View Full Version : Elegant Ellie

10-26-2009, 08:34 AM
WOW - what a treat to see a pretty Pom take top honors in the dog section today!

You sure are a pretty little girl. How wonderful that you get to travel across country every year with your Mom and Dad. It sounds like you have the best seat in the house on your trips too. What an interesting life you lead.

I have a Pom in residence here too, tho she is a little bigger than you are. She's queen of the house. Must be something in those Pom genes, don't you think?? :cool: She also loves squeaky toys - loves to tear them apart is more like it. She has a whole toy box full of dismembered ones, but if that makes her happy, then I'm happy.

Myndi and Sparky are sending out a big woof of congratulations to you today. Hoping that your day will be extra special and that Mom and Dad will shower you with bushels of hugs and kisses.

Happy DOTD pretty Miss Ellie! :love:

10-26-2009, 12:24 PM
Greetings and happy Dog of the Day to you precious, pretty Pom Ellie!:love: What a gorgeous girl you are, sweetheart! What a spectacular, plush coat, and oooh, those big, brown eyes--->total heart melters!:cool: No wonder you have your Daddy wrapped around those paws of yours! hehe I was a "daddy's girl" too, and it doesn't get better than that!:p What an enchanted life you have blessed with, Ellie! Wow, such a lucky pupper, getting to travel the country, traveling the country, taking in the sites riding shotgun in your RV; wiling away the summer in beautiful N.H., enjoying those lazy days with your adorable, best pup pal Finnegan!:D I remember that cutie well, a former honoree himself! How cool is that...you and he now both lay claim to Dog of the Day honors!:cool: And yes, Finnegan was right! You are one most deserving Dog of the Day sweetheart, and we're so happy to have had the chance meet you and honor you here today! Enjoy your big day on the big stage, precious Ellie! No doubt your Daddy (and Mom:D) are going to be pulling out all the stops, spoiling your rotten, treating you to all your heart desires! Hugs and kisses to you, Princess Ellie!:love::love::love:

10-26-2009, 04:26 PM
Hello Ellie,

Such a sweet name for a tiny Princess like you.:) I think it's great
that you have a buddie like Finnigan to visit every year.Congratulations
on being chosen for special honor as our DOG OF THE DAY.:D Sending
lots of hugs & tiny kisses sweetheart.:)

10-26-2009, 04:46 PM
You're a little sweetie Ellie! It seems you're in charge of things at your house! ;)Congrats on DOTD!
I hope this day is special for you!:)

Pinot's Mom
10-26-2009, 05:18 PM
Congratulations on DOTD sweet little Ellie! What a great life you have - RVing across the country every year, and having such a nice best friend to come back to in the East! I hope one day my little Pinot-girl will become an RV kitty, but we'll see. Maybe you could give her some pointers!

Have a great evening and enjoy your special treats for your special day! :D

10-26-2009, 07:11 PM
Ellie, what a cutie you are! I know who is in charge at your house -- YOU! Happy Dog of the Day!

10-26-2009, 08:24 PM
Congratulations on Dog of the Day Ellie. Poms are such a cute and special little tykes. Had one years ago, he was smart as a whip and I'm sure you are also.