View Full Version : Lady Jane and the E-collar

10-17-2009, 10:57 AM
Well, I took her to the vet this morning to look at the incision. It was split a bit and LJ keeps licking it, so the vet gave me some meds and an e-collar. It is a soft collar. I'll post some pix later.

I held her for a while after we got home because she was trying to jump through it. she looked like a bucking bronco. She was not a happy camper. I finally put her down and in way less than 5 minutes she was out of it. Any suggestions?

I am definitely not in charge around here.

10-18-2009, 02:38 PM
O WOW!!! We have the old plastic e collar, and I have to put tape on the edges so the cats do not walk into the walls!! AND yes, they can get out of it!!! You forgot we are dealing with creatures of a higher realm, and they sure have us beat!!!! But, we sure love 'em!!! Good luck with Lady Jane!!!

10-18-2009, 04:22 PM
if this continues, might want to look into a c-collar instead. It's pretty much a neck brace the keeps them from turning their head. Not sure if a cat would tolerate this much though, seeing as how they groom themselves.

Maybe a kitty t-shirt tied at the waist so she couldn't get to the incision? I hear it works well for dogs, but again, I don't know about cats since they groom so much.

10-19-2009, 12:30 PM
:) The Hard Plastic E-Collars with Velcrow work good.. Or the idea of a shirt tied around the waist might work.. Good Luck