View Full Version : Pictures of Marigold

10-07-2002, 10:36 AM
Here are some more pictures of Marigold as promised:






I hope you enjoy them!! :D

10-07-2002, 10:45 AM
Thanks for the pictures. Marigold is such a pretty cat.

Former User
10-07-2002, 11:30 AM
Thank you, thank you! What a beauty she is! Absolute darling!

10-07-2002, 11:41 AM
What a pretty kitty! She reminds me of Lut's Maya!

10-07-2002, 02:09 PM
Marigold is so beautiful! thanks for sharing your pics.

10-07-2002, 02:17 PM
Marigold says thankyou for all the compliments! :D She hopes everybody will feel just as loved & cuddled as she is, and send a big purr-kiss to y'all! :D

10-07-2002, 02:38 PM
She is so cute!

10-07-2002, 03:30 PM
Awwwwwwwwww! She's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute! She resembles Lut's Maya. Not exatly, but she kind of looks like her. What a cute kitty! Have you ever let her meet your birdies? She doesn't go after them does she?

10-07-2002, 04:11 PM
Marigold is a cutie! In the photo of her sleeping she has a big pair of mittens on! She must be a polydactyl!:cool: So how does she get along with Mr Malone? And has she met the stray cat that has been visiting?

Edwina's Secretary
10-07-2002, 04:15 PM
What a little tiny cutie! That last photo is my favorite....

10-07-2002, 04:26 PM
Originally posted by popcornbird
Awwwwwwwwww! She's sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo cute! She resembles Lut's Maya. Not exatly, but she kind of looks like her. What a cute kitty! Have you ever let her meet your birdies? She doesn't go after them does she?

Thankyou Popcornbird...when we first got her, she would be in the livingroom and FIXATED on their cages. I was scared that one day there would be an "accident", and since then have pretty much trained her to stay out of the livingroom. After we let her outside (another whole story), she's not even interested at all in them. I think it's because she's a hunter and our birdies are too easy of a catch for her. But regardless, she still is not allowed in the livingroom unless we are right there (our living room has doors so we just close it off.

Marigold is a cutie! In the photo of her sleeping she has a big pair of mittens on! She must be a polydactyl! So how does she get along with Mr Malone? And has she met the stray cat that has been visiting?

Yes, she's a polydactyl (if my interpretation of that word is correct). She has 6 "fingernails"...the extra one is a pain in the rear end to trim...if I don't do it right, it hurts her. Mr. Malone *LOVES* Marigoldy *hee hee*...he is usually gentle with his overexuberant sniffing...and she tolerates him. She doesn't take to prowling around the floor too much, but rather jumps from pillar to post to stay out of harm's way. If she doesn't like what Malone is doing she bats at his nose without her claws, and if he persists, then the claws come out. He doesn't like that too much, and will usually stop after that. In the meanwhile, from day one, we have been working really hard and consistently on NOT CHASING THE CAT!! :D

Yes, she has met Allie Cat (the stray that has been coming around) and I really don't know what to think. I think it's a love/hate relationship between the two. Marigold likes Allie as long as it's on her terms. As soon as Allie oversteps the boundaries, it becomes a territorial thing. So I'm a little confused as to where to go from here. We are thinking of getting a new shed before winter hits...in part so Allie can have a safe/warm place to go without actually being inside. The last thing we need is a cat fight in our kitchen. Does anybody else have issues with two cats that don't get along??

OK I've rambled long enough!! :D

10-07-2002, 04:30 PM
Marigold is SO beautiful! can I have her? LOL she is just so precious! pretty name too.:D

10-07-2002, 04:51 PM
Marigold, I love you! :) :) :) :) :) :) KISS KISS KISS HUG HUG HUG!

10-08-2002, 12:08 AM
Marigold is gorgeous. Thanks for sharing her pics with us. :) I love her name too. :)

10-08-2002, 10:33 AM
Marigold is such a beauty, and what a sweet face she has, very lady-like! :)


10-08-2002, 01:20 PM
aw, what beautiful colors in her coat. She is so adorable when she rests, that sleeping picture is my favorite thanks for sharing the pictures with us. :)