View Full Version : Nebo visits the groomers

10-08-2002, 12:45 AM
And Amy is bored tonight with too much time on her hands. (I can hear Rachel and KayAnn screaming right now to stop talking in third person! lol)

I took Nebo to work with me last friday. He didn't really enjoy being bathed (yelped when the shampoo first touched him...like it was acid), but he was good. He did NOT enjoy being in the kennel getting dryed AT ALL. He just huddled there....glaring at me. I tried to give him treats and he wouldn't respond at all lol. Just ignored me. But after a little while, all was forgiven. He was very good, he mostly just layed around sleeping.....other then trying to eat a cricket and lots of dog fur. :rolleyes:

But he smells really nice now! Soooo soft! lol. I wish I could take him with me every day. :D But not give him a bath every day of course! ;)

This is NOT my idea of fun!
This is even worse!
Well...I'm dry now....do I look handsome?
I think I'll just make myself at home
Of course this is comfortable! Why wouldn't it be??

10-08-2002, 01:17 AM
That last pic!!! How precious!!!! Well they all are but I thought that one was especially cute!! :D :D

10-08-2002, 06:16 AM
I love the picture of Nebo in the towel. He looks so pitiful. Al, my brother once wrapped Draker up in towels. It was the most hilarious thing!

10-08-2002, 07:16 AM
Nebo, you are ALWAYS handsome--not just when you are dry! What a great set of pics!

Malone is due for a bath...I love it when we are all done & open the bathroom door, and he TEARS around the house like the devil is eating his butt. :D

10-08-2002, 08:51 AM
Oh Nebo, I bet you felt so soft and smelled so good, I know mine do when they've been to the groomers! Your mommy got some good pics of you too! See, it's not 'too' bad:rolleyes:

10-08-2002, 09:04 AM
Awwww Nebo what a handsome boy you are! Tucker will be headed for the bathtub today! We went camping a week and a half ago and thats when I got sick so I havent been able to give him one but I am better and I can smell again and ughhhh! yupyup it bath day for Tucker lol here is a pic of his "Second" bath lol he LOVES playing in the water and gets mad when the bath is over lol


10-08-2002, 09:12 AM
lol I had a question and forgot to ask! You take amazing pics and I was wondering what kind of camera you use to take them?

Hugz Jessica and Tucker


10-08-2002, 09:25 AM
Too Cute!

10-08-2002, 11:39 AM
Thanks everyone! And LOL at that pic of Drake!! hehehe. That last pic......I've never seen a dog lay like that......it looked rather painful to me, lol.

Thanks Jessica! Actually my pics are taken with a digital camera. A very old one though........when we got it, it was not even close to the top of the line...and that was around 2 years ago, lol. It is an HP PhotoSmart C200, 1 megapixel. You can really get a digital camera with this much quality for very cheap now....it takes great computer quality photos, they don't bother me at all. Sometimes they don't look too great printed out though. I think I might be getting a new digital camera for christmas. :D I'm addicted to the digital camera!!

10-08-2002, 12:15 PM
NEBO! You cutie pie. Admit it... you're happy you smell nice. :D

And that last pic... LOL!!! I've never seen a dog lay like that either. :D

10-08-2002, 01:00 PM
Aw, Nebo is so handsome. A day of primping sure makes a dog feel good rather they know it or not. Thanks for sharing the pics. :)

10-08-2002, 01:48 PM
Malone had a bath this morning...and now he is ALL fluffy and smells soooo nice!! He wasn't too happy with me, though. He just stood in the tub looking at me like "are we done already??" But he got lots of cookies afterwards for being a good sport! :D

10-08-2002, 07:17 PM
LOL Amy!! Rachel tells Amy to quit talking in 3rd person..

Nebo is too cute!! [:)] Aw, hey.. sad news though.. my aunt may have to put down Storm, he's sick! Only 4 1/2 yrs old.. something wrong with his pancretis.. (sp?)

10-08-2002, 08:56 PM
Nebo you are one handsome puppy. I love your eyes.

Nebo don't feel bad your not the only pup that has to get baths.
Here is a pic of Hercules after his bath with the hose.


10-09-2002, 03:20 AM
Originally posted by CountryWolf07
LOL Amy!! Rachel tells Amy to quit talking in 3rd person..

Nebo is too cute!! [:)] Aw, hey.. sad news though.. my aunt may have to put down Storm, he's sick! Only 4 1/2 yrs old.. something wrong with his pancretis.. (sp?)

Oh no! Do you know what is wrong exactly? Isn't there anything they can do? 4 1/2 is very young!! :( I have issues with my pancreas too.......