View Full Version : Oh my lord, Ed has an addictive personality!

11-17-2009, 12:46 PM

OH, I am having a fun time seeing what makes him tick.


Everyone knows about Ed and his oscillating fan fetish?

I am moving furniture around and looking for a small computer desk for the room. So I put the computer on the floor and and sit with my back resting on the recliner and do my surfing on the floor. IT forces me not to spend so much time online. My rear goes to sleep and I have to stand up.

I have noticed since the warm weather is over that Ed wants to sit by the computer and sits on the keyboard when I am not around......:confused:

It's kinda fun because I can pet him while I read-he lays with his back against my thigh and one part of him touching the CPU......

He plopped down here and I noticed that he rested his head against the comp case and when I went to pet him I noticed that vibration from the fan!

HE immediately passed out and is asleep as I type this.

I was freaking out for a while because I didn't know why he was so clingy- when I turn off the he loses interest quickly, and walks away. He's addicted to the vibrations of the floor fans and computer fans....

Wow, I have created an energy monster!!!:eek::)

11-17-2009, 02:38 PM
Ed, it is fashionable to "go green!"

11-17-2009, 03:12 PM
Hmmm, Richard, my Binky loves to hang out right in front of the refrigerator. He'll plant himself in front of the door and take a nap; guess he likes it when the warm air blows out from the fan?:confused::eek::D

And, in summer, when we have a floor fan on the sunporch, he lies BEHIND it while it's running. Now I could understand if he laid in front of it, but no, he's behind it.

CATS! Who knows????:confused::confused:

11-17-2009, 03:13 PM
LOL! I love these Ed stories.

Does he fall asleep or just lay there?

I think we need a photo shoot on this one. :D

11-17-2009, 04:25 PM
Its funny what Cats can become addicted to.:eek::eek::eek:
After My Found Cats got older they started staying in one spot 95%of the time.:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:
I know just where to find Princess in her Cuties box, Michaels on my bed and Josephs on the love seat and they wont move unless its litter box or dinner time!!

Laura's Babies
11-17-2009, 05:10 PM
I love the Edster stories too. His fascination with vibrations is rather odd.. But what cat don't have some odd fetish? Richard, I bet if you purred, he would snuggle up to YOU for the vibrations and warmth...

11-17-2009, 05:12 PM
Hmmm, Richard, my Binky loves to hang out right in front of the refrigerator. He'll plant himself in front of the door and take a nap; guess he likes it when the warm air blows out from the fan?:confused::eek::D

And, in summer, when we have a floor fan on the sunporch, he lies BEHIND it while it's running. Now I could understand if he laid in front of it, but no, he's behind it.

CATS! Who knows????:confused::confused:


Ed does have a place next to the fridge!!!!!! I'll find the fan thread and you can see his obsession.


here ya go....I have to photograph him w/o the flash...his fur reflects the light and ruins the pics!


And to those who have PMed me with the OBVIOUS joke?

Yes, But, I will not pay for it!:eek:;)

11-18-2009, 01:22 AM
Too funny but I have to commet. My boys do the same on many appliances 'vents"..Let me tell you...I air spay them once in a while and holy dust bunnies you could ride!! Careful all!

11-18-2009, 06:31 AM
Richard, I recently read (somewhere) that cats can feel the energy/vibration/feeling from electrical cords; that's why a lot of them chew on them. Maybe that's what's happening with our two cats.

Archy has developed the bad habit of cord chewing, so we purchased a tubular cover for the ones he especially fancies, and then we spray them with bitter apple.

It must be something about vibration and warmth that attracts them to certain appliances. And, he doesn't take kindly to the fact that I have to actually OPEN the fridge once in a while!:rolleyes:

Binky and Ed would make a good pair!:D

11-18-2009, 09:29 AM
Oh gosh! Richard why have you dyed Ed red? Lol!

To match your bed linnen maybe? ;o)

11-18-2009, 09:33 AM


The room is paneled with a dark red wood that makes everything a dark orangey red......With the camera flash? Ed becomes a white blob in some photos.:eek: