View Full Version : Yea trick accomplished!

10-09-2002, 03:01 PM
I have been working with Malone for several weeks now, trying to get him to balance on treat on the end of his nose. IT WORKED!! Today, he just laid there and looked at me...and when I said "OK" he bopped it and caught it mid-air! Next time I will try and get a picture 'cause he is sooo cute with a treat on his nose! :D

10-09-2002, 04:00 PM
Hehe awesome!

Simba knows that one too!:)

10-09-2002, 06:24 PM
I love that trick. Hercules and Zeus can do it too.!!

10-10-2002, 02:39 AM
Congrats! You've got to take a pic of that!! I've tried teaching Nebo that, but he won't hold still at all if I let go of his muzzle. I've decided to try and teach him to catch treats first. When I tried this a few days ago, he'd let them hit him right on the head, lol. Now he's snapping at them. He hasn't caught one yet, but at least he's making an effort!

Another fun trick I'm working on is "crawl." You get the dog into a down position, then hold the treat a little way from their nose on the ground. If the dog makes any effort to move towards the treat (and stays on the ground) reward them. I can get Nebo to crawl a few feet. He looks really funny when he does it........it's more a of a wiggle and slide towards the treat then a real crawl...lol...

10-10-2002, 02:49 AM
Originally posted by wolf_Q
Congrats! You've got to take a pic of that!! I've tried teaching Nebo that, but he won't hold still at all if I let go of his muzzle. I've decided to try and teach him to catch treats first. When I tried this a few days ago, he'd let them hit him right on the head, lol. Now he's snapping at them. He hasn't caught one yet, but at least he's making an effort!

One way I was finally successful is putting the treat about 6" from his nose (when he's in a down position) and making him wait for the OK. Then I moved the treat closer, then onto his paw. And then I made him make eye contact with me before he could have the treat. When he is making eye contact, his face stays really still, and that's when I introduce the treat to his nose. At first, his nose just went everywhere, and there was NO WAY a treat would stay on there for more than 5 miliseconds.

Another fun trick I'm working on is "crawl." You get the dog into a down position, then hold the treat a little way from their nose on the ground. If the dog makes any effort to move towards the treat (and stays on the ground) reward them. I can get Nebo to crawl a few feet. He looks really funny when he does it........it's more a of a wiggle and slide towards the treat then a real crawl...lol...

That sounds so great! I'm going to have to try that one, too!

10-10-2002, 08:49 AM
There is NO WAY my dogs would do that (expecially Roxey-she likes her treats too well!)! I hope you can catch a pic of him with it on his nose!
But the crawl, they have all mastered that & it's so darn cute!

10-10-2002, 09:12 AM
Congrats! No way my dogs will do that! We have tried with Deisel for awhile now and no success! Phoebe doesn't do it either!!!!

10-10-2002, 09:52 AM

I can't get Kia to sit still for the treat on her nose trick... Dad's trying, but she'll turn her nose away.

I'll have to try the crawl one. :D

10-11-2002, 05:18 PM
Sim knows crawl too. :D

10-11-2002, 10:08 PM
Sadie knows that trick, too! It's really cute! KayAnn, how many tricks does Simba know?!
Do any of you know of any trick-training sites?:) ;)

10-11-2002, 11:44 PM
You know.... I've lost count let's see..


2.Stay- which he knows very well, i can make him stay in any position.

6.Sit Pretty
7."Bang Bang" [Play Dead]
8.Roll over
10.Which Hand [choosing a hand which the treat is in]

11."I Love You"-"Ri Rufff Roooo"-haha sorta like that.

12. Flip a treat off his nose and catching it.

13."Paw It" -I put him in the "down" position and put a treat infront of him, say "Paw It" and he extends his paw, grabs it and pulls it towards him.

14.Putting stuff on his nose/ in his mouth- I could put a peice of food in his mouth, tell him to "stay" or say "No" and he wont eat it until i say "ok".

15. "Up"


17."Where's Bunny?" -I say "Where's Bunny?" and he goes and finds Purple Bunny. Although lately, when i say it he thinks i'm saying "Where's Honey?" And he gets all excited :p

18."Hide and Seek"- I put Simba in the back porch/ somewhere where he cannot see me, tell him to stay, and then go and hide. When i'm ready i say "Ok Simba!" When he finds me he barks and whines.

19. "Find Bunny"- Same sa "Hide and Seek" But with Purple Bunny. I hide Purple Bunny while he's not looking, Tell him to "Find Bunny" and he goes and find it. He will even JUMP in the BATH TUB, which he hates, to get Purple Bunny.

I know there's alot more, but i forget what he can do most of the time.:rolleyes: Lol.

And I don't know of any trick training sites, Sorry. :(

But, if you do need any tips/ help with training your dog tricks I'm willing to give any advice you need/ anything on the trick i have to offer.:cool:

10-13-2002, 12:35 PM
A little off topic but I must say it ....
Malone is soooooo beautiful wow he's gorgeous. That is a beautiful picture. I can see why your so proud of him.

You wanna know the best trick I ever taught Hannah ??
Not only is it cute but its very helpfull. I taught her to put down the toilet bowl lid. Very helpfull since the men in our house NEVER put the lid down ...lol..

10-13-2002, 02:25 PM
Ilovehounds, that is the greatest trick! i would never even have thought about trying to teach a dog that, but you are so right! Somebody has to do it! :D

And Malone says thanks for the wonderful compliments and sends a waggle & a sloppy kiss. :D

10-13-2002, 07:32 PM
I tried the crawl thing with Katie and Bull, Bull was the only one to pull it off. Katie tried but she kept standing up when i didnt give her the treat. Not even going to try the treat on the nose thing, I value my hands too much.