View Full Version : What is going on??

10-22-2009, 02:02 PM
Boomer and Sooner took to each other right away.. as time has gone on they aren't getting along as well :( They play fight constantly but recently their fighting seems to have become more aggressive. Sooner bites at Boomer's neck and has never managed to draw blood but he has managed to pull out patches of fur on Boomer's neck. I've also noticed that since they started fighting, Boomer has started attacking his tail. Not just in the the, oh how cute he's chasing his tail way, but in the growling and hissing at it and then attacking it with vigor way. He has ripped the hair clean off the top inch of his tail:( At night he will be sleeping on my bed and then suddenly start growling a deep scary growl before running in circles until he can catch his extra short tail and then biting the heck out of it.
I know that the first response will be "get him to the vet!" but I would like to try to solve the problem at home first before taking him in because it is seriously distressing to boomer to have to go to the vet.

10-22-2009, 02:17 PM
I cant remember whether Sonner is neutered or not as that can make a young male Cat agressive,:eek:
I have noticed that Tubster Panther and Miquelito can get into some battles, but they are not that bad just wrestling matches , thankfully no claws or teeth!!!
We pray that Sooner and Boomer can reach a compromise!!

10-22-2009, 02:22 PM
They are both neutered!

10-22-2009, 03:53 PM
Sorry about that Deb , I just wasnt sure!:confused:
It may be a male thing the way it is with Tubster Panther and Miquelito as they are both still fairly young, about 4 years old.
But Tubster Panther just plays with My Little Orange Lion, and thats a good thing.
Hes much bigger than Miquelito and could really do damage if he wanted to.
We are praying that you can cool off this fighting, maybe like young kids they have to have time outs!
Tubster Panther fights with Pouncer Roccalno, and its a lot more serious.
If I take her in as A Found Cat it will have tobe total seperation.

10-22-2009, 04:00 PM
:) Mine go thru phazes like that.. Just supervise & watch them close.. You may have to keep each in seperate parts of the house.. Now when is it that you all are moving to Germany?? Will the Cats go with you??

10-22-2009, 04:27 PM
We are moving in March and they will be coming with us:D

10-22-2009, 04:31 PM
:love: Well great to hear the babies are going with you.. Gosh I thought you all had at least 1 year left in the states..
We are moving in March and they will be coming with us:D

10-22-2009, 04:33 PM
:love: Well great to hear the babies are going with you.. Gosh I thought you all had at least 1 year left in the states..

oh heck no! My husband has already been gone for 8 months, I'd lose my mind if we still had a year left:eek:

10-22-2009, 04:43 PM
:) Oh so hubby is already over there?? Now will the Military furnish a plane to fly all of your stuff & you & the babies over?? How did you do with your learning German?? Wie geht es lhnen? Auf Wiedersehen.. Guten Tag.. Guten Abend..
oh heck no! My husband has already been gone for 8 months, I'd lose my mind if we still had a year left:eek:

10-22-2009, 04:53 PM
the tail-chasing kinda concerns me. Makes me think either his anal sacs are uncomfortable or he has fleas hiding in that area. Is he fidgety while using the litterbox? Is he on flea prevention? Other than that I'm stumped unless it is just plain old stress or anxiety over something. Back when I worked at the vet years ago there was a little min-pin dog that would attack his tail. He tore himself up to the point he needed stitches and an e-collar more than once. They ended up putting him on some sort of anti-anxiety meds and it really helped

10-22-2009, 05:27 PM
Boomer does not seem to have any troubles with going to the litterbox and he is not on flea prevention but they are strictly indoor cats. I will go over him and check for any flea dirt later tonight just in case.

My husband had a year long tour in central america to do before we could go over to Germany. Thankfully that is close to over!! He will come home in Feb to help us pack and then they will move us over there. I know very little German. I know what you said but I wouldn't be able to carry on a conversation.:D

10-22-2009, 05:36 PM
Sounds like stress related biting. My Honeybun would do that to his paw and pull out chunks of fur. Since my one foster has gotten adopted, he's been much better and no more biting and pulling out fur, but had he not, I would have gotten him on an anti anxiety medication. Maybe the stuff Medusa (Mary) uses, Clomicalm, would work for him?

10-22-2009, 08:03 PM
Have you used a water spray bottle to interrupt their battles at all? Maybe if the one stops the fighting, the other will stop attacking his own tail. Just thought.

10-23-2009, 01:11 AM
those plug-ins for cat stress related behavior work great here.
they sell them everywhere but can be pricey.
feliway comfort zone
www.upco.com sells them.... and other places.