View Full Version : Again, darn

11-17-2009, 08:49 AM
This morning I had a another hot flash. It was the same as before. They think it might be a med I'm taking, Niasaplan. Another cause they're looking at is low testoserone. It was the first one in two weeks and I thought I was through with them. I sure hope the docs find out what it is!!

11-17-2009, 09:18 AM
Niaspan. . .absolutely. I take that and occasionally get a MASSIVE flush of heat and tingling all over my skin, especially in my face and arms. My skin also flushes red, looking like I have a sun burn and feels a bit like I have been rubbed with hot pepper (bizarre, yes, but worth the occasional flush. My rampant cholesterol is finally under control!!!). It lasts about 5 - 10 minutes and can be very intense. It is a known side effect of any Niacin-based drug. Are your symptoms like this?

Now my HOT FLASHES are a bit different. They usually start at the back of my neck and are accompanined by lots of lovely persperation. I do not perspire with the Niaspan flush.

11-17-2009, 01:13 PM
Niaspan. . .absolutely. I take that and occasionally get a MASSIVE flush of heat and tingling all over my skin, especially in my face and arms. My skin also flushes red, looking like I have a sun burn and feels a bit like I have been rubbed with hot pepper (bizarre, yes, but worth the occasional flush. My rampant cholesterol is finally under control!!!). It lasts about 5 - 10 minutes and can be very intense. It is a known side effect of any Niacin-based drug. Are your symptoms like this?

Now my HOT FLASHES are a bit different. They usually start at the back of my neck and are accompanined by lots of lovely persperation. I do not perspire with the Niaspan flush.

Those symptoms are exactly that! I have the heat and the tingling all over. So maybe they'll find that the Niasapan is the culprit.

11-17-2009, 01:43 PM

My dr. recommends that I take a baby aspirin about 1/2 hour before taking the Niaspan - that takes care of the symptoms. It really works! But make sure you ask your dr. if it's ok if you are on other meds.

Here's to flushing and tingling!!


11-18-2009, 08:39 AM

My dr. recommends that I take a baby aspirin about 1/2 hour before taking the Niaspan - that takes care of the symptoms. It really works! But make sure you ask your dr. if it's ok if you are on other meds.

Here's to flushing and tingling!!


Amen! I'll be sure ask the nurses here if it's all right.

11-18-2009, 03:27 PM
oh poor you, i empathise completely, know the feeling, HUGS and a ton of empathy going your way.

11-18-2009, 06:32 PM
Thanks everyone for the help and concern. My doc has taken me off Niasaplan to see if the hot flashes come back. I hope that's the answer.

11-20-2009, 08:05 AM
David - are you still flashing :eek: or has taking you off the Niaspan done the trick. . .


11-20-2009, 12:16 PM
So far, so good. I'm even sleeping better now that I'm off of it. I hope this keeps up!

11-20-2009, 12:22 PM
Good to hear! Keep us posted.

11-24-2009, 01:22 PM
Thanks, Karen. Since I've been off of it, I'm sleeping better, too!