View Full Version : Has Anyone Heard From Eric Lately??

10-07-2002, 07:50 AM
Eric and Bari have been on my mind alot and I was wondering if anyone has heard from them? I wonder how Puddy is doing with Irene? Does anyone have any news?? Just curious.

Hey you guys, if you're out there, could ya please send up a smoke signal or something?:p

10-07-2002, 07:59 AM
I was wondering the same thing, Donna. And I was wondering about you! Has the job search been fruitful? You've probably already told us, and I just missed it.

Hope things are going well in Michigan.

Logan :)

10-07-2002, 09:23 AM
I've been wondering too! Hope Puddy is happy in her new home! :)

Eric and Bari! Let's hear from you when you have time! ;)

10-07-2002, 03:50 PM
Bari D has been around the cat boards this week. She has been posting on Cat of the Day. You could PM her and I bet she would answer you pretty quickly.:)

10-07-2002, 05:41 PM

I'm doing great! My job starts next Monday. I'll be working as a secretary in the medical records department in a health clinic. It doesn't pay alot but there isn't much out there. The benefits make up for it, plus I get 10 paid holidays, 2 weeks vacation time the first year and they also give out bonuses. When I arrived here I e-mailed, snail-mailed and faxed my resume all OVER Michigan. Only 1 reply, a tacky post card telling me they were in receipt of my resume and IF I am a suitable candidate, they will call me to set up an interview. The phone hasn't rung yet. So I didn't wait. The office is business casual so I can wear slacks. I just want to start!!! The walls are closing in on me and you can only watch so many re-runs of Dick VanDyke:rolleyes: .

Everything is going pretty well. I did get a little homesick this weekend. But that was only because I didn't take my medication :eek: .

Hope things are well with you. I also hope to hear from Eric soon, although he travels alot so maybe that's why he hasn't been posting.