View Full Version : My new foster

10-11-2009, 12:12 AM
She's a very young probably about 8 weeks old beagle puppy. My mom found her Thursday morning running around at a gas station, my mom took her about to see if she was anyone's dog but every one talked to said no and didn't know where she came from so my mom brought her home. We called the Humane Society and Pound and still nothing. Then today my mom was talking to my aunt and telling her about the beagle puppy when my aunt said her friend called her asking if she knew of anyone that wanted a beagle puppy because his friend was giving one away. Apparently this person's husband was abusing the little girl and the family was freaking out because they didn't know what to do so they were just going to find her a new home. My aunt called her friend back up and asked if the family was still giving the puppy away and he said no that the puppy escaped the backyard somehow and was lost. Needless to say we aren't telling them we have the puppy or giving her back. We're just going to find her a nice home where she'll be treated good.
She's a very sweet little girl, ALL PUPPY, and my sister named her Bonnie the beagle. lol
Hopefully we'll be able to find her a home where they understand beagles, she is definitely a high strung girl.

10-11-2009, 01:03 AM
Oh beagle dogs. :) Well I'm glad you guys saved the little girl. I want pictures. :) They have a lot of spirit, them beagle girls. Lol Good luck! I know you'll find her a good home.

10-11-2009, 11:18 AM
Oh beagle dogs. I want pictures.

I do, too, any time you have an opportunity to post!