View Full Version : Arghhh!

11-01-2009, 06:52 PM
So I was at the mall today with my sister. I pass these 3 or 4 boys (about my age), and they have these 4 APBT puppies. So I ask to hold one, and I then look at their teeth (they looked about 4-6 weeks old). Then one of the boys said "Oh, I knew she was up to something!". I ask them "so what are you doing with these puppies" -"Oh, I'm selling them for $120". Okay, whatever, but we all know they are way to young to even be out in public.:mad: "Have they seen a Dr.?" - "No." My sister then says after they walk off, "Those puppies sure did look skinny".:( To be honest with you, I don't know if they were just selling them, or doing something else with these innocent babies.:( I then say "If you want, you can just give them to me now, and that'll be the end of it". - "Man, you're 'trippin'." And they proceed down the mall. I'm thinking they were doing something to do with fighting? Oh Lord I hope not!
I then call animal control. I tell them they have these four pit bull puppies, and the estimated age. The AC operator told me they will send someone over to patrol the area.

Please, please pray that animal control has them, or they somehow fall into the hands of the right person.:(

11-01-2009, 06:57 PM
Will AC adopt them out being APBTs with you living in CA? Can you maybe foster them? I hope they are safe. People are idiots. :mad:

11-01-2009, 07:18 PM
Arghhh! is right. Fingers crossed that they are safe.