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11-21-2009, 09:17 PM
So what is everyone doing for Thanksgiving? What kinds of foods do you like to eat on Thanksgiving?? My mom is making ham, turkey, baked beans, coleslaw and potato salad. Then my great-aunt is coming and she's bringing some pies and the dressing. Her granddaughters and daughter are also comin and then my brother's new gf is comin...plus our family will be here...so there will be more people here this time than last. So what are you guys doing? :p

11-21-2009, 09:24 PM
Turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, carrots, stuffing, corn, green beans, salad, biscuits, pumpkin pie, lemon pie, chocolate M&M cookies. Oldest son is coming from NJ, 2nd son and family are trying to make it from Mich, daughter will be here and son 3 and his family will be here. My niece is coming from CT as well.

11-21-2009, 09:53 PM
I will make cookies - probably soft pumpkin cookies with cream cheese frosting, toll house, and turkey-shaped shortbread cookies, and I don;t know what else, I have not yet heard from the hostess (Paul's sister) as to what I should bring! We're going to their house in New Hampshire for Thanksgiving, and her kitty Sophi loves the bits of turkey she gets to share!

11-21-2009, 09:57 PM
well... I don't know the exact menu but it usually consists of turkey, mash taters, green bean casserole, creamed corn, stuffing... the usual stuff and then some pies for dessert and I REAAAAAAAAAAAAALLY hope Brians cousin makes her famoud chocolate mousse with ritz cracker crust dessert cause it is to DIE for.

Thanksgiving dinner is always held at Brians cousins house. His aunt and uncles, his cousins and their kids and Brian and I and Hannah and then his cousins wifes family all get together. It's A LOT of fun

11-21-2009, 10:24 PM
I will make cookies - probably soft pumpkin cookies with cream cheese frosting,

That sounds yummy! :D

finn's mom
11-21-2009, 10:43 PM
We are going to David's parents place in Louisiana. We will eat all the usual suspects, haha. ;) Clara's first Thanksgiving, it should be nice!

11-21-2009, 11:05 PM
That sounds yummy! :D

I can share the recipe if you want, they are yummy, but it makes a lot, so I end up sharing with friends as well!

11-22-2009, 12:33 AM
This year we are going to my uncles house in Valley Springs, CA. We usually have the basic turkey dinner (one baked turkey and a deep fried one). However, I eat ham, mashed taters, gravy, corn and rolls. We usually have more desserts than we do food dishes. :D Which is just fine with me!!!
After dinner several of us sit around and play games for hours. I can't stay too late this year because for the first time I am going to go shopping on Black Friday. :eek: My mom, SIL and nieces want to leave around 6am. Should be interesting.

I hope everyone has a wonderful holiday! :)

11-22-2009, 04:28 AM
We will be having Tofurky (we are vegetarians, but it's very delicious so I'd recommend it to anyone), with potatoes, carrots, and onions. Plus probably some stuffing, gravy, salad, and dinner rolls. I am going to make an apple pie and we will probably get pumpkin pie, too. It's going to be a lot of food for only 3 adults and a baby (it's just us and my brother this year). Oh well, Thanksgiving leftovers are always good!

I hope everyone has a great holiday. :)

11-22-2009, 08:35 AM
Thanksgiving Day: watch the Macy's Parade on TV, and have dinner of:
roast turkey
meat stuffing with cashews
green beans with almonds
candied sweet potatoes (I make them, NOT canned)
Pillsbury Crescent rolls
cranberry sauce (I make it with Sweet N Low)
roast chestnuts
apple pie
ice cream

Walk the dogs then take a nap

11-22-2009, 02:22 PM
Turkey, ham, mashed potatoes, carrots, stuffing, corn, green beans, salad, biscuits, pumpkin pie, lemon pie, chocolate M&M cookies. Oldest son is coming from NJ, 2nd son and family are trying to make it from Mich, daughter will be here and son 3 and his family will be here. My niece is coming from CT as well.

I thought one of your big wishes in life was people wouldn't eat meat????

11-22-2009, 02:28 PM
i thought one of your big wishes in life was people wouldn't eat meat????

:D:D Tee-hee-hee :D:D

11-22-2009, 02:33 PM
I can share the recipe if you want, they are yummy, but it makes a lot, so I end up sharing with friends as well!

I wish you would if you don't mind ;) I'd love to make some!