View Full Version : The Perils of Pinot

Pinot's Mom
11-13-2009, 07:37 AM
It's been a while since I've posted Pinot's adventures, so I thought I'd regale you with the most recent, for her fans.

First, there are recent pictures in her album...http://petoftheday.com/talk/album.php?albumid=87...

I came home from choir last night, my husband and his group were practicing downstairs, it's at this time Pinot gets a lot of attention from me, as she's had to endure loud music while I've been out, so it's "us" time. We played for a bit, cuddled for a bit, she went off presumably for a toy. She came back to me with a large red object in her mouth...hmmm...what is this she has brought? A TOMATO!! She got a full sized vine ripened TOMATO off the kitchen counter and brought it to Mom. I petted her, laughed, and showed it to her Dad. ok....we're on to this morning...
My husband and I were getting ready for work. I heard my husband burst out laughing, he walks in to me and says, you're not going to believe this! She came all the way from the kitchen counter, up the steps to our room with A FULL SIZED AVOCADO IN HER MOUTH! Is she trying to tell us something?

RICHARD, do you think she needs Guacamole in her diet?;)

11-13-2009, 08:11 AM
Oh my goodness...that is too funny! I guess I never knew she was a retriever cat. I think she does want guacamole. Does she retrieve other things?

Looked at your pics in your album. Love the one where she is stretching. She is a pretty girl.

11-13-2009, 08:23 AM
Pinot you are such a pretty girl and feisty too:love: You are so much like Eve in appearance and attitude:D :love::love::love:

Just keep reminding mommy and daddy how important fruit and vegies are for their health (and yours baby-doll;))

11-13-2009, 08:45 AM
:love: Oh mymy Pinot I am laughing my butt off.. How so funny & cute.. I will tell Roco how funny you are.. Do you think you could video this next time..:D

11-13-2009, 08:48 AM
Wonderful Pinot pics- I agree with Betty, she looks a lot like Eve.
And being a veggie thief- that's too cute. Filou will want avocado and lick the peel but he will not steal a whole one:D

11-13-2009, 09:30 AM
Gosh, that was so funny!!!
Tomato.... Avocado..... mmm, next thing will be NACHOS!!!! :D

11-13-2009, 09:44 AM
That is hilarious!! She loves you guys so much she just wants to show you how much. Oh, and btw, she wants a salad!!

Taz snuck a dinner roll off the counter once. We couldn't find it and later found it in the back bathroom. See, he snuck it. Pinot lovingly brings it to her people. :)

11-13-2009, 10:13 AM
:p Oh yes Nachos with Salsa..:D
Gosh, that was so funny!!!
Tomato.... Avocado..... mmm, next thing will be NACHOS!!!! :D

11-13-2009, 11:17 AM
:p Oh yes Nachos with Salsa..:D
I agree with the others -- especially if she brings you an onion next. :D

Maybe she wants to develop her own line of salsa?

smokey the elder
11-13-2009, 01:25 PM
I love it when cats carry something big in their mouths. It looks so funny!

11-13-2009, 03:44 PM
That does sound Like Pinot may be hinting at some vegetables in her diet!!!
That would be interesting if Pinot actually ate those fruits.
If Pinot like Nachos then maybe Ebony Beau Tubsters and the Siamese 6 will bring some Nachos, the Best Nachos in town from Poco Loco , a Wonderful Place to dine!!!:love::love::love:
They will bring a pulled pork taco or two as well!!!
And some salsa chips and sour cream and cream!!

11-13-2009, 05:29 PM
Such a funny line of objects.

My RB cat, Miley girl would bring me little bags of treats, opened cans of cat food covered with plastic wrap, sticks of butter, bags of dried red peppers, bags of nuts.....anything she could find on the counter and able to carry. She would bring them into the bedroom and drop them next to me. I think it was her way of caring for me and giving me presents.

The veggies...well, that's a first for me. I got such a chuckle from this story!

Thanks for sharing with us!:D

Pinot's Mom
11-13-2009, 07:27 PM
Thank you for your posts - and to answer a few questions....

Yes, Pinot has been a retriever kitty since we adopted her, although it's not usuallly food!
I agree she and Eve resemble one another-actually, that last picture I took (it shows first in the album, "blue Pinot")-brought to mind the Eve avatar picture.:)
Nachos probably would be next - she is SUCH a cheeseaholic (not that she is actually allowed to eat it!).
We were wondering if we left an onion out if that would be next; that's surely Guacamole!
No, I'm not going to video this any more than I did the Pinot Mousie Game!;)
We don't have to worry about her hiding things, it's true, she does present them to us! We're very fortunate! :love:

11-13-2009, 07:55 PM
Well, we never eat the mice and birds they bring us. It must be hard, trying to take care of someone who's both a lousy hunter and a picky eater! But Pinot's figured it out - you eat FRUIT! So she can be a good provider to you after all.

Love, Columbine

Laura's Babies
11-13-2009, 09:18 PM
Maybe she was trying to tell you something... Have you put on or lost weight lately.... or has she?

That is just to funny! Giz will slap stuff off the counter, banana's, tomatoes and stuff like that but to pick it up and carry it? NO! I woudl love to have seen her with that in her mouth carrying it..

11-14-2009, 12:02 AM
You're lucky. My boys don't bring me nuttin'!:(

11-14-2009, 12:12 AM
This is too funny!!! Lol!

Thanks for sharing!

Indeed she is a very pretty girl!!

11-14-2009, 01:05 AM
LOL What a funny story.:) She sure is a beautiful cat.:) My girls are the retrievers in my household but they've never brought me any kind of food before. Pearl loves to bring me toy mice or straws and Ziggy brings me her toy pipecleaner spider.:)

11-14-2009, 05:39 PM
RICHARD, do you think she needs Guacamole in her diet?;)


Ask the 'resident Mexican'!!!!:)

It can't hurt, Try it!:D

Someone posted a thread about Avoderm cat food-I used to feed it too my RB dog and it was the best thing...It fattened him up and made his coat very nice and shiny. Avocados are rich in fat and other good stuff!

11-15-2009, 11:08 AM
Oh, Pinot! An avocado and a tomato - what good taste you have! i just looked at your photo album again -- you are very beautiful. *kiss*

Your fan,

11-16-2009, 02:09 PM
That's just too funny.

The newest one we have Apollo is crazy about change. You can't leave it lying around or he will have it in his mouth. This morning I found a quarter out in the kitchen.

He's been getting on my husbands desk and taking things from there and playing with them.

He's so bad.

Pinot is very cute!


11-16-2009, 08:20 PM
Want to see something crazy? Your little Pinot shares her feeding trait with the fierce Leopard Seal! This would-be daredevil (http://www.boingboing.net/2009/11/16/leopard-seal-teaches.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+boingboing%2FiBag+(Boing+Boin g)) went to study them, was mistaken for a starving seal pup, and completely frustrated this huge seagoing Angel of Death who went all momma on him!

Love, Columbine

Pinot's Mom
11-17-2009, 07:47 AM
Aww, so Pinot's being a Mom? I don't think she would mistake us for starving, though! ;)

Thanks for the link! :)

Want to see something crazy? Your little Pinot shares her feeding trait with the fierce Leopard Seal! This would-be daredevil (http://www.boingboing.net/2009/11/16/leopard-seal-teaches.html?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+boingboing%2FiBag+(Boing+Boin g)) went to study them, was mistaken for a starving seal pup, and completely frustrated this huge seagoing Angel of Death who went all momma on him!

Love, Columbine

Killearn Kitties
11-19-2009, 02:43 PM
So cute! Beautiful Pinot is making sure you get enough to eat! I can't imagine a cat with a whole avocado in her mouth. I wonder what it will be next?

01-06-2010, 04:24 PM
Juni's mom, Naomi, was our vegetarian cat. She ate nothing but vegetables (eggs too, though). I had a few cherry tomatoes from my mom's garden one time and I was keeping them for Christmas. They were getting less and less and one time I realized that from the moment I opened and closed the door of the fridge, one had disappeared. And I see Naomi walking away, when I looked from the front I could see she had one in her mouth, but she was trying to hide from me that she had it. That was funny.

Juni brings stuff in her mouth, especially her doggy, a stuffed toy that she has for 9 years.