View Full Version : I'm Back!!!!

10-09-2002, 04:03 PM
Hi, my friends and I got extended detention, and I was banned from the computer until today!! So now that everything is back to normal in my life, I am going to try and catch up to what I missed, and I see that some things have changed!! Well, I'm back! Just in case any of you were wondering where I went. :)

10-09-2002, 04:22 PM
Honestly, Britt, it sounds to me like you need to find something constructive to do with your time. Was it really worth your while to play pranks on your teacher?? In case you were wondering, that doesn't sound like a "cool" thing to do!

10-09-2002, 04:34 PM
Well we did not mean any harm in it, and it's not like we did anything like swear to them or something. The teachers are our friends, and they automatically forgave us when we gave them those awwwful nice apology letters. :) We didn't realize they had caller ID until someone told us....but not someone we wanted to hear it from. Anyway, it was still wrong, and I am not surprised if people get mad at me on here, cause it was mean, even though it was a llllliiiittttttllllllleeee funny.........

10-09-2002, 07:12 PM
I honestly don't see anything funny about it at all. I've had prank calls before and not only are they extremely annoying but sometimes they are frightening (depending on what is said). And seeing as how I would like to be a teacher one day, I would certainly expect better out of my students than prank calls.

10-09-2002, 08:22 PM
I do not like pranks, I do not do pranks, I find them to be cruel 99% of the time. I do not even like april fools, I don't go to school that day.

What u did was very mean. Put ur self in their shoes & tell me if u would like to receive (phone) pranks.

Cookiebaker: " Honestly, Britt, it sounds to me like you need to find something constructive to do with your time. "

Ur right.

10-09-2002, 08:28 PM
Speaking as a teacher...I don't EVER want any of my students calling my house unless they have my permission. It's for that reason that I do not have my address or my phone number in the FWCS telephone directory or do I have my number published in the phone book. I also do not live anywhere near my district where I teach. I can count on 1 hand the number of students that have been given my number. God help them if they call and get Mike! lol It truly wouldn't be pretty...I'd probably get fired! hehehe

10-09-2002, 08:50 PM
Uhh, sorry, ok???

10-09-2002, 09:50 PM
Well boy you sure got told. I know you won't do it again right? Did you not think that a teacher wouldn't have caller ID??????? I hope you didn't try and scare anybody cause that isn't funny. Well you could have done worse - behave this week ok?:o

10-10-2002, 12:29 AM
not cool at all kiddo. If you want the teacher to respect you, you have to respect them. Coming from a family of teachers, literally. I am not a teacher but I work in the hospital and I get grief from people to but at least they aren't callin me.
And your lucky all you got was detention and banned from the computer. I would have gotten a whole lot worse!!!
How would you like it if someone pranked you? I have a feeling you would throw a fit. And in this day and age with the technology. You just can't do it.

10-10-2002, 12:36 AM
We got so many prank calls (including a few at night...one at 3 a.m.) that we had to change our phone number, and now we are unlisted. We'd had that same phone number for like 12 years, so it's really messing me up with the new one, lol.

People would call and hang up within minutes of eachother.....we got at least 2-4 a day, I swear, we'd always have blank messages on the answering machine. We need caller ID!!

Anyhoo...I have to admit that I've made prank calls before. Usually just to like my parents or whatever, though, lol. Of course there was an incident with my friends sister.........LOL.....yeah that's long story. I'd never call a teacher or something, though. And everyone has caller ID nowdays!

10-10-2002, 04:43 AM
Well , , I know that being young is fun , but if I may post my oppinion too , it is not funny to get those calls !!
I used to teach too years ago , and I forbit my kids to let their parents call me at home ! I was always available during the day , but not after class ! Do understand this Britt , and find other jokes , okay !!:mad:

10-10-2002, 02:43 PM
We did not hang up on them. We played this little kung fu hamster that sang a song. Some of them even thought it was funny, and the others didn't care at all. As I said before, they all knew it is mostly kids that make prank calls and that they usually do it for humor, not to get revenge on them or anything. We did not think about caller ID until it was too late, but we are not stupid and my number is unlisted and private as well and now I think my friend is going to get it to so they dont copy down the numbers and call them back. Anyway, we did learn our lesson. As I said before we wrote such nice apology letters to all the teachers we did it to.....except one. Most of the teachers went on a field trip for four days with the eighth graders so they are not here and this one teacher we did not write it to we are very good friends with and we decided to talk to him ourselves. Anyhow, I'm not at all surprised by the feedback on this thread, it was a stupid and rude thing to do (quote from letters we wrote).

Aspen and Misty
10-10-2002, 02:55 PM
LOL on the subject of prank calls :D I once called someone and asked them if they would liek to buy my summer adition of the sears catalog. She was like o whats in it and stuff. Asked how much it was and She gave me her adress to send it to her (I told ehr it was free). I told her it was garenteed shiped within the next hour. So me and my frined walked ot her house nocked on her door. She answered it and we said pleasure doing buisness with you mam. LOL. It was fun. Adn the lady just laughed. She said she thought we were really Sears people. We told her she could keep the catlog. LOL O gee.

Well anyway. I would have to agree Britt. This wasn't the smartest move. My teacher, Mrs. Feelz, gave us her number so we couldn't say we didn't have our homework done because we didn't understand it. But the thought would never even cross my mind to prank call her! Gee she would like chop my head off. LOL. Those Christian Schools ya know, always choping heads off :rolleyes: . I'm glad you apoligized for the things you did, and I'm glad the teachers forgave you, I am also glad you got punshied. You may not think that is a good idea but I have see nwhat happnes when someone doesn't get punshed for something, they just keep doing it.



10-10-2002, 06:55 PM
Originally posted by FloppsyLadySally54
...we are very good friends with...

Teachers, even when they are very nice and fun to talk to, aren't friends. They are authority figures and educators, and they deserve respect. Besides, I would never even want to prank someone I considered a friend - ESPECIALLY someone I considered a friend. It's good you learned your lesson and won't do it again.

10-10-2002, 10:41 PM
Nomilynn: " Teachers, even when they are very nice and fun to talk to, aren't friends. "

Thats not 100% true... Who says a teacher can't be a friend. I was friends with one of my teachers, 2 of my friends & I went to her house alot & walker her champ dogs & helped her in her yard, we did that 3 years after we met her & I miss it. I stoped because I moved. My other friends still hang out with her all the time. & its been 8 years since we met her, I see here sometimes when I go to see my dad back home & we talk & talk & talk & catch up on life.

10-10-2002, 11:20 PM
My old high school teachers are friends now, that I am 22 and can relate to them as an adult, but not when I was in their class and certainly not when I was 12 years old. They were the adults, and I was the child and I was always taught to respect that.

10-11-2002, 03:41 PM
Some of my teachers are more of my friend than my kid friends! You can have a teacher as a friend, and we could tell by who forgave us and who did not. We visit them every day after school, and they enjoy it very much. Some of them we were too close to to actually call. Others we were close with we called but did not care or thought it was funny. The teacher we are closest with is one we called, and he is at frost valley so we decided to confront him ourselves instead of writing a letter.

10-11-2002, 03:53 PM
Originally posted by FloppsyLadySally54
Some of my teachers are more of my friend than my kid friends! You can have a teacher as a friend, and we could tell by who forgave us and who did not. We visit them every day after school, and they enjoy it very much. Some of them we were too close to to actually call. Others we were close with we called but did not care or thought it was funny. The teacher we are closest with is one we called, and he is at frost valley so we decided to confront him ourselves instead of writing a letter.

So you think that just because somebody is your friend or if they forgive you, that it no longer is rude behaviour? What you did was rude, and it still sounds like you are proud of it.

10-11-2002, 04:42 PM
Originally posted by Cookiebaker
So you think that just because somebody is your friend or if they forgive you, that it no longer is rude behaviour? What you did was rude, and it still sounds like you are proud of it.


10-11-2002, 07:07 PM
Whatever I don't even listen anymore. We did NOT expect them to forgive us we didn't think they'd ever talk to us again~~
I feel guilty enough now every time I look at my teachers I hear what you guys said and they forgave us and I don't care how bad or stupid you people think anything I do is because I am sick of being questioned how would you like it all I meant to say in this thread was that I was back, I expected angry or not angry posts about this but I did not know it would be such a big deal obviously nobody cared that I was even gone some of you probably said thank god when I was not on for a few days and I know it is not the biggest thing in the world but I was posting this thread to tell everyone that I was here and I am not proud of what I did but some of you rubbed it in real hard I mean my parents were angry enough and now if you have not noticed I am laying off the posting unless it is on POTD COTD and DOTD because I am sick of wondering what will come after it! I am not proud of what I did and so what if I was I don't care what you people think anymore even if it was a rude thing to do because some certain people on a certain forum told me not to care what people think so here it goes and thank you very much for reading or not reading this message because I could not hold it in and I don't want to hear that I am consistent or that I need to see a shrink because I don't I think it is you people who do because obviously you think it is a game to take turns questioning me for everything I do even though some of those things you had a right to do it well I see your point and thank you for stressing it and maybe someday I will decide to come back but maybe not, why does it matter?? some of you are asking god if this is a miracle or something well I guess it is. good day!!!:mad: :( :o Sorry anybody who did not anger me and I will PM you to apologise.

10-11-2002, 09:47 PM
I think that if the apology was made sincerely, then the subject is moot. All parties involved have done their part, therefore, it seems to me that the discussion is over. Perhaps I'm missing the dead horse. Forgive my bluntness.

10-11-2002, 10:59 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird
BTW, have you had any luck with getting Floppsy a safer place to sleep, away from the raccoons, or have you somehow scared the raccoons away?

Not yet. I am planning to nag my father until he is ready to throw me out the window. He deserves to be inside!!Anyway, Floppsy can now come inside during rainy days so he doesn't get wet. I finally asked my dad why he cannot come in, and all he said was that rabbits like it outside. I tried to explain the Raccoons and that he was a domesticated animal, but I don't think he understands english because he does not care! I live in this house, so I should get privelages too. I am the one that takes care of the rabbit and provides him with the love and support he strives for. I feed him and keep him alive each day. Therefore, I should be the one to decide where he goes! I KNOW he hates it out there, but nobody will listen to me except you Pet Talkers. I wish there was something I could do. If my father decides to hit me, then hit me he shall because I will not stop fighting until he is snug inside his warm cage in the house and not shivering outside. I also asked him how he would like it if he was outside with tons of bugs day and night and wake up the next day wondering what was going to happen and if anybody was going to feed or even visit him. It would be scary for me, and even sad and miserable, but my dad just said he is happy out there, and he did not answer my question.