View Full Version : Ashley's at the Vets today

10-19-2009, 08:34 AM

The link above is to my old thread I wrote about Ashley and today she is at the vets to get an x-ray of her bladder.

Please say a pray that she does well today. I hope we figure out the reason why she keeps peeing outside the box. Yesterday morning there was pee beside the tub, then again last evening, and whem my husband got home from work at about 1:30 a.m. he told me their was pee in the tub.

So today hopefully we will figure out why she keeps doing it.


10-19-2009, 09:08 AM
It seems to me that Ashley is trying to tell you something, so I hope the vet visit will sort out what the problem is. When Fister was blocked, he would sit down right in front of us, look at us and pee on our bed.

Sending lots of posítive thoughts for Ashley! :love:

10-19-2009, 10:40 AM
I just called the vets, no stones......:confused: I guess that's good for her but why is she doing this .... they are going to do a cysto to get her pee and then I guess we have to run a culture most likely.

Poor girl at least they didn't have to sedate her.

I'll be picking her up after 3 p.m. today

Pinot's Mom
10-19-2009, 11:20 AM
Prayers for a quick and painless solution!

10-19-2009, 11:34 AM
I sure hope that the vet will able to find out the reason she's peeing in inappropriate places. Lots of prayers and positive thoughts are being sent her way.

10-19-2009, 11:37 AM
:love: Awee poor wittle Ashley I sure hope the Vet can help you with your peeing problem.. Good Luck.. Sending Lots of Prayers - Huggss - Positive Vibes.. Keep us posted ok..

10-19-2009, 12:00 PM
Hugs and prayers for little Ashley. Could it be behaviour related?

Also, read here about Gatsby, who had pee problems but no blockage! There is a med that eases bladder spasms, amitryptiline; it's used for that purpose in humans too.


10-19-2009, 01:48 PM
Prayers are being prayed for sweet Ashley. I hope your vet can figure this out and the problem can be quickly and easily corrected.

10-19-2009, 02:54 PM
My Princess was peeing in all of the wrong places , and I added a litter box which I put right in front of her, and things are fine now,
As she was just intimidated by the Kitten Trio!!!:eek::eek:
We are all praying for ypur Ashley , shes such a Wonder Cat!!!

10-20-2009, 07:25 AM
Yesterday I went to pick up Ashley at 3 p.m. and she still didn't give them a pee sample so I had to wait until she did go to bring her home. They said they might need to keep her overnight if she doesn't pee by 7 p.m. so I went home without my baby girl last night which was hard to not have her in the house, but I called the vets at 6:45 p.m. and they finally got one but they had to retrieve it from her.

The vet said there was a few white blood cells but no blood was seen which I've never seen any either. The vet said there were no Struvite crystals but Oxalate crystals were present along with some white blood cells.

She is sending some pee to a lab to do a culture test and hopefully they will come up with something as to why she keeps doing it.

The vet said she thinks it's behavioral but I just can't see her doing it this many times if it is. We have had her on valium before and I want to rule out all medical tests before we say it's behavioral.

I don't know what more I can do for Ashley if it is behavioral, we have a 1 bedroom apartment and Ashley is in the bedroom that joins our bathroom as well so our other 6 cats stay out in the living room/dining room and kitchen area.

She has been so much happier since we have limited her access, she's still allowed to come out in the living room if she wants too but she just stays in the bedroom and seems pretty happy about that.

I know she can still smell/hear the other guy cats that she doesn't like but I've tried feliaway and we tried the valium up until we found out that she had crystals in her urine and the vet told me to stop them because it may be the crystals that were causing her to inappropriately pee elsewhere.

For now though we will just wait and see what the lab has to say and go from there. The one newer vet mentioned to me about a new kind of behavioral medication that they put on your cats ear and maybe we will have to try that with Ashley after I do some research. Ashley is only 5 years old and I don't want to give her a lot of meds that could compromise her health in the later years.

I guess I'll just wait till I hear from the vets to see what the lab work shows.

Thanks for the prays,