View Full Version : How much would you spend

10-23-2009, 09:35 PM
I went to the store today. Wanted to buy a new purse. Love purses. I found one, a designer purse for $163.00 in a dark shade of purple, close to the color of this writing. I saw it at TJ Maxx which is a outlet with designer brands. I stood there and thought about it for a long time. I did not buy it. Looked at some others didn't really find the right one. So my question is, how much are you willing to spend for that perfect incredible purse in just the right shade of color?
I might go back and purchase it. It was lovely, soft as butter and made so well.

10-23-2009, 09:42 PM
I dunno.. I guess it would have to depend on how much I liked it and how much $$ I had at the time. I bought myself a new purse at the Mall the other day and paid $40 for it. But when I got to the register it was on sale or something and I got it for like $35. Anyways I don't really think I'd pay much more for one. Maybe $50??

10-23-2009, 09:49 PM
You should do like my wife does and buy the purse and then take it back if you change your mind. I really think her thrill is in the buying because she always has a bunch she is taking back for what ever reason.:confused: Personally I wouldn't spend a dime on a new purse especially a purple one, then again I have never been into purses.

10-23-2009, 09:55 PM
$163 for a bag to carry you stuff about in?

10-23-2009, 09:55 PM
I don't buy purses. I have a little clutch thing that Rich's grandma gave me and it's all I use now. My friend had a purse party and I did fall in love with a red one, but it was about $100 and I couldn't justify spending that amount of money. But she'll spend $100-200 on purses and has a whole collection of them! I never understood it.

10-23-2009, 10:16 PM
Hmmmm... I have to admit, you got me with purple..my fave color!. Soft as butter..Ok....I'm thinking hard.

Well, if I thought it was big enough for me (contact lens cases, solution, brush, wallet, credit cards, (toothbrush, toothpaste and container for my braces- new additions) and Lord knows what else, and I was going to use it all the time..I'd splurge.

I'd probably cut down on other stuff as a justification. IMO, life is way too short. If I think about it as I lay in bed..the answer is yes. I've rarely regretted my purchases. I make good use of them.

10-23-2009, 10:28 PM
I don't spend ANYTHING on purses. My purse is a diaper bag and I dont spend more than a few bucks on that either LOL. Hannahs diaper bag was $10 after a $50 clothign purchase... which we had already made for her new winter clothes. so ... $10

Every other purse I own was a gift :) and I probably woudlnt spend anyting on a purse. not my thing.

Edwina's Secretary
10-23-2009, 11:11 PM
I would never spend over $100.00 on a purse. That is what husbands are for!

"Oh...look, isn't that fabulous? But so much money....."<<heavy sigh>> I just couldn't spend that on myself....<<heavy sigh>>:D;):D

10-24-2009, 01:34 AM
Sometimes I think I missed the whole shopping gene thing. I rarely pay over $20 for a purse, but the last one I bought for $12 has already busted in less than a month, so maybe next time I'll pay a smidge more. I have paid more, when I had a gift card to use, but I couldn't bear to spend more than probably $40 on a pocketbook.

10-24-2009, 05:02 AM
I think maybe $50. would be it and that'd have to be one of those purse of a lifetime deals.;) I don't think I've ever spent over $20. on one and I always carry a purse. But, if you really want it, and feel you will use it, just this once can't hurt. :D

10-24-2009, 07:31 AM
Wow :eek: $163.00 for a purse?!? I could buy 2 weeks of groceries with that! I missed the boat on shoes and purses. I buy one purse for no more than $30 and carry it until it literally falls apart LOL.

10-24-2009, 07:34 AM
I say if it fits in your budget go for it! ;) We do only live once! I have always like the quality and styles of Etienne Aigner bags. I have had several since the '60's when I bought my first one. I have never bought one at full price. I just wait for sale and have never gone over $60. :)

10-24-2009, 08:07 AM
Wow :eek: $163.00 for a purse?!? I could buy 2 weeks of groceries with that! I missed the boat on shoes and purses. I buy one purse for no more than $30 and carry it until it literally falls apart LOL.
Me too!

10-24-2009, 08:37 AM
I'm definitely a "jeans and T-shirt" kinda gal, so I just don't get the designer purse or the shoe thing.:confused: I don't think I even own a purse. If it doesn't fit in my pocket, I probably don't need it. If I'm going anywhere that I need to bring extra stuff (like Disneyworld, or the race track) I have a small backpack that fits the need.

10-24-2009, 08:47 AM
I have gotten designer purses as gifts, and I used to want them. I really don't see why anymore, never in my life would I spend that much on a purse. My mom and sister are the complete opposite, I think my sister bought a $500 purse once. I am a tote and string back-pack person lol, I don't think I'd every spend anything over $40, but I have a $150 gift backpack that I am quite fond of. :D

10-24-2009, 09:42 AM
[QUOTE=Marigold2;2201080for that perfect incredible purse in just the right shade of color.....
you've already described it...:D. if you can afford it, do it. when you have the right purse, you'll use it for years,so the cost per day will make it the right choice for you.
i have 2 bought at resale shops coach purses, the soft high quality leather, excellent construction and the fact that they are my go choices means they are used often, i know i feel stylish and i've gotten many compliments.

10-24-2009, 09:43 AM
$163 for a bag to carry you stuff about in?.
blue, this made me smile, i've heard similar at home;)

10-24-2009, 10:00 AM
I'd have my head examined before I'd pay that price - I don't care how much I liked it.

The most I ever paid was about $75 for a Stone Mountain bag that was on sale, and that was many years ago. My niece gave me a Coach brand bag - a knock-off - but I can't tell the difference between a fake and the real thing. Even the knock-offs are pricey IMO. I have another niece that has at least 5 of the genuine Coach bags. I can think of better things to do with my money.

Right now I'm carrying a small Laurel Burch canvas tote with "pop art" dogs on it. I love it and spent under $10 for it on sale. Anyone who likes "critters" on their purses, should check out her line. Inexpensive, unique, and very cute. :D

10-24-2009, 10:03 AM
$163 would buy groceries for our family for nearly three weeks. I usually buy the $10-$15 kind of purses at kohl's or Kmart....but that's just me. Purses are not high on the priority list. ;)

10-24-2009, 10:08 AM
I wouldn't spend that much on a purse personally, but if there was something I really wanted and would use a lot for $163 (and I could afford it), I would. If you are going to use the purse a lot and you have the money, why not?

One thing I do when I want something kind of pricey but I can't justify the cost is I sell the old item I'd be replacing on craigslist to get some of the money for it. I recently sold some baby items and made $100 so I could buy a new baby carrier that was $105. :)

10-24-2009, 10:36 AM
No way could I spend 2 weeks worth of grocery money on a purse:eek::eek:

10-24-2009, 11:00 AM
I say if it fits in your budget go for it! ;) We do only live once! :)

I'm with Pam. If it fits in your budget, and it makes your heart skip a beat, then go for it.

10-24-2009, 11:53 AM
Hate to admit it, but I am a Vera Bradley junkie.:eek: I don't know how many I have, but it's a lot. However, a bunch of them are used that I got on Ebay, so in my opinion that alleviates some of the guilt.:rolleyes:

Problem is, I saw that on their website that they are having a 50% off sale and I am sorely tempted. I do use all of them; I'm always swapping them out and they are wonderful for carrying lots of items (zipper pockets, 3 slip-in pockets on the inside), so that's why I indulge.

Purple is my favorite color, so if this is your dream bag, go for it!:D

10-24-2009, 12:08 PM
I'd never spend that kind of money on a purse either.

I've never understood buying designer things to impress strangers on the street. And I've always been concerned about people who derive so much of their self-esteem from "stuff". (I have a family member who seems to think her life will magically change if she buys something she saw one of those vapid Kardashian's wore).

That being said, if you can afford it. If you don't have to charge it to your credit card. If all your other bills are paid. Buy it and enjoy it.

10-24-2009, 12:15 PM
I wanted to add that I am not at all critical of anyone who spends a lot for a purse - it's just not something that would give me joy. But I bet it would make you smile every time you used it, which is hard to put a price on!

10-24-2009, 12:24 PM
I wanted to add that I am not at all critical of anyone who spends a lot for a purse - it's just not something that would give me joy. But I bet it would make you smile every time you used it, which is hard to put a price on!

My thoughts too. If you've got it - then go for it.

Years ago when I was working and had the income to indulge myself at times - I would. Retirement and Social Security has changed my views and spending habits. It was fun while it lasted, but I never over indulged even when I could.

10-24-2009, 01:45 PM
OMG we went into the coach store one day just for fun... You can't even buy a coin purse for under $50. I thought there was gonna be a cover charge at the door just to get in lol. $700 for a bag. I almost had a heart attack

10-24-2009, 03:08 PM
If you can afford it right now, buy it- you will always love it.
I had no-money-times in my life and money times. I always loved luxury- which could be a Chanel nail varnish at times where I checked how much I spend for food- or a luxury purse at other times;)

10-24-2009, 03:17 PM
I think it all depends on what you like to splurge on. I love purses and shoes. Other people like electronics and computer or camera things.

If it's well made, and you like it, buy it. I would if I had the money for something that I really wanted and knew that I'd get my money back on how much it would be used. Plus, I love purses. Things to carry my "stuff" around in... :p;) blue just doesn't understand girl stuff.

10-24-2009, 03:23 PM
If you can afford it without breaking the bank, then go for it. Sounds like you love purses so it will probably make you happy for many years to come.
That said I'm the kind of person who buys jackets with a zillion pockets if I can so I can stuff my stuff in them, I'm not a purse person. I don't like having to carry a purse and I'm they type who forgets it all over so pockets are handier and quicker for me, especially the hidden inside ones.

10-24-2009, 04:10 PM
With purses and shoes, it's either your "thing" or it isn't and there's no explaining it to those that don't get it :p I've paid that and more but most of my bags are cheap. But CUTE! LOL! I say if you can afford it, go for it. I tend to see things and wait to buy them and then obsess until I go back to get it! I don't have alot of bags but the ones I have I adore and regardless of price I get them because I love them! It could be $20 or $200. Life is indeed too short. Enjoy!

10-24-2009, 04:26 PM
I agree with everyone else... if it's something you really love and you can afford it... go for it.

Afterall I bought a $500 camera and people CANNOT understand why I would spend that kind of money on a camera lol

10-24-2009, 04:35 PM
I would never spend that much for a purse.I already have purses
for all occasions so, I'm covered.:) I really don't carry a purse much
anymore. I travel light with my license & my debit card in a pocket.:D

10-24-2009, 05:18 PM
I would spend maybe at most $20 for a purse. I get tired of them, get new ones, don't really care. But that's a purse, they are not really my thing.

There are items that I would certainly spend that much, or more, for if it was the perfect one.

If purses are your thing, if owning it makes you happy, and you can afford it ... buy it!

10-24-2009, 05:33 PM
I would never spend over $100.00 on a purse. That is what husbands are for!

"Oh...look, isn't that fabulous? But so much money....."<<heavy sigh>> I just couldn't spend that on myself....<<heavy sigh>>:D;):D

Wicked;);):D (I admit it has worked for me:p)

10-24-2009, 07:54 PM
It was fun reading everyone's opinion on purses. My children are all grown and independent.
When I was a young mom I too would never have spent that money on myself. I spent it on school, braces, sports, cloths and a million and one things all having to do with the kids. I loved every minute and am greatful I am done.
Now I have to worry about retirement and savings it's a ways off. But still one needs a nest egg and it seems the amount they tell you to have is getting larger and larger with each year as we live longer and prices go up for medical care.
I have always loved nice leather purses, the smell, the softness, the quality of the zippers, snaps and lining. The deep rich colors. I have about 30 purses, some expensive some not so and I change them all the time with different outfits. I have bought them all over the place including purse parties and second hand shops where you can find great deals on gently worn designer bags. I enjoy them and they are always the right size, one does not have to worry about gaining or losing 5 or 10 lbs.
I don't go for a brand I just go for a look. Never owned a Coach but an EA I do have, bought it in Seattle it's nice and big and very enjoyable.
As for the hubby buying nice things for me, nope I thought that was what the boyfriend was for.:p

10-25-2009, 11:19 AM
I generally buy purses in the $10-$20 range - but I LOVE looking at the pricy designer bags like Coach, etc. Oh and I DO have one Coach bag but bought it on Ebay. I don't think I could ever spend hundreds of dollars on a handbag though - but if it really is perfect, makes you happy and you can afford it...well....maybe you NEED that bag!!:D Besides it would practically last forever right?

10-25-2009, 01:01 PM
I'm definitely a "jeans and T-shirt" kinda gal, so I just don't get the designer purse or the shoe thing.:confused: I don't think I even own a purse. If it doesn't fit in my pocket, I probably don't need it. If I'm going anywhere that I need to bring extra stuff (like Disneyworld, or the race track) I have a small backpack that fits the need.

I am the same way.
I don't really care for purses, but I do carry one, it is more of a very small purse, that I can fit my wallet & point and shoot compact camera in it. Oh, and batteries for my cochlear implant and that's about it. The purse I have, I only spent $8 for it!

finn's mom
10-25-2009, 01:45 PM
I don't use a purse, usually, although I do have a few. If I do carry a bag, it's so that I can have a book with me. Other than that, though, I typically carry my driver's license and debit card in my back pocket or just a little wallet. Now that we have Clara, though, I do carry a small diaper bag and put my wallet in that. I think the most I'd ever spend on a bag is $50. The most I've spent so far is about $35 and it was one my friend made and sold on Etsy. :)

10-25-2009, 02:51 PM
I live off of less than $80 a month on food. I need a stronger prescription for glasses. I have doctor bills. I need to fix my car bumper. I want a paint job for my car. I need dog food and ferret food. A purse? Ha! I'll use my pocket thank you. The only purse I have is what my friend's refer to as a "wallet on a string". It cost 50¢ at a thrift store. I'd find it ethically wrong to spend $160 on a purse when people are starving.

finn's mom
10-25-2009, 04:16 PM
I'd find it ethically wrong to spend $160 on a purse when people are starving.

Considering the nature of this particular thread, and the admissions of a few people within it, I find the quoted statement a bit misplaced. I think it's akin to someone coming into Pet Talk, knowing the forum is probably full of pet lovers, and saying that it's ethically wrong to have a pet or multiple pets (rescued or not) which require food, shelter and medical care when there are people starving, too. There aren't many who haven't purchased frivolous items or gone out for a nice meal, or even purchased a bumper for their car as opposed to donating to charity or helping those in need. It doesn't mean they're unethical people.

10-25-2009, 05:30 PM
I agree with everyone else... if it's something you really love and you can afford it... go for it.

Afterall I bought a $500 camera and people CANNOT understand why I would spend that kind of money on a camera lol

Heck I can tell you why you bought that $500. camera in one word----Hannah!

That was so easy....lol.

Daisy and Delilah
10-25-2009, 06:06 PM
I am not a person that loves shopping for shoes and purses. I am using a black leather purse that was $40 and given to me as a gift at least 10 years ago. I have two more purses(also gifts) in my closet that I haven't even used until this one wears out. In other words, I will probably be carrying the purse I have forever.:)

I have to say::::if a person loves purses and they have the money to buy it, by all means, go for it. Life's little pleasures make us happy so why not indulge? We only live once. :D

My daughter is the poster child of people that love purses. She is buying a new one every week but they aren't real expensive. She has a red leather bag she bought in Europe--I can't remember the country but it's famous for purses. She has gotten so many compliments on that purse and she loves it so much, it's been a joy in her life all the way around. I have to say, it is beautiful and a purse you wouldn't see every day. :)

10-26-2009, 09:51 AM
I buy my purses at Target. So I only spend about $20 - $30 on them. And I have them for years before I need a new one. I can't imagine spending $100 on any item of clothing or accessory. When I was young spending $80 on Guess jeans was as high as I would go in that area.

But if you really like it and can afford it then I say GO FOR IT! :D

10-26-2009, 01:44 PM
Everybody has expenses they can and can't justify. I'm just saying for me I can't imagine ever considering paying that much for a purse.

10-26-2009, 03:28 PM
Everyone has a vice.

I have a 'bag' vice too.

It's all about duffle bags and backpacks.

I have three packs and I want more- I just have to stop because I don't need an "Everest Signature Model" or the 1300 cubic inch carrier from the North Face.

I want them and probably could afford to have two more-If it does help the economyhould I buy another??

If it helps keep some poor person at work sewing leather and nylon together?
The people that pack, ship and deliver the items that we lust over can still draw a paycheck?;)

The profit margin may be a little slanted in the favor of the company, but unless the company is a total scam like Nike or has violated a personal ethic of mine........

For the longest time I would 'jerk a knee' to any company that I thought was monopolizing (sp?) services or things I needed....I can't really tell Mircosoft to bite me-I just don't do Apples.;)

Because I LOVE a good conversation......Why a leather purse?

I don't like crocodiles or snakes, but, would never thing about wearing/carrying one.


My brother comes over and rolls his eyes when he sees the "kitteh frenzy" I am going through.

The snide comments are slowly becoming more infrequent, but who is he to tell me how to spend my money? Especially when when it comes to my little friends?

I may share your vice but you have one that is probably more extreme than mine.

Rock on.


I spent 175 dollars on a concert ticket and all I have is the memory.

At least you will have someplace to put your stuff.:)

10-26-2009, 04:48 PM
Considering the nature of this particular thread, and the admissions of a few people within it, I find the quoted statement a bit misplaced. I think it's akin to someone coming into Pet Talk, knowing the forum is probably full of pet lovers, and saying that it's ethically wrong to have a pet or multiple pets (rescued or not) which require food, shelter and medical care when there are people starving, too. There aren't many who haven't purchased frivolous items or gone out for a nice meal, or even purchased a bumper for their car as opposed to donating to charity or helping those in need. It doesn't mean they're unethical people.

I was honestly getting ready to say just about the same thing in reply to that post. Then I read it again ... it does say "I'd find it ethically wrong..." so, saying "I would ...", not "You should ...". So technically, she is just stating her own personal opinion. It does come off as a bit judgemental and heavy-handed, perhaps, though.