View Full Version : How can I help this?

11-07-2009, 09:05 PM
Hannah has this bad habit of licking the corners of her mouth. Well it is resulting in a really chapped and cracked area. I put lip balm on it whenever possible (and it's homemade stuff... not made by me specifically but stil homemade rather than the commercial stuff) but is there something else that will help with it? it really looks sore.

another thing that seems to be bothering me more than it bothers her lol.

11-07-2009, 09:08 PM
I doubt there is much you can do. My little sister, who is now 42 sticks her tongue out to the side when she is concentrating very hard :D She'll either grow out of it or she won't! LOL!

11-07-2009, 09:13 PM
I doubt there is much you can do. My little sister, who is now 42 sticks her tongue out to the side when she is concentrating very hard :D She'll either grow out of it or she won't! LOL!

lol ... hannah does the same thing when she is concentrating but she also does it like a nervous habit.

it doesn;t seem to bother her as much as it does me. I just wish there was some way I could keep the chapping and cracking of the skin at bay :D

11-08-2009, 11:14 AM
My niece had a habit of licking her lips. Her mouth would be red almost all the way up to her nose. She didn't like having anything on her lips either. But she eventually out grew it. She's 15 now.
If Hannah will keep the lip balm on it, just keep doing that. Or when you see her doing it try to distract her.
As an adult I had a habit of clenching my teeth (not grinding) and a friend of mine could tell when I was doing it and would tell me to STOP! It helped.

11-08-2009, 11:50 AM
Yeah I've been putting a little lip balm on. it's nice cause I am a lip balm addict so I'm ALWAYS putting it on and she wants to be like me so she comes up so I can put some on her. but... it's not yucky tasting so sometimes I think she just ends up licking it off.

I am waiting for my new tube of coconut lip balm to come. but I just looked at her lips and they are looking a bit better today so hopefully that means the lip balm is helping... or maybe it's just cause she wasn't licking the corners of her mouth overnight.

my neice also does the licking thing where it's red all the way up to her nose and out to her cheeks. my little brother used to always lick around his bottom lip and all down his chin he had horrible red chapping. maybe it's a family thing lol

11-09-2009, 12:15 AM
Vaseline is what my friend's mother used, as it doesn't taste very good, unlike most lip balms. She grew out of it!

11-09-2009, 12:19 AM
Vaseline is what my friend's mother used, as it doesn't taste very good, unlike most lip balms. She grew out of it!

hmmm... you know I have a ton of vaseline but I wasn't sure if it was something I should use around the lips or not. Not sure WHY I thought it might be an issue lol

I am going to try that since I have an abundance and she doesn't fight me putting anything like that around her lips. she thinks she's being like me since I put lipbalm on CONSTANTLY so she loves to have things put on her lips and such like I do. I"m going to try that.

Daisy and Delilah
11-09-2009, 01:41 PM
It absolutely drives me crazy to see people licking they're lips. If it were my child, I would be going completely nuts. I've also seen people with severely chapped lips because of this. Best of luck with it!! :( I feel your pain!!