View Full Version : Halloween Pets

10-23-2009, 02:27 PM
I wasn't sure if there was already a thread out there about this or not. If there is, maybe we could merge it??
But I wanted to share a photo of Taggart, Jake and Abbie (my brothers puppies) dressed in their Halloween costumes.


If you can't tell, Taggart is a pig, Jake is Tigger and Abbie is a cow.

Anyone else have some pictures to share of your pet dressed up this year?

10-23-2009, 02:43 PM
Oh they are too cute. Have you seen Karen wanted nominations for Halloween pets for DOTD etc.?

10-23-2009, 03:11 PM
Oh they are too cute. Have you seen Karen wanted nominations for Halloween pets for DOTD etc.?

Yes, I saw that. But I can't get a good enough picture of him. He hates the costume and won't sit for me to take a picture. He wants to stand right by me instead. LOL I'll try it again though. I was surprised my brother and SIL got him to lay there like that, especially with two 12 week old puppies! But as I've said before, my brother is like the Dog Whisperer. :p

10-23-2009, 04:43 PM
Look at those three, so cute! :)

I'll add a few pictures from previous years.

This was in 2004, it's Dell and my husband on stage at an event for a shelter- they won for scariest costume! (You can see Adele sniffing the giant rawhide).

Close up of Dell- the horns came off.

Marta as a fairy (also in '04).

Darth Corgi (2005)

I know I have more, but these were all that I could find on photobucket.

I'm also hoping to get a picture of Lyra in her black kitty costume with our real black cat in it, but we'll see. :D

10-23-2009, 05:31 PM
Great thread and pics! I'll have to try and get a few pics of mine dressed up, won't be easy!:D

10-23-2009, 08:38 PM
Chipper from last year:

No costumes this year.