View Full Version : I'm just Tired - Venting a Bit

11-18-2009, 09:32 AM
I'm at work right now and it's 10:20 a.m. and I'm just so tired.

Yesterday was a long day and just this past week I haven't been sleeping well at all.

My husband fell on Saturday outside our apartment complex and injured his foot. His foot was injured before this but the fall made it a lot worse.

I thought for sure he broke his ankle or leg or something. He was able to get up but he was in a lot of pain. After spending almost all night in pain we went to the ER on Sunday. They took an x-ray of his foot and told him it was a sprain.

They gave us crutches and sent us on our way with an excuse for him to be off the next 3 days.

He called work and told them. His foot continued to hurt Sunday and we made a foot appt with his foot doctor on Tuesday and he went in and they x-rayed him there and told him he has a stress fracture on the bottom of his foot.

I really don't like our ER, I've had nothing but problems with them. I just can't believe they couldn't spot that. I saw it.

So anyway, he's in a boot now for the next 2 weeks for sure. He sees the doctor on Dec. 1st and then she will x-ray him again and we'll see what happens and whether he'll need an MRI or not.

The really suckie part is his work won't let him back until the doctor clears him and right now that means no paycheck.

To top off all of this, I started cramping again big time. I have Stage 2 Endometriosis and last Tuesday I started having this terrible pain on my left side almost like a cyst was about to burst or the adhesions have come back since my lap. surgery in Aug. 09.

Then I have to deal with my cats at home. Apollo still has the runs, we aren't sure what's going on with Claudia, and Ashley is taking meds now.

I just feel super stressed and tomorrow I'm going in for an ultrasound to see if anything shows up but I'm guessing it will turn out negative and it will be my Endo.

There isn't much more the docs can do for me other than put me on Lupron which will put me in menapause for 6 months. I did that when I was 23 years old and I had such terrible side effects from it.

Well I suppose I just needed to vent a bit.

Thanks for listening,

11-18-2009, 09:40 AM
I am sorry about your husbands foot. I broke my foot in May and the Sunday clinic said it wasn't broken. Went to the podiatrist Tuesday and he said it was bad and I even had to have surgery.

I hope it heals better than mine I still have a lot of pain. He may be able to ask his doctor if he can go back with crutches?

11-18-2009, 10:03 AM
Some weeks are just bad, I hope you are able to find a way to deal with your own pain. What kind of work does your husband do? Can he accomplish it while on crutches? I am glad he persisted after the initial diagnosis was missed.

11-18-2009, 10:21 AM
Some weeks are just bad, I hope you are able to find a way to deal with your own pain. What kind of work does your husband do? Can he accomplish it while on crutches? I am glad he persisted after the initial diagnosis was missed.

Hi Karen-

He works in food services at our local university. They said they won't take him back till the doctor clears him which hopefully in 2 weeks he'll be ok. But we'll just have to see. He's wearing a boot right now and he seems to be walking with that ok without crutches but on a wet flood like food services that might be really bad for him, but we'll have to wait and see.


11-18-2009, 12:14 PM
I'm sorry to hear that you're having such a rough week.:( I hope that everyones health improves. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent your way.