View Full Version : Claudia *Update 11/20 Back from the Vets* I think she might be back up :) to 13

11-09-2009, 08:44 AM
Well on Friday I took Apollo to the vets and when I got home Claudia was sneezing like crazy and her eyes were all watery.

She seems to have gotten worse over the past 2 days so I'm taking her in at 6:30 p.m. tonight.

I hope they can give her something to comfort her she looks so miserable and she has these sneezing fits where she sneezed like 20 times in a row and it seems like she can't stop it.

I know she can breathe out of her mouth but she won't do it but the poor girl just seems too miserable. I tried to take her temperature yesterday but that didn't work out well since it was me against her.

She ran and hid from me but now she's ok with me. Claudia hates the vets and the cat carrier so this will be fun for me and her I'm sure.

Please say a pray for her that she heals quickly and that this isn't anything serious. She's 7 years old now so I tend to get a little worried the older they get.


Queen of Poop
11-09-2009, 08:49 AM
Poor sneezy baby, please let mommie take you to the vets so you can get feeling better soon.

Laura's Babies
11-09-2009, 08:54 AM
Poor baby. Lets hope the vet can do something to help her feel better real quick. I can't imagine how miserable that must be for them to have a cold..

11-09-2009, 09:50 AM
We are sending Prayers for Your Dear Claudia, and we know that Our Awesome Angel Army will be there for Claudia, so she has thier warmmth and comfort durimg her illness.
We are praying that Claudias home soon with a clean bill of health!!

11-09-2009, 01:07 PM
Prayers on the way for you both! :love::love:

11-09-2009, 07:16 PM
Well I'm finally back and it's 8:10 p.m. They had an emergency case before mine so I was there at 6:20 ish and now I'm finally home.

Claudia was a very good girl though siting in her cat carrier even though she hates the vet office.

Her temperature was normal which is good and I was able to get her nails clipped at no charge :) and they gave me some meds, they did expire in April but the vet thinks they are still good so I'm sure they are too. Plus I got those for free :) as well which really helped because right before that appt. I calculated what I still owe the vets and it's over $600.

Not including fixing Apollo and if he might need the removal of his leg/paw sometime. I think I'm going to do some type of fundraiser to raise some $$ to pay off some of these vet bills. I have to think of some ideas though.

The vet sent Claudia home with some Chlorpheniramine and Amoxi tablets. Hopefully they will make her better so far none of the other 9 cats seem sicks so knock on some wood for me please :)

Thank you for your prays,

Laura's Babies
11-10-2009, 08:01 AM
Good, lets hope the meds work and nobody else catches that nasty cold..

11-10-2009, 09:13 AM
Feel better soon, Claudia! Best wishes for a speedy recovery!


11-11-2009, 07:33 AM
Claudia and I are battling with these pills. Last night she wouldn't take the blue pill which is her antibiotic pill. She kept spitting it out. I gave up after she went and hid from me. This morning we tried again and she is just too tricky, she puts the pill at the side and sticks out her tongue like she is swallowing but she doesn't and once I put her down she spits it out.

So this morning we I put her on the kitchen counter, normally they are not allowed up there and I gave her the blue pill first and she wouldn't swallow it. I know amoxi must taste bad but I try to place it in the back so she will just swallow it but she doesn't want to. So far I was covered in blue stuff coating and she was covered I got out another fresh pill and we tried it again and it finally worked.

Then I had to give her the yellow pill which is a decongestant. Man what a fight that one was. I got it and I thought she swallowed it and I put her down and she spit out.

So I grabbed her again and I got scratched and finally the pill went down and she hide from me again.

I was thinking maybe I should do liquid but I bet that would be even messier.

I may try to get those pill pockets and see if that will work for her instead. I hate fighting with her just to get some pills in but she is a terrible pill taker.


11-11-2009, 09:56 PM
Give the liquid amoxi a try if you're still fighting with her. Sassy LOVES Amoxi liquid and laps it right up off the dropper! Plus they can flavor liquid to something like tuna or chicken if you need it.

I found some info on the decongestant for you that might explain the fight with that....

"Chlorpheniramine maleate is famous for bitter taste. Often the pet (especially cats) will tolerate the medication for a period of time but ultimately refuse to take it or even show salivation in response to administration. In such cases, it may be best to try a different medication."

11-12-2009, 07:18 AM
Yep I'm still fighting with her today, she hates taking it. I'm not sure if my vet can can mix in flavors or not but I will ask tomorrow. I have to go take Apollo tomorrow. I feel bad I have to fight with her about this. This morning she spit out her amoxi pills several times and I'm sure it tasted nasty by the time I got it in her mouth.

I tried to give her the yellow (decongestiant pill) again and she kept spitting it out. So I gave up on that this morning and I'll try later tonight.

Thanks for the info,

Pinot's Mom
11-12-2009, 07:42 AM
You can get amoxycillin (sp?) in a liquid form and flavored. I had to give it to my RB kitty Jamara once. They didn't have the tuna flavor on hand, the only thing they had was bubble gum (yes, bright pink). I had to get it in her as soon as possible, so I took it. She had no problem with bubble gum flavor until literally the last day. Jamara had enough and she spat it back out; all over the kitchen. I was finding little bright pink dots for a really long time!

Find a pharmacy that does special blending. I think the one near me is (maybe was, I haven't had to do this in a long time) Physician's Choice? Check with the vet, though, they'll know who does it. Let us know how it goes!

11-12-2009, 03:43 PM
I have to pill my Ming every day! The Pill Pockets don't work on him, so I just have my son hold him and put the dang pill down his throat. For about 2 months I was sporting some pretty impressive scrathches, but for the last 9 months or so, he has been much easier to pill. He has to be on this regimen for the rest of his life, so I love that he has accepted the pills. I just need to ask my vet what I should do if I have to go away for a couple of days. I don't think he can be pilled by my son by himself.
I hop Claudia gradually accepts the pills or that you find a way she will take them without starting WWIII.

11-16-2009, 02:18 PM
Tonight Claudia will be getting her last dose of amoxi. I'm so so glad.

She was sneezing a little last night and I'm hoping though in a few days she will be feeling better and won't need more meds. Prays would be appreciated.


11-16-2009, 05:47 PM
What about Convenia, Melissa? It's an injection that lasts for two weeks and is a life saver for those of us who have cats who are difficult to medicate. It isn't always the med to be used but you might ask your vet about it for next time.

11-16-2009, 07:37 PM

Thanks! I believe one of my guys got that before I can't remember who though.

I should of asked for that I'm going to have to call the vets becasue when I got home tonight her eyes had more discharge and it's a darker kind of discharge but overall her eyes looked ok.

We'll see what they say tomorrow.


What about Convenia, Melissa? It's an injection that lasts for two weeks and is a life saver for those of us who have cats who are difficult to medicate. It isn't always the med to be used but you might ask your vet about it for next time.

11-17-2009, 08:01 AM
Last night when I got home from work Claudia had dark discharge from her eyes and she still doesn't look like she feels well.

She has been throwing up liquid stuff as well probably since early Friday morning and then again on Saturday morning as well as Sunday.

I was hoping she'd feel better by now. She hated taking those pills but I got them down.

I hope it's nothing serious. Claudia is 7 years old now so it's better to be safe than sorry.

Please say a little pray that she feels better soon.


Pinot's Mom
11-17-2009, 08:40 AM
I'm so sorry about Claudia, I hope they can do something quickly for her, poor thing. Keep us updated...:love:

11-18-2009, 09:06 AM
Last night I took Claudia to the vets and the vet examed her. She lost .5 lb.

I know that's not much but it is for just 8 days ago when I had her in there. The vet looked at her eyes and gave her some drops as well as a type of z-pak meds to give to her for 7 days and then in 2 weeks she wants to recheck her weight again to see if it's decreased or increased.

I told her I'll keep an eye on her at home since I have scale. Not a cat scale but a human scale and I just hop on with my cats and weigh them.

I know it may not be too accurate but at least it will give us some idea. The vet wanted to check her stool to, to make sure she is pooping and she gave us a sample last night :)

I took the sample to the vets this morning. My husband noticed too and I thought this too this morning that her fur looks different too. Maybe I'm just freaking out or something. The vet said that if her stool is normal then we'll see where her weight is in 2 weeks and then if it's decreased we will run a blood sample and possible x-ray.

Poor Girl. I could really use all the PT prays possible.

I've had my Claudia since she was about 8 weeks old. I just don't want anything serious to be wrong with her.

Also, she threw up twice last night, liquid again. I was able to find out since I had her confined to the bathroom.


11-20-2009, 07:34 AM
I checked Claudia's weight this morning and it said 12.4 which means she was 12.8 at the vets I think but I'm going call just to check what her weight was for sure.

I hope this is nothing serious.


Pinot's Mom
11-20-2009, 09:20 AM
Oh, no, more weight?? I'm so sorry she's in such distress (and you!)! :(

I wish I knew some magic cure, but I don't. Keep us posted.

11-22-2009, 09:41 AM
I'm sorry! Poor Claudia! I hope the vet will find out what's wrong, and that it's something treatable!!


11-22-2009, 11:02 AM
Melissa - I think the weight thing is nothing more than the difference between your scale and the vet's.

Try this - weigh something at home, like a pound of shortening or something solid.

Next time you are at the vet's, ask to weigh the same thing.

I bet you will see a difference - and it would be a good thing to know.


11-22-2009, 04:36 PM
Well today I her weight today and it looks like she's back up to the 13!!

I will probably take her into the vets in a week or so just to have them double check her to make sure she went back up and that she's doing well :)

She seems to be acting much better since starting the z-pak meds.

Thanks all,

Melissa - I think the weight thing is nothing more than the difference between your scale and the vet's.

Try this - weigh something at home, like a pound of shortening or something solid.

Next time you are at the vet's, ask to weigh the same thing.

I bet you will see a difference - and it would be a good thing to know.
