View Full Version : UPS/Fed-Ex

11-11-2009, 04:16 PM
How are the delivery people in your area? Around here, they are terrible.

It used to be, they would knock on the door and hand you the package if you were home, or leave a notification of where they left it. Not any more!!!

UPS is the worst!! They don't knock, or even walk up the steps and leave it by the door. Now they just stand at the bottom of the steps and toss it up so it lands in the general vicinity of the door. The only time they actually knock, is when a package has to be signed for. So the way I know I have a package, is when I hear the thud of it landing. :mad:

Fed-Ex isn't quite that bad. They leave notification of where they left the package, unless again it has to be signed for, and then I will get that knock on the door - otherwise - no knock.

Neither seems to know what a doorbell is either. :eek:

They see a car in the driveway, they see lights on in the house if it's getting dark, they see that I usually have the front inside door open - wouldn't you think that might be a clue that someone is at home???

Okay - I know they have a busy schedule - especially around the holidays. I can see them maybe doing this at such a busy time of year, but what's their excuse the rest of the year??? What happened to that UPS guy in the commercials that you see smiling and actually talking to the person he is delivering to?? I'm not looking for a "Chatty Cathy", but come on, courtesy would be nice, even just once in a while.

11-11-2009, 04:28 PM
I'm not familiar with Fed-Ex, but I know UPS at our house will bring the package to the door (too far too throw it, and sometimes too big), knock or ring the bell (which sends the dogs into a frenzy) and then go back to their truck.

Here at work, they have to come in for obvious reasons. The things here at work usually require a signature as well.

I've never seen them just throw packages. That's not cool. They usually replace broken items. A long time ago when I was selling PartyLite candles my friend had ordered a large glass candle holder. When it was delivered you could hear it was busted before even opening the package. The UPS driver took it back with him and I contacted PartyLite to let them know what happened. Turns out she ended up with TWO of them!! One the candle company replaced and one UPS replaced.
Oh the good old days!

11-11-2009, 04:40 PM
So far no problem. They always come to the door but I don't always hear them and if the dogs are out for their walk they can't bark to warn me. But twice now the delivery person knew I was home from the way the door was open so he called me on his cell from the yard, I didn't realize they had our numbers. This is UPS, Fed Ex always come to the door but don't know if they would call me to verify I'm home. Our doorbell wasn't working at the time and we had no clue. Lucky we have a door knocker at least.

11-11-2009, 04:54 PM
Koko is best buds with both Fed Ex and UPS. If it requires signing they open the porch gate and knock on door. If no signature is required I never know they came because Koko just greets them with a Wag and they leave the package on the porch with her.

Pinot's Mom
11-11-2009, 05:06 PM
Signature required seems to mean naught...
When I ordered this computer (the mini) I specified on the phone - I will not be here on these dates, it cannot deliver then. "Oh, not a problem, it won't be shipping until a few days later than that"...right...I said, seriously, it can't, they'll leave it on my doorstep, they always do in this neighborhood. "Oh, no, they won't-it's signature required, they'll try 3 times and it will come back to us"....again, right...
We got a call on vacation from our neighbor, "There's a package on your front stoop, do you want us to take it in, since you won't be home for a few more days still?" "YES - IT'S A COMPUTER!!!" They left a five hundred dollar piece of technology on my front step!! Thank goodness I live in a good area!

UPS doesn't get signatures, either, it's on the front stoop. I don't know if they do that everywhere-I sure hope they don't do that in the city-they would be replacing a LOT of stolen goods!

11-11-2009, 05:11 PM
Now that I think about it Maggie - they did the same with an expensive cell phone my son had ordered. Signature required - I found it on the railing on the front porch. At least they didn't throw it! :rolleyes::D

11-11-2009, 05:12 PM
Rarely do we get anything by Fed-Ex, so I really can't comment on them. We really like our UPS delivery guy though. He'll knock at the door and then set the package and a handful of dog biscuits right outside the door. :)

A few years ago the UPS man delivered a big box labeled "frozen meat" to our house. I think it also says something like "Caution: Dry Ice" on it. Well, that sparked the UPS guy's interest and he asked about it. My husband explained that it was frozen rats for our snakes. They then ended up having a nice little conversation about snakes. Now anytime he sees us he asks how the snakes are doing. :)

Now, we always seem to have a problem when a package is sent through with the regular USPS mail carrier. She has stuffed packages that were too big for the mailbox into the mailbox. The box corners get completely crushed and it's nearly impossible to get out. When she does have to bring it to the house she usually just throws it and runs, never knocking or ringing the doorbell. Several times we've had to go to the post office to pick up a package even though it wasn't a package that needed signing for. It's just too big to cram into the mailbox and she doesn't want to bring it to the house so she leaves a note in the mailbox telling us it needs to be picked up at the post office. She also likes to hit our garbage can on garbage day even though there is plenty of space between the mailbox and where the garbage sits.

11-11-2009, 05:12 PM
Signature required seems to mean naught...
When I ordered this computer (the mini) I specified on the phone - I will not be here on these dates, it cannot deliver then. "Oh, not a problem, it won't be shipping until a few days later than that"...right...I said, seriously, it can't, they'll leave it on my doorstep, they always do in this neighborhood. "Oh, no, they won't-it's signature required, they'll try 3 times and it will come back to us"....again, right...
We got a call on vacation from our neighbor, "There's a package on your front stoop, do you want us to take it in, since you won't be home for a few more days still?" "YES - IT'S A COMPUTER!!!" They left a five hundred dollar piece of technology on my front step!! Thank goodness I live in a good area!

UPS doesn't get signatures, either, it's on the front stoop. I don't know if they do that everywhere-I sure hope they don't do that in the city-they would be replacing a LOT of stolen goods!

This exact same thing happened when my boyfriend ordered my $1600 keyboard (piano). Just left it by the front door. And it was HUGE, anyone could see it!!! Luckily we live on a court so we don't have too much traffic, but still!

Pinot's Mom
11-11-2009, 05:17 PM
This exact same thing happened when my boyfriend ordered my $1600 keyboard (piano). Just left it by the front door. And it was HUGE, anyone could see it!!! Luckily we live on a court so we don't have too much traffic, but still!

...and in my case, if you had any doubt, it had DELL posted in big letters all over the box! Gee-I wonder what's in that box?:confused:

11-11-2009, 05:39 PM
The UPS guy here is so nice, he's the coolest guy. He loves Mikey. I see him sometimes when I am walking the dog and if I am out front with Mikey or my friends and he delivers a package to my house he gives it right to me and is very nice. Fed-Ex, I can't say the same - we usually just get packages from UPS. The Mailman around here sucks, he's so rude and he takes his own sweet time delivering the mail. :rolleyes:

11-11-2009, 05:50 PM
Our UPS driver at work is hunky, but married. The driver on the UPS route that covers my building is good. All packages are "signature required" because it is a condo building but he knows who is home during the day that he can call to sign for a package, and many of the people in my building will sign for each other. That way you don't have to go to UPS to get your package.

Fed Ex is not good. We are one of the last stops on the route. The building numbers get mixed up and the street in the townhouse development east of us has the same name as our condo complex, which is very confusing. Fed Ex only comes 3 days per week, so if something is delivered incorrectly it's a problem.

We just got a new mail carrier a couple of months ago. I don't know what happened to our former mail carrier, who was terrific; but the new person is still getting adjusted. It can't be easy because our mailboxes and our unit numbers are different.

Lady's Human
11-11-2009, 06:18 PM
If the package is too big to fit in the mailbox the carrier is required to leave a note for pickup at the PO.

11-11-2009, 06:22 PM
Please, please - if someone throws a package, or does anything inappropriate, report it! We once had a UPS driver who slowed his truck, threw the box toward our front door, watched it bounce down the steps, had to get out, picked it and tossed it again. It was a hard drive!

I called, spoke to his supervisor, and we never had a problem again.

11-11-2009, 06:37 PM
haven't had any problems out of either of them, but I don't get many packages. I do know UPS will leave a note and come back later the same day if I'm not home to get something. Occasionally they will leave packages in the back of our Jeep that is parked in the carport, especially if it is obviously Jeep parts.

11-11-2009, 06:39 PM
If the package is too big to fit in the mailbox the carrier is required to leave a note for pickup at the PO.

LH, my mail lady leaves packages too big for the mailbox on my front porch, always has.
My UPS guy usually sits the package on the porch, knocks and leaves. Fed Ex doesn't knock.
Of course if anything is supposed to be signed for and we're not home, they leave a note.

Lady's Human
11-11-2009, 06:41 PM
Your carrier is doing a little extra, which craft members usually do.

If, however, they decided to audit her route and found her doing that, she would be disciplined for wasting time on her route.

11-11-2009, 07:55 PM
Awful! We are waiting for another box from the insurance company to replace my computer. They sent one out last week. The UPS person left it on the front porch..... in the POURING rain. By the time we got to it, it was a brown puddle.

11-11-2009, 08:05 PM
I like both Fed-ex and UPS,
If I need a signature I like Fed-ex a bit more depending on who is delivering.
The few times I had a Fed-ex delivery I had needed a signature.
The last two times if I was not home, Fed-EX has left a note on my door.
The delivery person than came back and tried my house again later that same day and I was able to sign.
UPS, if I am not home and a signature is needed they will not try my house again that same day.

The 2 complaints I do have about UPS are...
1: You can not call your local UPS office directly.
2: The last 3 times I was home, the UPS man did not ring my door bell but
through the package on my front porch and left. I heard a loud bang and that is how I new the UPS man was here. A couple of times my contents arrived damaged. (no surprise the way the boxes looked.)

11-11-2009, 08:29 PM
Gee, no problem here. If I order stuff online, I add "Leave on porch if nobody home", and they do, right in front of the door.
If they see a car, they knock and leave the item unless I have to sign. We're UPS/FedEx city on my block for some reason.

11-11-2009, 08:31 PM
No issue with them bouncing stuff to test it. But they just put it by the door, no knock, doorbell or notice at the mailbox -- which they have to pass. Some use the front door, most use the side door.

I've found stuff after a day or 2 of it sitting at the front door. :rolleyes: At the side door, we use that twice per day but if they deliver after Dad comes home at 4:30 or so, it sits until next morning.

11-11-2009, 09:53 PM
Our regular UPS driver is great.

Our regular FedEx driver is a miserable hooman.

Enjoy one, deal with the other.

11-11-2009, 10:03 PM
No problems with either one. We're on first name basis with both of them :)

11-12-2009, 12:23 AM
I live in a condo complex in a security building. Both Fed-Ex and UPS used to call me from downstairs to see if I was home and if not they'd leave a message if I wasn't home. They don't do this any more. They'll leave notices on my mailbox. Some times they left the package outside on top of the mail boxes where any one walking down the street could've stolen it. They've also managed to get into my building and left a package in front of my door which is more secure but it could've been stolen without my knowledge.

Lately I've had my packages delivered to me at work which works out much better for me any way. My roommate received a notice from Fed-Ex and called them and they told her that they'd call her on her cell phone the next day and let her know when they'd be delivering the package again. She later found another notice on the mailbox. She was home the whole time and no one tried to knock or call. She ended up picking up the package herself.

11-12-2009, 10:13 AM
I don't have problems with them, but I do notice that they leave packages on the porch- outside- rather than inside the porch. I don't get that. If this is some 'rule', then I wonder why they choose to follow this one but ignore some other rule (like leaving the notice card with the package for me to sign and return the next day.....).

11-12-2009, 06:30 PM
I don't have problems with either. I miss my UPS delivery guy at the job I used to have; he was so nice and friendly!

Now for a joke:

If the UPS truck and FedEX truck collided, would they be called FEDUP???!!!??? :D An oldy but always a goody!

11-12-2009, 07:06 PM
If the package is too big to fit in the mailbox the carrier is required to leave a note for pickup at the PO.

I'd have to disagree with that statement, and your follow up reply as well. I work for an online business, and we ship 35-75 dvds a day via USPS. We also receive packages from USPS, as well as UPS and FedEx. USPS carrier leaves all packages on the porch at work. We schedule daily pick ups and she leaves us extra totes, and puts any packages inside of them. It's been this way for 4 years. The only time we get an orange notice is if the package is Signature Required or Insured. The same goes for my mail carrier at home. They always leave packages on the ledge next to our mailbox when we're not home.

Our UPS drivers, home and work, are both awesome. UPS at work has been the same guy, Ron, for 4 years. He comes almost every day. He always brings it to the door, and if its a lot and we're not home, he'll leave it in the garage (knows the code). He's always willing to take UPS packages too.. even when I've packed up three 40 lb boxes. He takes them no problem. UPS driver at my house is great as well. He'll put all the packages between our door and screen door if possible, or he'll cover them with the rug. And when its raining, he ALWAYS puts them in a huge plastic bag.

We don't deal too much with FedEx but in the past, they used to just toss stuff over the railing and leave it laying wherever it landed. Never rang the doorbell either. Recently, they've been much better... always on the doorstep with a ring.

Lady's Human
11-12-2009, 07:40 PM
I hate to disagree with you, however, the disciplinary issues within the USPS are monumental. This is an organization which on one day issues a letter of warning to a carrier for walking across a lawn where there is a dog, and a day later in the same office issues a letter of warning to a carrier out of the same office for NOT walking across a lawn and wasting time.

The carrier at your place of business operates under a different set off rules than a residential delivery. Carriers picking up at a business certainly have to pickup and make deliveries IN the place of business.

A carrier making a residential delivery is not allowed to pull into a driveway, make a left turn into a street unless authorized by a supervisor, leave their vehicle to make a delivery unless authorized by a supervisor, talk to a customer while making a delivery, and many other little rules which carriers routinely break. It's fine, nothing is said, until the carrier upsets management, than all the little rules they break (and have to break) while doing their duties come to the top.

If the carrier is on a walk route the rules are slightly different, but not substantially so.

11-12-2009, 07:43 PM
I do not work at a business address, it's residential. She pulls in the driveway, leaves her car and leaves packages on the porch. Must have different rules, depending on the location.

Technically, theyre not supposed to accept a label with a past due date, but they take ours ALL the time. Guess they like the $$$$ we bring in.

Lady's Human
11-12-2009, 07:49 PM
If the carrier ever upsets management, all those little violations will be used against them without hesitation.

I have a craft member at the moment with a possible letter of warning for parking incorrectly.........they pulled into a parking space in the employee parking lot instead of backing in. Officially they tell employees to back into the parking space instead of pulling in, as backing out of a parking space is an unsafe act.

11-12-2009, 09:37 PM
A carrier making a residential delivery is not allowed to pull into a driveway, make a left turn into a street unless authorized by a supervisor, leave their vehicle to make a delivery unless authorized by a supervisor, talk to a customer while making a delivery, and many other little rules which carriers routinely break. It's fine, nothing is said, until the carrier upsets management, than all the little rules they break (and have to break) while doing their duties come to the top.

Exactly how does a supervisor know if a carrier pulls into a driveway or any of the other no-nos you have listed? I've never seen anyone following our carrier, and s/he has pulled into our driveway, and others on the street, innumerable times over the past 20 years.

Lady's Human
11-12-2009, 09:40 PM
The supervisors are supposed to do route audits, ride alongs, and shadow the carriers periodically.

They are pushing to get GPS trackers in the vehicles so they don't have to do that anymore.

11-12-2009, 09:47 PM
Do these restrictions apply to all carriers? Ours is a rural route; the carrier delivers in a car. The mailboxes are at the head of the street - one half mile from our house. When there is a package too big to put in the box - and we have the big boxes - the carrier drives down the street, into the driveway, beeping the horn. If we are home, we go out to get the package; otherwise the carrier gets out of the car, and puts the package on our front porch. Is that against the rules?

Lady's Human
11-12-2009, 09:53 PM
Yep. The carrier should leave a note in the box for pickup at the PO.

11-13-2009, 03:09 PM
So far I have never had a problem with either one of them. They always knock at my door before leaving the pkg. If I'm home to answer the door, they hand me the pkg.

11-15-2009, 11:52 AM
Our UPS driver at work is hunky, but married. The driver on the UPS route that covers my building is good. All packages are "signature required" because it is a condo building but he knows who is home during the day that he can call to sign for a package, and many of the people in my building will sign for each other. That way you don't have to go to UPS to get your package.

Fed Ex is not good. We are one of the last stops on the route. The building numbers get mixed up and the street in the townhouse development east of us has the same name as our condo complex, which is very confusing. Fed Ex only comes 3 days per week, so if something is delivered incorrectly it's a problem.

We just got a new mail carrier a couple of months ago. I don't know what happened to our former mail carrier, who was terrific; but the new person is still getting adjusted. It can't be easy because our mailboxes and our unit numbers are different.

I just learned that Fed Ex only comes if they are called for a pickup or if there is a package to deliver. That may be part of why we have had problems with Fed Ex, less familiar with the complex than our UPS driver.