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View Full Version : It's new moon time again

10-15-2009, 05:22 PM
It's this Sunday, October 18 @ 1:32 AM, EST. Don't forget to write your Law of Abundance check and make a wish while you're at it. :)

10-15-2009, 08:09 PM
Thanks for the notice Medussa. I think I'll write it out right now so I don't forget.

10-15-2009, 08:32 PM
Thanks for the notice Medussa. I think I'll write it out right now so I don't forget.

No, don't do that. Timing is everything. Now the moon is dark and at her most negative. Right at the new moon or shortly thereafter is the best time. :)

10-15-2009, 09:54 PM
According to my website http://www.almanac.com/moon/calendar/BC/New%20Westminster/2009-10 that equates to 10:32 PM on Saturday night for me. I'll tag that in my Outlook calendar.

Mary, I don't know what I would do without you. This LOA has paid off for me in small ways I never would have noticed. Everytime something good comes my way I always think of you and the LOA. I'm so grateful. :love:

10-16-2009, 06:49 AM
According to my website http://www.almanac.com/moon/calendar/BC/New%20Westminster/2009-10 that equates to 10:32 PM on Saturday night for me. I'll tag that in my Outlook calendar.

Mary, I don't know what I would do without you. This LOA has paid off for me in small ways I never would have noticed. Everytime something good comes my way I always think of you and the LOA. I'm so grateful. :love:

What a nice thing to say, Slick. That's what this is all about, gratitude. Anything that helps us to look for the good is worth it IMO. :)

10-16-2009, 07:04 AM

This has been an incredibly abundant and prosperous month for us! I really think that taking part in this exercise helps to focus on the positive and attract positive things into one's life. Really, there's no "magic" to it at all - it's a skill that many of us have lost or put aside, believing it to be superstition or whatever. But changing the way I think and calling prosperity and positive experiences to me has made all the difference in the world. I can hardly wait to see what the next month brings.

I wish it for you and everyone else here on the PT! There is so much good out there yet we focus on the negative and what DOESN'T work! Makes me think of the last line of a poem that I wrote some time ago:

So much life to inhale, every breath is not enough. . .


10-16-2009, 07:12 AM

This has been an incredibly abundant and prosperous month for us! I really think that taking part in this exercise helps to focus on the positive and attract positive things into one's life. Really, there's no "magic" to it at all - it's a skill that many of us have lost or put aside, believing it to be superstition or whatever. But changing the way I think and calling prosperity and positive experiences to me has made all the difference in the world. I can hardly wait to see what the next month brings.

I wish it for you and everyone else here on the PT! There is so much good out there yet we focus on the negative and what DOESN'T work! Makes me think of the last line of a poem that I wrote some time ago:

So much life to inhale, every breath is not enough. . .


You've got the point, Cathy, exactly. It also helps us to give as well as receive so that we contribute to the flow. As Rev. Ike says "You can't even take your next breath until you give one away".

Here's an example of the LOA in action for me: Yesterday I was browsing at an antique store, more like a used goods store actually but anyhow....Those places are always so flippin' cold; they keep the heat on low if at all and the weather here has been beastly, cold, windy and rain, rain, rain. I rubbed my hands together rapidly to warm them up and the owner said "Do you have gloves?" I said "I do but not w/me. I didn't realize that it would be as cold as it is." She took a pair from behind the glass, took the price tag off and gave them to me". Maybe she thought I looked poor and needy, I don't know, ;) but it was a very generous gesture on her part, don't you agree? Looking for the good keeps it flowing from all directions. I learned this LOA nearly 40 years ago. (I thought it was less than that but I thought about it and, yes, it's been that long.) It doesn't guarantee wealth but it certainly opens up the possibility. :)

10-16-2009, 08:34 AM
It doesn't guarantee wealth but it certainly opens up the possibility. :)

"Wealth", as well as what feels like prosperity to us, is in the eye and the :love: of the beholder!

10-16-2009, 06:56 PM
No, don't do that. Timing is everything. Now the moon is dark and at her most negative. Right at the new moon or shortly thereafter is the best time. :)

Thanks Medussa, I didn't realize it had to be done just at the right time. So, Saturday night it will be. All you other folks are right about LOA...any good deed I've done has always been repaid in some way, at some time. I refer to it as a carousel that keeps turning.

10-16-2009, 06:59 PM
What is the exercise? Sunday is my brother's birthday - I am thankful for him and his dear family; does that count?

10-16-2009, 07:53 PM
Thanks Medussa, I didn't realize it had to be done just at the right time. So, Saturday night it will be. All you other folks are right about LOA...any good deed I've done has always been repaid in some way, at some time. I refer to it as a carousel that keeps turning.

Just one other thing that I later thought about while I was gone and couldn't post this: when I referred to the moon being "negative" I meant it in the way that it means "passive", i.e., there's no action. We do it on the new moon because it's beginning to grow in strength. :)

10-18-2009, 08:43 PM
Lol.....was reading that and wondered if it meant some kind of bad luck. Guess my question is answered, thanks.

10-18-2009, 08:51 PM
Wrote my check at 1:32 on the dot. :D :love:

I tell you what, I feel better today since coming down with the flu on Friday. THAT is a great LOA gift if I ever needed one. :)

Took the dogs for a 4 mile hike and got to enjoy a pleasant fall day and saw much wildlife. :cool:

10-18-2009, 09:22 PM
Wrote my check at 1:32 on the dot. :D :love:

I tell you what, I feel better today since coming down with the flu on Friday. THAT is a great LOA gift if I ever needed one. :)

Took the dogs for a 4 mile hike and got to enjoy a pleasant fall day and saw much wildlife. :cool:

That's what I like to hear! We can attract all manner of good things to us.

Another example: I've been looking for a soup tureen for probably 30 years now but I could never find one I like that's w/in my price range and there isn't one to match my good china. Well, I made that my new moon wish. There is a really nice, upscale Goodwill store here so I walked in and went back to the houseware shelves. There were 4 soup tureens! I bought one of them for just a few dollars and the best part is that it's new, tags still on it. I went to another Goodwill and found 6 there but I didn't buy any. What's the saying, be careful what you wish for? ;)

10-18-2009, 11:01 PM
I got very little done around the apartment this weekend but today I helped out a friend and we both made some very happy memories with a dying cancer patient (my friend's Uncle Fred). That is a huge payback reward for me. I couldn't have had a nicer weekend.:):love:

10-19-2009, 09:26 AM
Darn, I missed it. I really could have used some good fortune this week. :(

10-19-2009, 09:43 AM
Darn, I missed it. I really could have used some good fortune this week. :(

Write it now! It's not too late!

I was running out the door to an appt yesterday morning at 9am (I was singing at church and was already a bit late for the rehearsal we were to have before-time) when I remembered the new moon check I was to write. I stopped what I was doing and wrote it out, knowing that everything could wait 2 more minutes for me to do this positive thing for myself. I find that when I am aware of something and put it off anyway it seems to work against me. I'm not letting that happen this month!!

Let's do a bun-dance!


10-19-2009, 10:14 AM
So what are you supposed to do, if you don't have a check account? I use VISA or cash.

10-19-2009, 11:13 AM
Darn, I missed it. I really could have used some good fortune this week. :(

It's not too late, Cindy. You're well w/in the time of the new moon. Go ahead and write it, put it away and forget about it. Keep the faythe. :)

10-19-2009, 11:15 AM
So what are you supposed to do, if you don't have a check account? I use VISA or cash.

Easy. Make up a fake check, make it look like the real thing and then write your Law of Abundance. :)

10-19-2009, 08:43 PM
So what are you supposed to do, if you don't have a check account? I use VISA or cash.

I print this out Randi. :)


Well... my LOA must of been used up on Sunday. I spent the better part of today curled up on the bathroom floor in immense pain. Went to the doctor and they don't know what's wrong but sent me home with Nexium. :rolleyes:

Tummy still hurts. :(

10-20-2009, 07:35 AM
"Mary, I don't know what I would do without you. This LOA has paid off for me in small ways I never would have noticed. Everytime something good comes my way I always think of you and the LOA. I'm so grateful."
