View Full Version : Tips on dealing with sinus pain?

11-05-2009, 03:35 PM
I have a sinus infection that won't go away. I'm on my third course of antibiotics. The doctor said that if this one doesn't work, they want a CAT scan of my sinuses... oh gee, doesn't that make me feel great?!? If I wasn't already frustrated with this sinus infection, now I have to worry about what happens next?

ANYWAY, I am in so much pain. Sinus meds won't cut the pain... I tried everything over the counter to the point where my bedroom looks like a drug store. My usual routine of HOT shower followed by ice pack isn't working. Migraine pills work for a little while, but then I'm left with the side effects. I have to balance the head pain vs. side effects (which make my skin SUPER sensitve to the point where a brush against something feels like someone took razors to the spot) and truly, I don't want to simply numb the head pain -- I want it to finally go away!

Its been over a month now. I'm beyond frustrated. I've gained MORE weight due to seeking out comfort food. I've spent a small fortune on dr. visits, prescriptions, and over the counter stuff. Not to mention how much money I lost at work for the days where I didn't feel like dealing with customers.... when you're in a commission based job, not working with customers means you just gave yourself a paycut.

I'll take ANY hints anyone has to offer.

11-05-2009, 06:35 PM
Have you tried flushing your sinuses twice daily with a Neti pot? It won't help the pain, but it will help flush away the infection, which in turn will get rid of the pain.
It takes some getting used to, but I swear by mine and I do it even when I'm not all congested too.
Hope you get to feeling better soon. Sinus pain sucks!

11-05-2009, 07:14 PM
Have you tried flushing your sinuses twice daily with a Neti pot? It won't help the pain, but it will help flush away the infection, which in turn will get rid of the pain.
It takes some getting used to, but I swear by mine and I do it even when I'm not all congested too.

I was going to sugges the same thing. Neti pot is a great idea.

11-05-2009, 08:50 PM
Shelteez2:Have you tried flushing your sinuses twice daily with a Neti pot? >>>>>>>

I use to have chronic sinus infections and did not want surgery.
In the past my allergist use to give me large doses of antibiotics often since I had chronic infections. One day I had a reaction to the drug. I can no longer take sulfa drugs. I am now more carefully about taking antibiotics in fear I will run out of the ones I can take. Note: If your infection is caused by a virus the anti-biotics will not work.)

Once you get your Sinus infection in check, Both the ENT specialist and the allergist told me to use the saline rinses. (can not use when nose is plugged up.)

Flushing your sinus's 2 times a day is one of the best tools for keeping sinus infections in-check.
I use sinus rinse by NeilMed. It comes with a bottle or you can use a Neti Pot.
I also use a product called Simply Saline, which is a spray can.

Medication during the day like Claritin and Sudefed also helps me.

My heart goes out to you. Luckily, I never had the bad migraines.
Hugs :(

11-05-2009, 09:03 PM
My husband has been flushing his sinuses with a neti pot now for about 3 years, and I can't remember the last time he had a sinus infection.

Laura's Babies
11-05-2009, 10:18 PM
I too have been flushing for years and have not had a sinus infection since. I carry a sinus flush kit with me to the boat that I bought over the counter at the local drug store that I take to work. My sinuses started burning this last trip and I started flushing... on day 2 the burning stopped and so did the sneezing I was doing.

I highly recommend flushing with either a Nedi pot or one of those kits like I got. (The kits even have the mix to put in the water in pre-measured packs.)

I had a sinus infection every single March for years until I discovered flushing them myself... the doctors do it and charge you big bucks and you can do it yourself!

Daisy and Delilah
11-05-2009, 11:20 PM
Where do you get a Neti pot? I have the same problem. What exactly is it?

Laura's Babies
11-06-2009, 07:19 AM
http://www.walgreens.com/store/store/category/productlist.jsp?navCount=0&navAction=push&N=310458+4294966291&Eon=310458&ext=oveHealth_CoughCold_Nasal_WashesNeti_Pots_neti _pot_walgreens



11-06-2009, 08:47 AM
Thanks for the tips -- I tried the Neti pot to no results. I think my sinuses are so bad right now that nothing is going to work. :(

I went to pick up my new prescription yesterday. The lady told me "One Fifty Six". Ok, so I handed her two dollars, thinking it was $1.56. Nope.... it was $156!!! :eek: :eek: :eek: :eek: I went back to see my doctor last night. She rolled her eyes, and promptly sent over the generic of it. Now, WHY didn't my pharmacy simply substitue generic for that prescription? Urg!

I feel marginally better today, so I'm hoping this new antibiotic is working.

Daisy and Delilah
11-06-2009, 09:57 AM
Thank you, Laura. That is awesome. I need to make a trip to Walgreen's. I have one within walking distance from here.:)

I must be living in the dark ages. I've never heard of it. I do use a saline spray but this Neti pot has to be so much more refreshing and cleansing.

11-06-2009, 05:25 PM
J is finished with round 2 of the antibiotics, to no avail. He also took a course of steriods and rx nose drops. Not working this time. Anyone think a 5 year old could handle a neti pot? We go to the ent, again, next Saturday. I think surgery is the plan.

Laura's Babies
11-06-2009, 05:49 PM
Cataholic- For a 5 year old, I would only let a ENT doctor flush them out. You have to know how to block off the drain down into your throat or it could choke you. If the nose it stopped up, it could send some fluid into the ears canal..

catnapper- For an infection, I hope you tried it more than just a few days as your sinus cavities must be inflamed and while it will flush out the infected mucus, it would take at least 3 days of regular flushing to get the inflamed tissue to start settling down.. I have had mine so inflamed by the time I would do it that for the first 3 days flushing would set mine on fire, then it would start to settle down and start feeling GOOD!