View Full Version : Prays Needed For Apollo at Vets - Sending Poo Sample Away Now *Update Post #17*

11-06-2009, 07:14 AM
I'm going to be calling the vets at 8 a.m. hopefully someone will be in by then if not at 8:30 a.m.

He was acting so strange last night I was so worried about him. He's been having a spell of the diaherra since I gave him his last worming dosage on Oct. 28th.

I figured the runs were normal but when I called the vets yesterday they told me I needed to start him on a bland diet so I went to the vets last night and purchased some I/D canfood and he ate almost all of 1 can of cat food.

So it was close to 10 p.m. and I went to bed and normally he will scratch at the door wanting in with me until I give up and go sleep on the couch until my husband gets home.

But Apollo didn't scratch at the door or anything which was weird and I figured he was just sleepy. About 2 a.m. or so my husband asked me if Apollo was sleeping alot tonight and I said a little bit but not too much.

So I went out to see Apollo and I picked him up and he felt pretty warm. I tried to give him some canfood and he wouldn't take any, we tried milk nothing, we even tried to give him some other food and he wasn't interested at all.

I started to get really worried so I took him temp and mine isn't very fast so when it got up to 103 he pulled out and then it beeped so I don't know if that's his temperature or not.

Then shortly after that he tried to go to the bathroom and he ended up throwing up liquid in his litter box.

This morning after being awake almost the rest of the night because I was so worried that something might happen to him.

I got up around 6:30 a.m. and he wanted to eat regular dry food not the canfood so I'm glad about that.

He still seemed warm to me and so I brought him into work with me but he seems to be acting better now.

I'm going to call the vets though and see if they will see him and see what to do.


11-06-2009, 07:16 AM
Thoughts and prayers for Apollo's speedy recovery.

Pinot's Mom
11-06-2009, 07:19 AM
I hope it's just a temporary reaction to meds - prayers Apollo's OK! :love:

11-06-2009, 08:14 AM
Prayers for Apollo....

11-06-2009, 08:33 AM
This morning he is feeling ok I think, he was slightly warm but I think he's better.

Maybe I'm over reacting, well that's what one of my co-workers said but then again she doesn't understand my cats are like my childern.

I have to drop him off at the vets and they will call once they check him out. It's better to be safe than sorry.

It was just so weird how sick he acted last night and all he wanted while he was here at work was to be out of the cage.


Queen of Poop
11-06-2009, 08:53 AM
He seemed to be pretty sick last night, best to have him checked out. Prayers for Apollo that he's going to be just fine.

11-06-2009, 09:11 AM
All our prayers and good wishes for Apollo, that he is fine.

11-06-2009, 09:37 AM
I am hoping Apollo just had a little bug and will be just fine. :)

11-06-2009, 09:44 AM
Some of Our Awsome Angels will be with Appollo to give him moral support, and to purr to him while your White Coat makes Appollo all better!!
There will be So Many Owesome Orangies there it will be as warm as the Sun.:love::love::love::love:
We are praying for Your Little Orange Man, than he can lick this pesky bug thats making him so ill.:eek:
Hes such a Owesome Orange Cat!!!

11-06-2009, 10:21 AM
Hi All-

Alice (the vet) just called me and she said she checked him out and he is appearing to be ok. They took his temperature this morning and it 101.5 which is good she said. She listened to him and felt him and everything appears to be normal and she said if he poops or throws up while there she will examine it to see if he still has roundworms or anything like that.

I told her everything that happened and told her about how he was acting fine again this morning so I agreed if he throws up or has some more runny diarrhea she will give him some fluids but for right now he is pretty well hydrated for having the runs.

The vets said she is going to watch him throughout the day and I'll probably call before I leave work to see if I can pick him up.

Thank you for the prays,

11-06-2009, 12:41 PM
:love: Well so glad your feeling better Apollo.. Keep getting well.. Sending lots of Prayers & Huggss..

11-06-2009, 12:53 PM
You did the right thing. When in doubt, I always run them to the vet. I am so happy your precious little boy is fine!:love:

11-06-2009, 02:03 PM
Whew! Thank goodness!! :D

11-06-2009, 03:29 PM
Better to be safe than sorry. I'm glad that Apollo appears to be doing better now, thankfully.

11-09-2009, 08:16 AM
I was able to pick up Apollo on Friday evening around 7 p.m. Alice (vet) said he was doing fine; he wanted to play and ate for them. They were hoping to collect a stool sample but he didn't give them one. Alice told us as soon as he gives a sample we should bring it over for them to look at. As soon as we put him in the car he started passing gas of course so we knew our little boy had to go potty.

As soon as we brought him inside, he ran to the litter box. Our litter must be better :) or something.

He pooped right away so I was able to get his sample and bag it up and on Saturday we took it to the vets.

I met with Alice and she suggested that since we have wormed 4-5 times now and he still has runny diarrhea that there might be a parasite or something they can't catch under their microscope so we should send a sample away to a lab.

That price is $130.00

I swear I need a second job. Anyway, the poop will be sent away and hopefully we will figure out why he has such runny poo and hopefully it will be a simple fix.

On Sunday Apollo was feeling much better and he reminded me that soon we need to get him fixed big time. He was trying to have some fun with my one girl cats. I want to wait till we figure out his poop issues before putting him under the knife but I'm going to talk with the vets tonight and see.


11-09-2009, 09:48 AM
Thats great that Appollos all better now!
The Found Cats are so happy that all the Pet Talkers Prayers helped your Little Owesome Orange come home to his Meeowmie!!!
Thats always a relief when Our Cats get over an illness!:love::love::love:

11-16-2009, 03:33 PM
Well on Friday the 13th my husband and I went to the vets with Apollo. He was scheduled to get an x-ray of his paw because we need to get him fixed and if we are going to take off his paw I'd rather do it then, than waiting till later on.

Once we get there they give us the results to his poo sample that I dropped off on Nov. 9th.

Apollo's poo tested postive for

C. Perfringens Enterotoxin


Feline Corona Virus

Here some brief info on both:

C. Perfringens Enterotoxin
When pets get chronic diarrhea, one of the tests that sooner or later comes up is the test for Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin. Clostridium perfringens is a bacterium and it produces an unpleasant toxin. It sounds simple: A pet gets infected with toxin-forming bacteria, gets diarrhea, the diarrhea should at least improve with removal of the toxin-forming bacteria. As with most hings, it turns out to be more complicated.

What is Clostridium perfringens?

Clostridial diseases are classic in medicine, both veterinary and human. It is a Clostridium that causes tetanus, a Clostridium that causes botulism, and Clostridia are responsible for gangrene, “black leg,” lamb dysentery, and other famous maladies. Clostridia have several features in common that make them especially nefarious but most importantly:

They produce toxins.

They are anaerobic (they grow in the absence of oxygen).
They form spores (essentially armor) so as to withstand environmental change, including disinfectants that would kill more vulnerable bacteria.
Clostridium perfringens is one of the brothers of this evil family. It is further classified into five types depending on what combination of four toxins it produces.

One of the toxins that some Clostridium perfringens strains can produce is called Clostridium perfringens enterotoxin. It causes fluid secretion into the intestine and this leads to diarrhea.


Feline enteric coronavirus is an enveloped single-stranded RNA virus that is highly contagious among cats in close contact. Although the feline enteric coronavirus is antigenically similar to the virus of feline infectious peritonitis (FIP, Feline Infectious Peritonitis and Pleuritis: Introduction), the pathogenesis of each differs. The enteric form of infection is limited to the GI tract. Death from the enteric form of disease is uncommon.
Etiology and Pathophysiology:
The virus is shed in the feces of seropositive cats. Close contact between cats is required for effective transmission, although the possibility of transmission via fomites also exists. The close antigenic relationship of the enteric form of the virus and that causing clinical signs of FIP has led to speculation that FIP virus may be a mutated form of enteric coronavirus. Cross-protection is not induced by either virus to the other, and recent evidence refutes the supposition that preexisting infection with the enteric form of disease accelerates or enhances the severity of disease associated with FIP.
Feline coronavirus infects the apical columnar epithelium of intestinal villi of the duodenum, jejunum, and ileum, and causes the tips of villi to slough, fuse with adjacent villi, and atrophy.

Clinical Findings:
In catteries, the virus may be a cause of inapparent to mildly severe enteritis in kittens 6-12 wk old. Recently weaned kittens may exhibit fever, vomiting, and diarrhea that may last 2-5 days. More severely affected kittens may also be anorectic for 1-3 days. Adult cats often have subclinical infection. Transient neutropenia may appear with the onset of diarrhea in more severely affected kittens.

Most FIP infections result in seroconversion without progression to the fatal form of the disease. Positive coronavirus antibody titers are seen in ~10-40% of cats in the general cat population and in 80-90% of cats in catteries, but only 8% develop FIP. Serologic tests (serum ELISA and immunofluorescent antibody) do not differentiate the enteric form of the virus from that causing clinical signs associated with FIP. Furthermore, these tests do not differentiate between past exposure to the virus or an actively infected cat. Titers >1:3,200 are suggestive of FIP, as opposed to the enteric form of disease. Titers between 1:100 and 1:3,200 may be found in cats with effusive or noneffusive disease and in cats with the enteric form. Some commercial vaccines containing bovine serum components may induce antibody production that may react with antigenically similar bovine serum components in cell cultures used to propagate target FIP viruses for immunochemical tests, thus causing a false-positive test in recently vaccinated (<4 mo previously) cats. Consequently, antibody testing is only useful as a screening tool to detect the presence or absence of virus in a household, to recognize potential carriers or shedders when introducing new cats into an antibody-negative population, and as an aid in the clinical diagnosis of FIP.
Cytologic evaluation of effusions from cats with the wet form of FIP have a high protein content and a variable cell count consisting of neutrophils, macrophages, and lymphocytes. The neutrophils are nondegenerate and do not show signs of toxicity, and the lymphocytes are morphologically normal.

Treatment and Control:
The virus is ubiquitous in cats, and many cats that recover from the infection remain carriers. Enteric coronavirus infection can be prevented only by minimizing exposure to infected cats and their feces. Cats with the enteric disease do not progress to develop clinical signs of FIP. Most cats develop an effective immune response on exposure and recover from infection. However, once clinical signs of disease develop in cats with FIP, the disease is invariably fatal. Management consists only of supportive therapy, ie, fluids when indicated. Vaccination with the temperature-sensitive intranasal vaccine for FIP may protect against challenge with virulent enteric coronavirus.

We are hoping and praying that Apollo doesn't get FIP. Our vet informed us that most of the kittens that have been out in the wild usually test positive for this and we just need to treat him for right now.

Apollo is on liquid amoxi for 20 days and Metronidazole every 24 hours.

The vet told us that if Apollo does get FIP it will most likely be before he is 1 years old and it is fatel. We are weighing him every so often now to make sure that if starts losing weigh that we can get him to the vets ASAP.

Right now he's full of energy and he's been doing very well since we brought him home. We also discussed doing an x-ray and the vet feels that we should just wait on that because he's not in any pain when we touch his paw and he runs around just fine on it. We are concerned because the older he gets and the heavier he gets, we just don't want it breaking on him but at that time we decide to take his paw off but for right now it will stay.

He is scheduled to be fixed on Nov. 24th.

Please say a special little pray for him.

Thank you,

11-16-2009, 03:44 PM
Wow, I actually read through that entire post. If I'm reading it correctly it implies that Apollo could be a carrier of FIP or the feline enteric coronavirus. Did you vet say anything about this and the fact that you have other kitties at home?

I will be hoping he does not contract FIP and that you have the honor of having him around for MANY years to come.

11-16-2009, 05:15 PM
If Apollo develops FIP, it will put your other kitties in danger. I will be praying about this.:love:

Pinot's Mom
11-16-2009, 07:32 PM
Oh, poor Apollo! Prayers for health - please keep us posted!!:love:

11-16-2009, 07:44 PM
He is a carrier of the corona virus. She said that most cats are exposed to this but don't develop any problems from it. We just need to wait and see what happens with Apollo and hopefully he won't get sick and he'll be just fine. The vet said that this is common to see in kittens but only 5% get really sick and die from it.

I hope this might clear it up. We asked about our other cats and she said they were probably already exposed especially with bringing in all our rescue cats that we bring in.


Wow, I actually read through that entire post. If I'm reading it correctly it implies that Apollo could be a carrier of FIP or the feline enteric coronavirus. Did you vet say anything about this and the fact that you have other kitties at home?

I will be hoping he does not contract FIP and that you have the honor of having him around for MANY years to come.

11-16-2009, 10:29 PM
Well, that makes me feel a lot better. Prayers and good wishes coming your way. May all your furkids thrive!:love:

11-16-2009, 11:52 PM
He is a carrier of the corona virus. She said that most cats are exposed to this but don't develop any problems from it. We just need to wait and see what happens with Apollo and hopefully he won't get sick and he'll be just fine. The vet said that this is common to see in kittens but only 5% get really sick and die from it.

I hope this might clear it up. We asked about our other cats and she said they were probably already exposed especially with bringing in all our rescue cats that we bring in.


Oh good. I was worried. Thanks for explaining. :)

11-18-2009, 09:00 AM
Apollo is still having runny poo. I was cleaning out boxes this morning and it was just running out of him.

I really hope these meds kick in soon and help him with this.

Please send more prays for him.


11-19-2009, 11:46 AM
Just heard back from the vets and they want him to start on W/D food now.

This is going to be chore but hopefully it will help him.


11-19-2009, 11:55 AM
If it can be taken care of through diet, then Apollo is a very lucky kitty! Now, the Big Question: Will he eat it?

11-19-2009, 12:06 PM
If it can be taken care of through diet, then Apollo is a very lucky kitty! Now, the Big Question: Will he eat it?

Yeah right :)

I guess we'll find out tonight when I get home. So far he's been great with taking his meds :) so that's good at least.

Pinot's Mom
11-19-2009, 12:49 PM
Just heard back from the vets and they want him to start on W/D food now.

This is going to be chore but hopefully it will help him.


Not to be stupid, but what's W/D?

11-19-2009, 02:13 PM
Not a stupid question at all :)

It's Hills Prescription Diet W/D Formula

w/d® with Chicken Feline

Weight control, diabetic, and digestive support for cats prone to excess weight gain

Some cats can be more prone to gain weight than others. Weight problems can be successfully managed through changes in your cat's food.

At Hill's, nutritionists and veterinarians have developed clinical nutrition especially formulated to provide complete and balanced nutrition to manage cats prone to weight gain. Prescription Diet® w/d® also helps cats maintain normal blood glucose levels and promotes healthy digestion.


Not to be stupid, but what's W/D?

Pinot's Mom
11-19-2009, 02:24 PM
Oh, OK - I thought it was a Hill's product, and when I first came on this site I figured out what s/d was (Pinot's a Science Diet kid - dry & canned), but some terminology throws me sometimes! Thanks!

In any case...prayers for poor little Apollo! If it makes you feel any better, Pinot is a virus carrier kitty (respiratory-never really defined) and she is just fine! It took about 2 months, I think, before she got rid of all symptoms. You can do it Apollo!! :love:

11-20-2009, 07:35 AM
Turns out he hates the can food. He won't it. So I'm going to see about getting a dry formula.

This can never be easy.
