View Full Version : Cats afraid of new dog....PLz Help! :0)

11-01-2009, 02:37 PM
Hello, Everyone! Not sure if anyone ehre will remember me but I used to post fairly often when I first found this site about 2 years ago and then life got busy and my time on the Internet became very little.

I have 2 cats, Molly is 6 and Ozzie is now 2. :) We just adopted a Golden Retriever from the Humane Association 5 weeks ago. He's a fabulous, mellow dog who really likes cats and is very gentle with them. Problem is, Molly & Ozzie still won't come around him long enough to discover that he won't eat them! :( We are still having to take turns separating them all to have time out and about around the house. The dog gets put in my son's room during the day for an hour or so in the morning and again in the afternoon and then he sleeps in there at night. During this time, the cats will come out from under my bed. Otherwise, if the dog is out and about, they won't show their faces at all!

What can I do? I've had a few people say to just put them all in a room together for a day and let them figure it out for themselves but I don't want to terrify my poor cats! WDYT?

11-01-2009, 02:46 PM
BTW, Molly still looks the same but Ozzie looks much different now that he is older. :) Here's a more recent pic than th eone in my signature line. :D

11-01-2009, 02:47 PM
Hi Ktty Crazy! I do remember you, and now that you posted, you are going to have to show us Ozzie as a big boy, and dear Molly as well! :p I seem to recall when you brought Ozzie home! That siggy pic is OLD.

Do you have any room gated during the day? You know the dog cannot have access to the cat food OR the litter boxes.

I have a gate at one spare bedroom. In there are the food dishes and one litter box. Our cellar door stays open, there is a gate towards the end of the kitchen to stop the dogs.

Point being: the cats have places to "escape" to when ever they want. Initially, you will need water bowls back where the cats are secure, as well. I went to one big water bowl just this summer, 2.5 years after adding the first dog.

Cats take time to adjust; unlike dogs who sniff butts and make new friends in a matter of moments. If you can set the food, water and boxes in a place for the cats where the dog can see them but not get in, just leave the doors open. The dog can roam the remander of the house. The cats will come and go as they please, in and out of their "safe" place. And if you don't go visit them, they will come out, for their cuddles!

From my experience (and remember I have small dogs, 3 of my cats are bigger!), closing the doors, you have just prolonged the adjustment period. It helps initially, but a few days for the newbie (dog or cat) to get used to the room layout is usually plenty. I wouldn't "force" the issue by putting everyone in a room together. Let the cats come out when they choose.

Hope this helps!

Edited: you posted the pics while I was typing! Thanks so much!!!

Cinder & Smoke
11-01-2009, 02:52 PM
What has worked for me is to "contain the Dawg" and encourage the KATs
to explore with the assurance that THAT MUTT can't "get to" them ...

SmokeMutt was pretty wired up when Boots da KAT was in sight -
Smokey spent many days FIRMLY attached to my belt with a leash. :eek:
He could approach da Kat till the leash ran out or until I reeled him back to me.
Da Kat quickly learned to *check* the THAT MUTT was in fact tethered;
and then did a rapid calculation on how CLOSE he could get ...
KAT got pretty good at flopping down about 6" OUTside of Smokey's range.

In time, Smokey learned that if he "bothered da Kat" - he'd get The Leash.
Kat built up his confidence and learned to *BOP* ta Mutt on his nose
if he got too pushy.

TWO Kats to one Dawg? --- The Kats ought to learn the Tag Team
approach to Dawg Management without too much stress.

11-01-2009, 02:53 PM
Thanks, Freedom. That's what I figured, too, but it's been 5 weeks! LOL I live in a multi-level home. The main floor has the kitchen, dining, and living room. The upper level is off limits to the dog and has 3 bedrooms (including mine) and 2 bathrooms. This is where the kitties have "their space" and can roam without haing to worry about the dog getting them. Trouble is though, if they hear him down on the main floor, they won't come out of my room at all! :( They have everything they NEED up there so I suppose they figure they don't have to get to know the dog but I feel like they are living in solitary confinement now. :(
They only come down to the main floor if they know the dog is outside or in my son's room down in the lower level.

Should I ask my vet about putting them on an anti anxiety med until the can learn to chill out ad get to know him better?

11-01-2009, 02:57 PM
Hi KittyCrazy, of course I remember you! How great to hear from you again! When there are changes, like a new pet joining the family, time is needed for everyone to adjust. Kitties are no different. Your new puppy and your kitties just need some time to get to know each other. Since your new dog likes cats, that's a positive. I'm no expert on animal behavior, but it would be best to let them get used to each other in their own time. With your love and attention to each pet things will work out just fine.
Congratulations on your new member of the family! Looking forward to hearing from you soon!
Sending scritchies and lovies to all your furkids :love: :love: :love: :love:

11-01-2009, 06:30 PM
The trouble is that Labs are pretty good sized Dogs and when they bound in to greet your Cats, they unlike other Dogs see that as agression, not friendship.
This is just one of those situations where they will eventually and hopefully reach a detente.
Good Luck with your negotiations.