View Full Version : Cats and babies/little kids?

10-16-2009, 09:54 AM
For those of you with cats and young children (or grandchildren), how do you handle their interactions?

Lyra's favorite thing is cats! But she doesn't know how to interact nicely yet and I don't want the cats getting hurt or her getting scratched. I show her how to pet nicely, but she doesn't get it yet of course.

Mostly Pippin stays clear of her because he doesn't like getting pulled on, but Des and Kiki will get really close. Lyra has managed to pull Kiki's tail pretty hard, and rip out some of Desmond's fur (he does have long, touchable fur...I can't blame Lyra for wanting to touch). So far none of the cats have tried to scratch. Des doesn't seem to care at all if he gets pulled on, and Kiki just tries to get away. They could easily avoid her if they wanted so I think they actually like her, but I do think I should be cautious. The times she has managed to grab ahold of them has happened in the blink of an eye!

Any advice? Thanks! :)

10-16-2009, 11:44 AM
How old is the child? I would just tell her "NO" when she does this to the cats. If she is hurting them they will eventually stay clear of her. I only had dogs when my kids were growing up but I don't remember them ever pulling the dogs' tails. We had Labs so the kids pretty much just laid on them. :D It might actually be good for her to get a swat from one of the cats. She needs to learn to respect animals. Don't be afraid to tell her "no".

10-16-2009, 11:53 AM
Our experience has been that the cats who want to be around the kids don't mind the "kid treatment" so much, and when they tire of it, they will move out of reach. The one who doesn't like the kids so much pretty much ignores them. That said, we do show them how to pet the cats the right way, usually taking their hands and helping them pet the cat, and telling them "gentle." (Of course, every time I told our oldest to be "gentle" with her little sister, she would pet her like a cat. :D )

10-16-2009, 01:51 PM
That said, we do show them how to pet the cats the right way, usually taking their hands and helping them pet the cat, and telling them "gentle." (Of course, every time I told our oldest to be "gentle" with her little sister, she would pet her like a cat. :D )

Oh I like that one. :love: Children are such a hoot.
:D :D :D

10-16-2009, 02:01 PM
just like with a puppy.. consistency... kids being young are not aware of their strength.. and grasping a moving tail is fun..well.. not for the kitty..lol.. but if they are putting with it AND still staying within reach.. it probably means they are not that bothered.. but supervision is always a must

with kids everything happens within the blink of an eye.. so just keep all four attentive for those funny furry feeling baby grasps...

10-16-2009, 03:18 PM
:eek: That can be tricky as children who are aggressive with each other may be aggressive with thier Pets.:eek:
Watch a group of school kids and you will always see one who seems to like to play rougher than the others:eek:
You have to keep an eye on them to make sure no one gets hurt.
If I was rough with My Cats My Dear Mother would clip me behind the ear!!!
I cerainly learned fast not to touch the Cat!!!
Mothers know best!!!