View Full Version : Winter tires

11-11-2009, 05:36 PM
Do any of you have winter tires on your vehicle? I was just looking at the paperwork for my upcoming move (TO GERMANY!!) and discovered that I will be required to have them to pass the safety inspection on my car before I can drive over there. Are any brands better than others? Are there any stores with amazingly good deals?? I doubt I'll be able to find a great deal here in Texas but I will be up in Ohio next month so maybe up there:confused::confused:

11-11-2009, 06:04 PM
We have "all-weather" tires on our car, they do fine in snow, and we can leave them on year-round. You should see if that would count for Germany. And look around at tire prices, etc., you may be able to find them cheaper in one place than another, and the closer to Winter it gets, the higher prices may become.

Lady's Human
11-11-2009, 06:15 PM
All seasons are fine.

What Germany will not allow is dry/wet tires in the winter months.

You just purchased the car, it most likely has all seasons on it.

Regardless, you'll find less expensive tires through the military PX than you will at a civilian tire store 90% of the time.

11-11-2009, 06:22 PM
I don't know, the letter from his commander very specifically says that we are required to have winter tires equipped between November and April. It also says that if we are in an accident and do not have the appropriate tires installed that insurance companies have every right to throw out our claim:eek:
I'll ask the BX garage if they carry winter tires but I'd be shocked if they do:eek:

Lady's Human
11-11-2009, 06:37 PM
Many cars in Germany are equipped with high performance tires.

Those tires are 3 season wet/dry tired, and will not handle snow.

The requirement is to have appropriate tire on the car at all times, the letter from the commander is to ensure you don't have Falkens or Pirelli P zeros on the car.

Relax, don't worry about it until you get in country. The exchange will have what you need.

11-11-2009, 07:20 PM
Ahh that makes sense. Thank you:)