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11-18-2009, 06:38 PM
We have a week before we get to the U.S. Thanksgiving Day...A whole week to prepare!

What are your fave Thanksgiving Day foods?

Back with a DOTD!

11-18-2009, 07:12 PM
I miss the tomato aspic Ma used to make - no idea of a recipe, couldn't find one anywhere after Ma died. I loved the "French" stuffing we used to have - two kinds of stuffing were available, the bread-crumb based kind, and the mashed potato-based one. Lady's Human finally found the actual recipe for that one!

There's really no traditional Thanksgiving food I didn't love, and I can still eat many of them which is good.

Apple pie with a slice of sharp cheddar ... yummmmmm!

Pinot's Mom
11-18-2009, 07:39 PM
Karen there are MANY versions of tomato aspic available in Joy of Cooking (my cooking Bible) as well as Joy on line. My mother was very fond of that as well; she made it for every ladies luncheon - that and beef consomme. I don't eat either.:)

Now - on to Thanksgiving! Turkey skin right out of the oven, crescent rolls, broccoli casserole, yams with marshmallows!!:D:D

11-18-2009, 07:49 PM
Anything with gravy on it...mashed potatoes and stuffing. Pumpkin pie with Breyer's all natural vanlla ice cream on top.

The day after...more gravy with turkey cut up in it over stuffing.

11-18-2009, 08:21 PM
Karen there are MANY versions of tomato aspic available in Joy of Cooking (my cooking Bible) as well as Joy on line. My mother was very fond of that as well; she made it for every ladies luncheon - that and beef consomme. I don't eat either.:)

Now - on to Thanksgiving! Turkey skin right out of the oven, crescent rolls, broccoli casserole, yams with marshmallows!!:D:D

Yes, but do any of them have Worcestershire sauce? That's the one Ma made ... and of course, I'd be allergic to it now, anyway as Worcester sauce has many ingredients to which I am allergic. Sigh.

Cinder & Smoke
11-18-2009, 08:47 PM
Anything with gravy on it ... mashed potatoes and stuffing.
Pumpkin pie with Breyer's all natural vanilla ice cream on top.

TURKEY (White flavor, please) WITH Cranberry Jelly AND Gravy
Stufffing - stuff that was STUFFED in the Bird - not on the stove
Green Beans - any kind of casserole (don't look - I'm gonna smother 'em in GRAVY!)
Beets or Beet Salad (skip the gravy)
Mini-Onions cooked together with most any veggy - Grammy's Specialty
(She even tried Mini-Os and Baby Lima Beans :eek: once - I ATE 'em!)
{Even had seconds - but I fished for just the Mini-Os :p }
Couple Sweet Taters - gravy optional
I'd take on most any Veggy --- as long as it sat still for the Gravy Dump!
(Mom always let out a >>GASP<< as I dumped Gravy on EVERYthing!)

Desert?? SURE!
Hunka whatever pies ya got - just skip the NUTTY ones and any of 'em
that got :eek: CoCoNut :p sprinkled on or in 'em. Whadda way to ruin a good pie!
Not enough room? Short on desert plates? ... Dinner Plate is fine for me!
Just pile the ice cream on top.

MidNite Snack? ... Thought you'd never ask!!

White bread / Mayo
Slab of White meat
Layer of Cranberry Jelly
Lettice leaf
Top off with another bread
(ALL COLD - fresh out of the ice-box!)

Side of COLD Stuffiing, topped with warm Gravy.

Don't wake me before noon ... then we'll start with another Turkey Sammich!

:) :D :love:

11-18-2009, 11:07 PM
A Clockwork Tangerine recipe

12 oz Sprite® soda
1 packet Kool-Aid® Tangerine mix
1 oz Bacardi® gold rum
1 oz Smirnoff® vodka

Combine all ingredients in a beer pilsner. Stir together, and serve.


11-19-2009, 06:37 AM
My favorite is all the leftovers the next day, and the next, and the next.........

I really don't enjoy a big Thanksgiving Day dinner. By the time it's ready to eat, I have no appetite after spending many hours preparing a huge feast for everybody. Of course if someone else was doing the cooking, I'd probably thoroughly enjoy it.

And dark meat turkey is the best part of the meal - along with homemade cranberry sauce.

Pinot's Mom
11-19-2009, 07:43 AM
Yes, but do any of them have Worcestershire sauce? That's the one Ma made ... and of course, I'd be allergic to it now, anyway as Worcester sauce has many ingredients to which I am allergic. Sigh.

Here you go-Tomato Aspic with Worcestershire!




....and Richard - even though it's 8:45, set up the bar! :) The Holiday Season is fast approaching!!:D

Queen of Poop
11-19-2009, 08:38 AM
It's only 7:37 am here, don't really need a drink, but a hot tea would be spectacular, any blend is fine.

Do we have any cookies? I'm in the mood for a cookie.

Lady's Human
11-19-2009, 08:46 AM

Oatmeal or Chocolate chip, your choice!

One cup of tea, as well.

Personally, I'm going to have something a touch stronger.....Fresh decaf at the bar for Irish.

Queen of Poop
11-19-2009, 09:05 AM
I'd go for a chocolate chip please and thank you very much. Chocolate is good for the soul!!

Lady's Human
11-19-2009, 09:30 AM
One dozen chocolate ship cookies comin up!

(If you put 'em on top of the fridge for a while the calories get scared and jump out, so they're good for you, too!)

11-19-2009, 10:13 AM
One dozen chocolate ship cookies comin up!

(If you put 'em on top of the fridge for a while the calories get scared and jump out, so they're good for you, too!)

And then the cat bats them underneath, only to be found at spring cleaning time?:eek:

Put your order in!


Homemade Cran sauce!!


11-19-2009, 10:31 AM
Good morning - forgive me for rubbing the sleep from my peepers. The West Coast is just becoming conscious now.

I'll join Q of P for a nice cuppa but I'll have some toast with peanut butter please and thank you.

Tomato aspic??? Yikes, I haven't eaten that for decades. I was at a family "do" once, can't remember if it was dinner or lunch, but there was a tomato aspic there to die for. It suited my taste buds with lots of worchester and tobasco and tiny bits of celery - I guess that's why I love a good Bloody Mary to this day. :D

I'm freezing cold - going to get some logs for the fire.

11-19-2009, 04:55 PM
Don't care much for turkey except maybe the wings. Love mashed potatoes made w/evaporated milk, homemade stuffing, sweet potatoes in brown sugar syrup (not yams!) and fresh green beans w/bacon and pine nuts. Of course homemade cranberry sauce just out of tradition but I don't care for that either. You can keep the pumpkin pie, all desserts actually, and I'll have an extra helping of stuffing. I like it even better cold.

Pinot's Mom
11-19-2009, 05:11 PM
I'll have to amend my Turkey day menu - I'd also like some white meat Turkey, home made mashed potatoes (with butter, salt & pepper, no gravy or stuffing, can't stand the stuff), and homemade cranberry orange relish...along with my earlier requests!

OK-now, for the bar menu, a nice Pinot Noir goes well with Turkey!:) I'm with Mary, though, no desserts needed!

11-19-2009, 05:14 PM
MidNite Snack? ... Thought you'd never ask!!

White bread / Mayo
Slab of White meat
Layer of Cranberry Jelly
Lettice leaf
Top off with another bread
(ALL COLD - fresh out of the ice-box!)

Side of COLD Stuffiing, topped with warm Gravy.

Don't wake me before noon ... then we'll start with another Turkey Sammich!

:) :D :love:
hey can i have one of those too? ;) we're doing our thanksgiving dinner on this sunday, so i'll be eating that sandwich on monday lunch at work. happy!

11-19-2009, 06:41 PM
Good morning - forgive me for rubbing the sleep from my peepers. The West Coast is just becoming conscious now.

I'll join Q of P for a nice cuppa but I'll have some toast with peanut butter please and thank you.

YOur welcome and good morning, hours late!


You can have PM's stuffing!

I am going to make a pot of coffee and tea.

YOu al are ahead of the dinner!

Queen of Poop
11-19-2009, 09:18 PM
Now I'm freezing, more wood on the fire please, I'd do it but wasn't ever allowed to touch the fire before.

Could I please get a gin and tonic, lotsa lime. Then I'd like to tip my glass to my mom's sister whose cancer has come back.

11-19-2009, 09:51 PM
Here you go-Tomato Aspic with Worcestershire!

Thanks - but it turns out that I am allergic to nearly everything in the tomato aspic except the tomato and the gelatin, so I won't be making any after all.

11-20-2009, 09:23 AM
Thanks - but it turns out that I am allergic to nearly everything in the tomato aspic except the tomato and the gelatin, so I won't be making any after all.

Is virtual aspic o.k.?



Sorry about the bad news, G&T, lime.


Pinot's Mom
11-20-2009, 11:12 AM
This is virtual - RIGHT??

So, we're going to watch the RAVENS win over INDY - RIGHT?? ;)

In anticipation of that; barkeep, it's now Friday afternoon - my usual vodka and d.ginger, please, with lime. We'll stoke the fire, tip the glass to QofP's aunt (I'm sorry about that-hopefully, it's treatable), and service tomato aspic to Karen. I, personally, will stick with a turkey sandwich. ;)


11-20-2009, 12:49 PM
As long as I have cranberry sauce and stuffing, I'm good. :D

11-20-2009, 01:04 PM
I'm with you, momoffuzzyfaces and don't forget to share with the kids especily that little Angel.

11-20-2009, 01:43 PM
This is virtual - RIGHT??

So, we're going to watch the RAVENS win over INDY - RIGHT?? ;)

Yes, it is and I would like to see Balt. beat Indy, too>

Vodka, DG and lime.



Cran and stuffing!



Welcome and would you like a drink?

11-20-2009, 01:57 PM
I need a good stiff drink BEFORE sunday this week...Seattle is playing the Vikings and I'm not sure I even want to watch...:rolleyes:

Turkey, Potatos and cranberry sauce with my PT family is always a good thing too! Where is the buffet?

smokey the elder
11-20-2009, 02:31 PM
That Clockwork Tangerine looks pretty good! I'll try one of those (I'll have to make one in RL, too.)

11-20-2009, 06:42 PM
When I was little, my great grandmother used to serve a fruit cocktail with ginger ale. She had green glasses that she served it in. I will have to get the recipe from my mom.

11-20-2009, 08:01 PM
When I was little, my great grandmother used to serve a fruit cocktail with ginger ale. She had green glasses that she served it in. I will have to get the recipe from my mom.

Those are the best recipes!

I'll make you one?



One Clockwork Tangerine?



Let me ask the ORC to move......THere ya go!


Queen of Poop
11-20-2009, 10:14 PM
The end of a tough week. Really need a refreshing drink. A strawberry margarita would totally hit the spot, please kind sir.

11-20-2009, 10:20 PM
The end of a tough week. Really need a refreshing drink. A strawberry margarita would totally hit the spot, please kind sir.

My specialty!


Pinot's Mom
11-21-2009, 07:53 AM
:rolleyes:WHO is responsible for letting the Orc experiment with recipes for fruit cocktail and ginger ale? Whoever it is can clean up last night's explosion!

Good morning y'all! Coffee?? How about some fruit cocktail pound cake? It's a special today!:)

Queen of Poop
11-21-2009, 08:21 AM
No coffee for me, tea instead please. And I'll try some of that fruit cocktail and pound cake!

11-21-2009, 08:41 AM

I'll brew the tea!

Thank you PM for going on coffee detail this a.m.!:cool:


11-21-2009, 12:38 PM
Everyone be sure and get your pumpkin for you pies early. They keep saying on the news there will be a shortage because of a bad crop this year. :eek:

I like pumpkin pie but am just as happy with apple or cherry. :D

11-21-2009, 02:16 PM
RICHARD, my favorite Thanksgiving food is EVERYTHING, but I love eating the turkey leg! RICHARD, may I have a big piece of pumpkin pie and a cup of coffee with Bailey's in it? BTW, how's Orc behaving? Any mischief?

11-21-2009, 02:47 PM
Good morning y'all! Coffee?? How about some fruit cocktail pound cake? It's a special today!:)

Is that like a fruit cocktail dump cake? I made one a few days ago and it was delish!!! :) After the holiday and I get the pies out of the way, I'm going to try the Mountain Dew Cake.

It's chilly here today, but not cold. Coffee with Bailey's would hit the spot right about now. Orc hasn't destroyed the coffee pot yet, has he??? :confused:

Pinot's Mom
11-21-2009, 04:02 PM
RICHARD, my favorite Thanksgiving food is EVERYTHING, but I love eating the turkey leg! RICHARD, may I have a big piece of pumpkin pie and a cup of coffee with Bailey's in it? BTW, how's Orc behaving? Any mischief?

Behaving?? He had fruit cocktail and ginger ale all over the place this morning! David you really need to keep a handle on him!!

Is that like a fruit cocktail dump cake? I made one a few days ago and it was delish!!! :) After the holiday and I get the pies out of the way, I'm going to try the Mountain Dew Cake.

It's chilly here today, but not cold. Coffee with Bailey's would hit the spot right about now. Orc hasn't destroyed the coffee pot yet, has he??? :confused:

Yes, it was a fruit cocktail dump cake. :) I think Orc left the coffee pot alone!
Barkeep - some vino, please! We're getting set to have a winemaker from one of the local wineries over for dinner, with his girlfriend, so I think we should have a glass, don't you?

11-21-2009, 05:14 PM
Behaving?? He had fruit cocktail and ginger ale all over the place this morning! David you really need to keep a handle on him!!

Yes, it was a fruit cocktail dump cake. :) I think Orc left the coffee pot alone!
Barkeep - some vino, please! We're getting set to have a winemaker from one of the local wineries over for dinner, with his girlfriend, so I think we should have a glass, don't you?

I'd better get his remote operating again, if he didn't hide it in the couch cushions! That guy is going too far. He needs a shorter leash!!

11-21-2009, 05:29 PM
I think Orc left the coffee pot alone!

Could I have regular, please? It's only 5:30 PM. I'm curious about the fruit cocktail cake- do I put the fruit cocktail right in the cake batter? Wouldn't that make the batter very thin? It sounds delicious, though.

11-21-2009, 06:01 PM
Could I have regular, please? It's only 5:30 PM. I'm curious about the fruit cocktail cake- do I put the fruit cocktail right in the cake batter? Wouldn't that make the batter very thin? It sounds delicious, though.

Here's my recipe:

1 lrg can fruit cocktail in heavy syrup (or you can use canned peaches too)
1 boxed yellow cake mix
3/4 cup melted butter.

Spray a 9x12 casserole dish with cooking spray. Dump can of fruit cocktail (including juice) in to dish. Spread dry cake mix evenly over fruit, but DO NOT mix together. Drizzle melted butter evenly over top of dry cake mix.

Bake at 325 for 40-45 minutes or until top is golden brown. Cut into squares. Great served warm with Cool Whip or whipped cream.

Lady's Human
11-21-2009, 06:56 PM
David, you also missed the pea soup paint job he did last week....he gets out of control if no one's on teh remote.

11-21-2009, 08:41 PM
David, you also missed the pea soup paint job he did last week....he gets out of control if no one's on teh remote.

Check it out, have you heard the commercial where the man 'butt dials' his wife?

He sits on his phone and accidentally dials her number with his rear.

I think the remote fell behind the cushions and someone nudged it.:eek::)

Pinot's Mom
11-22-2009, 03:15 PM
Allrighty then, I need a stiff shot of bourbon. I think the Ravens just tanked their season. Barkeep - set 'em up! It's gonna be a long night! :mad:

11-22-2009, 03:33 PM
Allrighty then, I need a stiff shot of bourbon. I think the Ravens just tanked their season. Barkeep - set 'em up! It's gonna be a long night! :mad:

Pinot's mom, I'll take the bourbon after you! Pittsburgh just blew another squeaker against Kansas City, 27-24, this after an 18-12 against Cincinnatti last week.

Queen of Poop
11-22-2009, 04:31 PM
Watching the Stampeders lead the Roughriders, hopefully it stays that way. Could I get an iced tea to go with some chips and dip, please and thank you.

11-22-2009, 08:17 PM
Gayle...we are going to need something stronger than that now the game is over!!! My mom was NOT happy!;)

Strong tea for me with Stevia on the side, please! (Yes, I AM a party animal! LOL)

Queen of Poop
11-22-2009, 08:30 PM
Yep, they lost. Great first quarter then they left for home!

Sorry Glacier but you're going to see Saskatchewan if you're still coming for the Grey Cup, not your beloved Stamps.

I'll get in on that tea and stevia too please and thank you.

11-22-2009, 08:39 PM
It looks like Philadelphia is going to defeat the Bears. But the Philly quarterback, Donovan McNabb, is from Chicago, so that makes it worth watching.

11-22-2009, 11:10 PM
The Raiders won?

Let me open up and start serving, maybe it wasn;t a lost weekend after all?