View Full Version : Home sick today

10-14-2009, 12:37 PM
I should be at work but am home ill today. My stomach is so upset and I keep burping and having cramps, also very tired.
This made me think of the H1N1. So many people in our town and the area are coming down with it.
Hubby said Metro in Cleveland turned away 60 people and told them to stay home.
Who is getting the vaccine? I know I will get the flu and the swine flu one both.

10-14-2009, 01:43 PM
Oh, I hope you feel better soon.

I will likely get both vaccines when I have my annual physical in November, if my doc thinks I should. She usually makes sure I get the flu shot, so I am guessing she will recommend I get this one, too. I was hospitalized for asthma twice as an adult, and even thought that was quite a while ago, I don't want to repeat the experience because of some flu bug!

10-14-2009, 02:12 PM
First, I hope you'll feel better soon! :)

OK I'm curious here... my sister and BIL have both got flu vaccines for years, yet they seem to get some kind of flu every year and generally seem to have a poorer health. They are about ten years older then me.

I have the impression that when you get all these vaccines (or antibiotics) your immune system will weaken. Isn't it better to just eat healthy and stay away from people coughing - if you can?

10-14-2009, 06:43 PM
Sorry to hear you don't feel well.:( We here in Indy have more reports
of school closings every day. The Newscasts run reports from State Health
Dept. advising ways to protect ourselves & when to seek treatment.

Hope you recover quickly.

10-14-2009, 07:01 PM
OK I'm curious here... my sister and BIL have both got flu vaccines for years, yet they seem to get some kind of flu every year and generally seem to have a poorer health. They are about ten years older then me.

I have the impression that when you get all these vaccines (or antibiotics) your immune system will weaken. Isn't it better to just eat healthy and stay away from people coughing - if you can?

I don't know if that's true or not, but I've never gotten any of the vaccines because I hate being around needles and I really never get sick. I have a sore throat ever so often or a headache-but I seriously cannot remember the last time I had the flu or a virus.. I think it just kinda depends on the person and how strong their immune system is. Some get sick easier than others I suppose.