View Full Version : How to construct an emergency cat bed

10-27-2009, 08:54 AM
Stay out late partying, and get only partial ride home. Enter house thinking "bathroom bathroom bathroom." Summarily jettison backpack, pocketbook, and coat.

When feeling more comfortable, get the camera. (I wish you could photograph purrs!)

Love, Columbine

10-27-2009, 09:03 AM
:love: Your baby is so Adorable & Bigg.. Yes cat bed noted..

10-27-2009, 09:28 AM
If theres one thing that All Of Our Cats excell at its making things into things that they can use , either by lying on them or by playing with them.
Our Cats are truly the masters of imporovisation.
And Your Cat Companion is one Big MagestiCat!!!

10-27-2009, 01:26 PM
You have one gorgeous cat! And smart, too!:D

Edwina's Secretary
10-27-2009, 01:44 PM
Sometimes it is a matter of "any port in a storm" :D:D


10-27-2009, 02:44 PM
^^ oh, how uncomfortable! as compared to the first post. :)

10-27-2009, 06:47 PM
^^ We had a similar bed awhile back.

Columbine, your kitty is beautiful!

10-27-2009, 07:12 PM
Thank you, everyone! Smudge has had a long road, starting out (at least with me, when he was 9) as a "throwaway" because of his medical issues, but now he's got to be one of the most gorgeous cats on the planet. It's only this month I've been able to rub his chin without hurting him. But his itchies are nearly gone, his bald spots getting luxuriously fuzzy again, and his fur is softer than silk. I'm so proud of him! :love:

Love, Columbine

10-27-2009, 08:59 PM
How funny! Love all the instant cat bed pics in this thread. I think Gary said it best: cats just KNOW everything is theirs, ha ha haaa.

10-28-2009, 12:36 AM
Yes, your Smudge is very handsome and could be Storm's twin. I bet his fur is as soft as a rabbit's fur just like Storm's.:) When I first got Storm he was also itchy and getting bald spots on his ears. I found out that he's allergic to fish of all things. Just like your Smudge he's also on a grain free diet. He was also abandoned by his former owner when he was 1 year old. Maybe they are long lost brothers.;) He does have a shoe fetish though and his former owner was a shoe salesman. Here's Storm in one of his home made cat beds. This is before I had a digital camera.;)

10-28-2009, 07:13 AM
Storm is so beautiful! Smudge is curious about shoes, but he's curious about most things. He does like to kiss my toes, though. Right now he's snoozing on the comfy chair, which has a pressure-activated warming pad under his blanky.

Love, Columbine