View Full Version : 2010 Winter Olympics thread...

10-15-2009, 02:53 PM
Next Thursday, 10/22/2009 the Olympic flame will be lit in Athens, given to a rep for the Vancouver games and flown to Canada where it will travel around the country for the 100+ days before the official start in February.

The ceremony to light the flame is pretty nifty and if you get a chance to watch.....

I can hardly wait.....:D

10-15-2009, 03:09 PM
I love watching bobsled and luge competitions, and speed skating is always fascinating too!

Yay for the winter games! I'm going to have to figure out how to get some format of cable before then...:D

10-15-2009, 10:18 PM
It's nice to hear that others are excited about it. I can't wait until the stupid things are over! :p

smokey the elder
10-16-2009, 09:15 AM
I like the figure skating but don't know who's good since I haven't been following it like I used to. (The meets keep conflicting with football!:p)

11-03-2009, 06:00 PM
Richard, are you checking out that blog I sent you? Did you see the bit about the Olympic Torch and the surfboard?

Surfer Raph Bruhwiler, right, lights his Olympic Torch from Ruth Sadler while surfing with the flame along the shores of Pacific Rim National Park outside Tofino, British Columbia, on Sunday.

November 2, 2009, 1:08 pm
Hardy Canadians Give Torch a Ride

By Lynn Zinser

The Olympic torch has been in Canada only since Friday and already it has traveled by skateboard, canoe, wheelchair, float plane and mountain bike. And on Sunday, it got on a surfboard. The air temperatures were in the 40s, meaning the water was bone-chilling.

And yet, the people of Tofino, British Columbia, turned out with smiles and some waded right in and surfed.

Ahead, the torch is headed for a dog sled (of course), an Inuit kayak and a single dog pulling a polar bear skin.

This will not be popular among polar bears.

11-03-2009, 07:00 PM
Richard, are you checking out that blog I sent you? Did you see the bit about the Olympic Torch and the surfboard?

Surfer Raph Bruhwiler, right, lights his Olympic Torch from Ruth Sadler while surfing with the flame along the shores of Pacific Rim National Park outside Tofino, British Columbia, on Sunday.

I have been a little distracted for the last few days, I saw it was lit and made it to Canukia!

Next week I'll start in ernest.:)

11-10-2009, 04:53 PM
I had to smile about the Iraqi skeleton athlete-

Wow, I hope he makes it to the Games.:)

11-19-2009, 10:23 AM
The last two weeks have been great. Speed and short track skating, bobsled and skeleton comps.

A little hawkey tossed in for color?

I can hardly wait for the other 'fringe' sports that do not get the exposure in between the Games.:)

12-09-2009, 05:48 PM
I'm so excited that the Winter Olympics are almost here! I can't believe it's been 4 years since Turin. Thanks so much for the other posts guys, I had no idea of the diversity of transportation methods they were using for the torch's route to Vancouver! For winter sports fanatics like myself (and those who like to watch them in the comfort of a ski lodge), Hilton is sponsoring a contest in which three friends will be chosen as the official guests of Team USA from Hilton and get to hang with the team. The info is available at http://hiltonhhonors.com/officialguest - I'm helping them to spread the word, so let me know if you have any questions!

12-31-2009, 10:41 PM
This does not sound good -

Snowboarder Kevin Pearce (http://www.nytimes.com/2010/01/01/sports/olympics/01snowboard.html?ref=sports)

12-31-2009, 11:18 PM
Of course... My main focus is on the hockey tourney...

Canada had a FANTASTIC team. 100% super duper firepower from front to back. Maybe too good. Maybe too good to come together as a team?

My picks... Russia wins gold vs. Canada in OT. USA wins Bronze vs. Slovakia. Slovakia is a surprise 3-1 in the prelims...

01-03-2010, 09:43 AM
Update on Kevin Pearce, from the NY Times -

January 2, 2010, 7:39 pm
Snowboarder Pearce Has ‘Long Recovery Ahead of Him’

The snowboarder Kevin Pearce remained in intensive care, in critical but stable condition, at a Salt Lake City hospital two days after sustaining a severe head injury while training in the halfpipe at Utah’s Park City Mountain Resort.

Dr. Holly Ledyard of the University of Utah hospital said in a statement that Pearce had a “severe traumatic brain injury.” She added: “He is intubated and being kept sedated. The focus over the next week will be watching for any swelling in his brain and keeping his brain pressure normal. Kevin has a long recovery ahead of him.”

Pearce, a 22-year-old from Norwich, Vt., was a favorite to make the ultra-competitive United States Olympic team. On Thursday, while practicing a difficult trick (a cab double cork, a sort of twisting double back flip, that Pearce has landed before), he struck his forehead on the icy wall of the halfpipe. Despite wearing a helmet, he was knocked unconscious and evacuated by helicopter to Salt Lake City.

Pearce is one of the few riders to have beaten 2006 Olympic gold medalist Shaun White in head-to-head competition the past couple of years. His father, Simon Pearce, is a well-known glass maker and retailer.

01-18-2010, 01:13 PM
Another update on Kevin Pearce. From the Kansas City Star -

American snowboarder Kevin Pearce remains in critical but stable condition at a Utah hospital with a brain injury he sustained in a fall while training.

Danielle Burch, a spokeswoman for Pearce's family, said Monday that Pearce's condition hadn't changed since doctors sedated him over the weekend to monitor the pressure on his brain.

Pearce was injured Thursday in Park City while training on a halfpipe. He was preparing for this week's Olympic qualifying events in California.

The 22-year-old from Norwich, Vt., is a top-ranked halfpipe rider. He remains in the intensive care unit at the University of Utah Hospital.

01-20-2010, 12:57 PM

I lol'd at this.

Warning, no nudity.....but a little risque'?


The other 'side' of Ms. Cooke?

01-20-2010, 07:47 PM
The torch is coming to New West on Feb 9th but unfortunately I have to work. We've been told "no time off in Feb". It would have been so wonderful to line the route to take a peek at history in the making. There are other events happening in my community that day as well. Last I heard our community is expecting 30,000 to attend an event in one of our parks.

As for my work, well, I'm gong to be working offsite for the month of Feb - not at home, but at a remote site that's a little closer to home so hopefully the traffic won't be so bad.

I hesitate to say I'm not looking forward to all this - just because of the congestion.

01-20-2010, 08:40 PM
The torch is coming to New West on Feb 9th but unfortunately I have to work. We've been told "no time off in Feb". It would have been so wonderful to line the route to take a peek at history in the making. There are other events happening in my community that day as well. Last I heard our community is expecting 30,000 to attend an event in one of our parks.

As for my work, well, I'm gong to be working offsite for the month of Feb - not at home, but at a remote site that's a little closer to home so hopefully the traffic won't be so bad.

I hesitate to say I'm not looking forward to all this - just because of the congestion.

Don't worry about it. It's not a huge deal, The torch passes and everyone goes home about -i-teen mintues later. It's a -ive minute parade.

01-30-2010, 06:13 PM

Why I dislike snowboarding in the Olympics, or any other "X" sport.


01-30-2010, 09:41 PM
Shaun White is actually one of the safer people on the snow board circut. I saw a program on today actually about how he built his own half pipe in colorado and put one of those safety foam pits in just to make training for flips and such safer. I don't like how snowboarding is becoming a contest to see who can do the most dangerous thing on the pipe though. It seems like these guys want to out do each other on the danger factor instead of focusing on doing established (and safer) tricks proficiently.

01-31-2010, 12:43 PM
It's nice to hear that others are excited about it. I can't wait until the stupid things are over! :p

I'm not really into the Olympic games either but I do like to watch Figure Skating but really nothing else interests me.

01-31-2010, 02:24 PM
I don't like how snowboarding is becoming a contest to see who can do the most dangerous thing on the pipe though. It seems like these guys want to out do each other on the danger factor instead of focusing on doing established (and safer) tricks proficiently.


I put the X games into that category, It's all posturing.

Don't get me wrong, I love to watch 'snow' sports, but when you get to the stupid names and 180-360-1020? It puts me to sleep. It's like ice skating-triple toe loop with a flying camel?:confused::eek:;)

I can't tell a Mc fakey to a Backside skull fracture..it's like trying to sell a out-of-control crash with a catchy name, just because you didn't bash your skull in.:D

Lady's Human
01-31-2010, 03:04 PM
Sorry, but any "sport" which relies on judging to determine the winner has no place in the olympics.

Figure skating, snowboarding, freestyle skiing, .........

If you need judges to determine the winner, punt it. I'd rather watch the biathalon than watch a few princesses spin around on skates and cry when they fall.

01-31-2010, 05:26 PM
Hey, we girls have to have our fun, too! Though I do think a "no crying" rule would be fine, lots of sports have crying afterwards, but no other one has a designated "kiss and cry" area.

01-31-2010, 07:44 PM
What did Hemingway say about sports?

Mountain climbing, bull fighting and car racing are sports, the rest are games?

As I watch sports I see a clear definition about them.

Golf is a puzzle, so is bowling, curling and darts?

Those are all challenges. You get to a point, then it's out of your hands.
There is a skill involved....but you have 'time' to figure out a strategy.

I agree with the judging bit....

But, then you have the 1972 U.S. basketball team.

I still remember poor Hank Iba's face after that game with the Russkies....

I still want to bomb Russia over THAT game.:rolleyes::eek:;)

There was a Crying area at that venue.:eek::mad:

Interesting fact about the Silver Medals 'awarded' the team. I watched a special on that game and the medals were never picked up by the team, they sit someplace -unawarded.

One guy even put in in his will that none of his family would never be allowed to accept it on his behalf.

01-31-2010, 07:58 PM
The 1972 Olympics had Mark Spitz, the basketball debacle, and the Massacre.

02-02-2010, 10:28 AM
I was wearing my yellow Relay "Cansurvivor" T-shirt.......

02-02-2010, 10:51 AM
I was wearing my yellow Relay "Cansurvivor" T-shirt.......

What a great picture......By the time the Games start you will be a total Olympics Geek. Trust me, your town is in for one hell of a party!:D


Doesn't wearing shorts in an igloo make your legs cold?

02-02-2010, 11:08 AM
Sorry, but any "sport" which relies on judging to determine the winner has no place in the olympics.

Figure skating, snowboarding, freestyle skiing, .........

If you need judges to determine the winner, punt it. I'd rather watch the biathalon than watch a few princesses spin around on skates and cry when they fall.

I agree. Sorta. LOL

Maybe make the 'scoring' less open to interpretation somehow? If skater/snowboarder performs maneuver X, they get X points. Then, if you have a judge not gives points for a specific "play", then you can do a video review to determine if indeed the maneuver was executed.

Just my $.02. I'm not really a fan of 'judged' events. I WILL be very interested to see how the IIHF officials call the ice Hockey though. Especially the European officials who are not used to North American sized ice. I wonder if the NHL icing rules will be in effect, given its almost entirely NHL players in the event? Or the stupid trapezoid thing for goalies?

02-04-2010, 07:51 PM
Updates on two USA snowboarders -

Snowboarder Kevin Pearce, a likely Olympian before sustaining a severe head injury Dec. 31 during training in Utah, has been transferred to a brain-rehabilitation hospital in Colorado.
Kevin Pearce, injured in a snowboarding accident in Utah, has improved enough to move to a rehab hospital in Colorado.

In a statement, one of his doctors, Holly Ledyard, said that Pearce, “is able to walk and do many daily activities with some assistance.”

Pearce, one of the few riders to beat defending Olympic gold medalist Shaun White in halfpipe contests the past couple of years, has transferred to Craig Hospital in Englewood, Colo., a Denver suburb. It is considered a leading rehabilitation center for spinal-cord or traumatic brain injuries.

Snowboarder Danny Davis was released from the Utah hospital where he had been recovering from injuries sustained in an early morning all-terrain vehicle accident in Park City on Jan. 17.

Davis, who would have made the four-man United States Olympic halfpipe team if not for the accident, underwent surgeries to repair a fractured vertebrae and pelvis after the his vehicle struck a closed gate.

And from hockey -

Ryan Whitney of the Anaheim Ducks and Tim Gleason of the Carolina Hurricanes, both defensemen, were added Thursday to the United States men’s Olympic team roster.

Whitney and Gleason replace two injured defensemen, Paul Martin of the New Jersey Devils and Mike Komisarek of the Toronto Maple Leafs, both of whom announced earlier this week that they would not be able to play at the Vancouver Games.

02-09-2010, 05:47 PM
The Olympic torch came through my community today but sadly I didn't not have a chance to see it because of w-u-r-k. However my Mom walked the route and saw the torch being lit twice. I'm so envious.

02-10-2010, 09:41 AM
American skier Lindsey Vonn revealed Wednesday morning on the "Today" show that she has a shin injury that could affect her participation and performance in the Winter Olympics, which begin Friday.

Vonn said her shin bruise is extremely painful because it is located at a point of contact with her ski boot. She could not give "Today" show host Matt Lauer an estimate -- in terms of percentage -- of how healthy she was entereing the Games.

Vonn said she injured her right shin in a training run a week ago. It was diagnosed, she said, as a deep muscle bruise.

Vonn is widely regarded as the top American in the Games. She was planning to compete in all five Alpine skiing disciplines at Vancouver. The first, the women's super combined, is scheduled for Sunday.

"I honestly don't know if I'll be able to do it," Vonn said.

02-10-2010, 11:58 AM
"I honestly don't know if I'll be able to do it," Vonn said.

Shut up and suck it up.


I saw this gal last night on Biggest Loser.


She's missing her lower left arm, skis and shoots better than I do?:cool:


Sometimes I find the Paralympics far more intriguing than the "real" games. I stop listening to athletes who get jacked up before a big game/competition, then compete, flail all over the court/course/field, then do the news conference as to why they failed.

She's already given us a reason as to why she may fail-sit down and let an ABLE BODIED person compete in your stead!!!;):o:)


I was watching HBO's Real Sports to catch the segment on Bill Johnson, downhill skier from the 84 games.

The leadoff story was the Weir guy, the ice skater that wears fur.

LOL, sometimes being flamboyant is just an excuse for being good at home and not so sparkly on the road.

The guy is not likeable. He's more in it for himself and 'shopping'

LOL, he was talking about winning 18k for placing third in a competition.

There are people out there that could live for a year on the winnings and he's complaining that it peanuts compared to what baseball/football player earns.

Eighteen thousand dollars for practicing and a weekend competition?

Get a life, moron.

02-10-2010, 02:11 PM
On Friday I get to see the torch come by the office I've working from now. I'm so excited and will definately take pictures, if I can get at the front of the masses. :)

02-10-2010, 02:27 PM
On Friday I get to see the torch come by the office I've working from now. I'm so excited and will definately take pictures, if I can get at the front of the masses. :)

You can explain to the folks in front of you that you are the "local reporter" for PetTalk.com, so need to get to the front! ;)

02-10-2010, 04:18 PM
On Friday I get to see the torch come by the office I've working from now. I'm so excited and will definately take pictures, if I can get at the front of the masses. :)

Put your breaks together and when you get out on the street?
Talk to people!

I have had the best times at events like that, talking to people!


Sharpen your elbows the night before.;)

02-10-2010, 09:05 PM
I am going to backtrack a little.

I was watching the down hill race from Cortina and heard that U.S. teams are put together barely a few weeks before the games.

What pressure these people are under to perform under the stress of earning World Cup points and scrambling for a spot on the US ski team?

It's not fair to the athletes to work and try to win a spot so close to the games.

02-10-2010, 10:42 PM
I'll be watching the torch tomorrow night after work. It's coming through the community where my office is, so I figured I might as well stick around and watch the torch because I'm pretty sure I won't be able to drive out of the villiage :p

02-12-2010, 09:14 AM
7:15am - Aaaaaaaaarrrrrrrrrrnold is carrying the torch right now in Stanley Park. I wonder what he thinks of our rainy Wet Coast weather??? :rolleyes::rolleyes: Everyone is being very tight lipped about the opening ceremonies tonight. It will be a surprise to all of us. I can't wait. I've got the VCR all loaded, programmed and ready to go. Our office is closing at 3:30 to allow everyone to get home and relaxed in front of the TV - that is, if you are not one of the luck 55,000 people attending in person.

02-12-2010, 11:54 AM
I'm not really into the Olympic games either but I do like to watch Figure Skating but really nothing else interests me.

Same with me. I've been following skating since "the whack heard round the world". I'm kind of out-of-the-loop as to who is skating in eligibles these days, my heart lies with the professionals. But I will watch the Olympic figure skating and root for my favorites.

02-12-2010, 11:56 AM
Sorry, but any "sport" which relies on judging to determine the winner has no place in the olympics.

Figure skating, snowboarding, freestyle skiing, .........

If you need judges to determine the winner, punt it. I'd rather watch the biathalon than watch a few princesses spin around on skates and cry when they fall.

Figure skating is the only sport in the Olympics that I care to pay any attention to.
I've rarely seen a skater cry when they've fallen on the ice, they get back up and keep going most the time, unless they are left unconscious on the ice or seriously and truly injured.

02-12-2010, 12:01 PM
I agree. Sorta. LOL

Maybe make the 'scoring' less open to interpretation somehow? If skater/snowboarder performs maneuver X, they get X points. Then, if you have a judge not gives points for a specific "play", then you can do a video review to determine if indeed the maneuver was executed.

Just my $.02. I'm not really a fan of 'judged' events. I WILL be very interested to see how the IIHF officials call the ice Hockey though. Especially the European officials who are not used to North American sized ice. I wonder if the NHL icing rules will be in effect, given its almost entirely NHL players in the event? Or the stupid trapezoid thing for goalies?

The judging in figure skating has changed immensely from the 6.0 days. It is scored now, much more than judged. Points are given for jumps and spins, replay is now used, deductions are given when moves are not done properly, etc. I actually don't like the new scoring system. It takes a lot of the beauty out of skating...Which I know a lot of people think because of the beauty it isn't a sport. But it is. I know I can't jump in the air and execute 4 spins and then land on a blade that is about 1/4" thick and is making contact with hard, slippery ice.
I'm actually more of a fan of the professional skaters who skate more for the fun and the showmanship part of the sport, but I will follow the skating events in the Olympics. It's the only sport I'll follow in the Olympics.

02-12-2010, 12:13 PM
I like the figure skating but don't know who's good since I haven't been following it like I used to. (The meets keep conflicting with football!:p)

Figure skating is the only sport I follow in the Olympics. I too am out-of-the-loop as to who-is-who in the eligible skating world. I don't like the new scoring system so have lagged off in my interest in it. (my real love is with the professional skaters and I'm VERY DISAPPOINTED that Stars on Ice is not coming to Philadelphia this year:(:() I've been trying to watch the Grand Prix, the US and European National competitions to get a handle on things.

In mens, Evgeni Plushenko has returned to competition---ugh. He is, by far, not my favorite but he has the jumps and can work the new scoring system. I always say he looks like he is swatting at bees as he skates as his arms and legs just seem to flail about in between the jumps. US skater Jeremy Abbott had a fantastic performance in the US Nationals and walked away with Gold. He lacks experience with the big competitions, though, and do not have a lot of hope that he will be able to perform as well as he did in Nationals. In the old scoring system, Evan Lysacek, if he were to skate all the big elements well, could beat Plushenko, but I don't think he will. I can't remember if we have 2 or 3 men representing the US at the Oly's. If we do, Johnny Weir will be the 3rd.

The US has a pretty strong representation in the Ice Dance discipline for these Olympics. Both Davis/White and Belbin/Agosto have a chance at getting on the podium, IMO.

In the pairs competition, I am rooting for China's Zhue Shen and Hongbo Zhao.

In ladies, I don't really know who is strong, whether it be US or another country-woman. I don't think the US ladies will fair very well...they are all "rookies" with the Olympic experience, I think. Nerves could do them in.

02-12-2010, 01:44 PM
I saw the torch!!!!!! Got some great shots - will post when I get home. :):) I'm giggling with excitement.

02-12-2010, 01:52 PM
I saw the torch!!!!!! Got some great shots - will post when I get home. :):) I'm giggling with excitement.

What did I tell you?:D

Wasn't that a KICK!!!

Fire on a stick?

Now tonight when you watch the cauldron being lit, it the SAME FLAME you saw cruising down the street!!


I think you are giddy, too!

02-12-2010, 07:56 PM
Gonna post my last critique of the Games....I'll watch the opening and have fun afterwards.

More and more I see the selfish athletes shun the 'team' concept, compete under the flag and the concept of team, as they shun their fellow teammates.

Shaun White, Shani Davis and Bode MIller are jerks that I really don't care for.

Miller has distanced himself from being a member of the USO Ski Team and then wants to compete as a member. Shaun White defers the chance to stay at the Oly Village-he want to part of the team, but want no part of the team experience,

Shani Davis is a jerk. He refused to help the short track team in one of the team events in '02

This dude made both the short and long track teams -what a wonderful accomplishment! - yet has no idea of what the concept of "team" is.

What a bunch of crybabies and selfish morons.

IT only serves them to be part of a team when it benefits them as individuals.

I guess there is an "I" in United States!:rolleyes:

02-12-2010, 10:44 PM
Oh, Canadian PT Friends! I was thinking especially of you while watching the opening ceremonies! I had a pre-Valentine's Day supper at a restaurant with some friends, so all we got was pictures and closed captioning, no audio, but I still thought it was beautiful! When the young woman came out to sing the national anthem my friends and I all got choked up. It was a neat moment, all these people there from all over the world and now, here is the national anthem for the host country. All over the restaurant, people were clapping and cheering for the U.S. and Canadian athletes coming out in their groups. Seeing all those flags waving gave me goose bumps. And I love SArah MacLachlan, I love the Joni Mitchell song "Both Sides Now" and the aerialist was so cool! We couldn't quite make out what was happening with the violinists and tap dancers - audio would have really helped with that. Anyway, we were all watching it while we were eating. And I was thinking of my PT friends from all over the world.

A very sad moment when the Georgian team came out, though. Such sad news about their athlete today. I overheard one man in the restaurant say he wished he could rewind it 24 hours and have that accident not happen. Very, very sad.

02-12-2010, 10:49 PM
I loved the part when Don Cherry's jacket was draped on the cauldron.

Wait, that wasn't the Olympic flame?;)


02-12-2010, 11:17 PM
I loved everything, except Oh Canada. It should have been sung by someone like Roger Doucet. Whomever that gal was, she sang it like a ballad, instead of a National Anthem.

Great to see #4 - Bobby Orr :)

02-13-2010, 12:44 AM
I loved everything, except Oh Canada.


The best part, so far?

Pardon my French?

The bear, the whales and the way they did the ice breaking up.

That made long for the days of hallucinogenics.;)

Tre magnifique!

02-13-2010, 01:06 AM
I wouln't exactly say that I was overly impressed with the opening ceremony. I love Sarah, I hated the National Anthem bit really like Nikki, loved KD Lang, loved the whales and the Spirit bear but I was really embarrassed for all Canadians at the end when one of the towers wouldn't come up for the lighting of the inside cauldron. Mistakes happen, but hey, the world is watching, ya know????

Overall, it gave the impression that we are all living amongst ice and snow in igloos. :rolleyes: Sorry if that insults some Canadians...it's just the impression that I got. I have other observations but will keep it to myself.

02-13-2010, 02:20 AM
loved the whales and the Spirit bear but I was really embarrassed for all Canadians at the end when one of the towers wouldn't come up for the lighting of the inside cauldron. Mistakes happen, but hey, the world is watching, ya know????

Overall, it gave the impression that we are all living amongst ice and snow in igloos. :rolleyes: Sorry if that insults some Canadians...it's just the impression that I got. I have other observations but will keep it to myself.

You are embarrassed over that? that's nothing. You live in one of the most beautiful places on the planet. No one gives a shiat about a mechanical problem.:eek:;)

4.5 hours and no one said "EH".;)

I am still in love with Lemay Doan and thought Nash was having fun, he washed his hair for the event.:D


Bobby or who?:o:confused::)

The commentators said the song K.D. sang was about peace and one line was something like, "shooting someone by beating them to a draw"?

That made me think....

02-13-2010, 07:22 AM

Bobby or who?:o:confused::)

You are joking - aren't you?

The greatest defenseman - ever!! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4yZZLXLmJk&feature=related)

02-13-2010, 10:07 AM
You are joking - aren't you?

The greatest defenseman - ever!! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h4yZZLXLmJk&feature=related)

I thought he was Gump Worsley.:rolleyes::D

I may be a stupid Cah lee fuh nee ahn Messican, But I do know who Bobby Orr is, Here's one for you, Who was Mil Mascaras?;)

02-13-2010, 10:21 AM
I thought he was Gump Worsley.:rolleyes::D

Gump (Lorne John) Worsley was a goalie.

That other guy was a wrestler - I think. Wrestling doesn't appeal to me, so I'm not familiar with their names.

02-13-2010, 10:27 AM
Yes, many Canadians are upset about the butchering of our national anthem.

But - I would very gladly take the butchering if it meant that the Georgian luge fellow had lived.

Our anthem is sung many many times. His song is done.

02-13-2010, 10:29 AM
Gump (Lorne John) Worsley was a goalie.

That other guy was a wrestler - I think. Wrestling doesn't appeal to me, so I'm not familiar with their names.

So, Was Bobby a lineman, linebacker or free safety?

I know he played for the "Bears".:confused::o:D



Was the NA lip synced?

I noticed she was off a little.

02-13-2010, 10:32 AM
RICHARD, I didn't watch it - can't afford TV service. However, from the description of the performance, sounds like it WOULD have been hard to lip-synch.

I suspect it was more the slight time difference between when her lips moved and the sound came out of the sound system.

02-13-2010, 10:59 AM
So, Was Bobby a lineman, linebacker or free safety?

I know he played for the "Bears".:confused::o:D

If you were telling the truth in your earlier post (#52) you don't need me to tell you.

Did you watch that You Tube video I linked?

02-13-2010, 11:38 AM
If you were telling the truth in your earlier post (#52) you don't need me to tell you.

Did you watch that You Tube video I linked?

So, Maurice Richard wasn't part of NASA?

What beautiful ankles you have.;)

Yes, I am pulling your leg.

I know why the Canadiens have CH on the jersey.
Worsley was the first fask mask dude.
Gretz has 800 and some odd career goals.
Marty McSorley did cost the Kings the Cup.
Team USA didn't play the Russkies for the gold in '80.
Herb Brooks died in a car accident.

I have so much usless sports trivia in my head, I don't hear voices , It's Vin Scully doing a Dodger's game.

IT's way to much fun to do just regular sports trivia. I like to have fun w/it!

I have to make up for the Mexican Olympic Team....One person?:rolleyes::)

02-13-2010, 12:51 PM
I thought the opening ceremonies were wonderful. I loved that big bear!!! I did fall asleep after the entertainment part and before the torch was lit. It was way past my usual bedtime and I just couldn't help myself. :(

I love those mittens with the maple leaf in the palm too!!! :D :love::love:

Queen of Poop
02-13-2010, 06:30 PM
I'm wearing my support for Canada now. Toe nails painted alternating colors of RED and WHITE. Fingernails done with acrylic with alternating RED and WHITE tips. I'm so ready, GO CANADA!!!!:love:

And could someone please order up some colder temps in Vancouver, watching the womens's freestyle skiing and it's pouring rain!!!

02-14-2010, 10:27 AM
It's great to see Pittsburgh's hometown hero, Sidney Crosby, playing for the Canadian hockey team!

02-14-2010, 01:05 PM
Has anyone noticed Al Micheals face?

Geez, what a scary facelift that is!


I was reading that Tanith Belbin ended up sharing her Oly village room with John Weir because he was afraid of death threats due to his wearing fur....

TB joked about him taking the room with the tub/shower attached to it.

What an annoying jerk this guy is. "I'm getting death threats and I'm scared!"


02-14-2010, 04:01 PM
NBC coverage is driving me bonkers this afternoon. Some luge, and then some cross-country skiing, and now lots of commercials. I just got into the luge and they switched to the skiing. Oh, well.

The weather is so strange! It's snowing down in Atlanta, but up in Vancouver they are talking about postponing some events due to lack of snow! :confused:

02-14-2010, 04:42 PM
NBC coverage is driving me bonkers this afternoon. Some luge, and then some cross-country skiing, and now lots of commercials. I just got into the luge and they switched to the skiing. Oh, well.

The weather is so strange! It's snowing down in Atlanta, but up in Vancouver they are talking about postponing some events due to lack of snow! :confused:

Yea, they've been trucking snow in for weeks now. They can have ours too. It's snowing here again!!! :(

02-14-2010, 05:22 PM
LOVE the Nordic Combined!! We were both standing and yelling and cheering for Johnny Spillane to win. but a Silver ain't bad - our first in this sport since the Winter Olympics began, 1924 in Chamonix.

02-14-2010, 05:49 PM
Spoiler Alert!!

We (West Coast) haven't seen the event yet!!!!;)

NBC has chosen to tape delay the events for us on the left coast.

All the other channels are running tickers or leading with the results during the news.

02-14-2010, 06:04 PM
I LOVED the women's moguls last night and looking forward to the men's moguls tonight.

I know Jenn heil was the pride of Canada and was picked to win it but MAN did Hannah Kearney pull out one HECK of a run. there was no competing with that. Like she said... After Jenn's run she knew she just had to put it all out there even if it meant risking a fall. But in this case it worked out, she held it together and MAN was she AWESOME.

02-14-2010, 07:01 PM
What's the matter with you all?

No love for Apollo?


Why can't the skiers use their poles to ward off other competitors?


The Oly Comm want to combine males and females in the Biathalon.

What is the only Oly sport where women and men compete head to head?

02-14-2010, 07:37 PM
Apollo was last night - and it was great that he tied Bonnie Blair.

Tonight is Figure Skating - and I can't talk about it as it might cause you grief. By the time you can deal with the skating I'll be in bed getting ready for tomorrow's events.

Did you see the Biathlon? That was run hours ago - surely you must have seen coverage by now? I was hoping Ole Einar Bjørndalen would win another medal, but it was not meant to be - at least not today. Maybe in the Pursuit?

02-14-2010, 08:07 PM
Tonight is Figure Skating - and I can't talk about it as it might cause you grief. By the time you can deal with the skating I'll be in bed getting ready for tomorrow's events.

Go for it. I don't do FS.:)

Pairs Ice dancing? I'm there.

I don't do grief either, life is too short for that!!:D ;)


LOL, I have heard that the NC silver was the first medal and it's the first since 1924?????:confused:

Queen of Poop
02-14-2010, 08:41 PM
Woo Hoo!!! We won gold in men's moguls!!

02-14-2010, 08:59 PM
Woo Hoo!!! We won gold in men's moguls!!

that was AWESOME. it really was. and anyone who says they don't deserve to be there because it's a judge competition... well I don't know what to say. That was incredible and is no doubt an athletic feat.

and it is called the olympic GAMES not the olympic sports :)

02-14-2010, 10:21 PM
Those moguls - OMG - I could feel the pain in all my joints!!

I wonder how many of them will develop arthritis at an early age?

02-14-2010, 10:23 PM
I LOVED the women's moguls last night and looking forward to the men's moguls tonight.

I know Jenn heil was the pride of Canada and was picked to win it but MAN did Hannah Kearney pull out one HECK of a run. there was no competing with that. Like she said... After Jenn's run she knew she just had to put it all out there even if it meant risking a fall. But in this case it worked out, she held it together and MAN was she AWESOME.

And Hannah was wearing a Jacoby Ellsbury T-shirt under her uniform during the Opening Ceremony - GO SOX

02-14-2010, 10:25 PM

The world's toughest mogul.....;)

No contest.

02-14-2010, 10:26 PM
Have you seen the Coca Cola commercial - the one with glimpses of medal ceremonies throughout the years - medals for Olympics, Special Olympics and Para-Olympics?

It's fantastic - tried to find it and provide a link, but so far no go.

02-14-2010, 10:30 PM
and it is called the olympic GAMES not the olympic sports :)

So, If I watch the 2024 games I'll see another Hannah bouncing down the side of a mountain?;)

02-14-2010, 10:39 PM
So, If I watch the 2024 games I'll see another Hannah bouncing down the side of a mountain?;)

LOL you might... but USUALLY we dont' get much snow around here although we have some AMAZZZZZZZZZZZING mountains.

of course if we started her this year she would have an advantage LOL

But no... you will see her on the womens olympic team... undecided whether for the US or Canada :P HAHAHAHA

big dreams lmao

02-15-2010, 01:47 PM
Woo Hoo!!! We won gold in men's moguls!!

That was terrific! I saw it over and over again on the Sunday night sports highlights shows and I enjoyed it every time. Yay, Bilodeau! They even showed and re-showed him sitting off to the side and then jumping up in the air when he realized that he had won.

02-15-2010, 02:06 PM
Charlotte Kalla won the Women's 10K Cross Country - Sweden's first gold in this event since 1968.

Men's 15K starts soon :)

02-15-2010, 04:45 PM
Things to make the Winter Olympics more interesting.

Tacks on the ice for figure skating.

Nudity, just like in the 'old days'.

Points awarded for names like Jakov Fak. Gotta love those Croatians.

Drop the identifying athletes by their sexuality! Bi-Athletes!:rolleyes::eek::confused:

Allow the the bi-athletes to carry paint ball guns to knock the opposition's focus off.

So there are no losers, do it like we do for our kids...MEDALS FOR EVERYONE!

Allow doping in all the events, Have you ever tried skiing with a buzz on?

Allow snowboarder to do a "whole pipe", that way they can get 'higher' during the event.

During the women's hockey tournament, allow any teams to pull out of the games against the U.S. and Canada when their scores hit double digits.

Watching the Women's team from Cameroon get their arses whooped 67-0 in the first period isn't sport.

Let Team USA and Canada play for the Gold before the opening ceremony, that way the speculation ends right then.

Give the mascots normal names, I thought the Vancouver set were items off a sushi menu! Miga, Quatchi, Sumi?

If the US has not won medals in any sport for more than 20 years, we should not compete in them. When it takes 50 years to win medal in Short Track Bobsled Downhill Pairs Curling, let's just face it, We suck at it and should not be allowed to participate.

Get rid of the sno-boarding-or at least change the name to sno-boring?

Run the biathalon next to the half pipe and let them shoot at the sno-boarders as they jump in the air.

Speed skating over vegetables! Who wins is the country who makes the most salad, then serves it to the homeless.

Curling for beer! Check it out. Put a case on the ice, then play, By the the teams finish, it's cold and no one will give a crap about the score.
Medals for everyone!!!!

Any distance event should be 24k automatically, make them work for the gold.:eek:;)

Jakov Fak, bronze medalist. Rolls off the tongue, eh?

02-15-2010, 04:50 PM
Run the biathalon next to the half pipe and let them shoot at the sno-boarders as they jump in the air.

Curling for beer! Check it out. Put a case on the ice, then play, By the the teams finish, it's cold and no one will give a crap about the score.
Medals for everyone!!!!

I support these options :love:

02-15-2010, 04:53 PM
Who is Dick Button?

I always see him on Levis.:confused::eek:;):rolleyes:

Medals for everyone!


Hey Slick?

http://www.aolnews.com/weird-news/article/unemployed-ohio-man-jimmy-grey-builds-extreme-igloo/19359175?icid=main|main|dl1|link6|http%3A%2F%2Fwww .aolnews.com%2Fweird-news%2Farticle%2Funemployed-ohio-man-jimmy-grey-builds-extreme-igloo%2F19359175

02-15-2010, 06:05 PM
Who is Dick Button?

Pick one . . . . .

http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:Zf_ndNTDpBnzUM:http://www.getcreativeonline.co.uk/pics/11693815268271Doddlebug%2520Bright%2520Assortment% 2520Buttons%2520469.jpg

I'm sort of partial to the lime green . . . . .

02-15-2010, 06:12 PM
Pick one . . . . .

http://t3.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:Zf_ndNTDpBnzUM:http://www.getcreativeonline.co.uk/pics/11693815268271Doddlebug%2520Bright%2520Assortment% 2520Buttons%2520469.jpg

I'm sort of partial to the lime green . . . . .

I'll keep the animal fur off it?:D

02-15-2010, 07:05 PM
Curling for beer! Check it out. Put a case on the ice, then play, By the the teams finish, it's cold and no one will give a crap about the score.

Works for me. Molson or Labatt's, please, in honor of the host city. In fact, I'd like one even without the curling.

02-15-2010, 09:16 PM
Now this is just not fair. On NBC they are showing Alec Bilodeau receiving his gold medal for mogul skiing. The French speaking announcer said, Madames et ... and the crowd just totally drowned her out. But they played the national anthem and all the people were singing! I had goose bumps! But at the exact same time, over on CNBC, the Non-Sporting group is on. I love the dogs in the Non-Sporting group!

02-15-2010, 11:11 PM
Now this is just not fair. On NBC they are showing Alec Bilodeau receiving his gold medal for mogul skiing. The French speaking announcer said, Madames et ... and the crowd just totally drowned her out. But they played the national anthem and all the people were singing! I had goose bumps! But at the exact same time, over on CNBC, the Non-Sporting group is on. I love the dogs in the Non-Sporting group!

What you need is DirecTV DoublePlay - I can switch back and forth between two channels and see everything that happens. We are able to go back and forth and not miss a minute of either event.

I was between the Dog Show and Olympics all evening.

02-15-2010, 11:12 PM
Pairs Figure Skating - Wonderful results :)

02-16-2010, 12:55 PM
And NOW several skiing events have been postponed due to heavy snowfall! :p

The snow is too soft at the bottom of the runs...but they'll get the grooming machines out.

"Heavy Snowfall" - magic words to all skiiers and organizers there!

02-16-2010, 01:21 PM
35 minutes until puck drop on the mens tournament.

Just sayin.... LOL

The Swiss have me more worried the more I read. :eek:

02-16-2010, 03:31 PM

what are the Olympics without controversy?:confused:

02-16-2010, 04:09 PM
3-1 USA win. Now to the house to watch the DVR'd game. :)

02-16-2010, 04:11 PM

what are the Olympics without controversy?:confused:

Meh... I can understand the "Miller Time" thing on Ryan's mask. But since when was supporting the troops a controversial thing?

Oh well. LOL

02-16-2010, 04:50 PM
The rest of the Women's Hockey games are going to be played on a half-rink.

To keep the scoring down.;)



IT's all marketing, If you ain't the 'official' sponsor......Tough luck.

I was watching some international event and both team's jerseys had more advertising than on some NASCAR rides....

Money talks!!


Not more than two minutes ago I looked up to see a MILLER BEER TRUCK pass by...My street is not a main drag, so I was really surprised to see that!!!

Queen of Poop
02-16-2010, 09:03 PM
Woo Hoo!!! 8-0 win for the Canadian Men's hockey team!!! Love the line of Nash, Crosby and Iginla. Iggy got the HAT!!

And we got another gold today, in women's snowboard cross.

02-16-2010, 09:15 PM
Woo Hoo!!! 8-0 win for the Canadian Men's hockey team!!! Love the line of Nash, Crosby and Iginla. Iggy got the HAT!!

And we got another gold today, in women's snowboard cross.

What happened to Stephen Stills?

Oops, He's not the Canuck, Neil Young is!;)

02-16-2010, 09:32 PM
Woo Hoo!!! 8-0 win for the Canadian Men's hockey team!!! Love the line of Nash, Crosby and Iginla. Iggy got the HAT!!

That was a good move by Babcock to move Bergeron off that line... The Norwegians hung in there for bit.... LOL

And, bummer for Iggy, he did not touch that last goal. The official results give it to Nash, from Crosby.

Queen of Poop
02-16-2010, 09:35 PM
Thanks for the chuckle Richard.

What's with this ice skating dude? He's fallen down twice already.:eek:

02-16-2010, 09:49 PM
Thanks for the chuckle Richard.

What's with this ice skating dude? He's fallen down twice already.:eek:

Do you think I can let something like that get passed me?


Is Cammie Granato's nose awesome in High Def?:D


I am still blow away by the scar on JR Celski's thigh. I have seen tons of scars for knee sugeries, My brother has a 8 inch 'catepillar' on his inside knee, but....
They said it went down to his thighbone and was six inches across.

His story is pretty remarkable!

02-16-2010, 10:58 PM
I didn't watch hockey - there will be many more games.

I watched Biathlon this afternoon, women's and men's. What a fantastic event!! And still more to come.

I really love the cross country skiing events and ski jumping.

And tonight I watched the Westminster Dog Show - Sadie won!!

02-16-2010, 11:12 PM
Not enough French??


02-16-2010, 11:19 PM
Not enough French??


French IS The OFFICIAL LANGUAGE of the games. All the announcements are done in French, then in the host's countries tongue.

I think that they expected everything to be in French?

Some people......It just takes one yahoo to spout of then the language police show up!:confused:

02-17-2010, 09:56 AM
Where have you gone Jim McKay?:(

Besides the bobos that are reporting the Games, I almost went bonkers over listening to the sno-board gal, Jacobellis, do an interview after her race.

Yaknow? What is it with athletes, yaknow? I saw the same thing, yaknow, after the Danica Patrick race, yaknow? Seems like they cannot put a sentence together without, yaknow, putting a few thoughts together, yaknow?


I did try and figure out what Bode Miller was trying to say during his interviews. He and the US ski team have had a pretty asty relationship.
They both came to an agreement to ski in Vancouver because he is/has the best chance for us to medal in any downhill event. Another non story.

All the "Up CLose and Personal" stories are, at best, clips about obnoxious athletes that cause their own problems....

What happened to the feel good stuff where an athlete is run over by a truck, tossed into air where they land on a power line, get electrocuted, go into a coma, regain their senses, get an olympic dream and sell hotdogs on a stick to finance their training?


It's super rich snow boarder with the secret training site in the mountains....all financed by Red Bull Energy Drink!!!

Give me a Moldavian curler, who cut and shaped their stones with an emery board and a meat tenderizing mallet.

Now, That's an Olympic athlete that had a dream!;)

02-17-2010, 10:47 AM
I have to chime in here with my own comments/observations.

For the past year "we here locals" have been hearing time after time after time about transportation during the Olympics. Road closures, construction, skytrain running more frequently with extra cars, leave the car at home and take public transport. So I made arrangements to drive into a different office to work during these two weeks so I wouldn't have to battle traffic into town.

WTH??? Where is all the traffic???? :confused: Message must have gotten through because yesterday I had to drive into to town to my "usual" office and it only took me 20 min. vs 45 min.:eek: You could shoot a cannon down the freeway and not hit anyone. I'm liking this. :) It's like summertime traffic. :) I also heard this morning that lineups at the skytrain ranged anywhere from 30 min to an hour just to get on the sardine packed train. Gee - car vs train......duh it's a no brainer.

Vanoc - gee what can I say about that. There is a very ugly chain link fence around the flame downtown and people everywhere are complaining that it's not "picture friendly" so bright and early this morning the construction crews were down there taking down the fence and , I hear, that they are putting up perhaps a plexiglass surrounding. It's a shame but without some kind of barrier, the protesters and "riff raff" alike would be doing a number on it. Now, why didn't Vanoc think about this years ago in the planning stages????:rolleyes:

Blunders?? There have some some major ones and apparently the British tabloids are picking up on all of them. The weather isn't doing us any favours either - it's the warmest February in the past 114 years. Go figure!!! Many spectators who purchased tickets to one of the Cypress mountain events had to get refunds - costing Vanoc over a million buckaroos.

I'm not negative about the Olympics - I love them and I admit the ambiance in the city is amazing. Everyone is hyped up and bearing ear to ear grins. I'm optimistic that tourism is going to bring in some big bucks and maybe those who visit might love it here enough to move here or at least visit again.

So, I have a sofa bed up for grabs. $300/night can get you some blankets, a soft pillow and perhaps coffee in the morning.;)

02-17-2010, 11:03 AM
The Olympic hockey has been exciting so far - can't wait for the next game! Of course I am cheering for the USA, but I'm loving Canada this year. They are going to be fun to watch. Not that Norway gave them much of a fight, but it was a fun game to watch. Can't blame Norway, they're not professionals (the goalie's day job is a carpenter), although they did look really good in the first period.

02-17-2010, 09:26 PM
I am cheering for the Canadian hockey team (3 Blackhawks players, Keith, Seabrook and Toews :) ) and for the USA team -- Patrick Kane is the only Blackhawks player on the USA team. If either of them wins gold, I'm sure Chicago will celebrate. If one wins gold and the other silver, we might celebrate even more.

I was watching men's curling on CNBC ... it seems to be part skill, part strategy, and part luck. I'd like to see it again because I couldn't quite figure out how it's scored.

02-17-2010, 09:34 PM
Anyone else see the nasty spill the Italian skiier took? She went 190 feet from start to finish on that one..there were 3 falls in total in the women's downhill - none of them serious. Lindsey Vonn did get the gold despite her injuries. :D

02-17-2010, 09:58 PM
I just came in from taking out the trash and heard "O, Canada" ... what did I miss? What medal was presented, I wonder?

That was the medal ceremony for Maelle Ricker who won last night's Snowboard Cross gold.

02-17-2010, 10:26 PM
I had no idea that Shaun White was a blue baby.
He was born with Tetralogy of Fallot. (http://www.americanheart.org/presenter.jhtml?identifier=11071)

And look at him now - repeat Gold Medal winner in the halfpipe!

02-17-2010, 10:32 PM
curling is A LOT strategy.

I"m not too excited yet by the hockey tournament. no big games that turned out any differently than anyone expected.

I'm looking forward to really seeing russia play. THEY are going to be a force to be reckoned with. absolutely. At this point I don't know who if anyone will be able to best that team. If they can all leave their egos at the door and play as a TEAM... they are going to be SCARY to face. there is NO doubt about that.

So I am looking forward to that.

Otherwise most of the teams are just bumps in the road and really don't excite me at all... and I LOVE hockey. but I don't love blow out hockey. I don't love games where it seems like an AWESOME team is playing against a peewee team. it's not exciting, it's not fun... it's not sport either to me. I know the outcome to be honest so I'm not thrilled by it

02-17-2010, 10:33 PM
WOW did White kick some major as---- er... butt. ;)

what ELSE could he have done to get the 50 pts LOL.

02-18-2010, 01:41 AM
I had no idea that Shaun White was a blue baby.
He was born with Tetralogy of Fallot. (http://www.americanheart.org/presenter.jhtml?identifier=11071)

And look at him now - repeat Gold Medal winner in the halfpipe!

He's a local boy. When he trains in Southern California, he is right near my sister and brother's homes. The guy is just unbelievable!:D

02-18-2010, 11:36 PM
Oh Canada - it's not going to be given to you on a silver(gold) platter. You're going to have to work for it.

02-19-2010, 09:12 AM
What was with the outfits the sno-borers were wearing? And I laughed MAO with the crown of roses at the skating arena.

I was watching a talk show where they commented on the 'gear' on the half pipe.


IT was fabric that looked like filthy jeans and the jackets were Homeless Couture. I swear it's way too funny, they looked like the people that go thru my trashcans on trash day!


What ever happened to a the classic pants, jacket and short little dress that showed a little arse cheek?

Thanks to the bad reporting and ramming the American athletes down our throats?


I had to laugh at the commercials too.

Vicks was running a commercial with Jacobellis, the woman who lost the gold medal in Torino. As soon as she tanked again the commercial when downhill faster that the woman that won the whole event.:confused::rolleyes:

02-19-2010, 10:55 AM
I don't get this look ...

Nice pants, Czech team!

02-19-2010, 11:32 AM
I don't get this look ...

Nice pants, Czech team!

I get the colors and the patterns, but the 'distressed' look on the 'denim pants' just made them look dirty, unkempt and like a bunch of slobs.

02-19-2010, 05:05 PM
I am stariting to unsderstand curling.

What a game.:D

02-19-2010, 09:37 PM

Scary, considering all the 'action' sports that get in.

I saw a clip of the medal ceremony with that hack Shaun Whiite doing a "guitar solo" during the National Anthem, Nice!

Rock on dude!:rolleyes::mad::o

02-19-2010, 10:26 PM
Speaking of Medal Ceremonies - FINALLY, tonight, NBC showed 2 where the Gold was not given to an American. They have recognized that there are other countries out there winning medals.

Torah Bright of Australia (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=77Uy3je6WDk) in the Halfpipe


Aksel Lund Svindal of Norway (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5K2hvVHxfys&feature=related) in the Men's Super G

I especially like the Norwegian Anthem. This version has Sissil Kyrkjebø singing. She sang both the Norwegian Anthem and Olympic Hymn back in 1994 at Lillehammer.

I still think those were the best Olympics of all - either summer or winter.

02-19-2010, 10:44 PM
curling is actually a great game. I've always liked it. Always found it entertaining.

A lot of strategy involved. it's great

02-19-2010, 11:34 PM
I get the colors and the patterns, but the 'distressed' look on the 'denim pants' just made them look dirty, unkempt and like a bunch of slobs.

My daughter just recently got into snowboarding, she said they definetely have their own lingo and way of dressing. The outfits don't look comfortable at all to me but I guess its for the cold and falling but the skiier's have those pretty tight outfits that are much more attractive...am I showing my age?

02-20-2010, 12:07 AM



You are a traditionalist, that's all.




02-20-2010, 07:04 AM
What was with the outfits the sno-borers were wearing? And I laughed MAO with the crown of roses at the skating arena.

I was watching a talk show where they commented on the 'gear' on the half pipe.


IT was fabric that looked like filthy jeans and the jackets were Homeless Couture. I swear it's way too funny, they looked like the people that go thru my trashcans on trash day!


What ever happened to a the classic pants, jacket and short little dress that showed a little arse cheek?

From the NY Times, an article (http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/21/fashion/21diary.html?hp) about fashion at the Games :)

02-20-2010, 10:04 AM
From the NY Times, an article (http://www.nytimes.com/2010/02/21/fashion/21diary.html?hp) about fashion at the Games :)

The days of a female ice skater dressing like a prostitute preparing to make her First Communion may be behind us. Why bother with that look anymore, when Lady Gaga has it nailed?


So, no mention of Johnny Weir dressed up like a Dr Franken Furter at the annual West Hollywood Halloween Parade? I heard about the corset and pink little "things" as adornment. JW wants to push our heads into his 'sense of style' and any other body part he can get us close enough to.

If he was a good enough skater to conquer the sport, then he'd have every right to do so, but he's just a very bad caricature of a man and a real distraction to the rest of the competitors.....

I expect to see a sports "What Ever Happened To" story about him in a few years - it will be a piece about how he lives with his costumes in a one bedroom house. Him on the couch and the bedroom filled with cedar and dead animal skins.

The guy is entertaining, not for his skating or his desire or to be a Russia Princess. It's the story of what happens to annoying people who have talent, but toss it away, acting like idiots. He has nothing to fear from PETA or animal activists.

He'll get beat up by woman he makes fun of by saying something like, "You look like a man in that outfit!"



Snow boarders look like they generally smell and dress like tramps.

I really can't say anything about their talent. I have a hard time standing up and urinating most days. But, I think I do have a little bit of a say as to how I would like to see the U.S. athletes look when they represent.

Hannah Teter finally decides to brush her hair...Hmmm, I wonder if brushing armpit and leg hair are part of the program too. Deodorant and soap? Could shampoo fit into their training regime?

I am a freak about seeing people with dirty, unkempt hair.

Perhaps they should give medal to all the parasites living on the kids too?;)

02-20-2010, 10:57 AM
And then there is Petra Majdic, a cross country skier from Slovenia.

She won the Bronze Medal in the Individual Classical Sprint with 4 broken ribs and a Pneumothorax!!

Story is here. (http://www.nbcolympics.com/news-features/news/newsid=432093.html#skier+bronze+with+broken+ribs+i njured+lung)

02-20-2010, 03:24 PM

One of the Army Knives just scored a incredible goal - stunning!

02-21-2010, 08:28 PM
Here is a nice story. I hope this young man has a lot of success in his future.

I'm watching the U.S. and Canada hockey game. The Blackhawks wear red jerseys so half the time I'm looking at the wrong team! On the other hand I don't guess there really is a "wrong" team because 3 Blackhawks players are on the Canadian team and one (Patrick Kane) is on the U.S. team. He was just in the game. There's been a lot of interest in hockey in Chicago ever since we had the Winter Classic last year. The sports analyst on the evening news said it may be a close game.

Edited to add: Picture of 2 Blackhawks players. Patrick Kane on left, Jonathan Toews on right. A couple of babies, they are each 21.

02-21-2010, 08:59 PM
Here is a nice story. I hope this young man has a lot of success in his future.

I'm watching the U.S. and Canada hockey game. The Blackhawks wear red jerseys so half the time I'm looking at the wrong team! On the other hand I don't guess there really is a "wrong" team because 3 Blackhawks players are on the Canadian team and one (Patrick Kane) is on the U.S. team. He was just in the game. There's been a lot of interest in hockey in Chicago ever since we had the Winter Classic last year. The sports analyst on the evening news said it may be a close game.

Great story..

What a game, eh?:D

Skin the Finns!;)

02-21-2010, 09:14 PM
USA 5-3 over Canada. Insane...

What a game. Miller was freaking incredible. Brodeur.... Ehhhh, what was with the silly stick work?

02-21-2010, 09:43 PM
Waiting patiently for the short track event wednesday, I can't wait to see how Apolo Ohno does. He's definitely my favorite athlete this olympics.

02-21-2010, 10:07 PM
FANTASTIC hockey game!!

Rafalski - 2 goals, 1 assist!!
Ryan Miller - super performance!!

Far as I can figure, Sid the Kid was on the ice for 3 of the USA goals. And Brian Rafalski's 4 consecutive goals, on 6 shots, equals this season's production for the Wings. And he is the oldest player on the US team :)

02-22-2010, 08:45 AM
Wow - that hockey game was just amazing. Talk about exciting!

USA 5-3 over Canada. Insane...

What a game. Miller was freaking incredible. Brodeur.... Ehhhh, what was with the silly stick work?

I agree with you about the goalies - Miller :eek: just Wow. Brodeur was a disappointment...don't know if he was just trying to get too fancy or what but it wasn't working for him. And what was with the 'USA' on the end of his stick? Did they figure that one out, does anyone know?

02-22-2010, 08:49 AM
On the other hand I don't guess there really is a "wrong" team because 3 Blackhawks players are on the Canadian team and one (Patrick Kane) is on the U.S. team.

I'm feeling the same way - I love Crosby and would love to see him win, so in a sense I was cheering on Canada.....but of course I am always cheering for team America, and there are a few players on the USA team that I love (Orpik, Ryan Malone, although not a Pengiun anymore, is still one of my favorites and a native of Pittsburgh). My husband was laughing at me because I cheered every goal, no matter which team scored :D

Pawsitive Thinking
02-22-2010, 09:03 AM

02-22-2010, 09:06 AM
Do you believe in miracles - YES!! (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CGACsSW4Iqw)

02-22-2010, 05:20 PM
Far as I can figure, Sid the Kid was on the ice for 3 of the USA goals. And Brian Rafalski's 4 consecutive goals, on 6 shots, equals this season's production for the Wings. And he is the oldest player on the US team :)

The final stats have Crosby at a net -3 for the game. Seeing that he scored a goal means he was on the ice for 4 of the US goals. Rather un-"Crosby-ish", eh?

02-22-2010, 05:26 PM
Wow - that hockey game was just amazing. Talk about exciting!

I agree with you about the goalies - Miller :eek: just Wow. Brodeur was a disappointment...don't know if he was just trying to get too fancy or what but it wasn't working for him. And what was with the 'USA' on the end of his stick? Did they figure that one out, does anyone know?

Yeah, that baseball bat swing at the puck right before the 2nd US goal was nuts. What the heck was he thinking? The only place it could go was back in the slot, which was crowded with people at the time. Little good can come from that. Actually, both goalies took a lot of silly chances with the poke check... 2 of the US goals were a result of a bad poke check attempt.

So says the armchair goalie... LOL Seeing that puck handling is by far the weakest part of my personal game, I guess that was easy for me to say.


The commentators mentioned something about the USA on his stick. Something to do with the sticks being keepsakes someday or something... He wanted to know what stick was used in what game. OR, it could be he might have been thinking about taking a shot on goal if the US had to pull their goalie late. With the (silly, IMO) trapezoid gone, he was free to roam and he IS one of the best puck handling goalies in the game.

That said... I bet it was burned last night. LOL

Lady's Human
02-22-2010, 05:29 PM
Great comment from Del Bosco:

" I don't know, third is alright for some people. But I wanted to give 100 percent...I left it all out there, I mean, that's what I came to do... I think I would've been pretty upset with second."

All or nothing, kid skied his heart out and left it all on the course.

02-22-2010, 06:32 PM
Yeah, that baseball bat swing at the puck right before the 2nd US goal was nuts. What the heck was he thinking? The only place it could go was back in the slot, which was crowded with people at the time. Little good can come from that. Actually, both goalies took a lot of silly chances with the poke check... 2 of the US goals were a result of a bad poke check attempt.

Regarding that swing of the bat - from the NY Times - keeping in mind that Rafalski once played for the Devils.

Team Canada goalie Martin Brodeur was heavily faulted for mistakes against the Americans. Brodeur stopped only 18 of 22 shots Sunday. On the Americans’ second goal, he tried to clear the puck up the middle of the ice, gifting Brian Rafalski an opportunity he converted.

“I’ve seen Marty do that before where he bats it out of mid air and he wanted to try to go up the middle so I just jumped there early,” said Rafalski after the game. Brodeur was also partly to blame on the Americans’ third goal.

02-22-2010, 06:34 PM
The final stats have Crosby at a net -3 for the game. Seeing that he scored a goal means he was on the ice for 4 of the US goals. Rather un-"Crosby-ish", eh?

Another piece from the NY Times -

You cannot help noticing that Crosby looks diminished at these Olympics. He does not have his Penguins teammate Evgeni Malkin with him, either on the same line or waiting on the bench to provide the second half of that club’s one-two punch.

Malkin looks powerful and dangerous for Russia, where he is paired with Ovechkin. But with Canada, Crosby seems to be alone, and manageable.

02-22-2010, 07:07 PM
All or nothing, kid skied his heart out and left it all on the course.

I hope no one ran it over in the end...:eek:;)

02-22-2010, 07:31 PM
I'm not really sure what's going on with Crosby, he looked pretty good in the first game, ok in the second, but in the last game, not so good except for his redirect. Maybe the pressure's getting to him? He is expected to deliver the gold medal on a platter for Canada, might be a bit much for a 22 year old. Hopefully he can pick it up in the next game. I seriously doubt that not having Malkin there has anything to do with it...they are rarely on the same line, and when Malkin was out with an injury earlier this season Crosby excelled. Geno has also had some pretty bad slumps ('08 playoffs anyone?) and Crosby has done extremely well.

Speaking of which, Malkin has been amazing in the Olympics so far. Can't wait to see where that goes - up until the last month or two he was having a bad season (well, a bad season for him...) but it seemed like all of a sudden he was back. I don't know what team to cheer for - would be nice if all of my favorites could win! :D

Queen of Poop
02-22-2010, 08:47 PM
Wanted to show off my Olympic nails. Themed for Canada, of course. Also wanted to note that the Canadian Women's hockey team is leading Finland 4-0 with 14 minutes left in the third.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff208/queenofpoo/th_P2200288.jpg (http://s237.photobucket.com/albums/ff208/queenofpoo/?action=view&current=P2200288.jpg)

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff208/queenofpoo/th_P2200291.jpg (http://s237.photobucket.com/albums/ff208/queenofpoo/?action=view&current=P2200291.jpg)

02-22-2010, 08:57 PM
Wanted to show off my Olympic nails. Themed for Canada, of course. Also wanted to note that the Canadian Women's hockey team is leading Finland 4-0 with 14 minutes left in the third.

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff208/queenofpoo/th_P2200288.jpg (http://s237.photobucket.com/albums/ff208/queenofpoo/?action=view&current=P2200288.jpg)

http://i237.photobucket.com/albums/ff208/queenofpoo/th_P2200291.jpg (http://s237.photobucket.com/albums/ff208/queenofpoo/?action=view&current=P2200291.jpg)


Have you had your toes "curl"?:D:eek:;)


The "Crosby Effect"?

I have noticed that the game of hockey has always lent itself to more 'pairing' than any other sport.

Seems like all the great ones have another player that they depend on while there on the ice.

Queen of Poop
02-22-2010, 09:10 PM
My toes have been curling before!

5-0 for Canada

Gold medal game vs the USA on Thursday. :D

02-22-2010, 09:36 PM
Another piece from the NY Times -

You cannot help noticing that Crosby looks diminished at these Olympics. He does not have his Penguins teammate Evgeni Malkin with him, either on the same line or waiting on the bench to provide the second half of that club’s one-two punch.

Malkin looks powerful and dangerous for Russia, where he is paired with Ovechkin. But with Canada, Crosby seems to be alone, and manageable.

If this is really the case... It's Babcocks fault. He has the 22 other best players in the world to choose from to play with him.

This kind of thing is not uncommon in sports. You get a team, totally stacked with superstars... They, often, have a problem playing together. Especially when the chips are down.

That being said.... Assuming Canada beats Germany tomorrow, they play Russia on Thursday. THAT will be a interesting game. Because I think both teams are in the same kind of boat.

And honestly, I think Russia wins that game now.... Runs away with it even.

02-22-2010, 09:37 PM
My toes have been curling before!

5-0 for Canada

Gold medal game vs the USA on Thursday. :D

How about that Finnish goalie eh? She is only 20 too...

The Finns are gonna be good in Soshi.

02-22-2010, 09:43 PM
Speaking of which, Malkin has been amazing in the Olympics so far.

When they have played to his strength, totally. He is a big dude. Its not "normal" for European teams to play a dump/chase/crash kind of game. Granted, most of the "European" teams are mostly NHL players....

Malkin on the wing with Ovechkin and.... Fedorov.... :) That has not happened yet. (I think) But THAT would be a line. That line gets 3 goals and Fedorov gets 3 helpers.

02-22-2010, 10:04 PM
If this is really the case... It's Babcocks fault. He has the 22 other best players in the world to choose from to play with him.

This kind of thing is not uncommon in sports. You get a team, totally stacked with superstars... They, often, have a problem playing together. Especially when the chips are down.

That being said.... Assuming Canada beats Germany tomorrow, they play Russia on Thursday. THAT will be a interesting game. Because I think both teams are in the same kind of boat.

And honestly, I think Russia wins that game now.... Runs away with it even.

And then there is the U.S. team - a group of young players whose average birth year is 1983.

The victory, although not for a medal, partially validates a controversial approach taken by the team's general manager, Brian Burke, who opted to recruit young, physical and talented NHL stars with built-in chemistry from years of playing in the country's national development program in Ann Arbor, Mich.

Team Canada, in contrast, is made up of some of the most decorated veterans in the NHL, including the league's most recognizable superstar, Sidney Crosby.

source (http://online.wsj.com/article/SB10001424052748704751304575080310245824410.html?m od=WSJ_olympics_LeftTopHeadlineHighlights)

02-22-2010, 10:11 PM
Gone, but not forgotten -

VANCOUVER – Martin Brodeur may have played his last game in these Olympics.

Team Canada coach Mike Babcock announced he was benching the Devils goaltender for tomorrow's game against Germany, giving the starting job to Roberto Luongo.

"We're in the winning business," Babcock said, explaining the decision. "To win at in any game at any level you need big saves. You need momentum-changing saves. We're looking for (Luongo) to do that for us."

The move comes a day after Brodeur allowed four goals on 22 shots in a 5-3 loss to the United States during the preliminary round of the Vancouver Games. The loss pushed Canada into the sudden-death qualifying game with Germany in order to advance to the quarterfinals.

Win or lose tomorrow, Brodeur is done at the Olympics barring an injury to Luongo.

"One thing about this tournament now is if you're changing goalies you're probably out of the tournament," Babcock said. "It's pretty straight forward. This tournament now is you win or go home."

Brodeur, 37, looked shaky against the Americans allowing one soft goal and struggling to communicate with his defensemen.

Brodeur skipped the Canadian's team session with the media yesterday, but Babcock said the NHL's all-time wins leader was not surprised.

"I don't think he was shocked," Babcock said. "I talked to Marty today and just let him know the way we were going. He's a pro. He's been through it a number of times. He's won a number of championships. [He] understands it's about the team, not the individual."

Luongo, 30, will be playing on his NHL home ice. In his only Olympic action, the Canucks goalie made 15 saves in Canada's 8-0 victory over Norway on Feb. 16.

02-22-2010, 10:12 PM
My toes have been curling before!

Do tell?;)

LOL, How many pics did you take before you found the "perfect 10"?

I can't help it anymore....:p

02-24-2010, 09:13 PM
Wins so far for Canada AND USA today. How awesome would it be to see them both in the gold medal game?? :eek:

02-24-2010, 09:35 PM
Apolo Ohno advances to the quarterfinals. :) Friday is going to be a big day for him.

02-24-2010, 10:14 PM
Apolo Ohno advances to the quarterfinals. :) Friday is going to be a big day for him.


I was ready to watch races!

I hate NBC...Buttheads!


EEEEEEEEEEEEE, bronze for the women shorttrackers!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

02-25-2010, 12:34 PM
I went to short track yesterday.. It was such an unbelievable experience!! The energy was just crazy! The medal event in particular was very exciting.. medals for both Canada and America! :D Yippy!

02-25-2010, 12:37 PM
I went to short track yesterday.. It was such an unbelievable experience!! The energy was just crazy! The medal event in particular was very exciting.. medals for both Canada and America! :D Yippy!

How fun! Did you get to take any pictures?

02-25-2010, 01:11 PM
I took a few.. I'll post them once I edit them :)

02-25-2010, 01:24 PM
I went to short track yesterday.. It was such an unbelievable experience!! The energy was just crazy! The medal event in particular was very exciting.. medals for both Canada and America! :D Yippy!

I am beyond jealous of you, that is amazing! I can't wait to see the pictures :)

02-25-2010, 02:09 PM
very cool......


I think it's time to stop allowing "pro" athletes to compete.

Their attitude really stinks.

I also think that that NBC's coverage really sucks.

Most of the events that I wanted to see were "late night offerings" and the
X sports like snow boring, ski cross and the moguls/toss in a trick while I am here are sports that beg for short attention spans.

Here on the West Coast we got replays and beore we could see the events the standings/winners were posted all over the interwebs and scrolled on the sports channels, so I could not even watch any other sports without finding out who won.

EPIC FAIL for the coverage.:rolleyes::mad::(

02-25-2010, 02:30 PM

I think it's time to stop allowing "pro" athletes to compete.

Their attitude really stinks.


Sometimes... Like in 2006 when Mike Modano played for Team USA in hockey. He was whining about having to make his own travel and lodging arrangements. Boo freaking hoo dude... THAT is what you are thinking about when you are playing the game with your countries name on your shirt? No wonder the team got spanked.

But then other times... Its fantastic. The hockey tourney this time around has been amazing. Slovakia beats Sweden... Canada DESTROYS Russia... The US beat Canada...

Now, my only caveat is if they are going to let NHL players play, they should play by NHL rules. Last night, the Czech Republic lost the game on a goal that would not have happened if NHL rules were in effect. A defenceman in front of his goalie for Czech had his helmet knocked off. He HAD to retrieve it before he could continue to play. Doing so left a wide open lane to shoot and Finland scored on the play. In the NHL, he loses his lid? So what. These are the best of the best. They know what they are getting in to.

02-25-2010, 06:06 PM
I hate NBC...Buttheads!


NBC is driving me bonkers. Their coverage seems to be assuming that my attention span is only a few minutes long. I don't want to see only a few figure skaters or a few aerial skiers, and I don't want to see only the American competitors. I want to see figure skating or aerial skiing or bobsleigh or whatever sport we're focusing on right now. Yesterday they showed women's aerial skiing - and they showed the Chinese women, an Australian woman (I though of Wom!), and the American women. That's the way I would prefer to watch it.

On CNBC they are showing almost all curling and hockey, things where they can't show just a few competitors and then go to something else.

For both the women's and men's hockey I would be really happy if the U.S. and Canada receive gold and silver. Either way would be fine. There are 4 Blackhawks between the U.S. and Canadian teams, so I think Chicago will be happy with the outcome no matter what. There's been so much interest in hockey (both the Blackhawks and IHL Chicago Wolves) ever since the Winter Classic last year; it is a lot of fun.

02-26-2010, 07:31 AM
Just saw the pictures of the Canuckian Women's hockey team smoking and drinking on the ice waaaaayyyyyy after their win.

Am I the only one who is cringing about this and the women who brought their kids onto the ice for the medal ceremony?

I know I sound like an idiot when I complain about these things but, the Olympics are turning into a showcase of bad taste and stupidity.


Last week there was a European speedskater that climbed into the stands to hug his relatives.

THAT was a way to celebrate!

I love my Olympics, toward the end of this year's offerings I lost interest because of the coverage, the boorish behavior of the athletes-I was watching one program talking about the Bitten Bronze Medal incident and someone said, "What did they expect when they invited snow-boarders to the Olympics?"

Speaking of the idiot that left because of the photos that were taken of him?

His town will give him a parade anyway and children will be allowed to ditch school and line the route. I guess some dope winning a bronze medal, then acting like an idiot, can be overlooked when that is the best thing that has happened to the town in a while.

I guess the time had to come when "The Day John Boy Fell into the Hay Baler"
was supplanted by Scotty Lago Day-The guy who got his Bronze Medal Licked at the Games!


In two weeks we can look at some real athletes.


There is something way more interesting and humbling about watching people who REALLY OVERCOME adversity.

Having to move into the Olympic Village because you wear fur, is not adversity.;):confused::mad:

02-26-2010, 09:45 AM
Just saw the pictures of the Canuckian Women's hockey team smoking and drinking on the ice waaaaayyyyyy after their win.

Am I the only one who is cringing about this and the women who brought their kids onto the ice for the medal ceremony?

I know I sound like an idiot when I complain about these things but, the Olympics are turning into a showcase of bad taste and stupidity.

Bringing their kids on the ice - did you cringe when the Red Wings won The Cup in 2002, and Steve Yzerman came out to get The Cup with his daughter by his side?

Look at it from this perspective - winning the Gold Medal at the Olympics is the pinnacle for these women. They are not going back to McMansions and lucrative NHL contracts.

Hayley Wickenheiser, age 31, is considered by many to be the best female hockey player in the world. This was her 4th Olympic medal. Where does she go now?

02-26-2010, 10:08 AM
Just saw the pictures of the Canuckian Women's hockey team smoking and drinking on the ice waaaaayyyyyy after their win.
Am I the only one who is cringing about this and the women who brought their kids onto the ice for the medal ceremony?
I know I sound like an idiot when I complain about these things but, the Olympics are turning into a showcase of bad taste and stupidity. Oh come on now Richard, get your head out of your butt. I really disagree with you on this one. It's all over the media up here. From what I heard this morning, champagne was flowing in the dressing room after the game and after the arena emptied out they skated back on to the ice for photos and apparently lit a cigar. Now given the fact that one of the players is only 18 and the legal drinking age is 19, some stupid (and I use that word loosely) reporter picked up on it. Hello!!!!!!?????? You try busting your butt all the way to the gold and I'll let you smoke and drink where ever and with whomever you want. I support them all the way.

Just wait until we kick your **** in men's hockey....:D

OK, I'm down off my soapbox now.

02-26-2010, 11:21 AM
They go into the kitchen where they belong, ALL OF THEM.;)

The coaches too!:eek:

Pro hockey is different.

Everyone shakes hands, hug each other, Bettman comes out and hands the Cup to the Captain and everyone skates around. Look, I didn't get excited when Anaheim won and didn't care..

LOLOL, I will never get used to seeing a woman with a cigar shoved into her pie hole. Men are just as nasty and stupid looking, especially when they smoke it down to the stub. Cigars are a pretentious, nasty and a stinky habit.

Look what the Victory Cigar did to Sid Luckman!*

I can get into booze swilling, but the cigars...ewwww.



That's one reason KAN AH DAH, will never become the most hated country on earth, like us, We make everyone wait until they are 21, for most things.

I remember the 68 black power incident, the 72 US basketball protest, and while it wasn't in the Olympics, there was a French skater who had a hissy fit because she didn't win. She pi$$ed off the crowd somehow during that competition.

I understand the idea these athletes have worked hard and have sacrificed to get to and compete, in the Games. Don't get me wrong-the ceremonies are for the athletes-that's the pinnacle and for some, their last hurrah.

I'm not stupid and I do look past the obvious stuff you pointed out.

But, unless there are some kinds of rules in place, stuff gets out of hand - the athletes in the Olympics have steadily become pros.

You can argue that the old Commie teams- Blood doping/packing and steroids anyone? - were pros, but they did have to answer to the goons running the show.

Some of today's participants are sponsored by huge companies, they don't have to worry about money for trips, equipment....So, why should they worry about actually behaving?

In Japan one guy lost a medal because he toked up, our men's hockey team trashed some accomodations after they had their lunches taken away?

The hockey team was composed of our best pros? What does that say about us, the mighty U.S.A.


Every woman and woman's sports team-actually every woman who becomes famous and is seen as a role model, has this HUGE pair of shoes to fill.

So, they must take this "famousosity" even more seriously.

When the cigar and booze thing happens at a women's college or high school competition we will give them a pass. Hey, the Olympic team did it, why not them?

I really do understand the desire to share a moment with your family, isn't it enough that they are there with you? And what about the other families/kids/sibs that could not make it or were in the stands????


Now that I have my head out of my butt, both of you should thank you lucky stars that you aren't here.

Otherwise, I have laundry, dishes and I WANT A SANDWICH AND A BEER- NOW!:eek::o:rolleyes:

Women have a real big problem becoming 'equals' as far as men go.
You have a definite identity when it comes to your own future, but, us guys have gone before you and haven't done a real good job when it comes to setting some examples.

I want pickles and mayo on that sandwich too.

On second thought I'll get it myself, you guys want one too?

And I do love you both.

No, you don't have to iron my t-shirts.;)

*I know it's RED AUERBACH.

02-26-2010, 11:32 AM
LOL, and I do have "olympic experience".

02-26-2010, 12:49 PM
My "olympic experience".

Back in '84 the company I worked for decided to have a "House Olympics" at the park.

Someone dropped my name into the pool and I became one of the people charged with thinking up events for the day.

We put together some events like a cafe tray race, bedpan races, box folding and stuff like that....

In the office I grabbed a german gal, a white temp, a thai gal, black dude and me. We were a rainbow coalition......:D

We ended up kicking arse up and down and ended up being cheated out of the top spots because the AH that ran the clinic had to combine three teams
to make one team to beat us, I tried to get a fair ruling on the changes but you cannot fight city hall.

I know we won that day, and I had a great time, we also used to play ball against the doctor's and would wipe out butts with them..LOL, Slick? maybe that's where I found comfort with having a head my rear!:)


Check it out.

I live my life on the "safe side".

When I see kids that are pulled into 'adult situations' I worry about them becoming part of the detritus that us adults leave laying around. The kids last night were well behaved, but imagine having a kid running around and falling?

I used to coach a female soft ball team and an adult league team.

I can tell you that I hated dealing with the kids around the field. Thrown and hit balls, thrown bats, kids wandering away or breating the crap out of each other. I know, it's the Olympics and such....there's security and people around.

They games this year were kinda muted by the deaths of people around it.
A participant, the mother of an athlete and Koenig/Boner, who had no part of the games, yet takes his life in the city where they are being held?

Things like that are not fair, especially when the world shows up at your doorstep looking to escape the BS of everyday living.

You all have valid points.

But I wanted AMERICAN CHEESE on my sandwich, not Swiss!:eek::rolleyes:;)

02-26-2010, 12:53 PM
500 meter men's short track events tonight - can't wait. :p Who else is rooting for Apolo Ohno?

02-26-2010, 01:05 PM
500 meter men's short track events tonight - can't wait. :p Who else is rooting for Apolo Ohno?

I live for ST. This is where the rubber meets the road. FOUR HOURS, to go.

I want Celski to win something....he deserves it.

I am in love with K Reutter.


Dude, Curling too. The Canuckian skip has a great rear end.:D

02-26-2010, 02:30 PM
I went out to stack wood for the fireplace, what could happen in the first 5 minutes of the game?

I came in, saw the second goal? One goal already?

Now it's 6-0.

Time to watch short track!:D

02-26-2010, 03:55 PM

02-26-2010, 04:53 PM
Im apparently going to miss at least the st quarterfinals thanks to a trip to the mall. wanna update for me richard? :D

02-26-2010, 06:19 PM
Im apparently going to miss at least the st quarterfinals thanks to a trip to the mall. wanna update for me richard? :D

Done...I misread the schedule, they printed what was going to be contested and in another column what was going to be shown. I think you will get the race before I see them!

02-26-2010, 09:34 PM
All I can say is WOW >.< I hate referees, he BARELY touched the guy. :mad:

02-26-2010, 11:47 PM
All I can say is WOW >.< I hate referees, he BARELY touched the guy. :mad:

I haven't seen the race....but I know all the results now.:(


Slick and Grace,

Here, you may understand the Kan ah Dah controversy this way..

A friend throws a party and invites you to go because there is a guy you are both interested in, who will be in attendance.

The three of you sit on the couch all night until the guy is won over by your friend. You call it a night and go home disappointed.

The next morning you open your computer ! You see that there are pics posted of your friend and the guy on the couch, smoking cigars, drinking and playing grab arse.

How do you feel?;)

02-26-2010, 11:51 PM
Is Mexico represented by only one athlete?

02-27-2010, 12:08 AM
I haven't seen the race....but I know all the results now.:(

Slick and Grace,

Here, you may understand the Kan ah Dah controversy this way..

A friend throws a party and invites you to go because there is a guy you are both interested in, who will be in attendance.

The three of you sit on the couch all night until the guy is won over by your friend. You call it a night and go home disappointed.

The next morning you open your computer ! You see that there are pics posted of your friend and the guy on the couch, smoking cigars, drinking and playing grab arse.

How do you feel?;) Hey, I can grab my own arse, thank you very much. Honestly, it wouldn't bother me that much - I certainly wouldn't lose sleep over it. It's their business, whatever they want to do, so be it. I shrug my shoulders.

Now excuse me, my pizza is about to be delivered and I need another beer!!! ;):D

02-27-2010, 12:17 AM
Is Mexico represented by only one athlete?

As the old joke goes?
All us Mexicans that can run, jump or swim are in the U.S./canada already.;)

Just one....:confused:

02-27-2010, 12:23 AM
As the old joke goes?
All us Mexicans that can run, jump or swim are in the U.S./canada already.;)

Just one....:confused:

Not only just one, but I think Mexico is being represented by a German.

I know Mexicans can ski, snowboard and skate, Ive seen them do it. Im sure they can do the curling because there is sweeping involved.

02-27-2010, 12:39 AM
Not only just one, but I think Mexico is being represented by a German.

I know Mexicans can ski, snowboard and skate, Ive seen them do it. Im sure they can do the curling because there is sweeping involved.

And we can clean up the venues after the events.;):)

There is a huge German population in Mexico and they were there in the 'early days'.

If you listen to the Mexican folk music, you can hear the German 'oom pah' band influence.

02-27-2010, 12:46 AM
If you listen to the Mexican folk music, you can hear the German 'oom pah' band influence.

So is there Mexican Polka? I love a good polka!

02-27-2010, 01:31 AM
So is there Mexican Polka? I love a good polka!

The word are a little different..


The short track relay was the best 7 minutes of the Games.

That is probably the last sporting event I have a burning desire to see.

Dang, that was fun, fast and frantic...

02-27-2010, 09:09 AM
OOOHHHHH USA and Canada in the gold medal final for men's hockey. Could I BE any more excited? :D

02-27-2010, 03:37 PM
Women's 30 Km cross country skiing -

Gold - Justyna Kowalczyk of Poland. First Gold for a Polish woman - ever. In Poland's Olympic history there was only one other Winter Gold - back in 1972.

Silver to Marit Bjørgen, Norway. She goes home with 3 Gold, 1 Silver and a Bronze.

Tomorrow the men go 50 KM cross country.

I love watching these events. Ski for miles and miles, and most of the time it's close to a photo finish.

02-27-2010, 03:38 PM
I just found out that Sweden beat Canada for the gold medal in women's curling yesterday. I had it on until about the 6th or 7th end and Canada was up 5 to 4. I was rooting for Canada :( Oh, well.

A Polish woman won a cross-country skiing gold medal! :) (I'm part Polish on my dad's side)

I'm going to have to race home from church tomorrow to see the entire hockey game. (I thought it was on tonight)

02-27-2010, 04:42 PM
Did any of you see the piece Tom Brokaw just did? 9/11 in Gander, Newfoundland. Absolutely magnificent. Talk about LES.

I read a book about those events - read it twice actually.

02-27-2010, 08:02 PM
I am in love with K Reutter.


02-27-2010, 08:12 PM
Did any of you see the piece Tom Brokaw just did? 9/11 in Gander, Newfoundland. Absolutely magnificent. Talk about LES.

I read a book about those events - read it twice actually.

Grace, I missed this. Is it online somewhere? Thanks.

02-27-2010, 08:30 PM

Thank you, RICHARD. I am too, after reading this. :love::love::love:

I'd love to see NBC make a big fuss about her!!!!! ..tell more of her story, and those of other athletes, from other nations even? :eek:..

Instead, it's non-stop chats with Lindsey "Oops!" Vonn.. Last week it was all Shaun White all the time.. And now Apolo Ohno is moving up on them, to be featured on "Today" tomorrow morning..

Which medal will each receive, HOW will they finally be standing on the Talking-Heads podium?

Those Three Stooges are fine athletes, to be sure.. I'm just so sick and tired of LISTENING to them for two weeks now! I think all their blithering diminishes their athletic accomplishments.

02-27-2010, 08:32 PM
Grace, I missed this. Is it online somewhere? Thanks.

I'm looking to see if it's going to be shown again. It's about 45 minutes long.

There is a book, The Day the World Came to Town: 9/11 in Gander, Newfoundland, by Jim Defede, describing the events that Brokaw mentions. You can check it out here. (http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Day-the-World-Came-to-Town/Jim-Defede/e/9780060559717/?itm=1) I've read it twice; sent a copy to my brother who never reads anything - but he read this one in 2 days.

If I find a link to the Brokaw piece, I'll post it.

02-27-2010, 08:40 PM
Canada has 13 freakin' GOLD MEDALS! And we are third in the medal tally with 25, after Germany and USA.

I think in Turn we got a total of 4 medals? Or was that in Calgary? I know we didn't do well in either location.


02-28-2010, 01:46 PM
Men's 50 KM

Gold - Petter Northug, Norway, 2:05:35.5

Silver - Axel Teichmann, Germany, 2:05:35.8

Bronze - Johan Olsson, Sweden, 2:05:36.5

After 31 miles of skiing, the top three are just 1 second apart!!

02-28-2010, 02:14 PM

02-28-2010, 02:32 PM

02-28-2010, 04:34 PM
I'm looking to see if it's going to be shown again. It's about 45 minutes long.

There is a book, The Day the World Came to Town: 9/11 in Gander, Newfoundland, by Jim Defede, describing the events that Brokaw mentions. You can check it out here. (http://search.barnesandnoble.com/Day-the-World-Came-to-Town/Jim-Defede/e/9780060559717/?itm=1) I've read it twice; sent a copy to my brother who never reads anything - but he read this one in 2 days.

If I find a link to the Brokaw piece, I'll post it.

Thanks, Gretchen.

02-28-2010, 05:01 PM
Congrats to Canada!!! What a hard faught game! I am now a fan of hockey :D

A mens and womens hockey silver aint too bad for the US.

02-28-2010, 05:11 PM
We WON???? OMG!!!!!:eek::eek::eek:

I was listening on the radio and then got home...they had gone into overtime!

Hey, USA - according to what the medals mean, to be in the top two of the whole WORLD in ice hockey is stupendous! If not for you, no overtime. BRILLIANT, guys! BRILLIANT!:love::love::love::love::)

02-28-2010, 05:15 PM
We WON???? OMG!!!!!:eek::eek::eek:

I was listening on the radio and then got home...they had gone into overtime!

Hey, USA - according to what the medals mean, to be in the top two of the whole WORLD in ice hockey is stupendous! If not for you, no overtime. BRILLIANT, guys! BRILLIANT!:love::love::love::love::)

Oh man...I wish you could have watched. This was an awesome game even to a hockey noob like me. I am sooo glad I got to see the whole thing!

02-28-2010, 05:15 PM
I told you all that we know how to handle a stick. :D:D

The US team didn't make it easy for us. Congrats for playing a great game and you should be proud.

02-28-2010, 05:40 PM
Not a bad game at all, very well played. Congratulation Canada! :D I'm happy with the silver medal.

02-28-2010, 05:59 PM
Congratulations Canada :cool: What a game! Overtime, sitting on pins & needles, yelling! Leave it to the US to make you guys work for it. :D

02-28-2010, 07:30 PM
What an awesome hockey game! I would have liked to have seen USA take the gold, but I love that Crosby got the game winner. I'm sure all of his haters are upset about that too, which just makes it sweeter :D

02-28-2010, 08:12 PM
Woohoo, what a great game! Our players (the Blackhawks' Toews and Kane) each scored! On the early news they talked to Hawks fans at the ESPN Zone in downtown Chicago, where there was a game-watching party. Most people said what an exciting, fun game it was. One man said it was very hard to root against Canada. One woman said she wasn't rooting against either team because there are Hawks players on each team. I like that approach. First goal I was like, Goal -Toews! Yeaah! - oops, wait... They interviewed Sidney Crosby after the game and he looks like he's about 16. (I know he's older than that!) I could watch the entire game again. Wish I'd taped it! They showed it without commercials except during the intermissions.

02-28-2010, 08:40 PM
We WON???? OMG!!!!!:eek::eek::eek:

I was listening on the radio and then got home...they had gone into overtime!

Hey, USA - according to what the medals mean, to be in the top two of the whole WORLD in ice hockey is stupendous! If not for you, no overtime. BRILLIANT, guys! BRILLIANT!:love::love::love::love::)

I'M STOKED!!! Canada won!!! It's so awesome!!

02-28-2010, 08:45 PM
I love the closing ceremonies. I love the atomsphere - even watching it I can feel the happiness and joy. For once, race, color, nationality don't matter anymore - I think that's one great thing about the olympics. The world comes together in peace for 2 weeks. :)

02-28-2010, 10:09 PM

Congrats, ye residents of North Canukistan.

It was a good day for the game of hockey. Canada did what is was supposed to do. The US set the stage for 2014. Here is to more US kids choosing to play hockey rather than football. LOL

02-28-2010, 10:28 PM

"Team USA coach Ron Wilson didn't pull any punches in Sunday's post-game press conference saying "sometimes, the best team in the tournament doesn't win a gold medal."

From a points point of view... He is right.

USA 5-0-1-0 16 Points
Canada 3-1-2-1 14 Points

But, in a tournament... It only matters who wins THE game.

The Canadian blueliners won this game. Luogo was, himself. Not as good as the hype says he is. Awful glove hand, lots of rebounds. Needs a good D in front of him. He got it. How many shots did Boyle block?

Also, Crosby officially, dang it, kinda owns Miller. The winner in OT in the Olympics. The winner in the shootout in the first Winter Classic.... And a hat trick against in the NHL season.

Looking forward to a Buffalo - Pittsburgh playoff round. :)

03-01-2010, 12:25 AM
What happened to Stephen Stills?

Oops, He's not the Canuck, Neil Young is!;)

I watch the closing ceremonies mainly for the Olympic Flag being taken down, and the next hosts accepting it and for the flame to be extinguished.

Yep, Neil Young is a Canuck.

And, a pretty talented one at that.:D;)

03-01-2010, 08:31 AM
Woohoo, what a great game! Our players (the Blackhawks' Toews and Kane) each scored! On the early news they talked to Hawks fans at the ESPN Zone in downtown Chicago, where there was a game-watching party. Most people said what an exciting, fun game it was. One man said it was very hard to root against Canada. One woman said she wasn't rooting against either team because there are Hawks players on each team. I like that approach. First goal I was like, Goal -Toews! Yeaah! - oops, wait... They interviewed Sidney Crosby after the game and he looks like he's about 16. (I know he's older than that!) I could watch the entire game again. Wish I'd taped it! They showed it without commercials except during the intermissions.

I felt the same way. I cheered for every goal - my husband thought I was nuts! lol Yes Crosby looks like he hasn't hit puberty yet lol, his playoff beard is kind of sad looking :D

Here is to more US kids choosing to play hockey rather than football. LOL

Exactly! Forget that football, get into hockey! That was one of my favorite parts of the playoffs the past two years, Pittsburgh is more of a football town and it was so great to see people get excited about hockey.

03-01-2010, 11:28 AM

That way no kid will complain about sweeping up their rooms.:eek::)


If I had kids? They would be on the Olympic shooting teams.

03-01-2010, 11:49 AM
:) Well the 2010 Winter Olympics is over now.. All went very well I thought.. I just loved the Opening & Closing Ceremonies.. They was great.. Yes Canada got Gold with the men's Hockey.. I was glad for them..

03-01-2010, 12:53 PM
I enjoyed the olympics!!! I liked the way they made a spoof of that one pillar that didn't come up by having a 'clown' fix it and light it. So funny! :D

THANKS CANADA!!!! :love::love::love:

03-01-2010, 09:11 PM
Wonderful game, wonderful Olympics! Thank You and Congratulations, CANADA!

I thought the whole thing was great. I hope it is determined to be a success for Vancouver and Canada in terms of the finances, increased tourism, and money people spend on meals, transportation, admission passes, things like that.

I could see that entire hockey game again from start to finish. The Chicago sports reporters were all buzzing about "Blackhawks Bling" today, the gold and silver medals. Will they play better for the remainder of the NHL season, that I can't say. But it sure was fun to watch the national teams.

Here are our 3 Team Canada Blackhawks showing their gold medals :D Left to right- Brent Seabrook, Jonathan Toews and Duncan Keith.

03-02-2010, 06:11 AM
The United States, a nation of 300 million, won nine gold medals this year in the Winter Olympics. Norway, a nation of 4.7 million, also won nine. This was no anomaly. Over the years, Norwegians have won more gold medals in Winter Games, and more Winter Olympics medals over all, than people from any other nation.

There must be many reasons for Norway’s excellence, but some of them are probably embedded in the story of Jan Baalsrud.

The rest of the story is here. (http://www.nytimes.com/2010/03/02/opinion/02brooks.html)

03-02-2010, 10:33 AM
Our city is slowing getting back to normal although I must say that the hype of the games is still very much alive and we are still basking in the glow. I think it will take months and months before we stop talking about it.

Our road closures downtown are still in effect but both of the viaducts will be open as of tomorrow morning, easing the commute.

I heard on the radio this morning that 92% of Canadians polled thought that the Olympics has brought Canadians closer together. Time will tell. In the meantime I give a big round of applause for ALL the athletes who competed, those who won and those who didn't. It was an honour to watch you do what you love doing best and giving KA-NA-DA a glimpse into the hearts of other nations. I think it will be a long time before Georgia recovers from its loss of a precious life.:(

03-02-2010, 11:46 AM

03-02-2010, 04:10 PM
Pens/Sabres game tonight is having a medal ceremony before the game to honor the medals winners from both teams. This is a cool article though, about how the Pens fans will be celebrating not only Pens players, but Ryan Miller as well :)


03-02-2010, 08:20 PM
On the Blackhawks' NHL site you can link to this picture on Facebook...


Tomorrow night is their first home game after the break.

03-02-2010, 10:46 PM
Pens/Sabres game tonight is having a medal ceremony before the game to honor the medals winners from both teams. This is a cool article though, about how the Pens fans will be celebrating not only Pens players, but Ryan Miller as well :)

:) :) :)

PITTSBURGH (AP)—Buffalo Sabres goaltender Ryan Miller received a standing ovation in Pittsburgh on Tuesday night for leading the United States to an Olympic silver medal—cheers louder than those given the Penguins’ own Sidney Crosby.

Crosby beat Miller to score the game-winning goal in overtime Sunday as Canada defeated the United States 3-2 for the gold medal in Vancouver. Despite being on the losing team, Miller was chosen as the tournament MVP.

Olympians for both teams were introduced before the game, with Miller drawing the loudest and most sustained cheering. Crosby also was given a standing ovation, but it was less enthusiastic than Miller’s despite his vast popularity in Pittsburgh.

03-02-2010, 10:55 PM
:) :) :)

PITTSBURGH (AP)—Buffalo Sabres goaltender Ryan Miller received a standing ovation in Pittsburgh on Tuesday night for leading the United States to an Olympic silver medal—cheers louder than those given the Penguins’ own Sidney Crosby.

Crosby beat Miller to score the game-winning goal in overtime Sunday as Canada defeated the United States 3-2 for the gold medal in Vancouver. Despite being on the losing team, Miller was chosen as the tournament MVP.

Olympians for both teams were introduced before the game, with Miller drawing the loudest and most sustained cheering. Crosby also was given a standing ovation, but it was less enthusiastic than Miller’s despite his vast popularity in Pittsburgh.

The Sabres future is bright.

As goes Ryan Miller, so go the Sabres. His interview pregame to this game was great. He is learning how to be a superstar.

If only the Sabres would have a more consistent offence....


I'll add.... Love him, hate him... Sidney Crosby is the best player in the game. Ryan talked about the goal... Sid shot it before Ryan thought he would.

03-03-2010, 10:28 AM
I knew Miller was going to get a huge reception at the game, but that was even better than I had hoped. Totally well deserved. :)

Pawsitive Thinking
03-03-2010, 10:40 AM
Be interesting to see what sort of hash London makes of it in a couple of years........

03-03-2010, 10:37 PM
Back in 2005, Lindsey Vonn won a World Cup downhill at Val D'Isere, France. This is what she won -


After her Gold Medal performance at the Olympics in the Downhill, she was interviewed for TIME Magazine.

As an animal lover, I appreciate that you kept the cow awarded to you for winning the World Cup downhill in Val d'Isère, France. How is she? —Wendy Giberson, Seattle

Olympe's good. My cow's good. I'm definitely happy that I kept her. I don't know if I can call her a pet, but she's really great — very photogenic. When she came to me, she was pregnant. She had a calf, and then she had another one. And the first baby had a baby. I'm producing cow after cow.

Read more: http://www.time.com/time/magazine/article/0,9171,1968114,00.html#ixzz0hBBT8ZtS

03-17-2010, 10:10 PM

I did anyone watch the biathalon today?


I have nothing to complain about.


The Downhill skiers left me breathless.:eek::D



Giesen shoots his rifle with a string and reloads it with his chin.

03-20-2010, 11:51 PM


EWE ESS of Fricking AY!!!!!

03-21-2010, 01:49 AM
Yeah, Richard. We ROCK!:D

03-21-2010, 09:25 AM
Yeah, Richard. We ROCK!:D

I lost interest in the 'regular' Games towards the end.

The whininess of the U.S. athletes, coverage and commercials were overbearing.

Here you have people who do not 'leave' their ability on the field.

They have to deal with it 24/7. They just translate it into something that really makes you sit back and go, "WHOA".

I cannot ski and have use of my legs?

Even better?

Blind skiing?

The biathalon was incredible.


I am watching the L.A. Marathon and they wheelchair racers just started.

The local TV hosts were talking about the course and how the WC racers would do.

"We won't cover them over the whole course..." They'll peek in at the end of the course to see how their times are and how it will bode for the 'abled' runners.

That's a shame.....

03-23-2010, 10:58 PM

Lipsett said he plans to take a year or two off, and then get back in shape for the 2014 Paralympics in Sochi, Russia.

He said wearing the USA jersey is important to him.

"I've gotten chills for the past six years every time I put it on," he said.
