View Full Version : Fuzzy goo stick

10-10-2009, 10:07 PM
My human hauled me off to the vet again and I saw a new vet this time. She said I'd lost weight (yay!), cut my claws (EWWWWW! I hate having my feet touched!) and gave my human a funny stick with one fuzzy end. My human takes the cap off the fuzzy end, twists the other end until goo (she calls it "prednisolone" appears on the fuzz, and then she rubs the goo inside my ear. She says it will make me stop itching, and that I may even see my 14th birthday with a full set of whiskers. She's such an optimist! But so am I. I'll keep you posted!

Love, Smudge

10-10-2009, 10:08 PM
Hugs to you Smudge.

10-10-2009, 11:50 PM
Prayers that you will be a comfy furry kitty soon, Smudge!:)

10-11-2009, 07:14 AM
Fingers and paws crossed that it's gonna work, Smudge.....:love:

10-11-2009, 08:23 AM
Smudge, it sounds like you behaved pretty well at the vets, considering what you had to go through. ;) I hope you'll feel better soon, now that you have had a pawdicure and the iching ears are taken care of. I do hope you wil get to celebrate your 14ht Birthday with good looking whiskers too!

Pinot's Mom
10-12-2009, 07:40 AM
Dear Smudge,
I'm sorry about the goo stick-I've never had that. I had tube-goo in my eyes and pills a while back, but never in my ears, EEEWWWW!
Sorry you had to go through that; paws crossed it will all work out well!

10-12-2009, 09:35 AM
Having goo put in my ears doesn't bother me so much - it's annoying, but not too bad. And I'll tell you, I'm feeling less itchy already! But I sure am HUNGRY. Thirsty, too. And I'm not getting any extra food! I beg and purr and turn on the cute, even when my human's just frying tofu (why does she think I wouldn't like it if she doesn't even let me try it?) But I'm looking more handsome by the day, and I'm not getting scolded for scratching too close to my eyes or scratching my ears too hard. And my human praises me for eating up all my "salmon mouse" with my vitamins and stuff mixed in. We're an odd couple, for sure, but I think we make a good team.

Love, Smudge

10-16-2009, 10:29 PM
I wish you all could see me! The bald spots on my face and tail are filling in - and even my chin, that my human thought as "just acne" and something I was totally stuck with, is much more comfortable! She's already gooping my ear only once a day instead of twice, and I feel great.

This "transdermal" Twist-a-Dose (fuzzy goo stick) formulation might not work for absolutely every medicine, but if your vet wants to try it, Wedgewood Pharmacy (888) 678-1967 are easy to work with and don't even ask for too much of those "money" things my human's always running out of, at least for my medicine. She was really surprised that they didn't want more for something so high-tech.

You know what I can have now, that I could never have before? Chin skritchies! I was always asking for them, but my chin was too sore to really enjoy them before. Purrrrrrr... chin skritchies... purrrrrr...

Love, Smudge