View Full Version : My vision and headaches

11-09-2009, 12:11 PM
I think I've come to the conclusion (or come out of denial) that my vison is the CAUSE of my headaches and not a side effect.

I had to go and get glasses back in May. My long distance vision went downhill and in order to get my license I had to get glasses and I can't drive without them. it was kind of wierd though as it was within a year that my vision went from great to really bad.

My near vision is still good. the doctor dilated my pupils and did all the checking and said that my overall eye health was quite good and there didn't appear to be any medical issues causing my vision just general decline.

well my eyes have been bugging me more and more lately and I'm feeling like my vision isn't as good as it was when I first got the glasses. It seems lately that even with the glasses I'm not able to see as far as I was when I first got them. My left eye seems to be worse than my right eye.

but my eyes have been feeling really strained lately especially when looking at anything at a distance. the doctor said this could happen that my eye sight could continue to decline but I didn't think it would be noticeable so soon

has anyone else experienced this? are they ever going to stop getting worse? this is my first experience with glasses. Having a two year old... naturally I have scratches on my lenses. could these be messing with my vision when wearing the glasses?

11-09-2009, 12:33 PM
I first started wearing glasses when I was around 9, and my vision changed every year until my early 20's. It stabilized then until I hit my 40's, and then started changing every few years after that. I never needed glasses for close up work until then either, then it was bifocals for me.
Two years ago I had cataract surgery on both eyes, so now all I need is reading glasses. It took me a long time to get used to not wearing glasses.

11-09-2009, 12:37 PM
I need help with the distance but I wear one contact for that and the other eye handles close up. It doesn't work for everyone but it does for me. I buy my contacts at costco and pop one in the right eye and I am good for two weeks. It doesn't work for everyone but when it does work its great.

11-09-2009, 12:47 PM
Hmmm that's interesting caseysmom... I've never heard of anyone doing that before.

yeah it's really annoying that my left eye is worse than my right eye. it's really messing with me and is QUITE annoying at best lol. but my RX is the same for both sides right now. I suspect that will change after I see the doctor.

I guess I just need to suck it up and go to the doc and get checked again.

pomptzu.. well at least there is some hope that after a while I might get to go a few years without constant change to my vision lol

11-09-2009, 01:02 PM
I'm going to the eyedoctor tomorrow. My vision has been getting worse (its already horrible) and I get vertigo daily. I have a feeling its a combination of general decline, flourescent lighting, high blood pressure, and side effects from carbon monoxide poisoning this summer. I can't win with all those things against me. I'm hoping the carbon monoxide nerve damage will repair itself but I know I should be taking something for blood pressure, and I'm only 24.

11-09-2009, 10:49 PM
I'm 58, wore glasses since age 3 and my eyes still have slight changes every year.

i find that contacts have helped my vision tremendously. I have keratosis in my right eye so I use a gas permeable lens, and a soft contact in the left. I've worn contacts since I was 16. I can't see well without them. I have glasses, but I'm nearly blind in the right eye when I wear them, so I only put them on when I arise and before bed.

When my brother started wearing glasses a few years back, he found his sight got worse very quickly. I don't know if that's normal, but I think we rely on them from that point on, so we notice changes faster. IMO.

You should get scratch resistance lenses. Big help.

Laura's Babies
11-10-2009, 07:46 AM
The 3 years before my cataract surgery, a new Rx for glasses only lasted me for about 3 months before they no longer worked for me. The doctors were more than glad to do another exam and sell me another pair of glasses.

I tell you, there is nothing worse than a eye strain headache, NOTHING helps but to lay down and shut your eyes for several hours. (at least that is how it was with me) I hope your eyes stabilize soon and you get some relief.

11-10-2009, 08:17 AM

My doctor told me that once I hit 40, my vision would start to change. Boy was he right!!! While my distance vision isn't perfect, and has changed slightly every year, it's my reading vision that has gone in the loo. I swore I'd never have those little "windows" in my glasses to read, like my parents did. Alas, I can't afford the progressive bifocals so I'm reduced to becoming my mother.

11-10-2009, 09:00 AM

My doctor told me that once I hit 40, my vision would start to change. Boy was he right!!! While my distance vision isn't perfect, and has changed slightly every year, it's my reading vision that has gone in the loo. I swore I'd never have those little "windows" in my glasses to read, like my parents did. Alas, I can't afford the progressive bifocals so I'm reduced to becoming my mother.

Have you checked Zenni Optical? Seeing as my glasses - which are usually hundreds o dollars - were just $18, it might be worth a try, if you have your prescription handy!