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View Full Version : URGENT! Possible OVER DOSE**UPDATE #8

10-22-2009, 10:42 PM
forgive me if I ramble... just got in from work. my room mate met me at the door in tears. She thought she was giving Scruffy B and Spunky B the antihistamine, but after she'd done it she noticed that the bottle was Stormy's prozac...

She called the emergency Vet and they of course wouldn't give any concrete answers except to say we should bring them in. We're strapped for money as it is w/the current medical issues. The nurse said to look for tremors, convulsions....

The bottle is marked 1/2 per day. Reconcile 8mg.....

We checked the med on line and the normal dosage for cats is 1-5mg a day. There fore we're assuming that Stormy's pills, which are cut in half, are 4 mg....

Has anyone here had any similar experience?

Needless to say, THOUGHTS AND PRAYERS for the babies AND my room mate Ellie.

Will keep you posted.

10-22-2009, 10:49 PM
Try calling Angell Memorial in Boston - they may be able to give you a better answer. (617) 522-7282 They are local to us, and world renowned in there animal medicine department.

10-22-2009, 10:59 PM
thanks, will give them a call:love:

10-22-2009, 11:35 PM
Called the #, they couldn't give me any info over the phone about it, but they did give me the # of animal poison control. I called but they wanted $70 for a consultation.... I know that the kitties' health is priceless, but when you don't have the $$ what are you to do?

In the mean time, it's been well over an hour now and the kids are up PLAYING!

Ellen, my room mate has done some research and found that the lowest dose of reconcile is 4mg for aprox 5 lbs and up. Our kids weight about 4 so that makes up feel some better.

Again, as I type this, they're awake and playing! Thank God!

Will keep you posted.

Again thank you.

Lori Be...

10-23-2009, 01:05 AM
i have 2 cats that need prednisone...5 mills a day.
but i weeded it down to half that a day recently.
i think 8 mill's won't kill them....accually i know it won't.
my vet had to give one cat 10 mill's to stop his coughing in a shringe i think.
it was a long time ago so i forgot if he said 10 or 20 mill's....his cough was just terrible!!
but i'll say 10 to be safe...don't worry:love::)

10-23-2009, 09:23 AM
I am so glad that Our Friend Carla knew the answer!
We can old offer prayers , but Our Friend at Cat Family has the expertise!
We are sending Our Prayers that alls well!!
We LOVE Scruffy B and Spunky B!!!:love::love::love:

Pinot's Mom
10-23-2009, 09:46 AM
I can only send prayers and good thoughts; I have no experience with it. It sounds like it's OK, though.

10-23-2009, 11:17 AM
Since they're up, playing and using the litterbox, I'd just keep an eye on them. Prozac has been prescribed for cats in the past. I remember one time my cat chewed a Effexor capsule! I really panicked because I know what Effexor did to me (put me in a drunken stupor). I called the vet and he told me that since the capsule was only chewed a little, chances are he'd be okay. Turned out he was okay.

I'm just glad to hear that your kitties are playing and aren't suffering any kind of bad side effects.

10-23-2009, 11:18 AM
Again I can't thank the PT members enough for your kind words, you've been a comfort.

Well, it's been over 12 hrs and there seems to be no ill affects of the accidental Prozac dose. We were up till the wee hours keeping an eye on the babies and they didn't seem in the least bit affected. They played, ate, pottied, and slept. In fact they're pretty much back to normal with only a sneeze now and then. Seems like the virus is heading out now, Thank God.

Again, thank you for your comments, thoughts and prayers, you folks are amazing!:love:

10-23-2009, 11:35 AM
I'm so sorry. I just saw this. So glad things seem to be turning out well! :love:

10-23-2009, 11:36 AM
I just saw this this morning but didn't have any advice.
I am very glad to hear they are okay. I'm sure that was a very scary thing to go through.