View Full Version : Anyone had screws removed?

10-16-2009, 11:36 PM
I get my screws out of my foot on Monday under local sedation. Anyone ever had this done? I am so excited I am not too scared just kind of apprehensive.

I have so much pain in my foot I am hoping this will help.

10-17-2009, 07:33 AM
No, I've only been told that I have a few screws loose. ;) Sure hope this puts an end to the misery for you. :)

10-17-2009, 07:43 AM
I'm surprised that they are being removed so soon after surgery.

I had a rod (looks like a 4" heavy duty hat pin :eek:) removed from my big toe. It was to hold the toe in place after bunion surgery. Didn't hurt at all. I have a couple of screws in another toe that never healed after I broke it, and one of them is backing it's way out of the bone. I have a lump where it's coming out. I asked the podiatrist if he would just remove it and he said yes - but it has to be done at the surgery center and not in his office, since it involves bone. The heck with that - I'll keep the lump as long as it isn't painful! :p

You should be fine once the screws are out - no more pain. :D

10-17-2009, 07:47 AM
Yes, I had a plate and 6 screws removed from my ankle one year after they were put in. I still have one large screw in the back of my ankle - that's with me for life.

I did have surgery to remove the hardware - no big deal. I did have to use caution for 4-6 weeks, while the holes filled in.

Today, 13 years later, the plate is still with me - on my key chain :)

Good luck on Monday!!

10-17-2009, 03:15 PM
I have a few that are loose, but none that have to be removed...........:D

10-17-2009, 03:21 PM
I had a client have them removed, about 4 months after the surgery, if I recall correctly. That, or a year and 4 months after the surgery. I hope it helps to have them out!

Daisy and Delilah
10-17-2009, 03:23 PM
I'm surprised they are already coming out too. Wow!! I've got one in my foot that will stay there. My daughter had her's removed and she didn't flinch. Best of luck with it and I hope the removal lessens the pain. Is that much pain normal after so much time?

10-17-2009, 03:27 PM
I'm not sure if it should still be hurting so much, I haven't really called because I don't want to be put in a cast again.

I think there is a risk with the screws breaking, if it happens it could be no problem or it could be that they have to take the foot apart getting the screw out.

The doctor initially said this would be life altering so I am assuming the pain is normal.

Daisy and Delilah
10-17-2009, 05:04 PM
Ok. I know some injuries will be painful for a very long time. Once my broken bones have healed, I haven't had much pain. However, the knee replacements have been a new experience with pain. I don't think I will ever be pain free.

I know what you mean about the cast. They can get claustrophobic.:eek: I can never imagine wearing a cast for a long time.

I really wish you all the best. You sure have had a rough time with this thing.:(

10-17-2009, 10:19 PM
I had the pins removed from my wrist and had a "twighlight" sedation. In and out. I opted to leave my pins in longer than necessary, praying they'd heal my ulna, but no luck. The pain of the pins (IMO) was worse than anything. The pins and screws and pins up and down my spine are fine...*keeps fingers crossed*.

Good Luck. I think feet are terrible to break because they hold up the entire body and have teeny bones and are subject to stress. I don't know about you, but when my tootsies hurt, I'm miserable.

10-17-2009, 10:28 PM
I always thought the screws where left in, and that the pins got removed.

10-17-2009, 10:33 PM
I always thought the screws where left in, and that the pins got removed.

I think it depends on where the screws/pins are. My plate and screws were on the lateral aspect of my ankle - right under the skin. I could feel the heads of the screws with my fingers.

The Orthopod who took them out was not the one who put them in. He said the majority of his patients had the hardware removed after about one year.

I still have the large screw in the back of my ankle - that would have been more trouble than it was worth to remove.

10-17-2009, 10:42 PM
My friends with pins and plates had them removed. The recruits I was with where looking at a lifetime with screws, my dad is looking at living with the screws in his hip.

These are all hip injuries however, so your injury is probably different.

10-17-2009, 10:51 PM
My friends with pins and plates had them removed. The recruits I was with where looking at a lifetime with screws, my dad is looking at living with the screws in his hip.

These are all hip injuries however, so your injury is probably different.

Yes, as I said, I think it depends upon where the screws/plates and pins are located. Hips are one thing, ankles another.

Did your dad break his hip or fracture his femur?

Orthopedic surgery is such fun. When I worked in the OR, I loved the bone cases. Like being in a carpenter shop :)

10-17-2009, 10:58 PM
My doctor wants them out, I guess it depends on the injury and the screws. It does hurt a lot so I am hoping it helps when they come out.

I wait all day until I get home and have my vicodin, I haven't been able to have motrin for two weeks before the removal.

I really broke no bones my whole mid foot joint was dislocated.

10-18-2009, 07:25 AM
I have an 8" rod and screws in my femur, from the hip fracture, and my hip and leg ache almost constantly. My ortho surgeon said they can come out after a couple of years if the x-rays look okay, but that would mean more surgery and general anesthesia. He says it hurts because I have no meat on my bones to cushion it, and if I put on some weight, it probably wouldn't bother me. I can't put on weight, so I guess I'll have to ache, because I'm not going thru any more surgery unnecessarily.

I have rods and screws the entire length of my cervical spine, but those have to stay in - or my head will fall off!! :p They don't hurt tho. :)

Pinot's Mom
10-18-2009, 07:54 PM
Sorry, I was away this weekend and didn't see this until now. Yes, I had a screw removed from my foot. I had tendon replacement surgery (posterior tibial tendon shattered); there was a screw (about 3-4") inserted into the back of my foot for support. It was never intended to stay in, only to be used for support until it was no longer needed - about a year and a half. Then it tends to get a little loose in the spot and it's uncomfortable. The removal was nothing; no big deal at all. I was glad to get rid of it, it interfered with shoes toward the end.

10-19-2009, 12:20 AM
I have rods and screws the entire length of my cervical spine, but those have to stay in - or my head will fall off!! :p They don't hurt tho. :)


My cervical rods and screws are at 4/5 as well as the lumbar. I always joke my head and legs will come off if the hardware is removed! :p

10-19-2009, 07:25 AM
I've been accused of having a few screws loose, but never removed.:p:p Sorry, I just couldn't resist a little humor. Good luck!

10-19-2009, 10:34 PM
Oh my god...I got nothing to relax me...nada...they gave me a bunch of injections to numb the foot...I did feel nothing but I was so scared the whole time. Had I know that I would have self medicated with vicodin.

One of the screws had broke, I guess its all inside the bone and not protruding so he doesn't think it will be a problem to just leave it...the removal would be major surgery.

He is troubled that I still have pain, he said many patients with this injury get lifelong problems and I may need to get the bones fused together eventually...oh boy.

He gave me more vicodin...can you say addiction???