies like the high sides too.. But there has to be all four sides high.. They all get in & out from the sides.. Also the low front would never do with the digging they like to do..

11-23-2009, 06:24 PM
I did see a few days ago Bob got into the low one with the cut-down sides, but then he kept falling off over one side or another and tipping it. He really needs the high sides all around except for the opening.

I put it up against the corner walls so there are at least two sides to lean against now. But now that I know what to look for, I'm going to get a couple more of those Rubbermaid boxes.

I figure the litter kicked out through the low openings is just something to deal with for these guys. I have litter mats in front of the openings so most of it lands on them, and then I just pour the litter from the mat back into the box.

11-23-2009, 08:03 PM
When I got Schroeder, I needed another litter box. I bought one like this. I L-O-V-E it. Schroeder would get in it, dig around and then have his front half outside the box. The pee or poo was always in the same place. It was funny. I saw another box today at Petsmart that I would have bought in a heartbeat if I had a kitty that used litter boxes any more. It was similar, but the it was longer and the opening wasn't as low. It also had a spot to put the scoop and something else. It was about $25. Aroara doesn't like to use a litter box. She much prefers doing her business outside. In fact, I just dug around the litter boxes earlier tonight thinking that surely she had used one. But nope, nothing was in either one and it has been a week since Schroeder left.

ETA:Here's a link (http://www.petsmart.com/product/index.jsp?productId=2751239)to the second litter box I mentioned.

11-24-2009, 12:38 PM
The sides on our Rubbermaid litter boxes are pretty high. We do have issue with one cat scratching litter out of the front, but he manages to keep the pee in, so far;) For us, the litter box scatter out the front isn't such a big deal,because he doesn't do it very often. Plus, all of the other cats like to exit the boxes any way they wish, so we have litter scatter everywhere:p So, I end up having to sweep/vacuum every time I scoop them out. So goes life with kitties:love::D:love:

On a side note, I find it sooo funny when I see my little CH baby, Phoebe, go potty. She always has such a look oh GREAT relief on her face, it makes me laugh:D