View Full Version : I kicked Coco Puff out of bed last night!

11-04-2009, 07:55 AM
Not on purpose. LOL Since he had his temporary hearing loss, he's felt more secure sleeping w/me and I've grown to be an old softie by allowing it. Unless one of the furkids is sick, they all sleep together in their apartment downstairs. However, half of them now sleep w/me: Coco Puff, Boo and Pidge. It can get a little crowded and I'm a thrasher so it was bound to happen sooner or later. I heard the thud and I could tell that he landed on his feet but I checked him out just to be sure he wasn't hurt. Only his pride was injured and he swished his tail and left the room for a while, not to be coaxed back by me. All is forgiven because he did come back later but he slept farther away from my feet. :p

Queen of Poop
11-04-2009, 07:58 AM
Oops. Sorry Coco Puff. You'll have to watch mommies feeties next time.

11-04-2009, 08:24 AM
I used to have a little dog that slept with us all the time. He was very emotional . . .

Well, one evening, my husband and I were lying in bed, reading and listening to music with Squirrel (the dog) on the foot of the bed as usual. He rolled over and fell on the floor with a thump. After the initial shock and checking on him to make sure he was ok, we fell about the place hysterical laughing. His expression was part of it too because he looked so stunned. He walked slowly from the room, giving us a disgusted look back over his shoulder, went downstairs and slept in his bed in the kitchen for the rest of the night. I remember that he didn't even greet us in the morning when we got up, just waited to be let out with his snobby little nose in the air. He was a trip! Sometimes I thought he behaved more like a cat than a dog.

Thanks for reminding me of that! :)

11-04-2009, 09:22 AM
Awww, poor Coco Puff! Must have been such a bad surprise for him! LOL

But I'm glad it's all forgiven now! :)


11-04-2009, 09:53 AM
LOL...don't you love how they give you that look and/or walk off when something like that happens. I have done that to Buddy on occasion because he insists on sleeping at the bottom of the bed near my feet. :D

11-04-2009, 09:55 AM
I am a very clumbsy sleeper and many times now the Found Cats will sleep on the bed where I am not at, as they know that I may knock them on the floor!!!:eek::eek::eek:
I am glad that Your Coco Puff :cool::cool:knows that it was not intentional!!!:):)

smokey the elder
11-04-2009, 10:05 AM
I get the stinkeye when I step on someone's tail when they are underfoot in the kitchen!

11-04-2009, 10:08 AM
Only 3 on the bed, we usually have 6-10. They know they can sleep on top of mom (she does not move) but stay away from dads feet. (danger area)

11-04-2009, 10:15 AM
Only 3 on the bed, we usually have 6-10. They know they can sleep on top of mom (she does not move) but stay away from dads feet. (danger area)

Six - ten??? Good grief, I'd be one big knot in the morning. I don't know how you do it.

I get the stinkeye when I step on someone's tail when they are underfoot in the kitchen!

My li'l Creamsicle acts as though I do that on purpose and she avoids me for the rest of the day, hides even. I feel so bad when that happens.

11-04-2009, 10:23 AM
so much for "catlike" reflexes!

Havoc usually starts out on my bf's side of the bed, but moves over to my feet or the dresser (I have a blanket up there) when my better half comes to bed. I usually wake up with him on my hip, but occasionally Toby is in that spot and Havoc's at my feet. I assume as it gets colder Toby will be working his way under the covers. I just have to make sure he's on the outside edge so he doesn't get rolled over on my my bf.

My RB Montego only got flung a couple of times before he figured out which half of the bed moved around less.:D

11-04-2009, 10:30 AM
You evil mommy! ;) :D Well, I guess it wasn't too far down from the bed so Coco Puff only had his pride hurt.

I don't think I've ever kicked Fister out of the bed, but both John and I have given him an elbow a few times. I also accidentially kicked him when he was in the way in the kicthen. :o No harm done, though.

11-04-2009, 03:27 PM
It's easy to sleep with the CREW, if you follow the rules. I am ONLY allowed to sleep on my left side with my arm under my pillow. Mits has to snuggle in my arm pit. Bart sleeps between us right behind Mits, Lenny sleeps between us right behind Bart with Penny snuggled between Lenny, Bart and me. Lucky sleeps against my rear with Egypt behind my knees. Peak sleeps round my wife’s head with Roz on her chest. Chessie will settle between her legs with Princess along side. If it gets cold then Precious, Dimetri, and sometimes Bailey will join. It looks like our latest (Lily) likes to sleep against my back with her head on the pillow.
It's funny when someone rolls on to or pushes some one off. All you hear is a thump and a hiss.
I figure that I can save alot on heating, with all these hot water bottles.

11-04-2009, 03:40 PM
Last night, came the 'day' I dread,
Coco Puff was kicked out of bed.
Not done on purpose, or done instead
of tossing another furkid, on their head!

Cinder & Smoke
11-04-2009, 03:40 PM
As a former Fire Chief, I am used to jumping out of bed at Oh:dark:Thirty in
the morning to rush off to someone's crisis. After being *TOSSED* off the
BigBed by flung covers once or twice, ALL my Furry Friends quickly learned
to "decode" the unique two-tone Alert that precedes the Dispatcher's broadcast
of an emergency call. >>>
"Bee-Booop; Attention all Fiur Guys, You're needed at ..."

SmokeMutt would bail off the BigBed on the first "Beep"; Cinder and Boots, da KAT,
always waited for the "Booop" to be sure it was really "OUR" tones,
before they bailed and retreated to their "safe spots" far away from Dad's
clothes, the bathroom, and the basement steps. We *answered* hundreds
of alarms without too many goof-ups, trips, or falls.

Till One Night ....
I'd been slowly *pushed* toward the edge of the BigBed by restless Dawg Feets -
my BUTT was hanging off the edge and I *wiggled* past the point of no return =
***FLUUUUMP*** and I was on the floor (after banging my headbone on the
end table beside the bed.) In my stupor I decided I must have jumped out of
bed (backwards) in response to a FIRE CALL. (not) :rolleyes:

I dressed, told the FurKids "BRB" (Be Right Back) and dashed down to the garage and
fired up the Fire Bus ... Off into the night dashes the trusty Fiur Guy!

Half way to the Station I slowly began to realize:
1) I hadn't heard ANY chatter on the radio
2) I had NO rememberance of WHERE I was going nor WHAT the "call" was
3) I looked - and the Alpha pager hadn't alerted with any message ...

Uhhhh ... "320 to FireCom"
A suprised "uhhhhh, Go Ahead, 320 ?????"
"FireCom, can you repeat the addres?"

Looonng pause ... "320, We have no address; we have NO CALL for you."

Oooooooopsie! :o
I quickly killed the Red Light and HOPED nobody was *watching* ...
"OK, FireCom; Just *checking* ... 320 is clear"

30 seconds later the Cell phone was ring-a-dinggin ... with the Dispatcher
asking WHAT I was up to in the middle of the night?

I'm not sure he bought into my excuse that "I thought I heard our tones".

I had a hard time reclaiming my spot on the BigBed ...
I KNOW the FurBrats were *laffin* their fool heads off.
And MY head had a sore spot which I couldn't explain to myself.

Duuuuuuuh ... :p

11-04-2009, 03:42 PM
My RB Meezer Ming wasn't happy unless he was sleeping on my feet. It would drive me crazy because I can't stand the feeling of being restrained, and every night I would give him a nudge to get him off. He would wait till I was asleep, and then he would be right back on my feet again. It was a never ending battle.

I don't mind having a fur kid sleep next to me - I really like it - but stay off my feet unless you want to end up on the floor!!! :eek: My pups know the rules so they get to stay on the bed. ;)

11-04-2009, 05:06 PM
Mac sleeps on my chest or curled up next to me if I sleep on my side. Ming? He's either on my son's bed or on my legs or feet. It's nice in the winter. In the summer, not so much. What we do for love!:love::D

11-04-2009, 05:29 PM
My RB Meezer Ming wasn't happy unless he was sleeping on my feet. It would drive me crazy because I can't stand the feeling of being restrained, and every night I would give him a nudge to get him off. He would wait till I was asleep, and then he would be right back on my feet again. It was a never ending battle.

I don't mind having a fur kid sleep next to me - I really like it - but stay off my feet unless you want to end up on the floor!!! :eek: My pups know the rules so they get to stay on the bed. ;)

Boo likes to sleep either on my legs or on my left arm, only my left arm and not my right. Who knows why. I can't stand it. Like you, I don't like to feel restrained in any way. If I move him, he waits and then goes right back to his old spot. Furkids. :rolleyes:

11-04-2009, 05:39 PM
Medusa, Cathy and Cinder & Smoke........Lol!!!! You brought tears to my eyes!


11-04-2009, 10:01 PM
Cassie has gotten kicked off of the bed a few times. She usually meows until I grab the extra blanket and sleep with my head at the foot of the bed, then snuggles up next to me. One time she was curled up on the blanket, I gave it a pull and she wound up on the floor. Most nights she stays on the floor until I have arranged myself into her desired sleeping position. Stinker. It's the cat's home; I'm just there to pay the mortgage.

Laura's Babies
11-05-2009, 07:17 AM
I had to get a bigger bed as my numbers grew from 1 to 4. I don't know if they have learned to stay out of harms way or I have just quit flipping and flopping in my sleep but in the past, a few have hit the floor.. OR, that now they just learned how to pin me down by laying in key spots on top of the covers that keep me from moving around so much. I wake up several times during the night, unable to move and needing to, so I carefully have to wiggle my way out of how they have me pinned down.

11-05-2009, 09:31 AM
Medusa your right WHY the left arm. I'm in big, big trouble if I try to sleep in any other position. Mits will jump on me then run up and down me until I get in the proper position. I have to admit that his aim is very, very good, at 16 lb. he gets my attention right away.

11-07-2009, 01:43 PM
Poor Coco Puff getting booted out of bed.
Milly said he could come here, she would love to snuggle with him.
It has been getting colder here and she's even snuggling up with Izzy to keep warm.

11-07-2009, 02:36 PM
Poor Coco Puff getting booted out of bed.
Milly said he could come here, she would love to snuggle with him.
It has been getting colder here and she's even snuggling up with Izzy to keep warm.

I'll send him over. (You'll send him back. LOL) ;)

11-09-2009, 09:48 AM
Boo likes to sleep either on my legs or on my left arm, only my left arm and not my right. Who knows why. I can't stand it. Like you, I don't like to feel restrained in any way. If I move him, he waits and then goes right back to his old spot. Furkids. :rolleyes:

Medusa your right WHY the left arm.

I've thought about it and came to the realization that it's because it's the arm closest to my heart. :love:

Pinot's Mom
11-09-2009, 10:02 AM
...OR, that now they just learned how to pin me down by laying in key spots on top of the covers that keep me from moving around so much. I wake up several times during the night, unable to move and needing to, so I carefully have to wiggle my way out of how they have me pinned down.

This is so true! Even with one - Pinot sleeps behind my knees if on my side, and between my knees if on my back. I can usually maneuver from one of those positions to the other, but that's it.

Coco Puff, give Pinot a call on her cell phone-she'll give you lessons! ;)

11-09-2009, 10:08 AM
Coco Puff, give Pinot a call on her cell phone-she'll give you lessons! ;)

Oh Lordy, he chatters enough as it is. CP w/a cell phone...what a picture that would make!

Pinot's Mom
11-09-2009, 12:10 PM
Oh, come on Mom, it's how all the fashionable kitties keep in touch! ;)