View Full Version : Do You Get Annual Flu Shots?

11-18-2009, 04:31 PM
I usually do.:) They have really been covering news about the new
H1N1 varietry. Can't seem to keep up with the demand locally.

11-18-2009, 04:40 PM
I have for many years. Had one the first week of September.

Since I am over 65 :) and not considered at high risk :), I'm not too worried about the H1N1. Have an appointment with my FP doc in 2 weeks - will see what he has to say about it.

11-18-2009, 04:42 PM
I do but only because the hospital I work at will vaccinate employees for free. They always start with direct-patient-contact personnel first and then trickle down to everyone else (like me) as supplies are available. I've been vaccinated for both types of flu this season.

11-18-2009, 04:45 PM
Yes, Dad and I both. We got ours in Sept.

We are on the list for H1N1 shots, RI keeps running out.

11-18-2009, 04:53 PM
I do, ever since I was hospitalized for asthma several years ago. My doctor at that time said to me "You WILL get a flu shot every year" in her sternest manner. She was smart enough to also reschedule my annual physical to be in flu shot season, so I can just get it when I go for my physical on Monday.

11-18-2009, 05:18 PM
Every year! I wish that we had been able to get the shots a few weeks ago, then maybe my baby would not be sick and trying to cough up his lungs:(

11-18-2009, 05:32 PM
Nope. Can't remember the last time I had the shot. Probably back in Jr. High.

11-18-2009, 06:12 PM
I call my family doc 2x a week. He has yet to get more serum. I've had the flu shot since it first came out and NEVER had the flu since *KNOCK ON WOOD*

I have a physical coming up. If he doesn't have it, I'll check local pharmacies..ie: CVS

11-18-2009, 06:33 PM
I'm allergic to the egg base that all vaccines are made with. I have never has a flu, tetnus, typhoid, typhus or cholea shot that would normally be required for international travel. I spent 6 years in Navy without having a single shot.

11-18-2009, 06:56 PM
I call my family doc 2x a week. He has yet to get more serum. I've had the flu shot since it first came out and NEVER had the flu since *KNOCK ON WOOD*

I have a physical coming up. If he doesn't have it, I'll check local pharmacies..ie: CVS

Our local CVS had to cancel their planned flu shots, so I got mine at
my Doc's office. I do feel bad about young parents not being able to
get their children's vaccines. (H1N1) Must be shortages all over the place.

11-18-2009, 07:00 PM
I did get the regular flu shot early in October. The H1N1 is not available right now, for folks in my age bracket etc. I would rather the kiddies and at risk get their's first.... I'll wait.

11-18-2009, 07:38 PM
I had both the seasonal and the H1N1 shot already, but I'm type 1 diabetic and was able to get them early.

11-18-2009, 08:22 PM
I got my flu shot in early September....not too sure about the H1N1 vaccine, though...

Felicia's Mom
11-18-2009, 08:51 PM
I got my flu shot for this year.

11-18-2009, 09:34 PM
I never used to get the flu shot but since having Hannah I have gotten it every year... not yet this year though so we need to schedule it with the doctor. Hannah can't get the flu shot herself so we get it ourselves to minimize the chances of bringing it home

11-18-2009, 10:34 PM

And I don't plan on getting one.

11-19-2009, 12:01 AM
I've been getting the regular flu shots every year for many years now. I got mine in early Oct. when Kaiser first started their clinic. I always try to get mine as early as possible so that they don't run out. I doubt I'll be getting the H1N1 though because in my age group I'd either have to be pregnant or have some other complication like asthma or diabetes which I don't.

11-19-2009, 04:20 AM
I got the regular flu shot early October and was slated to get the swine flu one today. However because I am on a course of steroids & antibiotics I can't have it until they are finished. Hopefully they will have a new batch of the shots in before the end of the month and I can get it then.

I have a compromised immune system because of the steroids so I'm staying home and refusing visitors. It's a bit scary to think that that combined with my lung disease means catching any old virus that's lurking about could literally send me off this mortal coil.:eek:

11-19-2009, 06:00 AM
I get the seasonal flu shot every year and had mine last week. I will not be getting the H1N1. My doc is only giving them if a patient insists, since he feels at this point, there are too many unknowns about it.

Queen of Poop
11-19-2009, 08:44 AM
I get the regular flu shot every year. I was doing it because his daughter has asthma and I wanted to protect her. I will get my shot here at work today because with all that is going on, not sleeping well, not eating well, I feel I am at high risk to catch the next bug that goes by. I am also taking mass transit to work these days so am exposed to many more people in a day so figure better safe than sorry right now.

11-19-2009, 09:21 AM
I just had a change of heart this week.....we were determined not to get the h1n1 (we don't usuallly get the annual flu shot either).

BUT, we have an h1n1 outbreak in our Church :eek:, and I am 10 weeks pregnant. I can't get vax'd until December 11, but DH got his last night, and Lydia will get her's tomorrow...so hopefully with both of them covered it will cut down on the risk of bringing it into the house. In the meanwhile, I am staying very close to home...not even going shopping.....and will stay at home until the outbreak is over (all of our friends are sick). :eek:

11-19-2009, 01:13 PM
I haven't got a flu shot in many years, just don't believe in them.


11-19-2009, 01:30 PM
I only started getting them when I became vulnerable due to lung disease, not sure I'd bother if I was reasonable healthy either.

11-19-2009, 04:57 PM
I just had a change of heart this week.....we were determined not to get the h1n1 (we don't usuallly get the annual flu shot either).

BUT, we have an h1n1 outbreak in our Church :eek:, and I am 10 weeks pregnant. I can't get vax'd until December 11, but DH got his last night, and Lydia will get her's tomorrow...so hopefully with both of them covered it will cut down on the risk of bringing it into the house. In the meanwhile, I am staying very close to home...not even going shopping.....and will stay at home until the outbreak is over (all of our friends are sick). :eek:

I think that's a wise decision. IMHO. Why take the chance if you don't have to?

I am not in the select group they are targeting either. I just got the
shot for the regular flu.

11-19-2009, 05:04 PM
yes i do every year. never had a problem except a sore arm. since i'm an x-ray technologist i spend the winter having a suprising number of people coughing in my face. when the H1N1 vacs. get to my level i'll get that as well. i work at an ambulatory center, not the main hospital, so i'm not in the first group of tech staff who'll get them

11-19-2009, 05:57 PM
I usually get the flu shot when I'm going to be travelling. If I'm not travelling, I generally don't get it, but I did get both the flu shot, and H1N1 shot two weeks ago. At my last appointment, my Dr. told me they only had 6 H1N1 shots left, and that they were giving priority to pregnant women, so I had the option to get it. I was sick about a month ago, and from experience, having a flu during pregnancy is much more difficult than having one otherwise, so I decided to get it, along with the regular flu shot.

11-19-2009, 08:33 PM
I got the seasonal flu shot. Still waiting for a shipment of H1N1.