View Full Version : Adorable Avery!

10-28-2009, 07:32 AM
What a cutie you are honey! Those stuffed animals are pretty fun, aren't they? Have a great day as Dog of the Day! :love:

10-28-2009, 01:31 PM
Hi there Avery! Happy Dog of the Day to you, sweetie!:) Awww, how precious you look, posing on your balcony amidst all of those festive Fall decorations! And those costumes...oh my gosh, how adorable!:D Have you chosen your Howl-o-ween outfit yet?:cool: I think you should dress up as angel...then again, you already are one!:D You're the perfect pup package Avery, and any family would feel blessed to have a best furkid as beautiful, as sweet and loving as you! Thanks for brightening my dark and rainy day with your sunshiny self and your heartwarming story, Avery! I hope you and your proud Mom and Dad are all enjoying a very happy and fun filled Dog of the Day!:) Bunches of hugs and smoochies to you on your well earned day in the spotlight, precious Avery!:love::love::love: And an early happy Howl-o-ween, too! Go easy on the treats on! hehe)

Daisy and Delilah
10-28-2009, 02:47 PM
You are a very busy girl aren't you, sweetheart? We know another little Yorkie very much like you. You are a member of a super energetic breed, aren't you? All of your pictures are precious. Always ready for your next adventure. We send big congrats to you today as our most adorable DOTD!!! Please tell Mom to give you a million kisses from us to help celebrate the event. Happiness always!!!:love: :D :love: :D :love: :D

Love, Daisy and Delilah in Hot, Sunny, Florida :cool: :cool:

10-28-2009, 04:22 PM
Hello Avery,

You are so precious little lady.:love: It's great meeting you today.
It seems your family loves you a lot and I understand why.:D I know
someone who adopted two Yorkies(brothers) and was lucky enough
to live next door to them & watch them grow all summer.:D I know
what delightful pups Yorkie's are.:) Lots of hugs & kisses going out
to you as DOG OF THE DAY. Happy Halloween Sweetie.:)

sasha the cat
10-28-2009, 07:59 PM
Avery, you are too cute for mere words! Meeow, you've stolen our KatMa's :love:

Cudos on being Dog of the Day...you're a great choice! Have lots of extra treats and kisses from your fur~sons too. Enjoy today and ever yday.

We love all of the photos of you.

Purrs from the 4 kitties,
Norman & Felix
Baby Rascal
Ebony (the stray who dines twice daily at our Palace). KatMa would love to catch Ebony and bring him to our Vet for a good bath, vaccinations, neutering and fostering until a loving family is found. He is such a good kitty.

Our KatMa send you lots of fur~son kisses.

10-28-2009, 08:09 PM
Oh my Avery! You're a little cutie! Congratulations on being DOTD!:)